Overview of River Valley Civilizations

Overview of River Valley Civilizations

This worksheet is for your information, to help pull everything together and will serve as an EXCELLENT study sheet for your test.

Çatalhöyük is an example of a Neolithic settlement currently under excavation in Anatolia.

Growth of Civilization

Hunter/Gatherer Bands

Agricultural (Neolithic)Revolution ( transition from hunting and gathering to farming. Çatalhöyük is an example of a Neolithic settlement currently under excavation in Anatolia.

Farming Villages

Surplus food and the practice of slavery


Ancient rulers conquered land beyond their cities


A ruler of one city-state conquered other city-states

Empire A group of states controlled by one ruler (emperor)

River Valleys

1. Egypt is located in Africa on a narrow strip of land along the Nile River.

2. Sumer is located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, could also be called the Fertile Crescent or Mesopotamia. Aleppo and Jericho are examples of early cities in this region.

3. Indus Valley (India) is located in South Asia along the Indus and Ganges Rivers.

4. Huang He (China) is located on the Huang He River in Northern China.

Other Early Civilizations

1. Phoenicians settled the Mediterranean coast.

2. Persians dominated the plateau of Iran.

3. Hebrews settled in Palestine along the Jordan River valley.

Importance of Location

➢ Soils were rich for farming (domesticated plants).

➢ Water was available for irrigation (to supply land with water by means of ditches or channels)


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