Extra Credit: Earth Science Article Summary

Extra Credit: Earth Science Article Summaries

By completing this project, you may earn up to 3 points on your quarter average. This assignment must be turned in by Monday April 13. For each article summary that you complete, you may earn 1 point (maximum: 3 articles). No extra credit will be awarded to summaries that do not follow the guidelines below. These summaries MUST be done neatly and completely.

The assignment:

1) Choose an article from a magazine, newspaper, or the internet that deals with a topic covered in earth science class.

-If you are unsure of whether or not your article will be acceptable, clear the article with Mr. Luhmann before completing your summary.

-This article must be scientific in nature (no fiction).

-Be sure that internet sources are reputable.

2) Complete a summary of the article using a word processing program like Word.

The page setup must be:

-12 point font or less

-Double Spaced

-1” top and bottom margins

-1.25” left and right margins

-Must be at least 1 page in length

3) Each summary should contain a brief outline of what was discussed in the article and answer the following questions:

-How does the information in your article relate to Earth Science Class?

-How does the information in your article impact you, your community, or Earth?

-What are your thoughts and feelings about the information in the article?

-How could you find out more information on the topic presented in your article?

*****Be sure to attach your article to your summary!

*****If you have any questions, be sure to ask your teacher before proceeding!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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