
Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp: Round 1

This body is orbited by Nix and Hydra, and in July 2015, the “heart” and “whale” on the surface of  this object were observed by the New Horizons probe, which performed a flyby of it. This body was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, ending the search for Planet X, and its planet status was revoked in 2006. For 10 points, name this dwarf planet orbited by Charon and named for the Roman god of the underworld.


This man designed a number of stained glass windows, including those found in the Reims Cathedral and the UN Headquarters. A burning synagogue is visible in the background of his The White Crucifixion, and a self-portrait set in Paris depicts this man with 7 fingers. In his most famous work an upside-down woman plays the violin while a green-faced man looks at a goat. For 10 points, name this artist of I and the Village.

ANSWER: Marc Chagall

This poem is set “in the bleak December” when “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.”  Its speaker wants to what the title creature’s name is “on the Night’s Plutonian Shore.”  While the speaker remembers his “lost Lenore,” the title creature is heard “tapping at [his] chamber door.”  For 10 points, name this poem which begins“once upon a midnight dreary” by Edgar Allan Poe about a black bird.

ANSWER: “The Raven”

As a result of one of these conflicts, one side was dragged into the Mercenary War, and the first of these began as a regional conflict involving Hiero II. The Battle of Lake Trasimene took place during the second of these conflicts, and Cato the Elder famously said “Carthage must be destroyed” when in reference to these conflicts. For 10 points, name this set of three conflicts between Rome and Carthage that saw the defeat of Hannibal.

ANSWER: Punic Wars

The vice-president of this group, Jack Werner, posted a rant on YouTube about this organization giving the U.S. special concessions, not realizing the article he held was from the satirical news site The Onion. Recent elections for this body saw president Sepp Blatter re-elected unopposed. Bribery allegedly played a role in this organization’s decision to award Qatar the rights to host an event in 2022. For 10 points, name this organization at the center of a recent FBI investigation, the governing body of professional soccer which runs the World Cup.


This man carried out dissections of barnacles at his residence at Down House, and he wrote about atoll formation in The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. On a five year voyage aboard the Beagle, he observed the differences in finch beaks on the Galapagos Islands, which he wrote about in The Origin of Species. For 10 points, name this biologist who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

ANSWER: Charles Darwin

This man sculpted six sad looking noblemen with nooses around their necks preparing to surrender themselves in The Burghers of Calais. He was accused of live casting a model for his sculpture The Age of Bronze. The Three Shades and The Kiss were parts of a larger work which near its top reads “abandon all hope, ye who enter here;” his The Gates of Hell.  For 10 points, name this Dante-inspired French sculptor of The Thinker.


This god supported Mount Mandara on his back during the Churning of the Ocean in the form of a turtle, and in another form, he defeats Ravana to save his wife Sita. This god, who took the incarnation of Rama, also took the blue-skinned, butter-stealing incarnation of Krishna. For 10 points, name this Hindu preserver god with many avatars who made up the Trimurti with Shiva and Brahma.

ANSWER: Vishnu

Henry Lee said he was “first in the hearts of his countrymen” during the eulogy he gave for this man. This man was the aide to General Edward Braddock early in his military career. This man is famous for warning against the formation of parties during his farewell address, and his presidency also saw the signing of Jay’s Treaty. For 10 points, name this man who led the Continental Army in the American Revolution, the first President of the U.S.

ANSWER: George Washington

After deserting his regiment, one character in this novel runs into a forest and sees a decaying body.  That character later fights with Wilson over the enemy’s flag.  The tattered soldier often asks about the protagonist’s injury, prompting the protagonist to leave him in the woods.  In this novel’s beginning, Jim Conklin scares Henry Fleming by saying the army will soon be marching.  For 10 points, name this Civil War novel by Stephen Crane.

ANSWER: The Red Badge of Courage

Changes in the energy states of neutral atoms of this element are responsible for the 21 centimeter line, and four atoms of it are found in a molecule of the lightest alkane. The National Ignition Facility uses this element’s isotopes deuterium and tritium in nuclear fusion experiments, and atoms of it fuse in the Sun’s core to make helium. For 10 points, name this lightest and most common element in the universe, with atomic number 1 and chemical symbol H.

ANSWER: hydrogen [accept H before mentioned]

The singleplayer campaign for this game sees the player attempt to rescue the great Zapfish from the Octarians in order to restore power to the city of Inkopolis. One multiplayer mode involves a 4-on-4 territory war in which players attempt to cover as much of the map in their color ink as possible. For 10 points, name this Nintendo title released on May 29, 2015, whose commercials see the player alternate between being kids and squids now.

ANSWER: Splatoon

In one work by this author,  Pedro Romero leaves Lady Brett Ashley broke at a hotel, where Jake Barnes comes to help her.  In another work, this author wrote about the old fisherman Santiago’s attempt to reel in a big marlin.  In a third work, the pregnant Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry escape from World War I in a rowboat. For 10 points, name this author of The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, and A Farewell to Arms.

ANSWER: Ernest Hemingway

During the Card Aria in this opera an Ace of Spades is revealed, symbolizing death. The main character’s first song in this opera  sees her compare love to a rebellious bird that none can tame, and then throw a bouquet to Don Jose. That man later kills the title character for leaving him for the bullfighter Escamillo, who sings the Toreador Song. For 10 points, name this Georges Bizet opera about the title gypsy girl who works at a cigarette factory and sings “Habanera.”

ANSWER: Carmen

Julio Argentino Roca’s administration started an era of liberal economic policy in this country. The Dirty War took place in this nation, as did the Trelew Massacre. This nation was led by Juan Manuel de Rosas early on, though a more famous leader from this nation was Juan Peron. This nation’s president sits in the Casa Rosada. For 10 points, identify this South American nation that has its capital at Buenos Aires.

ANSWER: Argentina

The Fourier transform converts between this domain and the time domain. The energy of a photon equals Planck’s constant times this value. Harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental one, and an increase in amplitude occurs at the natural value for this in resonance. This quantity is equal to the reciprocal of period. For 10 points, name this measure of the number of events per unit time, with SI unit Hertz.

