

Chapter Handbook

Our Mission

To empower our members to become more successful through networking.


The Purpose of this handbook is to provide the Chapter with a resource of information to empower it, with the assistance of its Area Director, to create a more productive environment in its weekly meeting.


Table of Contents

1. The Area Director pp. 3-12

2. Guide to Chapter Officers pp. 13-18

3. Chapter President Materials pp. 19-25

4. Chapter Membership Chair Materials pp. 26-31

5. Press Release Kit pp. 32-38

6. Chapter Secretary Materials pp. 39-44

7. Chapter Program Chair Materials pp. 45-46

8. Chapter Treasurer Materials pp. 47-48


The Area Director


The Area Director:

What A Chapter Can Expect

As a service oriented business, AmSpirit Business Connections strives to ensure that the relationships among its members are productive. We do this by providing support, guidance and consultation to our Chapters, which are comprised of a diverse group of professionals, entrepreneurs and sales representatives. To effectively provide these services, AmSpirit Business Connections has retained certain members – given them training and provide them ongoing development – to represent the organization as Area Directors.

So as each Chapter is able to best utilize their AmSpirit Business Connections representative, the balance of this booklet will outline the support and guidance it can expect to receive from its Area Director.

1. Review of Role: As each Chapter’s membership is in a constant state of flux, the Chapter’s Area Director will annually review the contents of this booklet with the Chapter or the Chapter Board.

2. Chapter Involvement: The Chapter’s Area Director will have significant involvement with the Chapter each month, in the form of attending a regular Chapter meeting or participation in the Chapter Board Meeting (or a similar Chapter planning function).

Program Guidance: The Chapter’s Area Director will assist the Chapter effectively operate, including appropriately conducting Chapter meetings, preparing Chapter Newsletters, having Resource Guides produced, taking advantage of other AmSpirit Business Connections resources, and, holding monthly Chapter Board meetings.

3. Miscellaneous Support: The Chapter’s Area Director will be the point of contact with respect to supporting the Chapter and its membership on various miscellaneous issues, including requesting additional Chapter supplies (guest packets, referral tickets, etc), obtaining replacement name badges, transferring memberships to other individuals, as well as changing a member’s official information for the web site or billing purposes.

4. AmSpirit Business Connections Protocol: The Chapter’s Area Director will be an authority that the Chapter can rely upon for fielding questions related to Officer’s duties and responsibilities, AmSpirit Business Connections rules and regulations and general organizational guidelines.

5. Chapter Growth: The Area Director will encourage the Chapter to set realistic and yet challenging goals to grow membership and work with the Chapter to develop and implement recruitment programs to meet these goals. In addition, the Area Director will assist the Chapter in becoming more proficient in inviting, welcoming and following up with guests so that the Chapter can convert more of these prospects into members.

6. Training & Development: The Chapter’s Area Director will be available on a periodic basis to be scheduled by the Program Chair to provide various training and development programs related to increasing membership and generating more referrals.

7. Communication: The Chapter’s Area Director will serve as a communication link for the Chapter. It is intended that this communication link will serve to keep the Chapter apprised of organizational sponsored events, various Chapter sponsored events, general business events as well as individuals seeking membership.

8. Attendance: Although the Chapter’s Area Director will encourage members of the Chapter to attend events and programs, the Area Director will be in attendance at as many of these events as reasonably possible in an effort to obtain ideas, information and additional contacts for the Chapter.

9. Financial Obligation: The Chapter’s Area Director will periodically remind the membership of their financial obligation to the national organization (as well as individually addressing members who have become delinquent with respect to this obligation).


Organizational Rules & Regulations

As a condition of membership in AmSpirit Business Connections, each member agrees to strictly adhere to the following Rules & Regulations, which may be reasonably altered, amended and added to from time to time:

1. Members shall adhere to the By-Laws established by the Officers of the Chapter in which they are currently a member, including, but not limited to, guidelines related to referral giving and meeting attendance;

2. Members shall use their reasonable best efforts to ensure that referrals they are giving to other members (whether or not in their respective Chapter) are qualified as defined during the AmSpirit Business Connections chapter meeting, i.e., that the person to be contacted will be expecting the other members call;

3. Members shall only represent one professional category in the Chapter in which they are a member and they shall neither represent nor promote any other professional category regardless of whether or not the Chapter has that category filled.

4. Members shall use their reasonable best efforts to whenever possible to buy the products and use of the services of fellow members in the Chapter as well as other AmSpirit Business Connections Chapters.

5. Members shall not use the weekly Chapter meeting as a forum for addressing grievances against any member or potential member of the Chapter or any member or potential member of AmSpirit Business Connections, the Chapter itself, or AmSpirit Business Connections generally.

6. Members shall not discriminate (whether or not within the context of AmSpirit Business Connections) against any other member or potential members (whether or not in their respective Chapter) based or their race, religion, sex, age, ethnic background, or sexual orientation.

7. Members shall promptly remit payment to:

a. Any member (whether or not in their respective Chapter) for any products bought or services rendered according to the terms and conditions established between the members;

b. The Chapter for any and all social dues, meals assessments and professional fees in accordance with Chapter guidelines; and,

c. AmSpirit Business Connections for any membership related assessment, including, but not limited to, the one-time initiation fee, Quarterly Dues and program fees for any conference program or related materials.

Failure by any member of AmSpirit Business Connections to adhere to any or all of these Rules and Regulations (which may be reasonably altered, amended and added to from time to time) can lead to the termination of the individuals members, depending upon the severity of the infraction.


Model Chapter By-Laws

Article I. Chapter Name

The Chapter shall be known as The ____________ Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections.

Article II. Mission Of Chapter

Section 1: Mission Statement

Our mission is to assemble a network of entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals to assist each other in growing their businesses by increasing the scope of their business relationships, improving the quality of their business contacts and enhancing their overall networking skills.

Section 2: Qualified Business Referrals

In part, our mission is accomplished through the exchange of qualified business referrals. A qualified business referral is defined as when a member refers another member, the person he or she is being referred to will be expecting a call related to the referred member’s good or services.

A. Despite the qualified nature of these business referrals, neither the Chapter nor the referring member make any guarantees, either expressed or implied, that business will result. In short, members are only providing other members with opportunities.

Article III. Chapter Membership

Section 1: Membership Composition

A. Our Chapter shall be comprised of entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals.

B. There shall only be one member per each separate and distinct business category.

C. Each member shall only occupy one separate and distinct business category.

D. The term “separate and distinct business category” shall be determined by the Chapter’s Board, based on guidelines provided by AmSpirit Business Connections, on a case-by-case basis.

E. The Chapter may approve the membership of individuals involved in network marketing or multi-level marketing programs. This approval, however, is contingent upon the prospective member agreeing to promote within the Chapter meeting his or her product or service only and not the development of his or her downlines or sales force.

F. Membership within the Chapter can either be owned by an individual member or a corporate entity.

Section 2: Membership Criteria.

