April 16, 2020


PRESENT TITLE: Associate Professor of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging

McGovern Medical School

ADDRESS: Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging

6431 Fannin St., MSB 2.130B

Houston, Texas 77030



B.A., Zoology, 1969

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas


Doctor of Medicine, 1973

University of Texas Medical Branch

Galveston, Texas


Rotating Internship, 1973-74

Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Washington, D.C.

Internal Medicine Residency, 1974-77

Brooke Army Medical Center

San Antonio, TX

Nuclear Medicine Fellowship, 1978-80

William Beaumont Army Medical Center

El Paso, Texas

Radiology Residency, 1983-87

Letterman Army Medical Center

San Francisco, CA

Diagnostic Imaging Fellowship, 1987-88

Brooke Army Medical Center

San Antonio, TX


U.S. Army, 1973-93


Assistant Chief, Nuclear Medicine, 1981-1983

Letterman Army Medical Center

San Francisco, CA

Chief, Diagnostic Imaging, 1989-93

Brooke Army Medical Center

San Antonio, Texas

Assistant Clinical Professor, 1992-93

University of TX Health Science Center

San Antonio, Texas

Assistant Professor of Radiology, 1993-99

University of Texas Health Science Center

Houston, Texas

Assistant Professor of Radiology, 1993-99

University of Texas Health Science Center

Houston, Texas

Staff Radiologist of Radiology, 1999

River Oaks Imaging Center

Houston, Texas

Assistant Professor of Radiology, 2000

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas Associate Professor of Radiology, 2001- Present

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas



Staff Physician, Internal Medicine, 1977-78

Second Infantry Division

Camp Casey, Korea

Staff Physician, Internal Medicine, 1978

121 Evacuation Hospital

Seoul, Korea

Staff, Nuclear Medicine, 1980-81

William Beaumont Army Medical Center

El Paso, Texas

Assistant Chief, Nuclear Medicine, 1981 - 83

Letterman Army Medical Center

San Francisco, CA

Staff Radiologist, Radiology Dept, 1988 - 89

Brook Army Medical Center

San Antonio, Texas

Chief, Diagnostic Imaging (CT, MRI), 1989 -93

Radiology Department

Brooke Army Medical Center

San Antonio, Texas

Assistant Professor of Radiology, 1993 – 99

Body Imaging (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)

Hermann Hospital

Houston, Texas

Staff Radiologist, 1999 – 99

River Oaks Imaging Center

Houston, Texas

Assistant Professor of Radiology, 2000 –01

Body Imaging (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)

Memorial Hermann Hospital

Houston, Texas

Associate Professor of Radiology, 01 – Present

Memorial Hermann Hospital (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)

Houston, Texas


Texas - E1243, August 1973

California - C40681, October 1982


American Board of Internal Medicine, 1977

American Board of Nuclear Medicine, 1980

American Board of Radiology, 1987



Texas Medical Association - 1993

• Physician Oncology Education program 2007 - Present

Texas Radiological Society – 1993

Houston Radiological Society - 1993

Harris County Medical Society - 1993


Radiological Society of North America - 1987

American College of Radiology - 1987

American Roentgen Ray Society - 1994

American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine - 1995


Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award, 1999, 2001-02, 2010, 2013

Radiology Teacher of the Year Award, 2009

Fellowship in the American College of Radiology, 2010



Admissions Committee Sub-Committee, 1998 – 2004

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas

Faculty Senate, 2000 – 02

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas

Student Evaluation and Promotions Committee, 2004 – Present (currently Chairman)

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas

Admissions Committee, 2004 – Present

University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Houston, Texas

uNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-hOUSTON mEDICAL sCHOOL affiliated hospital committees:





Daily Clinical Supervision of Radiology Residents

Information Clinical Instruction of Rad. Residents/Med. Students

Lectures and Case Conferences for Radiology Residents

Lectures for Senior Medical Students

Lecture in Correlative Anatomy to First Year Medical Students

Invited Lectures Given to Faculty/Residents/Students in other Clinical Departments



A. Abstracts:

1. Redwine, M.D., Daye, S.: The Spectrum of CT Findings in Pyogenic and Amebic Liver Abscesses. ARRS Abstract Book of the 99th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La. May 9-14, 1999; 172(3)180.

2. Redwine, M., Daye, S.: Computed Tomography of Liver Abscesses. ARRS Abstract Book of the 99th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La. May 9-14, 1999; 172(3)56.

3. Redwine, M.D., Raval, B.K., Kramer, L.A.: Pneumatosis on CT Scans: Correlation With Either Benign Clinical Course Or With Bowel Infarction. ARRS Abstract Book of the 99th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La. May 9-14-99; 172(3)181.

B. Refereed Original Articles in Journals:

1. Lundy MM, Billingsley JH, Redwine MD, Turnbull GL, Brown TJ: Scintigraphic Findings in Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia. JNM 23:324, 1982.