ANSWER: frequency

The SS Badger is a ferry that crosses this lake, and its beaches are referred to as the “Third Cock” of the United States. Beaver Island is located in this body of water. The Door Peninsula juts into this body of water and the largest city on this body of water is Chicago. The Grand Traverse Bay is located within this body of water. For 10 points, name this lake that shares its name with the state that has its capital at Lansing.

ANSWER: Lake Michigan

The third of these works was written in honor of the French Revolution and dedicated to Napoleon. The fifth of these works features a G-G-G-E flat motif signifying “Fate knocking at the door.” A flute, oboe, and clarinet imitate birds in the  “Scene at the Brook,” a section of one of these pieces nicknamed “Pastoral.” For 10 points, name these works by Ludwig van  Beethoven, the last of which quotes Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” in its finale.

Answer: Symphonies by Ludwig van Beethoven

One mathematician from this country created a list of 23 problems for the twentieth century, with the first of them being the continuum hypothesis, which was postulated by another mathematician from this country. That mathematician founded set theory and was named Georg Cantor. The namesake of the normal distribution, Carl Friedrich Gauss, taught at this country's University of Gottingen. For 10 points, name this country, home to mathematicians such as David Hilbert, with capital at Berlin.

ANSWER: Germany

The protagonist of this novel lives at Gateshead Hall, where her cruel aunt Mrs. Reed takes care of her.  Her friend Helen Burns dies of consumption while she attends Lowood School.  After leaving Lowood, the title character goes to Thornfield Hall, where Alice Fairfax accepts her as a governess.  For 10 points, name this novel whose title character marries Mr. Rochester, a work of Charlotte Bronte.

ANSWER: Jane Eyre

This person’s term followed the Winter of Discontent, and this politician was given the nickname “milk snatcher.” Bobby Sands led a hunger strike during this person’s term as Prime Minister, and the Falkland Islands War also occurred when this person was in power. She was the Secretary of Education during the Prime Ministership of Edward Heath. For 10 points, name this “Iron Lady”, a conservative Prime Minister of England.

ANSWER: Margaret Thatcher

This mountain is home to the Khumbu Icefall and the North Col formation. A tiny black jumping spider found on this mountain is confirmed to be the non microscopic creature that can live at the highest altitude. The Yellow Band is located on this mountain, which also his home to the Western Cwm trail. For 10 points, name this mountain, the highest in the world, located on the Nepal-Tibet border.

ANSWER: Mt. Everest

The perpetrator of this event claimed to have carried it out in the hopes of sparking a race war. In the aftermath of this event, most major retailers have halted sales of the Confederate Battle Flag, due to its relationship with this event. A website run by Dylann Roof, the man responsible for this event, contained references to South African Apartheid and other white supremacist groups.  For 10 points, name this event, in which 9 people were killed during a prayer service at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

ANSWER: Charleston church shooting [accept obvious equivalents]

This man gained the epithet “Lucky” after saving a castaway and his crew off the coast of Iceland. He made his most famous discoveries by following the route of a legendary merchant named Bjarni. This man was the son of Erik the Red, and he possibly discovered Baffin Island, calling it Helluland. He more famously discovered Vinland. For 10 points, name this norse explorer who is credited as the first European to make landfall in North America.

ANSWER: Leif Ericsson

Miep Gies helped preserve this author’s work after her death.  In this author’s most famous work, she dreams about her crush Peter Wessel while she slept in a room shared with the dentist Mr. Dussel.  Most of that work is set in a “secret annex” where the author lives with the van Daans.  For 10 points, name this Jewish author of a famous diary set during the Holocaust.

ANSWER: Anne Frank [accept either]

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp: Round 2

The house used by this painting’s artist as a model is in the Carpenter type of the namesake architecture. To the right a red barn is visible, and several potted plants and a church steeple appear in the background. The artist used his sister Nan and dentist Byron McKeeby as the models for this painting. For 10 points, identify this Grant Wood painting of a woman and her coverall wearing father, who holds a pitch fork.

ANSWER: American Gothic

These cells may be misshapen in sufferers of sickle-cell anemia. After maturing in the liver, the Plasmodium protozoans responsible for malaria infect these biconcave cells, which lack a nucleus in order to maximize room for hemoglobin. For 10 points, name these cells, also known as erythrocytes, that carry oxygen through the bloodstream.

ANSWER: red blood cells [or RBCs, or erythrocytes before mentioned]

In one novel, this author wrote about Prince Myshkin as the title Idiot.  In another novel by this author, Ivan describes a silent kiss while telling the Parable of the Grand Inquisitor to his sibling Alyosha.   In addition to writing The Brothers Karamazov, this author wrote a novel in which Sonya wants Raskolnikov to confess his murder of Alyona.  For 10 points, name this author of Crime and Punishment.

ANSWER: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Battle of Sekigahara took place in this nation, and the Genpei War also occurred here. For a long time, the Dutch were the only people to have trade relations with this country, and they set up their base on Dejima in this nation’s city of Nagasaki. This nation was once ruled by Emperor Hirohito. For 10 points, identify this nation that was where the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.


The source of one branch of this river is at Lake Tana, and the Atbara River is the only major tributary of that branch. Lake Nasser was created by the Aswan High Dam on this river, which is home to six groups of cataracts. The White and Blue branches of this river meet in Khartoum before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea after passing through Egypt. For 10 points, name this longest river in the world, located in Africa.

ANSWER: Nile River

A version by Bernini depicts this person in the middle of battle and about to hurl a stone. A sculpture of this person by Donatello depicts him placing a foot on the severed head of his opponent, and was the first free-standing bronze nude since antiquity. A 17-foot-tall version of this person was sculpted by Michelangelo from a single block of marble. For 10 points, identify this slingshot wielding biblical character who slew the giant Goliath.