Our Chapter shall accept application for membership from entrepreneurs, sales representatives, and professionals that meet the following criteria:

A. The person shall be of good character and community standing;

B. The person shall be recommended for Membership by another member of AmSpirit Business Connections (whether a member of this or another Chapter) or a representative of AmSpirit Business Connections;

C. The person shall have visited the Chapter at least twice for a regular Chapter meeting;

D. The Chapter shall have an open business or professional category for the applicant as defined in Section 1 of this Article (entitled “Membership Composition); and

E. The person shall submit at the time of applying for membership a completed official AmSpirit Business Connections Membership Application and Agreement along with the appropriate one-time initiation fee.

Section 3: Acceptance of New Members.

The Chapter shall admit to the Chapter anyone meeting the criteria set forth in Section 2 of Article III and who has been approved by two-thirds of the Chapter’s current membership. The Chapter shall not discriminate on the basis or race, age, religion, sex, national origin or disability.

Section 4: Membership Transfer.

The Chapter shall allow a member of another AmSpirit Business Connections Chapter to transfer into this Chapter provided he or she has been approved by two-thirds of the Chapters current membership, he or she is current with respect to all AmSpirit Business Connections fees and he or she is current with respect to all fees associated with the Chapter from which he or she is transferring.

Section 5: Member’s Category Change.

A member is permitted to change his or her business category within the Chapter provided the new business category is available, the Member is current with respect to all AmSpirit Business Connections fees, the member is current with respect to all fees associated with the Chapter and the change has been approved by two-thirds of the Chapters current membership.

Section 6: Corporate Membership Change.

If a membership is corporate owned and the Company wishes to switch individuals representing the Company, it can do so provided the Company is current with respect to all AmSpirit Business Connections fees, the Company is current with respect to all Chapter fees and the replacement member is approved by two-thirds of the current Chapter membership.

Section 7: Resignation.

A member may resign from the Chapter at any time by submitting a written resignation. The member shall remain liable for fees owed to the Chapter and may request the return of any fees paid to the Chapter. The return of any fees is at the discretion of the Chapter'’ Board.

Article IV. Membership Obligations

Good standing membership in our Chapter requires the following:

(i) Provide a minimum of two (2) qualified business referrals per month (on average over the course of any floating quarter) to any Chapter member;

(ii) Attend at least three-quarters of regular Chapter meetings over any floating quarter;

(iii) Have no more than two consecutive absences from the regular Chapter meeting;

(iv) Service any and all qualified business referrals in a timely and diligent fashion;

(v) Remain current with respect to any and all Chapter and AmSpirit Business Connections financial obligations; and,

(vi) Conform to AmSpirit Business Connections Rules and Regulations and subsequent modifications of the same.

Article V. Termination of Membership

Our Chapter will terminate the membership of any member for any of the following reasons:

1. The majority of the Chapter Board has determined that the Member is not a Member in good standing (as defined in Article IV (Membership Obligations)) and the Member has failed to become a Member in good standing within a reasonable time after receiving a written notification from the Chapter Board; or,

2. Greater than two-thirds of the Chapter has determined that the Membership should be terminated for any or all of the following reasons:

a. Any conduct that brings the Chapter into public disrepute or violates the purpose for which the Chapter is formed;

b. Conviction of any felony, or crime involving moral turpitude;

c. Any conduct that causes embarrassment, personally or in the business community to any Member, or causes a Member any public disrepute; or

d. A misconduct or breach of AmSpirit Business Connections’ or the Chapter’s ethics of such a nature as to render a Member’s continued presence in the Chapter either personally or professionally obnoxious or detrimental to other Members of the Chapter.

Article VI. Chapter Officers

Section 1: Overview

A. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Membership Chair, Treasurer, Program Chair and Sergeant at Arms.

B. In the first year of existence, the Officers shall be appointed by a duly authorized official of AmSpirit Business Connections.

C. After the first year of existing, Officers shall be elected by the Membership of the Chapter pursuant to Article VIII (Election Procedure).

D. An Officer may not hold an office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

E. In the event any officer position (other than President) becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the President.

F. If the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of a duly authorized official of AmSpirit Business Connections.

Section 2: President

The President shall serve as the Executive Officer of the Chapter, presiding at all meetings of the membership. The President further oversees responsibilities of the remaining Board of Directors’ members. The President shall perform such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a President and report to the AmSpirit Business Connections Representative/Board of Directors.

Section 3: Vice-President

The Vice-President shall chair the regular meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall also keep weekly attendance records. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon the Vice-President and other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

Section 4: Secretary

The Secretary shall keep and maintain the minutes of all Board of Director meetings. The Secretary shall supply and retrieve referral forms at each membership meeting and explain the referral forms and the definition of a referral. The Secretary shall provide AmSpirit Business Connections with a monthly report of referrals given and received and perform such duties that are ordinarily incumbent upon a Secretary.

Section 5: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall keep and maintain records of all financial actions of the Chapter including, but not limited to, opening a Chapter bank account, billing quarterly meal fees and collecting meal fees by the first regular meeting of the quarter, paying charges and other bills of the Chapter, including socials and other Chapter events, and coordinating ordering. The Treasurer shall also perform such duties that are ordinarily incumbent upon a Treasurer.

Section 6: Sergeant at Arms

The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain order at weekly meetings, circulate the referral bucket, remind members of professional fees, monitor each member’s commercial, and monitor the speaker’s time limit.

Section 7: Membership Chairperson

The Membership Chairperson shall explain to guests the number of meetings they need to attend and the cost of joining AmSpirit Business Connections. The Membership Chairperson shall also contact the potential member with the results of the vote and forward new member applications and checks to AmSpirit Business Connections not later than three days (3) after membership is approved.

Section 8: Program Chair

The Program Chair shall be responsible for arranging for weekly Chapter Member Programs and periodic training and development programs.

Article VII. Chapter Board

Section 1: Chapter Governing Body

Each Chapter shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the Chapter’s activities, disciplining members, and generally supervising the affairs of the Chapter.

Section 2:

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the past President(s), the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Membership Chairperson, Program Chair and the Sergeant at Arms. The President shall preside over the Board of Directors and be the Chairperson of the Board.

Section 3: Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly. Board meetings may be held more often at the request of any Board Member or AmSpirit Business Connections Representative, subject to availability of Board Members.

Section 4: Quorum and Official Action

A quorum of the Board of Directors at any meeting shall consist of a majority of the board then in office, expect that:

1. If there is an even number of directors then in office, one half of the directors shall constitute a quorum and

2. A majority of the directors present at a meeting duly held, whether or not a quorum is present, may adjourn the meeting from time to time.

If any meeting is adjourned, notice of adjournment need not be given if the time and place to which the meeting is adjourned are fixed and announced at the meeting. At each meeting of Board of Directors at which a quorum is present, all questions and business shall be determined by a majority vote of those present.

Section 5: Action Without Meeting

Any action that may be authorized or taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors may be authorized or taken without a meeting with the affirmative vote or approval of, and in writing or writings signed by, all of the directors, which writing and writings shall be filed with or entered upon the records of the Chapter.

