
E- Busniess VS E-Commerce

e-business :

• A way of conducting business electronically, leveraging technology initiatives such as e-commerce, electronic data interchange (EDI), and electronic funds transfer (EFT). Electronic storefronts, self-service Web applications, and Web-based supply chain integration are a few examples of new e-business opportunities.


• Conducting of business on the Internet. It not only includes buying and selling but also servicing customers and collaborating with business partners.


• The use of both technology and new business strategies to conduct business online. e-Business provides a sales, marketing and information channel in the Internet economy.


• The Transformation of internal and external business processes toward customer-centricity based upon service delivery opportunities offered by new communications technologies (such as web-based technologies) to better fulfill the purposes of private entities to provide efficiency and effectiveness as well as profitability.


e-commerce :

•Electronic Commerce. Refers to the general exchange of goods and services via the Internet.


•Electronic Commerce. Buying and selling products and services on-line via the Internet.


Istilah e-business pertama kali digunakan oleh IBM (1997).

IBM defines e-business as “a secure, flexible and integrated approach to delivering differentiated business value by combining the systems and processes that run core business operations with the simplicity and reach made possible by internet technology”

Mengapa perusahaan menggunakan internet ?

• Expand market reach – collect experience with a new customer segment

• Visibility – generate more visibility in your target market and gain ‘mind share’

• Responsiveness -- increase responsiveness to customers and partners

• New servises – provides new services for customers and partners

• Strengthening business relationship – real-time data increases the profit for every partner involved

• Cost-reduction – reduce cost of product, support, service, and estate

• Channel conflict – prevent and resolve channel conflicts

Strengths and advantages of e-business

‘Kekuatan’ e-business tergantung pada ‘kekuatan’ internet

Internet :

• All over the world

• 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

• simple to use

• low transaction cost (dibandingkan cara distribusi traditional)

• two-way communication

• open standards

• easy to integrate processes, services, and products

• customize

• secure ( private information

The Internet Advantage

Increase Your Sales

Communicate Better, Faster & Cheaper

Network with all the Right People

Download software, utilities & graphics

Read the News before it hits the stands!

Information at your Fingertips

Update Information Instantly!

Reduce administrative and operating costs

Reduce inventory costs

Reduce the cost of procurement

Improve customer service and satisfaction

Improve inventory management

Streamline procurement procedures

Increase communication efficiency and interaction with employees, vendors, customers and strategic partners

Increase revenues and profit margins

How does e-Business with Alro reduce your operating costs?

Eliminates or significantly reduces paperwork.

Reduces manual intervention and non-value added processes.

Provides real-time access to critical business information.

Maximizes the usage of existing technology investments

Advantages of e-business :

Global accessibility and sales reach – businesses can expand their customer base, even expand their product line

Closer Relationship – business-to-business sellers can grow closer relationships

Free samples – products can be sampled via the web fast, easily and free of charge

Reduced cost – businesses can reduce their costly production by dynamically adjusting prices

Media breaks – the internet reduces the number of media breaks that are necessary to transport information

Time to market – shorter time to market and faster response time to changing market demands

Customer loyalty – improved customer loyalty and service through easier access to the latest information and never-closing site

Concerns on the internet

Channel conflict



Customer acceptance

Legal issues





viability – many companies are unsure about the viability (kelangsungan hidup) of their digital business case.

E-business catagories :










E-Operational Resources Management



E-Trading (e-brokering)


TUGAS : carilah paper terkait salah satu katagori dari e-business dan presentasikan


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