Inflammatory remarks by this man that Mexicans “are bringing drugs, are bringing crime and are rapists”  lead NBC, Macy’s, and Univision to sever business ties with him. His daughter Ivanka introduced him before giving a speech in which he promised to “make America Great Again!” and to build a great wall between the US and Mexico. For 10 points, name this former host of the series The Apprentice who declared his intention to run for president in 2016.

ANSWER: Donald Trump

Along with Bose, this scientist names a state of matter that exhibits quantum phenomena at macroscopic scales. He created ten eponymous field equations to describe a theory that predicts frame-dragging and gravitational lensing. That theory is general relativity. For 10 points, name this German-born physicist who described mass-energy equivalence with his equation E=mc^2.

ANSWER: Albert Einstein

In this novel, Pierre Gringoire attempts to draw attention to his play during the Festival of Fools. After falling into obsessive infatuation with a woman, Claude Frollo quits his study of magic and his faith in God.  That woman, La Esmerelda,  falsely confesses to a murder and is sentenced to hang, but is saved as Quasimodo swings in on a rope.  For 10 points, name this novel about the ugly and deformed titular character by Victor Hugo.

ANSWER: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Civil war following this man’s death led to the creation of many states controlled by the Diadochi, and this man had his cousin, Amyntas IV, executed. His commander Taxiles was victorious at the Battle of Hydaspes River. This man destroyed the power of the Persian Empire after decisive victories at the Battles of Issus and Gaugamela, and overthrew Darius III. For 10 points, name this successor of Philip II of Macedonia.

ANSWER: Alexander the Great

The Altuna Runestone depicts this figure fishing for a serpent named Jormungandr and in another story, he and his brother dress as a bride in a maid when traveling to Jotunheimr. This figure tricked the dwarf Alviss and is married to the golden haired Sif. For 10 points, name this Norse god of thunder who wields the hammer Mjolnir.


The composer of this opera was commissioned to create it in celebration for the completion of the Suez Canal. Arias in this work include “Ritorna Vincitor” and “O Patria Mia.” At the end of this opera the main character and her lover Radames are sentenced to be buried alive. For 10 points, identify this Giuseppe Verdi opera set in Egypt about the titular Ethiopian princess.


Examples of these bodies named for Kreutz are often said to “sungraze” when they get closest to the sun, and in November 2014, the Philae lander touched down on one of these objects. The Oort cloud is a source of long period ones, while many short-period ones come from the Kuiper belt. In 1994, Jupiter was struck by one named Shoemaker-Levy 9 after it broke apart. Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through the “tail” of one of these objects. For 10 points, name these icy bodies, whose “Halley” example can be seen about every 76 years.

ANSWER: Comets

One character in this novel uses the names Washington Irving and John Milton to sign his letters.  In this novel, Milo Minderbinder uses his M&M Enterprises to sell chocolate-covered Egyptian cotton as candy.  Colonel Cathcart raises the number of missions a soldier must complete, which pushes the protagonist Yossarian into the title paradoxical trap.  For 10 points, name this novel by Joseph Heller.

ANSWER: Catch 22

This film’s protagonist remarks that he knows “a lot about sharks” when his mom sets up an online dating account for him, and later says that “the mind is the only weapon that doesn’t need a holster” to a new employee. This film’s titular character’s hypoglycemia forces him to eat a lollipop off the ground, and he crashes into a minivan on his Segway inside his place of work after being distracted by Amy. For 10 points, name this 2009 film starring Kevin James about a shopping center security guard.

ANSWER: Paul Blart: Mall Cop

The Russian Empire established a settlement at Fort Ross in this state, and Juan Bautista Alvarado led an uprising here in 1936. This state was subject to the 1840 Graham Affair, and is more famously home to the Bear Flag Republic. William B. Ide was an early leader in this present day state, which was also governed by Hiram Johnson. For 10 points, name this west coast state that was home to an 1849 gold rush.

ANSWER: California

The Nine Years’ War took place in Ireland during the reign of this ruler and the Treaty of Nonsuch was signed with the Dutch during her reign. This ruler famously made a speech at Tilbury when the English Navy fought the Spanish Armada. This ruler was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, and she her sister was the violent Catholic Mary I. For 10 points, name this “Virgin Queen” of England, predecessor of James I.

ANSWER: Elizabeth I

Several works by this composer were inspired by trips abroad, including his Cuban Overture and another work which featured taxi horns at its premier. In addition to An American in Paris, this man composed an opera which depicts Catfish Row and features the songs “Summertime” and “It Ain’t Necessarily So,” Porgy and Bess. For 10 points, name this American composer of Rhapsody in Blue.

ANSWER: George Gershwin

During this event, the looting and burning of a CVS pharmacy was used by Governor Larry Hogan to justify declaring a state of emergency. Six police officers were charged with homicide in relation to the arrest that sparked this event. During this event, an Orioles game against the White Sox was postponed. For 10 points, name this city where a series of widespread demonstrations and civil unrest followed the news that Freddie Gray’ had died in police custody.

ANSWER: 2015 Baltimore protests [accept similar answers like “Baltimore riots”; accept Baltimore after “city”; prompt on partial answers before]

The Kelvin scale is based on this compounds triple point, and this compound has a maximum density at four degrees Celsius. The calorie is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of this substance by one degree Celsius, which is high due to this compound’s molecules’ ability to form many hydrogen bonds. For 10 points, name this “universal solvent” whose chemical formula is H2O.

ANSWER: water [accept H2O before mentioned]

This novel is set during a “damp, drizzly November in” the narrator’s soul.  Workers in this novel include Tashtego, an Indian from Martha’s Vineyard, and the harpooner Starbuck.  One character nails a gold coin to a mast, offering it to the first person to spot the title animal.  That character, Ahab, captains the Pequod.  For 10 points, name this novel narrated by Ishmael about the search for a white whale, written by Herman Melville.