Article VIII. Election Procedure

Section 1: Timing of Election

After the first year of a Chapter’s existence, the election of Officers shall be held at a regular meeting prior to December 20th of each year and the new Officers will assume their responsibilities at the first regular meeting in January.

Section 2: Voting

The voting shall be by written ballot and there shall be no voting by proxy.

Section 3: Nominating Committee

At a regular meeting of the Chapter, at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the annual election, the Chapter Board shall appoint a nominating committee, which shall consist of three (3) Chapter members. The duties of the committee shall be to make nominations, with consent of those nominated, and to prepare a ballot for the election of such officers.

Section 4: Nomination Process

At least three (3) weeks before the annual elections, the nominating committee shall submit a list of nominees. At least two (2) weeks before the annual election, open nominations at a regular meeting of the membership of the Chapter may be made for any office and submitted with the list generated by the nominating committee. The entire list of nominees shall then be submitted to the Chapter for an election of officers and board members.

Section 5: Election

On election day, the President shall appoint one member who, in conjunction with the Sergeant at Arms will distribute, collect, and count the ballots and report the results to the President, who shall announce the results to the Chapter. A majority of votes cast is necessary to determine election of an Officer. In the event that no candidate for a particular office or board member position receives a majority vote, the President shall designate a time and place for further balloting for such office. Prior to the second ballot, the nominee with the lowest vote on the first ballot shall be eliminated from the second ballot. This same procedure shall be followed until one nominee receives a majority of all votes cast.

Article IX. Chapter Meetings

The Chapter shall hold regular weekly meetings starting at consistent times for breakfast or lunch and lasting for 1 hour and 15 minutes each week. The date and place of such meetings will be determined by the Board of Directors. The meetings shall feature Chapter members as speakers. Problems or complaints will not be aired at the regular meeting, but will be referred to the Board of Directors. Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with the Model Chapter Meeting Script as provided by AmSpirit Business Connections.

Article X. Committees

The Chapter Board has the authority to appoint various committees and Chairpersons from time to time to assist with the operation of the Chapter and the fulfillment of its mission.

Article XI. Professional Fees

The Chapter Board has the authority to set professional fees to serve as a reminder for Chapter Members of our commitment to the AmSpirit Business Connections process and each other.

Article XII. Not For Profit Organization

This Chapter is organized and shall operate as a not for profit organization. Any income received shall be applied only to non-profit purposes of the Chapter, and no part of the income shall inure to the benefit of any individual Officer or Member.


Guide to Chapter Officers


Chapter Officer Election Checklist

The purpose of this checklist is to provide a roadmap for identifying, selecting and empowering leadership within your Chapter.

Early November

❑ Have the current President select two other individuals in the Chapter to serve as a Nominating Committee, and hav the Nominating Committee solicit and accept advice from Chapter members as to whom would make good officers for the Chapter.


❑ Based on the advice received, the Nominating Committee should contact each potential nominee to determine if he or she would be willing to serve the office for which they have been nominated.

Full Week Prior to Thanksgiving

❑ The Nominating Committee should compile a list of members nominated for office and present this to the Chapter at large for consideration by individual members.

Week Following Thanksgiving

❑ The Nominating Committee should conduct an election, if desired, providing an opportunity for discussion among members and presentation by candidates.

Week Following Election

❑ The Nominating Committee should present the result of election to the Chapter membership as well as forward the elected slate of officers to AmSpirit Business Connections Headquarters and the Chapter Area Director via email.

Early January

❑ New Officers assume their duties and responsibilities with respect to serving the Chapter and have the Area Director conduct Officer Training at a Chapter meeting for the officers and membership at large.


A Guide To Chapter Officers

Although these are the main officers, a Chapter may have others, as it deems appropriate.



❑ Promptly starts, presides over, and timely concludes the weekly Chapter meetings, following the prescribed structured meeting procedure;

❑ Chairs monthly board meetings of Chapter Officers; and

❑ Oversees the duties of the Treasurer, Vice-President, Secretary, & Membership Chairs as well as has a thorough understanding of the various other officer responsibilities.

SCRIPT: [The President has various speaking roles through the meeting. Each is contained on the AmSpirit Business Connections™ Chapter Meeting Script.]



❑ Chairs weekly Chapter and monthly board meetings in the absence of the President;

❑ Monitors the attendance of Members at the weekly Chapter meeting using the Monthly Attendance Form (which is downloadable from the Members Services/Administrative Services section of ) and reports the names of members who are not in compliance with the AmSpirit Business Connections attendance policy to the Chapter Board at monthly Board meetings;

❑ Calls on Officer for their reports during the appropriate segment of the Chapter meeting;

❑ Oversees the duties of the Social Chair.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Vice President I take attendance. If you are going to be absent, it is important that you contact me. Because Members of our Chapter serve as a sales force for your business, you need to attend meetings on a regular basis to effectively give and receive referrals. Members who do not adhere to the attendance policy will receive a warning letter stating the importance of regular attendance. Multiple warning letters could result in review of your membership in the Chapter. AmSpirit Business Connections’ attendance policy is that members should not miss two meetings in a row or more than three in a rolling quarter. Now I will call on Chapter Officers for their weekly reports.



❑ Welcome guest and explain the costs and benefits of joining AmSpirit Business Connections;

❑ Ensures that the Chapter has an ample supply of Guest Packets (which includes a membership application), which should be ordered from the Member Services/Administrative Services section of .

❑ Ensures that the Chapter has Guest Registration List (which are downloadable from the Member Services/Information & Forms section of ) available at all Chapter meetings;

❑ Works with the Chapter to establish realistic and attainable goals for membership growth as well as report to the Chapter any official changes in Chapter membership;

❑ Will work with Chapter membership to identify targeted members that will aid in the overall success of the Chapter;

❑ Make certain that the Chapter has ongoing membership drives and initiatives to ensure continued Chapter growth;

❑ Provides each guest an AmSpirit Business Connections Guest Packet;

❑ Provides the Chapter Secretary with information on what members brought which guests via the Guest Registration List;

❑ Encourages guests to join by following up with each guest via a telephone call or by sending an electronic brochure, which is available in the Member Services/Electronic Brochure section of ;

❑ Upon receiving from prospective member an appropriate completed application (as well as payment), provide the Chapter membership or the Chapter Board the opportunity to accept or decline the candidates membership;

❑ Forwards all approved new member applications and payments to AmSpirit Business Connections within 24 hours of acceptance;

❑ Oversees the duties of the Hospitality and Publicity Chairs.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Membership Chair, I welcome guests and encourage them to join AmSpirit Business Connections. Remember that this Chapter is made up of only one person per professional category – to secure an open category, please complete your application today. This is the first step towards filling a category. The cost of joining is $210 (plus $60 per quarter thereafter). Guests are welcome to attend twice, and should be prepared to submit their payment and application for our consideration at their third meeting.



