PDF The Spirit of Prophecy - Ellen G. White

 The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Three

Ellen G. White


Copyright ? 2017 Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.

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About the Author

Ellen G. White (1827-1915) is considered the most widely translated American author, her works having been published in more than 160 languages. She wrote more than 100,000 pages on a wide variety of spiritual and practical topics. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she exalted Jesus and pointed to the Scriptures as the basis of one's faith.

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Volumes one and two of this work are before the public. This volume is the continuation of the same important theme. The subject of the great controversy between Christ and Satan will close with the coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the destruction of Satan and of sin, and the glorious reign of Christ on the New Earth. Each volume up to the present has been more instructive and interesting than the one that preceded it, and, judging from the triumphant theme of the consummation when the glorious kingdom of Christ and of God shall be established on the New Earth, the fourth volume will far exceed either of the first three.

This volume is solemnly dedicated to the cause of God, with the fervent prayer of author and publishers that it may prove a great blessing to the cause and people of God, and be the means in his hands of opening the eyes of many who are blind to the things of the Spirit of God.




A Word Of Explanation


When plans were laid for the volumes of the Spirit of Prophecy Series it was thought that the books should contain approximately four hundred pages and that one volume could be devoted to Old Testament history, one to New Testament history, and a third completing the controversy story by carrying through reformation history to the end of the controversy. The plans for the Old Testament history were successfully met in Spirit of Prophecy, Volume I. But Mrs. White found it impossible to hold even the life of Christ to the one four-hundred-page book, so Volume II closes with Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, leaving the final scenes of Christ's life and the work of the apostles for Volume III. Here, too, there proved to be more material than could be included in a four-hundredpage book, so it cut off at page 392 with the chapter "Opposition at Thessalonica."

It had been Mrs. White's intent to pick up the closing scenes of the lives and work of the apostles in the early chapters of Volume

IV. However, as she moved toward publication she was instructed in vision that this volume should open with the account of the destruction of Jerusalem. The reason for this soon became apparent, as Volume IV early became a work sold by our colporteurs. It would have been awkward to have such a book open with the closing years of the ministry of Paul and Peter.

This change in plan left the readers with a break in the story and Mrs. White with several unused chapters. In the next printing of Volume III these were added at the close. Consequently there are two printings, one with 392 pages and the other with 442.

Since page VIII of the first printing was full, the table of contents was not changed in the second printing. As will be observed, the added chapters are:

Chapter XXXII Paul at Berea and Athens ___________ 393 Chapter XXXIII Paul at Corinth ____________________ 404 Chapter XXXIV Paul at Ephesus ___________________ 415



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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