ANSWER: Moby Dick

This nation’s exploration boom was sparked by the efforts of Prince Henry the Navigator. The Marquis of Pombal ruled this country until the death of Joseph I, and the Tavora Affair involved this nation. The Carnation Revolution overthrew the dictatorial Estado Novo regime of this country in 1974. For 10 points, name this nation once led by Antonio Salazar and which shares the Iberian Peninsula with Spain.

ANSWER: Portugal

The Strombolian type of these occurrences are caused by gas slugs and create rings of tephra. These events can cause mudslides called lahars, and they often produce pyroclastic flows. One of these events was responsible for destroying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and was caused by Mount Vesuvius. For 10 points, name these events in which molten lava is ejected onto Earth’s surface.

ANSWER: volcanic eruptions

Lake Vostok is located on this landmass, which is also home to the Ellsworth Mountains. The Vinson Massif is the highest peak on this landmass, and Ross Island, a part of this place, is home to the active volcano Mount Erebus. The Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas border this landmass, and it is also home to Queen Mary Land and Marie Byrd Land. For 10 points, name this continent, home to the south pole.

ANSWER: Antarctica

One author who wrote in this language described infinite hexagonal rooms in “The Library of Babel.”  One poem in this language tells a woman “in you everything sank” and is collected in Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.  A novel in this language tells the story of a knight who travels with Sancho Panza and fights with windmills.  For 10 points, name this language of Jorge Luis Borges, Pablo Neruda, and Miguel de Cervantes.

ANSWER:  Spanish [or Espanol]

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp: Round 2

The house used by this painting’s artist as a model is in the Carpenter type of the namesake architecture. To the right a red barn is visible, and several potted plants and a church steeple appear in the background. The artist used his sister Nan and dentist Byron McKeeby as the models for this painting. For 10 points, identify this Grant Wood painting of a woman and her coverall wearing father, who holds a pitch fork.

ANSWER: American Gothic

These cells may be misshapen in sufferers of sickle-cell anemia. After maturing in the liver, the Plasmodium protozoans responsible for malaria infect these biconcave cells, which lack a nucleus in order to maximize room for hemoglobin. For 10 points, name these cells, also known as erythrocytes, that carry oxygen through the bloodstream.

ANSWER: red blood cells [or RBCs, or erythrocytes before mentioned]

In one novel, this author wrote about Prince Myshkin as the title Idiot.  In another novel by this author, Ivan describes a silent kiss while telling the Parable of the Grand Inquisitor to his sibling Alyosha.   In addition to writing The Brothers Karamazov, this author wrote a novel in which Sonya wants Raskolnikov to confess his murder of Alyona.  For 10 points, name this author of Crime and Punishment.

ANSWER: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Battle of Sekigahara took place in this nation, and the Genpei War also occurred here. For a long time, the Dutch were the only people to have trade relations with this country, and they set up their base on Dejima in this nation’s city of Nagasaki. This nation was once ruled by Emperor Hirohito. For 10 points, identify this nation that was where the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.


The source of one branch of this river is at Lake Tana, and the Atbara River is the only major tributary of that branch. Lake Nasser was created by the Aswan High Dam on this river, which is home to six groups of cataracts. The White and Blue branches of this river meet in Khartoum before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea after passing through Egypt. For 10 points, name this longest river in the world, located in Africa.

ANSWER: Nile River

A version by Bernini depicts this person in the middle of battle and about to hurl a stone. A sculpture of this person by Donatello depicts him placing a foot on the severed head of his opponent, and was the first free-standing bronze nude since antiquity. A 17-foot-tall version of this person was sculpted by Michelangelo from a single block of marble. For 10 points, identify this slingshot wielding biblical character who slew the giant Goliath.


Inflammatory remarks by this man that Mexicans “are bringing drugs, are bringing crime and are rapists”  lead NBC, Macy’s, and Univision to sever business ties with him. His daughter Ivanka introduced him before giving a speech in which he promised to “make America Great Again!” and to build a great wall between the US and Mexico. For 10 points, name this former host of the series The Apprentice who declared his intention to run for president in 2016.

ANSWER: Donald Trump

Along with Bose, this scientist names a state of matter that exhibits quantum phenomena at macroscopic scales. He created ten eponymous field equations to describe a theory that predicts frame-dragging and gravitational lensing. That theory is general relativity. For 10 points, name this German-born physicist who described mass-energy equivalence with his equation E=mc^2.

ANSWER: Albert Einstein

In this novel, Pierre Gringoire attempts to draw attention to his play during the Festival of Fools. After falling into obsessive infatuation with a woman, Claude Frollo quits his study of magic and his faith in God.  That woman, La Esmerelda,  falsely confesses to a murder and is sentenced to hang, but is saved as Quasimodo swings in on a rope.  For 10 points, name this novel about the ugly and deformed titular character by Victor Hugo.

ANSWER: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Civil war following this man’s death led to the creation of many states controlled by the Diadochi, and this man had his cousin, Amyntas IV, executed. His commander Taxiles was victorious at the Battle of Hydaspes River. This man destroyed the power of the Persian Empire after decisive victories at the Battles of Issus and Gaugamela, and overthrew Darius III. For 10 points, name this successor of Philip II of Macedonia.

ANSWER: Alexander the Great

The Altuna Runestone depicts this figure fishing for a serpent named Jormungandr and in another story, he and his brother dress as a bride in a maid when traveling to Jotunheimr. This figure tricked the dwarf Alviss and is married to the golden haired Sif. For 10 points, name this Norse god of thunder who wields the hammer Mjolnir.


The composer of this opera was commissioned to create it in celebration for the completion of the Suez Canal. Arias in this work include “Ritorna Vincitor” and “O Patria Mia.” At the end of this opera the main character and her lover Radames are sentenced to be buried alive. For 10 points, identify this Giuseppe Verdi opera set in Egypt about the titular Ethiopian princess.


