Early Childhood Intensive Training Team Application for ...

Early Childhood Intensive Training Team Application for 2020-2021Application due November 13, 2019The Statewide Autism Resources and Training Project (START) Early Childhood Intensive Training is a team-based training focused on improving educational service delivery in early childhood classrooms that support young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental delays. Teams will learn how to work collaboratively and effectively to deliver evidence-based strategies to help children in the areas of social-communication, behavior, independence, and school readiness. Each team is comprised of six individuals including early childhood educators, administrators, ancillary staff, and paraprofessionals.This training is offered as part of the START Project grant through the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education (MDE, OSE). START has provided professional development and resources to school-based teams since 2001 to improve outcomes for students with ASD across the state of Michigan.857250107950Eligibility00EligibilityIntermediate School Districts, Local School Districts, Local Education Agencies, and Public School Academies should be the primary applicants. Preference will be given to districts/ISDs:that demonstrate significant need for training and supportwith high numbers of students with ASDin geographic areas that have not received START Intensive Training recentlythat work in collaboration with other schools, local agencies, or other organizationsthat have applied to START previously but could not be accommodated in the schedule914400134620Logistics00LogisticsModule presenters and training materials will be provided by START at no cost to participating teams. The costs to your ISD/district include: meals, mileage, and sub costs, as necessary for your team members. Reasonable costs for meals and mileage may be covered through the team’s Regional Collaborative Network’s (RCN) START-contracted funds if agreed upon by the RCN members. However, RCN typically are not allocated additional funds to cover these costs. (Please note: RCN START-contracted funds may not be used to pay sub costs to permit attendance at this training series.)914400133350Host Site/Training Location00Host Site/Training LocationThe training location for the 2020-2021 Early Childhood IT will be determined through a host site application process. Once determined, accepted teams will have the option to confirm their participation based on the selected geographic location. 914400114300Training Duration00Training DurationSeptember 1, 2020 through June 1, 2021 with 3 full days of on-site training and 2 half days of videoconference training.914400105410Submitting the Application00Submitting the ApplicationPlease submit this application electronically, by email to autismed@gvsu.edu no later than November 13, 2019. Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected to attend the training by early January 2019.914400104775Questions00QuestionsIf you have questions about START’s purpose or questions regarding the training or application process, contact:Amy Matthews Ph.D., BCBA - Project Director (616) 331-3513 or matthewa@gvsu.eduJana Benjamin, J.D. - Project Manager(616) 331-6482 or benjamj1@gvsu.eduGVSU reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. Approval is dependent upon continued funding by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.START Early Childhood Intensive Training914400184150 Description of Training00 Description of TrainingThe START Early Childhood Intensive Training emphasizes evidence-based practices for teaching and supporting young children in a classroom environment and other natural settings. Increasing learning opportunities in early childhood settings serves as the foundation for the training and includes classroom structure and activities, effective instructional delivery, and behavior support systems. The training will include presentations, videos, application activities, and time for teams to develop plans and materials to implement the systems and strategies.Training ModulesThe core concepts, tools, and resources covered in the training modules include:Core ConceptsTools and ResourcesEvidence based practice (EBP)START EBP materialsNPDC AFIRM modulesNPDC Toddler modulesLearning opportunities across activities*small groups/centers, play, circle, snack3 Rs/Effective delivery of instructionPrompting and ReinforcementLearning opportunities data Learning opportunities strategy checklistActive engagementActivities that promote engagement Classroom engagement dataStudent engagement dataExpectations and positive patternsPromoting independenceExpectationsExpectations dataIndependence dataPrompting and prompt fadingToileting protocolStructured environment with flexibility Visual supportsDaily schedulesMini schedulesTransition cuesVisual supportsMultiple goals taught in every activityDifferentiated instruction across activitiesCLAMS CardsDifferentiated CLAMSPairing and instruction followingPairing proceduresInstructional support proceduresPreference assessmentProactive and function-based approach to behavior Prevent-Teach-Reinforce-Respond (PTRR) Identifying interventionsSocial-communicationManding/requesting proceduresFunctional communication systemsStructured play and social developmentAssessment of play skill targetsStrategies for teaching playDramatic play proceduresPeer trainingTraining peers and staff Behavioral skills training (BST)Transition Transition materialsWorking as a team Effective team process Parent SupportParent resourcesTraining ScheduleThe training will involve a combination of 1) traditional, on-site training with presenters to share knowledge and skills related to evidence-based practice for early childhood programming and 2) video-conference meetings between training sessions to support teams to develop the plans and materials to implement the training strategies. The video-conference meetings will be facilitated by the presenters and conducted using a free, easy to use conferencing platform. Teams will be able to gather within their local ISD/district for these meetings and the space should be conducive to a combination of video-conference discussions followed by periods of time for teams to work on assignments. The team implementation meetings will be scheduled with groups of 4-5 teams at a time to make it easier to respond to questions from each team. Training FocusFormatTime CommitmentTraining Module 1: Building a FoundationTraditional, on-site training at designated host siteOne-day (7 hours)Team implementationVideo-conference training and team activities facilitated by presenters in a meeting space at local ISD/district Half-day (3 hours)Training Module 2: Establishing Evidence-Based Strategies and Monitoring ProgressTraditional, on-site training at designated host siteOne-day (7 hours)Team implementationVideo-conference training and team activities facilitated by presenters in a meeting space at local ISD/districtHalf-day (3 hours)Training Module 3: Expanding Strategies for SuccessTraditional, on-site training at designated host siteOne-day (7 hours)Training Impact and EvaluationTraining Impact and EvaluationWe anticipate