❑ Provides each Chapter Member with Referral Forms prior to the Chapter Meeting;

❑ Monitors the number of referrals Members give and receive each week using the Referral Input Form (which is downloadable each month from the Members Services/Administrative Services section of as documented in the Monthly Chapter Newsletter Procedure form);

❑ Works with the Chapter to establish realistic and attainable monthly goals for qualified referrals as well as provide a weekly report on the status of achieving those referral goals;

❑ Recognize those members in the Chapter that distinguished themselves in the past month (or week) as top referral generators as well as focusing attention on those members who have not received referrals.

❑ Reports to the Chapter Board the names of members who are not in compliance with the AmSpirit Business Connections policy regarding giving referrals;

❑ At the end of the month, forward the completed Referral Input Form to AmSpirit Business Connections Headquarters via e-mail or fax (614-476-6699);

❑ Ensure that the official Chapter Newsletter is distributed and reviewed with all Chapter members within the first two weeks of the month as well as ensure that the Chapter has ample copies of the Chapter Newsletter each week to distribute to prospective members.

❑ Re-orders Referral Tickets for the Chapter when needed off of the Member Services/Administrative Services section of ;

❑ Takes minutes at Chapter’s monthly board meetings;

❑ At the direction of the Chapter Board, send out any Attendance or Referral Reminder letters and Attendance Termination Letters, which are available for download from the Member Services/Information & Forms section of .

❑ Oversees the duties of the Program Chair.

SCRIPT: I am (name) and the (Business category in the Chapter) for this Chapter. As Secretary, I record the number of referrals that are given and received by each member and submit the totals to AmSpirit Business Connections for our monthly newsletter, which is circulated to Members and guests. Remember, our goal each month as a Chapter is to generate [Chapter Goal] referrals – so far this month we have generated ________. Congratulations to [Prior Month Top Referral Givers] who generated the most referrals for our Chapter. In addition, remember this month that we need to focus on [Chapter Member Names], as these members did not receive any referrals last month. It is important to remember that our referrals are qualified – that is when you give someone a referral, the person they are contacting should be expecting a call.



❑ Maintains order at weekly meetings, which includes monitoring the time limit of Chapter Programs;

❑ Maintains a list of current Chapter professional fees;

❑ Reminds members of the professional fees established by the Chapter; and

❑ In the absence of the Treasurer, ensures that those duties are fulfilled.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Sergeant-at-arms, I control the timed segments of our meeting and monitor the professional fees each week. The purpose of the fees is to fund Chapter activities. Let me quickly review those professional fees established by this Chapter.



❑ Invoice and collects quarterly local Chapter meal or social fees;

❑ Pays all bills including socials and other Chapter events;

❑ Budgeting Chapter funds for various social events and training programs;

❑ Appropriately maintain a Chapter banking account (i.e., AmSpirit Business Connections™ of Westlake);

❑ Reminds the Chapter Board that Chapter members should determine how Chapter monies should be spent, and

❑ In the absence of the Sergeant-At-Arms, ensures that those duties are fulfilled.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Treasurer, I invoice and collect local Chapter dues and pay the bills for our Chapter. Currently the Chapter has a bank balance of ______.



❑ Assumes duties of Vice President in his/her absence;

❑ Assigns each member to have lunch with another member sometime throughout the month;

❑ Announces to the Chapter any AmSpirit Business Connections activities or events;

❑ Ensures that any Chapter activity that is open to members of other Chapters is submitted electronically on the bottom of the front page of for posting on the AmSpirit Business Connections website calendar of events; and,

❑ Schedules, coordinates, and promotes a member-sponsored mixer on not less than a quarterly basis.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Social Chair, I arrange events and activities outside of regular weekly meeting – such as make lunch assignments and plan social activities. This is an opportunity for us to invite guests to promote ourselves and attract new members.



❑ Assumes the duties of the Membership Chair in his/her absence;

❑ Will communicate the dates that the Chapter will not be meeting to the Chapter Area Director, AmSpirit Business Connections Headquarters as well as the facility hosting the meeting;

❑ Ensures that guests are appropriately greeted and introduced to Chapter members.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Hospitality Chair, I welcome guests to our meeting.



❑ Using the Press Release Kit (which is downloadable from the Member Services/Information & Forms section of ), notify the local print media of the Chapter’s regular meeting, social events, special guests drives, Chapter officer, Chapter milestones and achievements as well as new members admitted to the Chapter;

❑ Periodically orders from AmSpirit Business Connections Headquarters a Chapter Memberfolio, which lists all active members as well as provides their current contact information; and,

❑ Assists the Secretary in putting together the back of the Chapter monthly newsletter.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Publicity Chair, I am responsible for sending press releases concerning Chapter activities and members to our local newspapers.



❑ Assigns members weekly as the featured speakers and announces future speakers during weekly meetings;

❑ Obtain from each member, a complete Member Speaker Form (which is downloadable from the Member Services/Information & Forms section of );

❑ Introduces the member speaker(s) for the meeting;

❑ Contacts Area Director to arranges for a facilitated training programs in lieu of weekly member speakers on a no less than a quarterly basis; and

❑ In the absence of the Secretary, ensures that those duties are fulfilled.

SCRIPT: I am [Name] and the [Business category in the Chapter] for this Chapter. As Program Chair, I assign our weekly-featured Member speaker(s). To effectively promote you and your products or services, it is important that Members take advantage of their opportunity to speak. Over the next few weeks our speakers are [list speakers over the next few weeks]. Today, however, our speaker is [name and appropriately introduce the Member speaker]. Remember, only official members of our Chapter are permitted to present.


Chapter President Materials


Model Chapter Meeting Script (Detailed)

The most productive Chapters follow a proven effective meeting structure that embodies 15 essential elements:

1) Start The Meeting Punctually and Appropriately

Explanation: The Chapter President should start his or her Chapter meeting promptly at the designated time and reading the following text.

Script: Good Morning. Welcome to the [Name of Chapter] of AmSpirit Business Connections. My name is [President’s Name], I’m the [President’s Business Category] for this Chapter and its President. We begin our meeting by reading our Charter. I’ve asked (Name of Member) to read it today.

2) Read The Charter

Explanation: The Chapter President gives the AmSpirit® Business Connections Charter to a member and asks them to read it.

Script: AmSpirit® Business Connections is a network of entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals, who come together to assist each other in growing their businesses by increasing the scope of business contacts, improving the quality of business contacts and enhancing overall networking skills.

The (Name of Chapter) Chapter meets every (Day and Time of Meeting) at this location.”

3) Provide Information About The Organization

Explanation: Once the Charter is read, the President should enthusiastically read or recite the following information to those in attendance. IMPORTANT: Attempt to obtain participation from members as well as involve Chapter guests.

Script: Thank you for reading the Charter. To elaborate, let me share with you some additional information about the organization.

• AmSpirit® Business Connections is a national organization;

• It unites and supports business people, such as ourselves, in Chapters;

• Each Chapter, including this one, meets weekly for an hour and fifteen minutes and is comprised of members, only one in each separate and distinct business category.