2. Bunker SJ, Lull RJ, Tanasescu DE, Redwine MD, et al: Superiority of 99m Tc Red Blood Cells over 99m Tc Sulfur Colloid. AJR 143:543-548, 1984.

3. Kane AG, Redwine MD, Cossi AF: Characterization of focal fatty change in the liver with a fat enhanced inversion recovery sequence. J Magn Reson Imaging 3(4): 581-6, 1993.

4. Chen, P.C., Maklad, N., Redwine, M., Zelitt, D.: Dynamic High Resolution Sonography of the Carpal Tunnel-Review Article. AJR 1997; 168(2): 533-537, 1997.

5. Chen, P.C., Redwine, M.D., Potts, J. R.: Computed tomographic diagnosis of small-bowel volvulus: case report. Can Assoc Radiol J: 48(3): 183-185, 1997.

6. Barron, B.J., Imam, S., Lamki, L.M., Redwine, M.D., Nightingale, J.A., Kahan, B.: Augmented Enterocystoplasty for Neurogenic Bladder Associated With Renal

Transplantation: Appearance on Tc-99m MAG3 Renal Transplant Scan. Clin Nucl Med 23(3): 156-159, 1998.

7. Chen, P., Maklad, N., Redwine, M.: Color and power Doppler imaging of the kidneys. [Review] [17 refs] [Journal] Article. Review, Tutorial] World Journal of Urology. 16(1):41-5, 1998.

8. Bass, E., Redwine, D., Kramer, L.A., Harris, J.: Absence of the Infrarenal Inferior Vena Cava with Preservation of the Suprarenal Segment as Revealed by CT and MR Venography. AJR; 172:1610-1612, 1999.

9. Bass, J.E., Redwine, M.D., Kramer, L.A., Huynh P.T., Harris, J.H., Jr.: Spectrum of congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava: cross sectional imaging findings. RadioGraphics; 20(3):639-52, 2000.

C. Invited Articles:

1. Chen, P., Maklad, N., Redwine, M.: Color and Power Doppler of the Kidneys. World Journal of Urology, In Press, February 1998.

Journal Reviews:

1. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. Kidney Capsule islet cells transplantation: A new

application of puncture guided ultrasonically. July 26, 1995.

2. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. Evaluation of Breast Tumors with Color Doppler

Imaging In Comparison with Duplex Doppler Ultrasound. November, 1996.

3. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. Thyroid autonomy with color-coded duplex sonography internal hypervascularization for the recognition of autonomous adenomas. December, 1996.

4. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. US screening of thyroid glands for the patients who

complain of cervical discomfort. March 21, 1996.

D. Chapters:

1. Lull RJ, Utz JA, Jackson JH, Redwine MD, Turnbull GL, Kolina JS, Boll DA,

Kaplan KA: Radionuclide Evaluation of Joint Disease. Nuclear Medicine Annual,

edited by L.M. Freeman and JS Welsmann, NY Raven Press, pp. 281-328, 1983.

E. Other Professional Communications:

E.1 Presentations:

1. Billingsley JL, Redwine MD, Lundy MM, Daniels DL: Combined Bone and Gallium Scanning for the Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis. Scientific Exhibit at 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada - June 1981.

2. Kaplan KA, White CJ, Watson TD, Redwine MD, Jackson JH, Lull RJ: Diastolic Filling of the Left Ventricle as a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease. Presented at the Western Regional Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine e, Monterrey, CA,

October 1982.

3. Bunker SR, Lull RJ, Brown JM, McAuley RD, Redwine MD, Jackson JH, Hattner RS: Clinical Comparison of Tc-99m Sulfur Colloid and in vitro Labeled Tc-99m Red Blood Cells in the Detection of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage. Presented at 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, June 1983.

4. Redwine MD, Dubinsky T, Kawashima A, Raval B. Bowel Ischemia and Infarction: ROC Analysis of CT Findings in 40 Scans. Accepted for oral presentation at the 81st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the

Radiological Society of North America, in Chicago, IL. November 26 through December 1,1995.

5. Redwine, M., Daye, S.: CT of Liver Abscesses accepted for oral presentation at the ARRS in New Orleans, LA., May 9-14, 1999.

6. Redwine, M.D., Raval, B.K., Kramer, L.A.: Correlation of Pneumatosis on CT Scans with Benign Clinical Course Or with bowel Infarction. Accepted for oral presentation at the ARRS in New Orleans, LA., May 9-14, 1999

7. Redwine, MD.: Imaging for the Referring Physician: Trends I n Diagnostic Imaging and Invasive Management of Chronic Back Pain. Houston Medical Imaging, Houston, Texas; February 24, 2001.

E.2 Exhibits:

1. Redwine, M.D., Chen PC, Maklad NF. Serial US Evaluation in Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage. Accepted for presentation at the 81st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. November 26 through December 1, 1995.

2. Redwine, M.D., Dubinsky T, Kawashima A. Raval B. CT of Bowel Infarction: What to Look For and Pitfalls. Accepted for presentation at the 81st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. November 26 through December 1, 1995.

