
Personal Details :-

Name : MuthuSankaraNarayanan Valliammal

Nationality : Indian

Gender : Female

Address : CopenHagen, Denmark

Mobile : +45 81699431

Email : vallir63@, valliam63@

Skype : MuthuSankaraNarayanan.Valliammal

Address : Elisagardvej, 16, B, 4000, Roskilde

WorkPermit : Have Greencard for Denmark, H1B1 for USA and EPEC for Singapore

Education Background :-

• Master in Business Administration Finance 2004 - 2006

First in MBA Finance 75% from IASE University, Rajasthan

• Masters in Personnal Management 2004 – 2007

First in MPM 61% from Pune University, Maharashtra

• Masters in IT and Marketing 2004 – 2006

First in IIMT Management Institute, Pune Autonomous

• Bachelor of Computer Science Engineering, Govt. College of Engg, Tirunelveli ,

Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 1989 to 1993

First in 5th , 6th , 7th and 8th sem 74%

• XII Maths in Dote Board , TamilNadu 85.75% 1987 to 1989

• X Percentage in Dote Board , TamilNadu 87.75% 1986 to 1987

Professional Experience :-

From Oct 2012 to Apr 2013, Worked as Java Technical Architect, in AllSTATE Solutions , in Bangalore. Worked as Technical Architect

This project is for Insurance. It is for the coverages of Property. It can be coverage of Home or Land or Auto.

The work performed :-

1. JSTL tags with corresponding AIC framework tags identified and documented.

2. Given training to all in Struts framework 2.3.7

3. Different trainings with Mainframe, AS400, ADM exam, Insurance tests had passed.

4. Different tools like Nova DataMapping, Insurance Rules , Different states and discounts, Fuss, StrSQL for the DB2 done.

5. PowerServer PCML code of Jt400 and VAGEN programs with the corresponding number of bytes and communications to MainFrame and AS400 had been used and understood for bug fixes.

6. Javascript errors with different fixes had been given

7. Object Model and the Premium calculations of MainFrame U2RATCTL had been verified for rating calculations

8. Null values of Fatal Errors of Form Beans had been fixed. SaxParser XML file outputs had been verified for the corresponding values and the corrections in cloning of the beans had been done.

9. Property Business Advisory Message beans had been corrected for the MessageBean values. CEA validations had been done for the different bug fixes and the validations of Error messages.

10. Different DTO errors had been identified and given. JAXRPC is used for the remote procedure calls andJaxb for the Binding of the data.

11. Some additional payment frameworks are written in C# and that is also, how the interfaces works had been seem

12. ALLSTATE AIC framework and coding standards had been reviewed for the code and PMD also. AICLogger is used for logging information. The EhCache, Pojo, Coherence web cache had been utilized for saving info between sessions.

13. Done the Rational Method composer and Rational Requisite Pro and got certification on that. Component Model Architecture had been learned here and worked. Prism is learned for the timesheet logging. Risk financing, Risk control and Risk avoidance certification had been done. Insurance Industry training and certification had been done. There are some onboarding trainings of “Team building” by Blue Tiger , “In My Good hands” by Roy for the Pronunciation and English and some stuffs for the different business learned. Done the Object Model Designs and changes

From Dec 2011 to Mar 2012 :- Principal Software Engineer , MLogica

Product : CTLIB, DBLib and Cognos and IBM Traceability Server interfaces

Worked for the Cognos reports. Traceability server deployment of Events and alerts development. CTLIB and DBLIB Library program Development. Stored Procedure development and Testing of the tool for the different fix of the Stored proc conversion bugs in Oracle SQL tool. Working in the CTLIB library program Development. Pthread operations had been executed.

Done the Freelance work for 2 months in Oct, Nov 2011

Apr 2012 :- Principal Software Engineer, Nimble Technologies

The current work is developing plugin between the ShareItSmart and Green Folders. Working in Java and C# Jacob com bridge. Working on the GUI portions and calling webservices from the C#.

As freelancer, Completed around 100 projects in Freelancing.

Java Features which Support web services , MetaStock Custom Functions , Perl Script rewrite help,C++ Root Data analysis based Project, C/C++ compilation on Linux, UML Creation for a specific Scenerio, UML (Visual Paradigm) , Addition and modificatios of LAN/Internet Client/Server messenger,Creation of the Dowsing chart and order through the website , JAVA and Android Application for Mobile , Converting C code to C# code with the different userdata types and cryptography,

MQ4 for MT4 sender and receiver EA, #168759 Linux Version of XceedZip dll version 4.2, MATLAB conversion of C code and made it to work, #207727 c, c++ real time software using commercial api and a database (Microsoft os), #197500 Need a person to code quickly in C++ by modifyong existing code , Doing debugging in the Fortran code and converting Fortran code to Matlab,  #234622 Develop , document, and evaluate a peer to peer based Chat application in the Java , #244251 program in java agent framework development for detection malware and worked with the JNA for doing Windows API calls, created the worms and done the testing for the customer and updated the database.


Investment Programming, Conversion of 4 Strategies from the Wealthscript to IQBroker , Conversion of Short trading strategy from the Wealthscript to OmniTrader, SchoolFees Management System, C++/Java Thesis project for the Optimization of Revenue by Data Mining, Stock predictions CustomSoftware Preparation, Installation script for the JDK and JRE and TOMCAT, PalladaVQI Interpretation to NinjaTrader , DemoDLL setup for the registering and extension of the Software

Creating automated trading for the Odin Diet software to the exchange (on progress) :-

Here we are taking the signals from the Amibroker and writing in a file. From the file, we take the signals and then do the trading by connecting to the exchange fix server and placing the orders.

FSCAN utility Fix :-

It crashes with both http and https scanning. 2- It crashes faster with https scanning. 3- It crashes with long ranges scanning. some times it would scann 10's of thousands of ranges without crashing. but on long ranges like ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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