• Our primary purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals – this mean that when we are referred to someone, they will be expecting our call (in essence, we are putting one another in the right place at the right time.)

• We are – through this meeting and our association with each other – committed to one another’s success.

4) Appropriately Introduce Visiting Guests

Explanation: Before the start of the Chapter meeting the Membership Chair should provide the President with a list of guests as well as the name of the member responsible for inviting the guest.

Script: Today we have guest(s). [Guest name] please stand and share a little about your business as well as the types of referrals you are looking for. In short, how could this Chapter assist you?

5) Members Introduction & Pass Business Cards

Explanation: Once all guests have been introduced, the President starts to his immediate left and asks the members to quickly introduce themselves (e.g., “Eric Bishoff. Financial Planner. LPL Financial”). This allows the guests to see the composition of the Chapter as well as allows them to put names with faces. At this same time, the President asks the attendees (members and guests) to distribute business cards or other sales materials to the left (which makes the process go smoothly because everyone is passing in the same direction). As an alternative to passing cards, Chapters can use a 3-ring binder with business card inserts. This can be passed around the meeting in lieu of individual cards.

Script: Please pass our business cards to the left. As we do this, Members please quickly introduce themselves.

6) Officer Reports

Explanation: The President turns the meeting over to the Vice President for Officer Reports. The Vice President will first stand and deliver his or her report, then the Vice President will ask each other Chapter Officer to stand and give his or her report To assist each Officer in giving an effective report, AmSpirt® Business Connections has provided scripts in the Chapter Handbook, which makes a powerful statement about the discipline and professionalism the Chapter.

Script: At this point, I am turning the meeting over the Chapter Vice-President to review our Officer’s Reports.

7) Have A Chapter Program

Explanation: Generally the Chapter allots 20 minutes for the Chapter Program -- the purpose of which is to allow members a special opportunity to educate fellow members about their products and services OR allow the Chapter to develop skills related to networking. After the Program Chair completes his or her report they will introduce the featured weekly member speaker OR to introduce the special networking exercise. Important: The Chapter should not allow outside speakers. The purpose of this guideline is to devote this segment of the meeting to the members. In addition, it prevents the Chapter from being targeted by politicians (who wish to present their views) or non-members (who wish to promote their product or service without the commitment of membership).

Script: [Chapter Program Chair’s Name], please tell us about today’s Chapter Program.

8) New Member Recognition

Explanation: Once New Members have been processed, AmSpirit® Business Connections will forward the Chapter President a Membership Certificate. These should be given to the New Member at this point in the meeting. The President should remove the Membership Certificate from the envelope and present it to the New Member. This not only further demonstrates the professionalism of the Chapter, but also formally acknowledges the addition of a new member to the Chapter.

Script: Today, we need to officially welcome new Members to our Chapter. We have official Membership Certificates for [New Member’s Name]. In addition to this Membership Certificate, new Members should expect to receive from AmSpirit® Business Connections Headquarters a New Member Pack, which includes a name badge, card caddy and name badge lanyard.

9) Make Chapter Announcements

Explanation: During the Chapter Announcement portion of the meeting, the President and other members have an opportunity to inform the members and guests of other events and happenings both related and unrelated to AmSpirit Business Connections and the Chapter. These announcements could include:

• Breakfast or Lunch Group Assignments

• Professional Development Seminars

• Membership Drives

• Social Functions

• Member Open Houses

• Motivational Thoughts

Script: Does anyone have any business or Chapter related announcements?

10) Use A Secret Greeter

Explanation: The Chapter President secretly designates at the meeting an individual (whether guest or member) as the Secret Greeter. It is the responsibility of the Chapter Members to shake hands with the Secret Greeter. If a member should fail to shake the hand of the Secret Greeter, he or she must pay the appropriate professional fee to the Chapter Social fund (usually $0.25). As not even the Secret Greeter knows that he or she has been designated, members are compelled to shake hands with everyone in the Chapter. This increases the interaction among members and guests, creating a friendly, welcoming environment.

Script: Today’s Secret Greeter is [Chapter Member or Guest in attendance]. If you did not shake [Chapter Member or Guest in attendance]’s hand, please deposit the appropriate professional fee in the Chapter Referral Bucket.

11) Enforce Professionals Fees

Explanation: Prior to passing the Chapter Referral Bucket, the Sergeant-At-Arms reviews the Chapter’s Professional Fees (as well as the purpose for collecting them) and ask Members to deposit the appropriate amount in the. IMPORTANT: Professional Fees serve as a friendly reminder of the commitments needed to be a successful Member.

Script: Would the Sergeant-At-Arms please review our other Professional Fees before we pass the Referral Bucket?

12) Define Qualified Referrals

Explanation: Prior to the Chapter passing the Referral Bucket, the President should remind the members (as well as guests) of the definition of a Qualified Referral. This reinforces with members (as well as inform guests) of the quality of contacts AmSpirit® Business Connections intends to create for its members.

Script: Finally, before the Referral Bucket starts around, remember that a Qualified Referral is when you give a referral, the person being referred should be expecting a call.

13) Pass The Referral Bucket

Explanation: The Referral Bucket is passed to the left and the Sergeant-at-Arms should monitor the length of each person’s infomercial so as to keep the meeting on track.

Script: For Members and Guests, it is time for our commercial and to give referrals. Passing the Referral Bucket to the left, when it gets to you, please:

• Share with us who you are, what you do and how we can recognize a good referral for you; and

• State how many referrals you are giving and to whom; and finally,

• Deposit in the Referral Bucket the yellow copy of the Referral Ticket and the appropriate Professional Fees.”

14) Review The Primary Benefits of AmSpirit® Business Connections

Explanation: In an effort to keep the Chapter focused on the activities that will make this experience most productive, review the Primary Benefits enthusiastically (using examples from the Chapter).

Script: Again, I want to thank our guest(s) for attending and encourage you to join our Chapter. If you have any questions please see our Membership Chairperson, or talk with any of the Members.

In closing, I would like to remind everyone of the Primary Benefits associated with participating in AmSpirit® Business Connections:

• To generate opportunities for new business;

• To improve the scope and quality of our network;

• To increase our ability to act as a resource;

• To improve our communication skills; and

• Give us the satisfaction of helping others succeed.

15) Close The Meeting Punctually and Appropriately

Explanation: As with the start of the meeting, it is important to conclude the meeting as reasonably close to the designated end time as possible.

Script: “Our meeting is over. Please have a good week.”


Model Chapter Meeting Script (Summary)

1. Start The Meeting Punctually and Appropriately:

Good Morning. Welcome to the [Name of Chapter] of AmSpirit Business Connections. My name is [President’s Name], I’m the [President’s Business Category] for this Chapter and its President. We begin our meeting by reading our Charter. I’ve asked (Name of Member) to read it today.

2) Read The Charter:

AmSpirit® Business Connections is a network of entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals, who come together to assist each other in growing their businesses by increasing the scope of business contacts, improving the quality of business contacts and enhancing overall networking skills. The (Name of Chapter) Chapter meets every (Day and Time of Meeting) at this location.