3. Phebe, C. Chen, Nabil F. Maklad, David L. Zelitt and Michael D. Redwine: Carpal Tunnel: Dynamic Imaging with High-Resolution US. Accepted for presentation at the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. November 26 through December 1, 1995.

4. Kramer, L.A., Wilkins, I.I., Slopis, J.M., Hankins, L.L., Morse, J., Redwine, M.D.: MR Imaging of Fetal Brain Malformations. Accepted for presentation at the 81st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. November 30 through December 6, 1996.

5. Redwine, M.D., Chen, P., Maklad, N.: US Evaluation in Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage, Advantages of Power Doppler. Accepted for presentation at the 41st Annual Conventions of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine in San Diego, CA. March 23-26, 1997.

6. Redwine, M.D., Kramer, L., Hankins, L., Chen, P. Zelitt, D.: Comparison of Ultrasound and MRI in Evaluating Neonatal Hemorrhage. Accepted for presentation at the American Roentgen Ray Society 1997 Meeting in Boston, MA. May 4-9, 1997.

7. Barron, B.J., Holoye, P., Lamki, L., Bull, J., Redwine, M.D., Ephron, V.: Tc-99m-LL2 Monoclonal Antibody in the Initial Staging and Restaging of Patients with B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Initial Experience and Pitfalls: A Pictorial Essay. Accepted as poster exhibit at the 83rd Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL, December 1997.

8. Kramer, L.A., Tamm, E.P., Redwine, M.D.: MR Imaging of Renal Masses. Accepted for presentation at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society in San Francisco, CA. May, 1998.

9. Redwine, Michael D, Kramer, Larry A., Hankins, Linda L., Chen, Phebe C., Zelitt, David L. Comparison of Ultrasound and MRI in Evaluating Neonatal Hemorrhage and CNS Developmental Anomalies. Accepted as a scientific exhibit at the 84th

Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. December, 1998.

10. Kramer, L., Tamm. E., Redwine, M.: MRI of Diaphragmatic Injuries. Accepted as a scientific exhibit at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. December, 1998.

11. Bass, J. Edward, Redwine, Michael D., Kramer, Larry A., Huynh, Phan T., Harris, John H. Spectrum of congenital Anomalies of the Inferior Vena Cava: A Pictorial Review. Accepted as a scientific exhibit at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL. December, 1998.

12. Redwine, M.D., Daye, S.: The Spectrum of CT Findings In pyogenic and Amebic Liver Abscesses. Accepted for presentation at the ARRS in New Orleans, LA. In May, 1999.

13. Redwine, M .D. Raval, B.K., Kramer, L.A.: Pneumatosis On CT Scans: Correlation With Either Benign Clinical Course Or With Bowel Infarction. Accepted for presentation at the ARRS in New Orleans, LA. in May, 1999.

14. Kramer, Larry, Adyanthaya, A., Redwine, Michael D.: MR Imaging of Coronary

Artery Anomalies. Accepted for presentation as an Exhibit at the 87th Scientific

Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, in

Chicago, IL. , November 25-30, 2001.

15. Kramer, L.A., Adyanthya, A., Redwine, M.D.: MR Imaging of Coronary Arteries Anomalies. Accepted as a Poster Presentation at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen ay Society San Diego, Ca., 5-4/9-03.

16. Chandrasekhar, C., Ghazarian, M.P., Tammisetti, V.S., and Redwine, M.D.: Tales from the LUQ: The Splenic Story. Power point presentation at 2014 ARRS annual meeting.

17. Redwine, M.D., Tammisetti, V., George, V.: Hysterosalpingography in Evaluating Infertility and for Documenting Tubal Occlusion Following Sterility Procedures. Accepted as an Exhibit at the Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL, Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 2015.

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Website Exhibits:

1. Darden, D., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0041- Chronic Ectopic Pregnancy. The

University of Texas-Houston Website:

2. Ying, K, Redwine, M.: Case Report 0070 – Left Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website:


3. Scroggins, V., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0113 – Partial Hydatidiform Mole. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website:


4. Scroggins, V., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0114 – Emphysematous Pyelonephritis. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website:


5. Kumar, V., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0094 – Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the

Esophagus. The University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website:.


6. Mahvash, A., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0051 – Bilateral Adrenal Hemorrhage. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website.


7. Mahvash, A., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0052 – Aortic Pseudoaneurysm. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website.


8. Mahvash, A., Redwine, M.: Case Report #0053 – Lateral Duodenal Diverticulum. The

University of Texas-Houston Medical School Website.


Invited Lectures:

1. Houston Medical Imaging. MRI of the Shoulder, February 24, 2001.

2. The University of Texas Medical School, Orthopedic Department, MRI of the Shoulder,

January 8, 2003.

3. Texas Radiological Society: Ultrasound of Complications in Early Pregnancy. 2006.


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