3409950-1247775Name: _______________________________The History of the Universe: Chapter 1"The Big Bang Theory Explained- (sort of)" Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, our planet Earth was formed through a series of violent collisions, explosive releases of thermal energy and a prolonged period of cooling and precipitation. The first atmosphere was toxic and consisted of sulfuric acid, ammonia, water vapor and other greenhouse gases. Life would not emerge onto dry land for several billion years. But how did this remarkable event occur in the first place? Was there a single atom or particle of matter from which the entire universe as we know it emerged? Eventually, the Big Bang Theory was born. You will be asked to watch the YouTube video and take notes on what you have observed. Remember to use the format directed by your teacher. Once you are finished, you may use these notes to answer the questions below.KEY TERMSastronomyastrologysolsticesEdwin HubbleheliocentricJohannes KeplerIsaac NewtonAristotleatomsBig Bang TheoryPtolemyGalileoelementsellipticalgravitymassAlbert EinsteinLemaitreCapernicusASSESSMENT QUESTIONS1) The Sun's energy is fueled by which two gases?1.2.39243001930402) How fast is our solar system traveling through the universe? Circle the correct answer.a.22,000 miles per hourb.130 light years c.134 miles per secondd.impossible to measure accurately3) The universe just celebrated another birthday. How old is the universe?4324350-7429504) Describe the Big Bang Theory in your own words. 5) How were the planets in our solar system formed? 6) What is the summer and spring solstice? 7) Why was it important for early man to measure the length of each day?8) The Greeks were the first to calculate the size of the Earth and its distance from the Sun using math. True or false?9) What is the difference between astronomy and astrology?10) The ancient Greeks believed the universe to be surrounded by a crystal sphere with stars etched on its surface. What did Aristotle believe?11) In 476 BC, Ptolemy made an important discovery with regard to the movement of the planets. What was this discovery? 12) In the 15th century, astronomers developed a heliocentric theory on how the solar system should look. What exactly is this theory? 13. Nicolas Capernicus did not agree with Ptolemy and stated that the Earth rotates every 24 hours around the Sun. Why did he wait until he was dying before publishing his findings?14.Would Johannes Kepler have agreed with Ptolemy or Capernicus with regard to the location of the Sun in our solar system? Explain your answer.15. Kepler made several important observations regarding the movement of the planets through our solar system. Describe two of these observations.1.2.16.In 1609, Galileo significantly improved the design of the telescope which had been used by sailors in order to navigate through uncharted waters. Using his new telescope, he was able to make an important discovery that would get him in trouble with the Church. What was this discovery? 17. Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist who used math to explain physical phenomenon. Describe three of his most important observations. Among his many achievements, Newton is credited with the discovery of gravity and was able to explain exactly how it works. True or false?19. Albert Einstein believed that the universe was eternal and infinite and did not have a beginning or an end. He developed a theory that time and space are interrelated and act as a "fabric" on which the planets, stars and celestial bodies move. Einstein's theory on the movement of the universe has since been proven wrong. What was this error?301942548641020.This individual believed that the universe emerged from a "cosmic egg" that exploded leading to the formation of all things as we know it. Who was this individual?1.George Lemaitre2.Johann Kepler3.Bernard Sanders 4.a really smart guy21.Edwin Hubble invented the Hubble Telescope which allowed man to see beyond our own galaxy. With this new technology, Hubble developed a way to measure the distance of a particular star from the Earth. How did he do it? The Hubble Telescope3810064770 Drawing Activity- The Solar System-91122572390-473855-523875Critical Thinking EssayCracking the Cosmic Egg Over the course of human history, man has sought answers to basic questions about when and where life began. Greek philosophers naturally believed that man was the center of the known universe since much of our knowledge of Earth and its celestial neighbors was severely restricted by primitive technology and limited access. Can you imagine what primitive man must have thought when he witnessed a meteorite fireball streaking across the sky or his first encounter with a solar eclipse? Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) is perhaps best known for his invention of the Hubble Telescope but he is also credited with revolutionizing the science of astrophysics. Mankind is now able to see through our own solar system and beyond the Milky Way galaxy into regions of space never witnessed before thanks to Edwin Hubble. But the same fundamental question on how the universe was formed remains unanswered... until now. Students, your assignment is to prepare an insightful and carefully researched essay while answering the following questions: (1) How did the Hubble Telescope provide essential support to the Big Bang Theory and the idea that the universe began in a single cataclysmic event?(2) How has Man's attitude changed with regard to scientific discoveries that appear to challenge religious beliefs?(3) Do you feel that it is important for mankind to seek answers to how life began? Explain your answer.4400550568325 Successful essays will include carefully worded, supportive arguments and factual data. Your teacher will provide you with the guidelines on length, font size, assignment deadline etc. ................

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