
1 Arm DB Bench PressLay on back with feet in the air; hips and knees are both at 90-degreesSqueeze a 4lb MB between kneesPerform a 1-arm DB bench press in a neutral grip1-Leg, 1-Arm DB OH PressStand on left leg with DB in right hand (or vice versa)Keep hips level and core drawn tightPush DB overhead while maintaining body positionPerform the specified number of sets on both armsModerate Band W HoldsUse the red superbands on the Power RacksWrap around one of the posts of the rack and grab each end with either handKeep the hands at shoulder height with elbows bent to 90-degrees (making a W with the arms)Starting with light tension in the band, squeeze the scapulae together while rotating the hands backwardsHold this position for the specified amount of timeYou can increase the tension of the band by simply stepping away from the rack, but you most hold the position perfectly1- Arm DB SnatchHold a DB in one hand with a neutral gripHinge at the hips so the upper body bends toward the ground with a flat backPush hips forward and propel DB overhead and catch with DB still in a neutral positionSquat High PullThis is the machine by the west wall that overlooks the pool (not to be confused with the Pit Shark)Stand facing away from the unit and bend from the waist to grab the handlesBefore standing up, drop the butt down even with your knees and keep your chest forward and head highStand up by extending forcefully at the hips and kneesReturn to starting position KB Bottoms Up Walking LungeHold a KB overhead in one arm with the bottom of the KB up in the air with a neutral gripSet your shoulder tightly by squeezing your scapulae together and depressing it slightlyPerform a walking lunge being sure to tap your back knee on the ground and keep your front foot flat on the groundStay upright and on balance, stance should be about hip width apart1-Leg Physioball Lift and curlStart with by putting both feet on the physioball. Then lift your hips to form a bridge between your ankles and shouldersFrom this position, remove one foot from the ball and curl the ball towards your butt while lifting your hip in the air simultaneouslyPower Pivot RotationThis is the torso rotation attachment on the Power RacksKB Side SwingHold a KB with both hands in front of your bodyHinge your hips and swing the KB up in front of youAs the KB swings downward, rotate your shoulders so the KB moves to the outside of your hipWhen swinging to the outside of your right hip, your shoulders will turn to the right, your left foot will rotate so the heel comes off the ground and flares to the outside, your right leg will act as a post to stabilize and spin onVice versa for swinging it to the outside of your left hipWhen swinging the KB back up again, rotate the heel back in to the ground hard and rotate shoulders back to forward facing to swing the KB up in front of you againRepeat on the other sideSwinging to one side equates to one repDynamax Step Back ThrowStand sideways to the med ball wall in a strong stance with feet about shoulder width apart holding the ball at the chestTake a step away from the wall with your back foot and then step explosively with your front foot towards the wall and finish by throwing the ball off the wallPerform on both sides Get UpHere is a video link to watch the demonstration. Too much information to write down: Squat HoldThis is a one leg exercise holding the trx straps in your handsAssume a one leg stance with foot not on the ground pointed out in frontHinge your hips behind you to lower your body so that your thigh is parallel to the groundKeep your foot flat on the ground and the leg suspended in the air straightChest should be up with back flatHold this position for a slow count of 2Start the ascent by driving thru the heel in to the ground and return to standing position Picture of a pistol squat position, TRX Inverted Row above link shows a few common progressions for the exerciseTRX BOSU Push Ups at about the 40-45 second mark for how I want you to start off doing theseTRX Kneeling Reach Out RowOn the DAPS units, face the unit and grasp the handle of the right column in the left hand and vice versaKeep a strong and balanced position and uncross arms by abducting the arms transverselyEnd the exercise by squeezing the shoulder blades togetherDo a set each with the handles at knee height, chest height and above the headPaloff Press shows the horizontal portion of the pressI want you to push out horizontally and then push up vertically. Hold each position for a fast count of twoPull Ups w NegativesUsing the DAPS, attach the waist band to both cable columns then attach the band around the waistStep up on a bench and grasp the handles and jump in to positionHold yourself up with your chest high, shoulders rolled back and scapulae squeezed togetherSlowly lower yourself down over a count of 6 and repeat for specified number of repsHeavy Chain Bulgarian Split SquatAttach the heavy chains to the bar…these weigh 30lbs each, you can add additional resistance with weight plates as wellPut the roller pad attachment on the safety bar catches in the full rack side of the power rack, safety catches should be on the lowest or second to lowest settingPosition the bar on your back, lift it off the rack, then get your balance and place the top of your foot on the roller padKeep your chest up and front foot flat on the floor while lowering your self so the back knee touches the ground and thigh is parallel to the floorExplode up back in to the starting position1-Leg Alternate Box JumpsUse the technique boxesStart with one foot on top of the boxJump off the box into the airSwitch legs as you land back on the box and immediately jump back in to the airRussian Dead LiftStart with the barbell on the groundGrasp with an overhand or alternating gripHave more bend in your hips than at your kneesStand up by extending forcefully at your knees and hipsUpon returning to the starting position, you should feel a stretch in your hamstringsBe sure you lower the bar by sitting your hips back behind you first before bending at the kneesKeep your back flat and your head upSquat Jumps with Dynamax BallHold the dynamax ball in front of your chest with both handsPerform a quick countermovement, pushing your hips back behind you like you are sitting in a chair (keep your chest up and head up)Immediately follow with a jump up while reaching in to the air with the ballLand on balance with ball by your chest and repeatDB Death March w/ T-RowStart in a push up position with DBs in handDo two push upsFollow with a T-row with each armFinish with walking the DBs forward one “step” with each arm and drag the body forward in the same direction…you should have ‘dead legs’Make the “steps” as long as possibly while maintaining balance and posture of the push up positionThis is one rep, repeat for the specified number of reps ................

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