Examples of these bodies named for Kreutz are often said to “sungraze” when they get closest to the sun, and in November 2014, the Philae lander touched down on one of these objects. The Oort cloud is a source of long period ones, while many short-period ones come from the Kuiper belt. In 1994, Jupiter was struck by one named Shoemaker-Levy 9 after it broke apart. Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through the “tail” of one of these objects. For 10 points, name these icy bodies, whose “Halley” example can be seen about every 76 years.

ANSWER: Comets

One character in this novel uses the names Washington Irving and John Milton to sign his letters.  In this novel, Milo Minderbinder uses his M&M Enterprises to sell chocolate-covered Egyptian cotton as candy.  Colonel Cathcart raises the number of missions a soldier must complete, which pushes the protagonist Yossarian into the title paradoxical trap.  For 10 points, name this novel by Joseph Heller.

ANSWER: Catch 22

This film’s protagonist remarks that he knows “a lot about sharks” when his mom sets up an online dating account for him, and later says that “the mind is the only weapon that doesn’t need a holster” to a new employee. This film’s titular character’s hypoglycemia forces him to eat a lollipop off the ground, and he crashes into a minivan on his Segway inside his place of work after being distracted by Amy. For 10 points, name this 2009 film starring Kevin James about a shopping center security guard.

ANSWER: Paul Blart: Mall Cop

The Russian Empire established a settlement at Fort Ross in this state, and Juan Bautista Alvarado led an uprising here in 1936. This state was subject to the 1840 Graham Affair, and is more famously home to the Bear Flag Republic. William B. Ide was an early leader in this present day state, which was also governed by Hiram Johnson. For 10 points, name this west coast state that was home to an 1849 gold rush.

ANSWER: California

The Nine Years’ War took place in Ireland during the reign of this ruler and the Treaty of Nonsuch was signed with the Dutch during her reign. This ruler famously made a speech at Tilbury when the English Navy fought the Spanish Armada. This ruler was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, and she her sister was the violent Catholic Mary I. For 10 points, name this “Virgin Queen” of England, predecessor of James I.

ANSWER: Elizabeth I

Several works by this composer were inspired by trips abroad, including his Cuban Overture and another work which featured taxi horns at its premier. In addition to An American in Paris, this man composed an opera which depicts Catfish Row and features the songs “Summertime” and “It Ain’t Necessarily So,” Porgy and Bess. For 10 points, name this American composer of Rhapsody in Blue.

ANSWER: George Gershwin

During this event, the looting and burning of a CVS pharmacy was used by Governor Larry Hogan to justify declaring a state of emergency. Six police officers were charged with homicide in relation to the arrest that sparked this event. During this event, an Orioles game against the White Sox was postponed. For 10 points, name this city where a series of widespread demonstrations and civil unrest followed the news that Freddie Gray’ had died in police custody.

ANSWER: 2015 Baltimore protests [accept similar answers like “Baltimore riots”; accept Baltimore after “city”; prompt on partial answers before]

The Kelvin scale is based on this compounds triple point, and this compound has a maximum density at four degrees Celsius. The calorie is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of this substance by one degree Celsius, which is high due to this compound’s molecules’ ability to form many hydrogen bonds. For 10 points, name this “universal solvent” whose chemical formula is H2O.

ANSWER: water [accept H2O before mentioned]

This novel is set during a “damp, drizzly November in” the narrator’s soul.  Workers in this novel include Tashtego, an Indian from Martha’s Vineyard, and the harpooner Starbuck.  One character nails a gold coin to a mast, offering it to the first person to spot the title animal.  That character, Ahab, captains the Pequod.  For 10 points, name this novel narrated by Ishmael about the search for a white whale, written by Herman Melville.

ANSWER: Moby Dick

This nation’s exploration boom was sparked by the efforts of Prince Henry the Navigator. The Marquis of Pombal ruled this country until the death of Joseph I, and the Tavora Affair involved this nation. The Carnation Revolution overthrew the dictatorial Estado Novo regime of this country in 1974. For 10 points, name this nation once led by Antonio Salazar and which shares the Iberian Peninsula with Spain.

ANSWER: Portugal

The Strombolian type of these occurrences are caused by gas slugs and create rings of tephra. These events can cause mudslides called lahars, and they often produce pyroclastic flows. One of these events was responsible for destroying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and was caused by Mount Vesuvius. For 10 points, name these events in which molten lava is ejected onto Earth’s surface.

ANSWER: volcanic eruptions

Lake Vostok is located on this landmass, which is also home to the Ellsworth Mountains. The Vinson Massif is the highest peak on this landmass, and Ross Island, a part of this place, is home to the active volcano Mount Erebus. The Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas border this landmass, and it is also home to Queen Mary Land and Marie Byrd Land. For 10 points, name this continent, home to the south pole.

ANSWER: Antarctica

One author who wrote in this language described infinite hexagonal rooms in “The Library of Babel.”  One poem in this language tells a woman “in you everything sank” and is collected in Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.  A novel in this language tells the story of a knight who travels with Sancho Panza and fights with windmills.  For 10 points, name this language of Jorge Luis Borges, Pablo Neruda, and Miguel de Cervantes.

ANSWER:  Spanish [or Espanol]

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp: Round 4

A series of paintings of car crash victims forms this man’s Death and Disaster series. This man famously coined the phrase, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes,” and much of his work was produced from his New York City studio known as The Factory. He did many silk screen depictions of celebrities, including a number of prints of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. For 10 points, name this American Pop Artist who famously did a series of paintings of Campbell’s Soup Cans.

ANSWER: Andrew “Andy” Warhol

This object may have formed in the “Big Splash” when the planet Theia collided with the body it now orbits. Features on this body include the crater Tycho and the South Pole-Aitken Basin. The Sea of Tranquility is one of several dark plains of basalt on this body’s surface, known as “maria”.  For 10 points, name this only major natural satellite of Earth, visited by the Apollo missions.