3) Provide Information About The Organization:

Thank you for reading the Charter. To elaborate, let me share with you some additional information about the organization.

• AmSpirit® Business Connections is a national organization;

• It unites and supports business people, such as ourselves, in Chapters;

• Each Chapter, including this one, meets weekly for an hour and fifteen minutes and is comprised of members, only one in each separate and distinct business category.

• Our primary purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals – this mean that when we are referred to someone, they will be expecting our call (in essence, we are putting one another in the right place at the right time.) We are – through this meeting and our association with each other – committed to one another’s success.

4) Appropriately Introduce Visiting Guests:

5) Members Introduction & Pass Business Cards:

6) Officer Reports:

(7) Have A Chapter Program:

(8) New Member Recognition:

9) Make Chapter Announcements:

(10)Use A Secret Greeter:

(11)Enforce Professionals Fees:

(12)Define Qualified Referrals:

(13)Pass The Referral Bucket:

(14)Review The Primary Benefits of AmSpirit® Business Connections:

(15)Close The Meeting Punctually and Appropriately:




Here are twelve (12) ideas for effectively breaking a Chapter meeting out of its normal routine or filling time for a meeting that is running short. If a Chapter’s Speaker did not show or the meeting appears to be running well short of the proposed 75-minute program or the meeting simply needs a little extra life, consider asking members (as well as guests), in lieu of or in addition to doing their 30-second commercial to take a little extra time to do one of the following:

• Give a commercial for the individual to your left and work around the room.

• Go into additional detail about what would be a good Qualified Referral.

• Identify businesses or individuals that you need additional assistance in prospecting.

• Who do you consider to be in your Core Group and what professional categories would you like to have added to your Core Group?

• What are your professional goals for the year and how can the Chapter help you achieve them?

• Other than Qualified Referrals, how could the Chapter best assist you?

• Tell us something about you professionally that we probably do not know.

• Describe the best Qualified Referral you could reasonably hope to receive from the Chapter.

• Describe the minimum level Qualified Referral you would be interested in pursuing.

• If you had an opportunity to give a presentation on your business to any group or organization (other than a prospective client), who would it be and why?

• Give us a statement that we should listen for to help us identify Qualified Referrals for you and how should we respond when we hear it.

• Describe the unique features about yourself or your products or services and why those benefits would be attractive to the individuals with whom the Chapter comes in contact.

Remember, Productive Chapters are a direct result of having effective meetings.


Membership Chair Materials


Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find common questions and answers about AmSpirit Business Connections.

1. What is AmSpirit Business Connections?

AmSpirit Business Connections is a national organization that assists sales representatives, entrepreneurs, and professionals succeed by creating a forum where they can exchange qualified referrals with other sales representatives, entrepreneurs and professionals.

2. What are some examples of sales representatives, entrepreneurs and professionals that can benefit from AmSpirit Business Connections?

Accountants, Ad Specialists, Advertising Agents, Attorneys, Auto Body Repairers, Auto Leasers, Auto Sales People, Bankers, Beauticians, Bedding, Business Brokers, Carpet Cleaners, Casualty Insurance Agents, Caterers, Cellular Phone Sales People, Chiropractors, Cleaning Services, Collection Services, Commercial Cleaners, Computer Consultants, Credit Card Services, Dentists, Embroiderers, Employee Leasers, Employment Agents, Equipment Leasers, Exhibit Displays, Florists, Graphic Designers, Health & Fitness Experts, Image Consultants, Interior Designers, Internet Services, Jewelers, Landscapers, Life Insurance Agents, Locksmiths, Long Distance Providers, Marketing Consultants, Massage Therapists, Mortgage Brokers, Moving & Storage, Office Equipment, Office Furniture, Office Suppliers, Optometrists, Payroll Services, Photographers, Printers, Public Relations, Real Estate Appraisers, Realtors, Remodeling Contractors, Retirement Community, Sales Trainers, Security Systems, Signs, Stockbrokers, Telecommunications, Title Insurance Agents, and Travel Agents.

3. Where are there AmSpirit Business Connections Chapters?

AmSpirit Business Connections has chapters throughout the United States. See the Chapter Listing on the website for more information.

4. Are there fees associated with AmSpirit Business Connections?

To participate in AmSpirit Business Connections there is a one-time initiation fee of $210, which is payable with the membership application. After joining, there are ongoing membership dues of $60 per quarter.

5. What do you get for the fees paid to AmSpirit Business Connections?

AmSpirit Business Connections is similar to any other membership organization. The fees are used to support the membership. For example, a full time staff maintains chapter rosters and a membership web site, and also provides support materials on an ongoing basis to chapters and produces a monthly newsletter for each chapter. AmSpirit conducts activities on a periodic basis for members to gain additional information on networking as well as network with other chapters.

6. What separates AmSpirit Business Connections from the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary?

First, the Chamber of Commerce and civic organizations like Rotary are invaluable to the local community. AmSpirit Business Connections is different, however, in one simple fact: It is our primary purpose to assist our membership generate business. With the Chamber and civic organizations like the Rotary, generating business is generally a secondary objective.

7. If somebody were interested in AmSpirit Business Connections, how could they get involved?

Arrange to visit a chapter by contacting a member of AmSpirit Business Connections or contact Frank Agin via e-mail at frankagin@.

8. What are the benefits of belonging to AmSpirit Business Connections?

In our meetings we talk about five primary benefits, and we focus on these on a weekly basis.

Number one, and probably the primary reason that people join AmSpirit Business Connections is to get new and additional business.

The second primary benefit is you get to meet people that you otherwise would not have met.

The third primary benefit is that it teaches us to serve as a resource for our customers and clients.

The fourth benefit is that we help each other develop our overall communication skills. You can't expect to get any better referrals than the message you give, and on a weekly basis we work on giving messages and telling people what's a good referral for us. By doing this on a weekly basis we all become better communicators.

The final reason is it creates a forum to give to other people. Networking is all about giving. The principal rule of networking is simply this: those people who give are the people who will get, and we find that on a consistent basis, the people who are giving the most referrals are the ones getting the most referrals.


