Commack High School

Commack High School

Earth Science Period 5/6


Lab 12D

Instructor: Mrs. Renata Arceri

Email: Phone Ext: 52009

Review Book: Barron’s Blue/Red Review Earth Science

Extra help is provided Wednesday-Friday mornings7am, Lab 3, and after school by appointment.

What you will need everyday!

Notebook (Binder) with folder

Calculator (basic scientific)

2 blue pens

2 sharpened pencils

Colored pencils


Grading Policy

There are 4 marking periods. Each marking period your grade will be determined as follows:

2-3 exams………….…..50%

5 quizzes…………….…20%

Lab grade………………20%

Homework/class work…10%

Each marking period counts 22% of final coarse grade.

There will also be a Midterm Exam in January (25% 3rd Marking Period grade), and the NYS Regents exam in Junes, which counts 12% of final grade.

There will be NO:

Extra credit

“Participation points”

Make-up tests or quizzes

Test corrections

Late labs will be penalized 20 pts the first day, then drop to a 65 if completed successfully. In addition, each student must complete a minimum of 1200 minutes of satisfactory lab work to sit for the Regents exam in June.

Class Rules:

1. Be in class before the bell rings.

2. No Food in class, drinks are aloud, but cannot be brought to lab tables.

3. No pocketbooks/backpacks on desk.

4. No texting, or visible cell phones/earphones unless I specifically say it is okay.

5. No calling out. Raise your hand!

6. Respect me, yourself, and others at all times!

7. Always come to class prepared with all necessary materials.

8. All assignments are due when the bell rings.

9. If you are absent, Lab work must be made up within one week.

10. Castle learning HW is given every week. If you are absent, you are still expected to complete the assignment. If you have any difficulty completing the assignment, you must email me the night prior to the due date

11. Sign out when leaving the room.


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