ANSWER: the Moon [accept Luna]

In this work, a character named Ben Gunn is obsessed with cheese. This novel begins with Billy Bones dying after receiving a black spot, which is also given to Long John Silver after he mutinies against Captain Smollet, Dr. Livesey, and Squire Trelawney. For 10 points, name this novel that sees Jim Hawkins search for the treasure of Captain Flint, a work of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Answer: Treasure Island

The Free Officers Movement overthrew King Farouk in this country, and the Albanian commander Muhammad Ali Pasha started a dynasty in this country after the expulsion of the French in 1805. 1977 Bread Riots in this country occurred during the presidency of Anwar Sadat, who was eventually assassinated and succeeded by Hosni Mubarak. For 10 points, name this North African nation that was once led by Gamal Nasser and has its capital at Cairo.


Confusion leading up to the release of this software included the erroneous claim that pirated copies of previous versions would be upgraded to legitimate versions of this software free of charge. The release of this software will see the return of the start menu, the addition of the digital assistant Cortana, and the introduction of the Edge web browser in place of Internet Explorer. For 10 points, name this latest version of the Windows operating system, which was released on July 29th, 2015.

ANSWER: Windows 10

This man only managed to write 9 bars of the Lacrimosa section of his Requiem Mass before he died, leaving its completion to Franz Sussmayr. The Queen of the Night sings “Der Holle Rache” in an opera composed by this man. Besides The Magic Flute this man also composed a series of variations on the melody of  “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and completed 41 symphonies in his brief lifetime. For 10 points, name this prolific Austrian composer of the “Jupiter” Symphony and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.

ANSWER: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Frederick Sanger won the 1958 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering the structure of this protein. The action of this hormone is opposed by glucagon, and it is produced in the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. For 10 points, name this hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes.

ANSWER: insulin

In a recently published and controversial novel about this man, he is discovered attending a white supremacist meeting by his now adult daughter. That book is Go Set a Watchman. In a more famous appearance, this man defends Tom Robinson, who is accused of assaulting Mayella Ewell. For 10 points, name this character whose children Jem and Scout form the focus of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Answer: Atticus Finch (Accept either underlined name)

This man was married to Matilda of Flanders, which gave him a powerful alliance. He compiled a huge census in the Domesday Book, which he made after taking power following the Battle of Hastings, during which he defeated Harold Godwinson. This king also had the Tower of London built and faced the Revolt of the Earls. For 10 points, name this Norman king of England, whose invasion of Britain is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry.

ANSWER: William I

This man popularized scat singing when he recorded “Heebie Jeebies” with his band Hot Five and after its breakup this man went on to record a popular cover of “When the Saints Go Marching In.” In addition to recording “Hello, Dolly,” this man sang about “skies of blue, and clouds of white” before thinking of the title location. For 10 points, name this jazz singer of “What a Wonderful World” who was nicknamed “Satchmo.”

ANSWER: Louis Armstrong

Peary Island lies to the extreme north of this place, which is also includes Cape Farewell on its southern tip. This island has its northernmost point at Cape Morris Jesup, and the United States Air Force at Thule in its northwest. The Nunatak Mountains are also located on this island. For 10 points, name this largest island in the world, a former Danish possession, whose capital and largest town is Nuuk.  

ANSWER: Greenland

A massive peace rally attended by over 40 world leaders followed in the aftermath of this event, which President Obama was notably absent from. The perpetrators of this event allegedly received training from al-Qaeda in Yemen several years prior and  US intelligence had warned of their threat. The phrase “Je suis Charlie” became a popular sign of solidarity following this event. For 10 points, name this attack on a satirical French newspaper carried out by the Kouachi brothers, supposedly done in revenge for its earlier controversial depictions of Muhammad.

ANSWER: Charlie Hebdo shooting [accept obvious equivalents]

An atom of this element is found along with an atom of hydrogen in an acid found in the stomach, and in World War I, Germany used this element’s pure form as a chemical weapon. For 10 points, name this yellow-green, gaseous halogen found along with sodium in table salt, with atomic number 17 and symbol Cl.

ANSWER: chlorine [do NOT accept chloride]

One character in this novel incorrectly claims that David and Goliath were the first two disciples. Joe Harper gets homesick when he and two other boys become pirates on an island, one of whom testifies against Injun Joe and goes to McDougal’s Cave with Becky Thatcher. For 10 points, name this novel about a boy who famously makes his friends whitewash a fence, written by Mark Twain.

Answer: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

One character in this game loudly proclaims that “you face Jaraxxus!” Legendary creatures in this game include Ragnaros the Firelord and Leeroy Jenkins. In this game players choose from one of nine classes, including Priest, Mage, and Hunter and build decks containing 30 cards. For 10 points, name this recent title by Blizzard Entertainment, an online collectible card game based on the Warcraft franchise.

ANSWER: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Before this man’s death, he was planning the Poor People's Campaign. This man gave the “Beyond Vietnam” speech opposing the war there, and he was arrested as part of the Albany Movement after he chose going to jail over paying a $178 fine. This man wrote “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” and gave  his “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington. For 10 points, name this civil rights leader killed by James Earl Ray.

ANSWER: Martin Luther King Jr.

While in Lisbon, this character learns from a Portuguese captain that his plantations in Brazil have become highly profitable. This character builds an underground cellar to protect himself and the goats he herds from cannibals, whom he kills to save a man he names for the day on which he is saved. For 10 points, name this character who rescues Friday while stranded on an island, a creation of Daniel Defoe.

Answer: Robinson Crusoe (Accept either underlined name)

This man received his first revelation in a cave on Mount Hira, and this man also fought at the Battle of Uhud. He fought the Battle of the Trench before taking over Medinah, and he was married to Khadija. This man is believed to have ascended into heaven on the spot where the Dome of the Rock was built. For 10 points, name this religious leader who, according to Muslims, is the last prophet of Allah, who founded Islam.

ANSWER: Muhammad

This effect causes light to be redshifted or blueshifted depending on whether the source is moving away or towards the observer, and it lends its name to a type of radar used by meteorologists to track storms. For 10 points, name this effect that causes the pitch of ambulance sirens to shift as they pass by, in which the frequency of a wave changes for an observer moving relative to its source.