Guest Invitation Script Builder

|Opening Statements |Body Statements |Credibility Statements |Closing Statements |

| | | | |

|Choose One |Choose One |Choose One |Choose One |

|I am a member of a professional business |We meet weekly for about an hour to |The __________Chapter has about ## |Why don’t you visit? There’s no risk, no |

|networking group. |exchange qualified business referrals. |members, with only one in each business |charge and no pressure to join. Our next |

| | |category. |meeting is this (day of week). |

|The __________ Chapter of AmSpirit |The meetings are organized to provide a |About ##% of my business comes from |We meet every week for coffee at (time and|

|Business Connections is a business |professional environment for helping each |referrals I get from this group. |location). Our next meeting is this (day |

|referral group. |other grow our businesses. | |of week). |

| | | | |

|I am associated with a group of other |The meetings provide a structured way to |In _________ Chapter the members are very |Why don’t you visit and find out how it |

|professionals called AmSpirit Business |work on expanding our business each week. |committed to each other and are generating|can help grow your business?” Our next |

|Connections. | |lots of referrals, business, guests and |meeting is this (day of week). |

| | |excitement. | |


Potential Member List


Prospective Member Questionnaire

___________________________ Chapter

Name:_____________________________ Category:_________________________________

Date Approved for Membership & Submitted to AmSpirit Business Connections ____________________

1. What expectations do you have from being a member of our Chapter?


2. What do you expect to contribute to our Chapter?


3. Describe your business and how you gain new customers/clients?


4. In what ways will you be able to fulfill your obligation of giving referrals to other members?


5. Are you willing to commit to regular attendance at meetings (3 out of 4 meetings)? ○ YES ○ NO

6. Will your company (employer and staff) support your active participation in AmSpirit Business Connections? ○ YES ○ NO

7. When my application for membership is approved, I agree to the following:

a. to follow up on referrals I receive within 24 hours;

b. to attend meetings on a regular basis;

c. to pay meal fees and membership dues in a timely manner;

d. to bring guests to meetings or refer them to other Chapters;

e. to give a minimum of 2 referrals monthly (average 2 per month); and,

f. to associate with fellow members outside the meeting.




Press Release Kit

A press release is a written announcement about an interesting aspect of a person, business, service or organization. The release is sent to newspapers, magazines, or radio and television stations for the purpose of informing the media and, in turn, is used by the media to inform the public.

News comes from a variety of sources (original investigation, wire services, telephone tips and press releases). Depending on the publication and branch of media, 50 to 75 percent of the news comes from press releases.

Each AMSPIRIT BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Chapter has newsworthy events: its original formation and subsequent anniversaries, the election of officers, the addition of members, as well as achieving milestones for generating referral or growing membership. Thus, the primary purpose for the Press Release Kit is to provide each Chapter with the appropriate guidance and tools to effectively promote itself to capture its share of news coverage.

Included in this the Press Release Kit are pre-drafted press releases for the various newsworthy events each AMSPIRIT BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Chapter will experience. These include:

❑ New Chapter Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce the formation of a new Chapter of ABC. Generally, this should be done during the first 6 months of the Chapter starting. The Release creates general interest in ABC and alerts professionals in the area about the ABC opportunity.

❑ Chapter Officer Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce the member(s) who will serve as Chapter Officer(s). The Release creates general interest in ABC and the Chapter as wells as pro-vides Chapter Officers with additional recognition for their efforts. A separate release should be done for each Officer.

❑ New Member Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce new member(s) who join the Chapter. The Release creates general interest in ABC and the Chapter, as well as provides the new Member with additional recognition for their association with ABC.

❑ Referral Milestone Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce the productivity of the Chapter during a particular month. The Release creates general interest in ABC and the Chapter, as well as provides evidence that the Chapter’s membership is productive.

❑ Membership Milestone Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce the size of the Chapter. The Release creates general interest in ABC and provides evidence that the Chapter is strong.

❑ Chapter Anniversary Press Release - This Press Release is used to announce the celebration of the Chapter’s anniversary. The Release creates general interest in ABC and the Chapter, as well as provides evidence that the Chapter has long term potential. (many “leads groups” last less than 6 months).

Each press release is designed to be reproduced on a word processor and then modified with the Chapter’s specific information related to the newsworthy event. The completed press release then should be sent (along with a cover letter using your business’ letterhead) to appropriate individual at the newspaper, magazine, radio or television. To obtain a listing of newspapers, magazines and their respective editors (as well as television and radio stations and their personnel) located in your area consult either the Finder Binder or Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media at your public library.

In closing, press releases are a great source of free publicity -- not only for AmSpirit Business Connections and your Chapter, but each members business as well. Therefore, have your Chapter make a consistent use of the Press Release Kit.

New Chapter Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474

[city or locale of chapter] STARTS A CHAPTER OF


[city name, state abbreviation] -- AmSpirit Business Connections is opening a chapter in [city or locale of chapter] adding to the [indicate number of chapters in the region] other chapters around central Ohio including [list the general locations of some other chapters in the region]. AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals.

The [chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting] and is interested in identifying other professionals, business owners and sales professionals to become involved with the chapter. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

Frank Agin, National Regional Director of AmSpirit Business Connections is heading the expansion efforts of this programs. “Entrepreneurs, professionals and sales representatives around the country have literally built their business through involvement with AmSpirit Business Connections. This new [chapter name] Chapter will provide the same opportunity for local business,” said Agin.

AmSpirit Business Connections facilitates the philosophy of “main street” business. People refer business to individuals they know, like and trust. “We simply create an environment where individuals in separate professional categories get to know and trust one another,” Agin said.

For additional information on, or how to participate in the [chapter name] Chapter, contact [chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .


Chapter Officer Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474

[Officer’s name] WILL SERVE AS [Chapter name] CHAPTER [Officer title]

[City name, State abbreviation] -- [Officer’s name], [details regarding the individual’s occupation and/or employer], will serve as the [Officer title] for the [Chapter name] Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections

AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. [Officer’s name]’s role will be to [indicate general duties of this office] for the Chapter.

The [Chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting]. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

For additional information on, or how to participate in the [Chapter name] Chapter, contact [Chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, , contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .


New Member Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474

[New Member’s name] JOINS


[City name, State abbreviation] -- [New Member’s name], [details regarding the individual’s occupation and employer], recently joined the [Chapter name] of AmSpirit Business Connections.

AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. [new member’s name] will occupy the [indicate new member’s category] for the Chapter.

Although [new member’s name] is a great addition to the [chapter name] Chapter, this chapter is still interested in identifying a [indicate two or three categories the chapter wishes to fill] to which the members can refer business. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

The [chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting].

For additional information on, or how to participate in the [chapter name] Chapter, contact [Chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .


Referral Milestone Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474


GENERATES OVER [indicate approximate number of referrals]

[city name, state abbreviation] -- During the month of [indicate month] the [chapter name] Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections generated over [indicate approximate number of referrals] amongst its membership, resulting in approximately [dollar figure equal to estimated qualified referrals times $250] of new and additional business for its members.

Although this [number of chapter members] person chapter has had a productive [indicate month], it is interested in identifying a [indicate two or three categories the chapter wishes to fill] to which the members can refer business so future months can be more productive. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

The [chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting].

AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. For additional information on, or how to participate in the [chapter name] Chapter, contact [Chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .


Member Milestone Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474


ADDS ITS [indicate number of members] MEMBER

[city name, state abbreviation] -- Last month the [chapter name] Chapter of AmSpirit Business added its [indicate number of members] member.

Although [number of chapter members] members makes the [chapter name] Chapter one of the [indicate ‘largest’ or ‘most productive’] Chapters in the AmSpirit Business Connections system, the Chapter is still interested in identifying a [indicate two or three categories the chapter wishes to fill] to which the members can refer business. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

The [chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting].

AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. For additional information on, or how to participate in the [chapter name] Chapter, contact [Chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .


Chapter Anniversary Press Release

For Immediate Release For Additional Information

[current date] Contact Frank Agin, National Director

AmSpirit Business Connections

(888) 267-7474


CELEBRATES [number of years] YEARS

[city name, state abbreviation] -- This month the [chapter name] Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections will celebrate its [number] anniversary. During this time, the Chapter has generated approximately [estimated qualified referrals] for its membership resulting in over an estimated [dollar figure equal to estimated qualified referrals times $250] of new and additional business for its members.

Although this [number of chapter members] person chapter has had a productive [number of years], it is interested in identifying a [indicate two or three categories the chapter wishes to fill] to which the members can refer business. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business.

The [chapter name] Chapter is currently meeting every [indicate day and time of the chapter meeting] at [indicate location of meeting].

AmSpirit Business Connections organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. For additional information on, or how to participate in the [chapter name] Chapter, contact [Chapter officer] at [appropriate telephone number]. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at (888) 267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at .



Chapter Secretary Materials


Weekly Chapter Meeting Notes

Date ___/___/______

Total Members and Guests Present: _______________

Officer Reports

❑ Vice President (Absent Members)

____________________________________________ □ Excused □ Unexcused

____________________________________________ □ Excused □ Unexcused

____________________________________________ □ Excused □ Unexcused

____________________________________________ □ Excused □ Unexcused

❑ Secretary

Monthly Referral Goal: __________

Referrals For Month (Prior to today): _________

Referrals For Meeting: __________

❑ Membership Chair (Chapter Guests)

____________________________________________ □ 1st Visit □ 2nd Visit □ Submit Application

____________________________________________ □ 1st Visit □ 2nd Visit □ Submit Application

____________________________________________ □ 1st Visit □ 2nd Visit □ Submit Application

____________________________________________ □ 1st Visit □ 2nd Visit □ Submit Application

❑ Treasurer: Treasury Balance: $___________

❑ Program Chair

This Week’s Program: _______________________________________________________________

Next Week’s Program: _______________________________________________________________

❑ Social Chair

Other Announcements: _____________________________________________________________



Monthly Chapter Board Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:

|President | |

|Vice President | |

|Secretary | |

|Membership Chair | |

|Program Chair | |

|Social Chair | |

|Treasurer | |

|Sergeant-At-Arms | |

|Hospitality | |

|Publicity | |

|Others | |

Attendance Issues

• New Issues: ____________________________________________________________________________

• Ongoing Issues: _________________________________________________________________________

• Other Issues: ____________________________________________________________________________

Referral Issues

• Those Not Giving________________________________________________________________________

• Those Not Receiving _____________________________________________________________________

Membership Development Discussion

• New Member Drives _____________________________________________________________________

• Training and Development_________________________________________________________________

Other Chapter Business

• Chapter Treasury: ________________________________________________________________________

• Local Dues: ____________________________________________________________________________

• Social Events: ___________________________________________________________________________

Date ____/____/______


Attendance Reminder Letter

[Today’s Date]


[Business Name]

[Street Address]

[City], [State] [Zip]

Re: [Chapter Name] Chapter

Attendance Reminder

Dear [Name]:

This letter is to remind you of the importance of your attendance at the weekly [Chapter Name] Chapter meetings.

Because we have come to know, like and trust you, we want to continue gaining knowledge about your business. As you know, our Chapter is focused primarily on referring business to each other and your absence at weekly meetings hinders the ability of fellow members to remember you and provide you with referrals.

As your presence is essential to the success of our Chapter as well as your success in it, we encourage you to attend each and every meeting. If there is some reason or problem that is preventing you, or an associate on your behalf, from attending weekly meetings, please advise _______________, the Chapter Vice President immediately. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.


[Secretary Name] Chapter Secretary


Attendance Termination Letter

[Today’s Date]


[Business Name]

[Street Address]

[City], [State] [Zip]

Re: [Chapter Name] Chapter

Attendance Termination

Dear [Name]:

As you have been unable to attend your Chapter meetings on a consistent basis, we are terminating your membership. Please do not attend any further meetings.

According to this Chapter’s By-Laws, two (2) consecutive unexcused meetings or three (3) missed meetings in the calendar quarter may result in membership termination. As we have determined that you have exceeded these numbers, this Chapter has deemed it necessary to take this action.

Although we are sorry to lose you as a member, this is necessary to maintain the professionalism and productivity of the Chapter. Should your professional category still be open and your circumstances change to allow you to attend meetings on a regular basis, please feel free to apply for reinstatement to the Chapter.


[President’s Name]

Chapter President


Qualified Referral Reminder Letter

[Today’s Date]


[Business Name]

[Street Address]

[City], [State] [Zip]

Re: [Chapter Name] Chapter

Qualified Referral Reminder

Dear [Name]:

This letter is to remind you of the importance of giving referrals to other members in the Chapter.

Remember the primary focus of our Chapter is to help each other increase their business. To this end, one of the commitments for membership is giving on average 2 referrals each month. Although we realize this is not always possible, during the past several months, you have not reached this goal.

As your referrals are essential to the success of our Chapter as well as your success in it (as givers get), we encourage you to focus your attention on giving more referrals to members in the Chapter. If there is anything we can do to assist you in generating referrals, please contact one of the Chapter officers.


[Secretary Name]

Chapter Secretary


Chapter Program Chair Materials


Member Speaker Introduction Form

(Please Complete and Give to your Chapter Program Chair)

|Name |Chapter Business Category |

| | |

|Company or Business Name |# Years With Co. |

| | |

|Spouse’s Name |Married? #Years |

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|Spouses Occupation |# of Years There |

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|Children’s Names |Ages |

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|Hobbies/Interests | |

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|Community Involvement of Professionals Affiliations |

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|Miscellaneous Information | |

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Chapter Treasurer Materials

|Local Chapter Dues Invoice |

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|Chapter: _____________ Period Covered: _______________ |

| |

|Member: ______________________ Amount: $___________ |

| |

|Please return this form to the Chapter Treasurer with your payment. |

|Make checks payable to: __________________________________. |

|Please not that these dues are in addition to those assessed by the national organization for ongoing membership. |

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|Local Chapter Dues Invoice |

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|Chapter: _____________ Period Covered: _______________ |

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|Member: ______________________ Amount: $___________ |

| |

|Please return this form to the Chapter Treasurer with your payment. |

|Make checks payable to: __________________________________. |

|Please not that these dues are in addition to those assessed by the national organization for ongoing membership. |

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|Local Chapter Dues Invoice |

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|Chapter: _____________ Period Covered: _______________ |

| |

|Member: ______________________ Amount: $___________ |

| |

|Please return this form to the Chapter Treasurer with your payment. |

|Make checks payable to: __________________________________. |

|Please not that these dues are in addition to those assessed by the national organization for ongoing membership. |








Social Chair




Vice President

Membership Chair




|Date |Name |Category |Phone |Email |Follow Up? |Join? |

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