TONE- The attitude the writer takes toward his or her subject, characters, and readers.

Ways you might be asked to describe tone:

• Which word best describes the tone of the essay?

• The tone in this poem is mostly one of….

• Which word best describes the tone created by this sentence?

• Which of these words best describes the overall tone?

• The tone of the author’s words in these sentences is…

Language to describe tone (any tone word that is underlined has been used on the HSA Public Release tests) - this list is not complete – it serves only as a sampling of tone words.

Words to Describe a Positive Tone

admiring – warm approval or appreciation

amused – to think that something is funny

appreciative – expressing or feeling gratitude or approval

approving – to have a favorable opinion of somebody or something

awe – an overwhelming feeling of amazement, admiration, fear

calm - without anxiety or strong emotion

casual – not involving emotional commitment or loyalty, or lacking in thoroughness or seriousness

candid – honest or direct in a way that people find either refreshing or distasteful

cheerful – happy and optimistic

comforting – relieving anxiety or pain

compassionate – feelings of sympathy and sorrow for the suffering of others

complimentary – expressing praise or approval

conciliatory - acting to appease, satisfy or make peace

confident/self-confident – self-assured, feeling certain about oneself

determined – strongly motivated to succeed

docile – easily managed or handled

encouraging – to give someone hope, confidence, or courage

enthusiastic – passionate interest in something

exuberant – full of happy high spirits and vitality

fond – having a liking or affection for

grateful – having or showing the desire or reason to thank somebody

hopeful – feeling fairly sure that something that is wanted will happen

humorous – witty, makes people laugh

inspired – moved or affected positively by something or someone

lighthearted- happy and relaxed

loving – showing or feeling affection

nostalgic – a desire to return in thought or in fact to a person, place, or event from the past, or to the past in general

optimistic – to take a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes

passionate – expressing intense feeling

philosophical – thinking about larger issues in life, the meaning of life

playful- fond of having fun and playing games with others

proud – feeling pleased and satisfied

reassuring – making people feel less anxious or worried

respectful – a feeling or attitude of admiration

reverent – feeling or expressing profound (strong and intense) respect or awe

satisfied – to feel pleased or content

sentimental – experiencing emotional feelings

serene – calm, peaceful or tranquil

serious – not joking, pretending, or exaggerating about something, showing great interest in or commitment to

sympathetic – feelings of pity or compassion

tender – showing care, gentleness, and feeling

tolerant – showing a fair, objective and permissive attitude towards others and their ideas

understanding – knowledge of a particular subject, area, or situation

whimsical - magical, fanciful notions

Words to Describe a Negative Tone

accusing - suggesting that somebody has done something wrong

angry - feeling extremely annoyed

anxious -worried or afraid, especially about the future

annoyed - to feel impatient or mildly angry

antagonistic - showing or expressing hostility or opposition

apathetic – to have no interest in something or someone

apprehensive - worried that something bad will happen

bitter – a feeling of intense dislike and hostility that will not go away toward someone or something

chaotic – completely confused or disordered

condemnatory - to judge that somebody or something is to blame for something

condescending - to consider oneself superior to another

confused – not thinking clearly or sensibly, not understanding

contemptuous – showing a strong dislike or lack of respect; scornful

critical - to find fault with

cynical - doubting or contemptuous of the motives or sincerity of others

defiant – boldly resistant or challenging

detached – disconnected; unaffected by emotional involvement or any form of bias

demanding - requiring a lot of time, attention, energy, or resources

disbelieving - to think that something someone has said is untrue

disdainful - extreme contempt or disgust for something or someone

disgusted - a feeling of horrified disapproval of something

dismay – to surprise in such a manner as to disillusion or to alarm

disturbed – upset because of worry or concern

eerie – strange, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird

egotistical – unruffled, centered around self

flippant - showing a lack of seriousness that is thought inappropriate

frightened – to feel fear

frustration – a feeling of disappointment, dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment

furious - extremely or violently angry

gloomy – partially or totally dark of humor or thought; depressing; lacking hope

grieving - to experience great sadness over a loss or a death

hopeless - feeling there is no hope

hostile - showing or feeling hatred, antagonism, or anger toward someone

impatient - annoyed or tending to be annoyed at being kept waiting or by being delayed

indignant - angry or annoyed at the apparent unfairness or unreasonableness of something

insecure - anxious and lacking in self-confidence

insolent – an aggressive lack of respect

irreverent - disrespectful

irritated – to feel annoyance or exasperation

longing – strong, persistent desire or craving for something unattainable or distant

melancholy- feeling or tending to feel a thoughtful or gentle sadness

mocking/self-mocking - to treat someone or something with scorn, to mimic

nervous - having a feeling of dread or apprehension

mournful- expressing or feeling deep sadness

outraged - intense anger caused by an offensive act

patronizing – to treat someone as if he/she is less intelligent than yourself; in a condescending manner

pessimistic – to always expects the worst to happen

pompous - having an excessive sense of self-importance

pretentious –over- assumption of dignity or importance

puzzled – confused and slightly baffled

questioning – disbelieving or not sure

regretful - to feel sorry and sad about something previously done

resentful - annoyed about having been badly treated

rude - disagreeable or discourteous in manner or action

sarcastic -words meant to mock or deride

satiric – to make fun of something using wit and irony

scornful - feeling or expressing great contempt for somebody or something

selfish - concerned with ones own interests, needs, and wishes while ignoring those of others

sharp - critical and unsympathetic

shocked - an unexpected, intense, and distressing experience that has a sudden and powerful effect

skeptical - tending not to believe or accept things but to question them

solemn - showing sincerity and sadness

somber - strict seriousness combined with sadness or a troubled state of mind

taunting - to provoke, ridicule, or tease someone in a hurtful or mocking way

tense - feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and uncertainty,

threatening - expressing an intention to cause someone deliberate harm or pain

uncertainty – not sure

urgent - calling for immediate action or attention

vindictive – inclined toward revenge; vengeful

wrathful - strong anger, often with a desire for revenge

Words to Describe a Neutral Tone

assertive – confidently aggressive or self-assured

authoritative – convincing, reliable, backed by evidence

factual – involving, containing, or based on facts

formal – done or carried out in accordance with established or prescribed rules

impartial – having no direct involvement or interest and not favoring one person or side more than another; not partial or biased

incredulous – unable or unwilling to believe something

indifferent – not caring or reacting in any way

informative – providing useful information

instructive – providing useful information or insight into something

introspective – a deep and candid (honest or direct) examination of your own feelings, thoughts, and motives

matter-of-fact – straightforward and not fanciful or emotional

mysterious – so little is known it makes one curious

objective – free of any bias or prejudice caused by personal feelings

pensive – expressing or revealing thoughtfulness

reflective – deep careful thought about a past event or experience

reminiscent – characterized by recollections of the past

restrained – characterized by control, especially in not being excessively emotional or aggressive

scholarly – possessing or showing a great deal of knowledge, especially knowledge of an academic subject

scientific – conforming to science or its principles

sentimental – expressive of or appealing to tender emotions

Words That Can “Go Either Way”

ironic - deliberately stating the opposite of the truth

complacent – pleased with oneself or one’s merits, advantages, or situation

mischievous – troublesome or irritating: intended to tease or cause trouble, though usually in fun or without much malice

provocative – inciting, stimulating, irritating or vexing, makes on react

persistent – to continue steadfastly in spite of opposition; incessant or unrelenting

resigned – to accept a situation one really wants to change


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