ANSWER: Doppler effect

A bronze depiction of Marie Bonaparte by this sculptor was attacked for resembling a phallus rather than a person. A war memorial in Tirgu Jiu which includes The Table of Silence, Gate of the Kiss and a tower of 17 stacked rhombuses, the Endless Column. A series of 7 bronze and 9 marble sculptures by this man were famously taced by customs officials who did not consider them to be art. For 10 points, name this Romanian sculptor of the Bird in Space series.

ANSWER: Constantin Brancusi

This man was responsible for ostracizing Cimon, his chief political rival. This man gained a lot of political authority after the murder of Ephialtes, and this man is very famous for giving a moving Funeral Oration for the fallen soldiers of Athens who died as part of the Peloponnesian War. For 10 points, name this Greek statesman who expanded the power of Athens by essentially transforming the Delian League into an empire.

ANSWER: Pericles

A character in one of this man’s novels constantly wears a wedding dress. That character, Miss Havisham, has a ward named Estella who is the object of the protagonist’s desire. In addition to creating Pip in Great Expectations, this author wrote a story in which three ghosts visit the title miser, who causes misfortune for people like Bob Cratchit and his son Tiny Tim. For 10 points, name this author that created Scrooge in A Christmas Carol.

Answer: Charles Dickens

Bonobos belong to the same genus as this species, and are sometimes referred to as this species’ “pygmy” type. A group of these animals in Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania were observed to use blades of grass to harvest termites by Jane Goodall during her 55-year study of them. For 10 points, name this species of great ape, the  closest living relative to humans.

ANSWER: chimpanzees

An offensive in Alsace during this war started at the Battle of Mulhouse, and the SMS Emden sunk the Russian Zhemchug at the Battle of Penang in this war’s Pacific theater. More well known battles that occurred during this war include the Battle of Tannenberg and First Battle of the Marne. The Russian Revolution that eventually created the Soviet Union occurred during, for 10 points, which global conflict that ended with the Treaty of Versailles.

ANSWER: World War I

The Farasan Islands are located in this sea, and the town of Eilat lies on an arm of this sea called the Gulf of Aqaba. This sea is home to the Suakin and Dahlak Archipelagos, and is connected to the Gulf of Aden by the Bab-el-Mandeb. Cape Muhammad and Cape Banas both jut into this body of water. For 10 points, name this sea that is connected to the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal and lies between Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.


Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp: Round 5

The poem “Rise Again” was used as part of the basis for this composer’s “Resurrection” Symphony. A theme named for this composer’s wife, Alma, can be found in his “Tragic” Symphony. Excerpt’s from Faust and the hymn, “Veni, Creator Spiritus” make up this composer’s most famous work, while his “Titan” Symphony quotes a version of “Frere Jacques” For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of the massive Symphony of a Thousand.

ANSWER: Gustav Mahler

One character in this novel smokes a hookah pipe and gives a girl a mushroom that allows her to change sizes. Another character constantly grins and has a habit of disappearing. In addition to the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cock, one character in this novel orders the beheading of the titular character, who follows the White Rabbit to a strange land. For 10 points, name this very strange creation of Lewis Carroll.

Answer: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (accept Alice in Wonderland)

One side in this conflict had such awful cannons that the winning side’s soldiers could actually dodge the rounds as they were fired. That happened at the Battle of Palo Alto. Other battles in this war include the Battle of Cerro Gordo and the Battle of Chapultepec. This war occurred after Zachary Taylor crossed over the Nueces River. For 10 points, name this war between the United States and its southern neighbor, ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

ANSWER: Mexican-American War

Members of this kingdom often have filament pus structures called hyphae that make up mycelium. Lichens are symbiotic relationships between algae and a member of this kingdom, and one unicellular member of this kingdom is used to make bread rise and to make alcohol via fermentation. For 10 points, name this taxonomic kingdom that includes yeast and mushrooms.

ANSWER: fungi

The protagonist of this film hacks into and captures an Indian Air Force drone as it flies over his corn farm. Later, a group of characters visit a planet with mountainous waves for a few hours, but 23 years pass on Earth. Towards the end of this film, Cooper and TARS fall into a black hole and transmit data to Murphy via morse code on a watch. For 10 points, name this Christopher Nolan film about a journey to find a new home for humanity outside the solar system.

ANSWER: Interstellar

A collaboration between Gil Evans and this man led to the album Sketches of Spain. His second quintet included Herbie Hancock, and was responsible for recording Nefertiti. While working with Cannonball Adderley and John Coltrane, this man produced an album that pioneered Modal Jazz and contained the songs “Freddie Freeloader” and “So What.” For 10 points, name this jazz trumpeter whose sextet recorded Kind of Blue.

ANSWER: Miles Davis

This character’s companion was wounded in Afghanistan, but nonetheless helps this character resolve “A Scandal in Bohemia,” where this character meets Irene Adler. This character realizes Stapleton is to blame for the phosphorus painted dogs attacking Sir Henry Baskerville, and this character first appears in A Study in Scarlet. For 10 points, name this character who solves crime with Watson, a creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Answer: Sherlock Holmes  (accept either underlined name)

This man engaged his greatest rival after that man laid siege to Mutina. That rival was eventually defeated by this man’s general Marcus Agrippa at the Battle of Actium. This man also had his greatest diplomatic achievement in the treaty he negotiated with Phraates IV of the Parthians. For 10 points, name this adopted son of Julius Caesar who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire.

ANSWER: Augustus [accept Octavian]

The No-Hair theorem states that these objects can be characterized by mass, charge, and angular momentum. Stephen Hawking lends his name to a type of radiation emitted by these objects, which are formed when an object collapses below its Schwarzschild radius. They consist of a singularity surrounded by an event horizon. For 10 points, name these objects whose Gravity is so strong that not even light can escape them, leading to their dark appearance.