observable changes in the following areas:Classroom – Improved structure and organization of classrooms; effective delivery of instruction; use of positive behavioral interventions and supports; and implementation of evidence-based strategies for young children with ASD and other developmental delays.Children – Increased independence and engagement; ability to participate in age- appropriate routines, expectations, and activities; development of skills to successfully transition to kindergarten.Team Members – Increase in content knowledge and skills; ability to apply new learning to an early childhood classroom and other natural settings; improved communication and collaboration amongst team members.Local capacity – Team members share knowledge and skills with other staff in the ISD/district early childhood programs.Because this is a grant-funded project, the training and support provided will be evaluated for effectiveness through pre- and post-questionnaires, surveys, child progress, effective practices assessment, and other measures. The evaluation will be arranged so that it is reasonable and meaningful to participants. It is critical for teams participating in the training to work collaboratively with START staff to collect and share data during the training and at follow up.Early Childhood IT Team Application for 2020-2021left127000SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION00SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATIONApplicant County:Applicant District:Applicant School Building: Number of teams we would like to send to the training: Team Contact Person(s) (Provide names of team contacts that will have primary responsibility for coordinating the team. The contact person(s) will be responsible for overall team leadership, program development, scheduling and logistics and will receive invoices for the team’s meals from the host site):Name:Title: Address:Phone Number: Summer Phone Number: Email:Name:Title: Address:Phone Number: Summer Phone Number: Email:left122555SECTION 2: APPLICATION NARRATIVE00SECTION 2: APPLICATION NARRATIVEExplain the principal reasons for requesting the START Early Childhood Intensive Training (e.g., desired outcomes for students with ASD, system change).Describe the level of need for your program or region (e.g. lack of ASD expertise, high number of students with ASD).Identify the districts/programs who will be involved in the training and the rationale for choosing them. Describe how team members from these districts/programs will use their training to build capacity within your system (e.g. create and modify programs for young children with ASD, share knowledge with other staff, develop a parent support group). Describe or attach your current approach to early childhood programming for students with ASD and other developmental delays.Describe your ability to develop and implement a two-year plan for change in the programming and support of young children with ASD. Include how you will support staff to make changes.right237490SECTION 3: DEMOGRAPHICS00SECTION 3: DEMOGRAPHICSIf applicant is an ISD, complete for the entire county. If the applicant is a local district, provide local district information.Check one: ? ISD or ? District217667277026 # of Students in Early Childhood Special Education226446141329# of Students with ASD in Early Childhood Special Educationright217805SECTION 4: DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES00SECTION 4: DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIESReimburse the host site for meal costs for team members. *(Host site/district will coordinate with other participating ISD/districts outside the host site district/ISD with regard to invoicing for meal reimbursement.)Establish a team leader for each team attending.Release/sub time for team members for both the Training Modules and Team Implementation meetings.Support the team to implement strategies learned in the training and collect target student data.? Yes, we will be able to fulfill all of these requirements.Meeting Space and Technology for Team Implementation/Video-Conference Training Days:All team members are required to attend the Team Implementation video-conference training days.Secure a room in the local ISD/district with table space conducive to team work.Ensure room has a projector, screen, computer, sound system or speakers connected to the computer, and an Internet connection.Ensure room has a white board or chart paper and markers.? Yes, we will be able to secure a meeting space that meets these requirements.If you foresee any difficulty with meeting any of the above requirements, please contact Kellie Fitzgerald at START (616-331-6483 or fitzgek@gvsu.edu) before submitting an application.right116840SECTION 5: SIGNATURE00SECTION 5: SIGNATUREName and signature of the administrator supporting this application:Name: Title:Phone: Email:I have reviewed this application and agree to fulfill the responsibilities of the district, including compensating the host site for team meals, as set forth above:78221029577100480060470728Signature: Date:Submit this application by e-mail to START at autismed@gvsu.edu, by November 13, 2019.For Information Only. Do Not Complete at this TimeSTART EC Intensive TrainingSelecting a Team All teams participating in the training are organized around an early childhood classroom supported by the team, or an Early On team supporting children and families. Typically, teams are comprised of some combination of the following team members. Composition of the team will vary depending on the program.Early Childhood EducatorsTeacher ConsultantsAdministratorsSpeech and Language TherapistsSchool PsychologistsSocial WorkersOccupational TherapistsParaprofessionalsClassroom teams will also need to identify a target child for data collection during the training series. If possible, this should be a child with an ASD eligibility, medical diagnosis of ASD, or characteristics of ASD, but this is not required. The child should demonstrate needs in the areas of independence, engagement, social interaction, and preparation for kindergarten. Parental permission should be requested in order to share data with the START Project. A permission form will be provided.EC Team Template(Duplicate and submit for each district and team)left120595TEAM INFORMATION 00TEAM INFORMATION ISD: FORMTEXT ?????District: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Person (the logistics and financial contact for the ISD/District): FORMTEXT ?????Work Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Cell Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????School Address: FORMTEXT ?????left15268TEAM ROSTER 00TEAM ROSTER INSTRUCTIONS: Provide the name, email, phone number, and job title/role for each member of the team. Although the composition of the team may vary (depending on the classroom, program, student, and schedule), every team should include the classroom teacher. Building Name: FORMTEXT ?????Teacher: FORMTEXT ?????NameEmailPhoneJob Title/Role1Training Team* leader:23456*Training Team leader is the member of the training team responsible for communicating information from START to the members of the team. ................

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