ANSWER: black hole

During a race in this myth system, one deity tricked his opponent by using a wooden boat painted to resemble stone rather than one made out of it. The chief deity in this people’s mythology is usurped when his daughter, Isis, learns his secret name to aid her husband, Osiris. Their son Horus fights Set for control of the kingdom in this myth system.  For 10 points name this myth system whose pantheon is headed by the sun god Ra.

ANSWER: Egyptian mythology

This man designed the canopy above the altar in St. Peter’s Basilica. A work he created for the Cornaro Chapel depicts the aftermath of an angel stabbing the title nun in the side with an arrow. Besides The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, this man created a work in the Piazza Navona which includes an egyptian obelisk and personifications of the Danube, Nile, Rio de La Plata and Ganges rivers. For 10 points name this Italian sculptor of The Fountain of the Four Rivers.

ANSWER: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

The Joint Plan of Action was an earlier agreement with country and the P5+1 that was put in place in Geneva in April 2015. As part of a newer deal signed in July 2015, enrichment facilities at Fodrow and Natanz in this country will be modified to reduce the purity of Uranium made by their centrifuges. For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern nation which the United States recently agreed to lift sanctions against as part of a nuclear deal.


One character in this novel accidentally learns how to read when the De Lacey’s read  Ruins of Empires. That character kills a lot of people, including Henry Clerval and Elizabeth Lavenza. This novel begins with Robert Walton finding the protagonist, and then telling his story via letters. For 10 points, name this novel that sees the title Victor create a monster popularly portrayed as green and with bolts in its neck, a work of  Mary Shelley

Answer: Frankenstein

This man’s ministers included Sir Thomas More and Cardinal Wolsey. This man was angered by the actions of Pope Clement VII relating to his wife Catherine of Aragon, and more notable wives of this man include Jane Seymour and Anne Boleyn. This man instituted the first Act of Supremacy, which made him head of the Church of England. For 10 points, name this British monarch who famously had six wives and whose children include Elizabeth I.


This group of elements includes a member whose longest-lived isotope has a half life of 22 minutes. That element, francium, is found below the element with the largest atomic radius, cesium, which is also a member of this group. Members of this group tend to explode when they come into contact with water. For 10 points, name this group of metallic elements with one valence electron, which includes lithium and sodium.

ANSWER: alkali metals [accept group one, do NOT accept alkaline earth metals]

The Charge of the Mamelukes depicts the uprising that leads to the title action of this work. Pablo Picasso was inspired by this painting to create the visually similar Massacre in Korea. A large box lantern illuminates the central action of this painting, which sees a group of soldiers preparing to shoot a prisoner in a Christ-like pose. For 10 points, name this painting depicting a firing squad near Madrid, a painting by Francisco Goya.

ANSWER: The Third of May, 1808: The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid

One author from this country created a character who fights alongside Aramis, Athos, and Porthos and adopts the motto “one for all, and all for one.” In addition to being the home of the author of the Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas, this country is the birthplace of the author who created such works as Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. For 10 points, name this homeland of Jules Verne.

Answer: France

Rodrigo de Triana was the first to spot land on his first voyage, during which he also searched for the island Babeque which was supposed to have a lot of gold. Ponce de Leon was a notable member of the crew for this man’s second voyage, and this man discovered the island of San Salvador. For 10 points, name this explorer who discovered the new world while working for the Spanish crown in 1492.

ANSWER: Christopher Columbus

This country’s northernmost point lies on the Cape York Peninsula. This nation is home to the MacDonnell and Hamersley Ranges, and its highest peak is Mount Kosciuszko. This country is home to the Nullarbor Plain and Gulf of Carpentaria, and includes states such as New South Wales and Queensland. This nation’s largest cities include Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. For 10 points, identify this nation that has its capital at Canberra.

ANSWER: Australia

In one of this man’s poems, he compares his lover’s eyes to the sun. In a play by this author, one of the titular characters initially pines for Rosaline, but finds another woman at a party he attends with Benvolio and Mercutio. That play includes a famous balcony scene. For 10 points, name this author who wrote the line “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” and the play Romeo and Juliet.

Answer: William Shakespeare

These objects exhibit alternating dark and light bands called ogives, and they often leave behind accumulations of debris known as moraines. They are responsible for the formation of drumlins, and a piece of one of these can become an iceberg if it's falls in the water. For 10 points, name these sheets of slow-moving ice.

ANSWER: glaciers

The first emperor of this dynasty gained power following the Battle of Gaixia. That emperor was Liu Bang. This dynasty was interrupted by one led by Wang Mang. The Red Eyebrows revolt occurred during this dynasty, which also saw the Five Pecks of Rice and Yellow Turban Rebellions. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty that shares its name with China’s most prominent ethnic group.

ANSWER: Han Dynasty

This country’s highest point is Mont Blanc, and it is also home to Lake Maggiore. This nation is home to the Apennine Mountains, and it also contains rivers such as the Arno, Po, and Tiber. Major cities in this nation include Florence, Naples, and Venice. The Vatican City lies within this nation’s capital. For 10 points, identify this nation that possesses such islands as Elba, Sardinia, and Sicily, and which has its capital at Rome.


James CHADwick won the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering this particle, whose free form has a half life of about 10.3 minutes. These particles are used to bombard uranium to begin a fission reaction, and two of them are found in a tritium atom. For 10 points, name this neutral particle that makes up the nucleus of atoms along with protons.

ANSWER: neutron

Under the leadership of al-Baghdadi this group has sought to form a global caliphate. On February 3, 2014, al-Qaeda cut all ties with this organization, citing its refusal to compromise and brutality against fellow muslims. More recently, this group was responsible for the beheadings of numerous civilians and reporters at the hands of “Jihadi John.” For 10 points, name this group of militant Sunni Muslims who control portions of Iraq and Syria.

ANSWER: ISIS [accept ISIL; or or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, if they’re nerds]


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