
| |Page |Com- |Item Grade |Re- |Final |

|Sheet Name |# |pleted | |work? |Grade |

|Classwork Section |

| Fossil Types & Conditions Notes |28 | | | | |

| Fossils |1 – 2 | | | | |

| Relative Age Notes |29 | | | | |

| Determining Relative Age Worksheet |3 | | | | |

| Forming an Unconformity |4 | | | | |

| Learning Relative Sequencing |5 | | | | |

| Rock Layer Relationships |6 – 8 | | | | |

| Relative Aging Practice |9 – 10 | | | | |

| Rock Sequence Practice | | | | | |

| Sequencing & Inferring |11 | | | | |

| Interpreting & Applying |12 | | | | |

| Absolute Age Notes |30 | | | | |

| Radioactive Decay Practice |13 | | | | |

| Half Life Practice |14 | | | | |

| Half Life Problems |15 | | | | |

| Radioactive Decay Lab |16 – 17 | | | | |

| Geologic Time Notes |31 | | | | |

| Earth’s Time Scale |20 | | | | |

| Why Did the Dinosaurs Die? |18 – 19 | | | | |

| Relative Age Model |21 |E.C. | | | |

|Reference Section |

| Fossils Vocabulary List |32 |Info | | | |

| Geologic Time Scale |33 |Info | | | |

| Determining Relative Age |34 |Info | | | |

| How Fossils Form |35 |Info | | | |

| Determining Which is Older |36 |Info | | | |

|“Other” Section |

|Unit Review Graphics |37 |Info | | | |

|Unit Study Guide |42 – 43 |Info | | | |

|SOL Study Card #6 | | | | |

|SOL Study Card #7 | | | | |

|Assessment Section |

|Fossils Vocabulary Quiz | | | | |

|Unit Test | | | | |

|SOL Study Card #9 | | | | |

|SOL Study Card #10 | | | | |

|Unit Classwork |D1 |D2 |D3 |D4 |D5 |D6 |D7 |

|Unit Homework |D1 |D2 |D3 |D4 |D5 |D6 |D7 |

|Unit Test Review (Do Now, pg. 38 – 41) |D1 |D2 |D3 |D4 |D5 |D6 |D7 |

|Daily Learning Log (pg. 22 – 24) |D1 |D2 |D3 |D4 |D5 |D6 |D7 |

|Unit Grade | |

Directions: Use the textbook, your notes and common sense to complete the next 2 pages.

Write the word “no” in front of statements that do not describe a fossil. Write “fossil” if the statement describes a fossil. After each fossil description, name the type described in the column on the right.

1. Dinosaur tracks in rocks

2. Bird tracks in snow

3. Dinosaur leg bone containing quartz instead of calcium

4. Insect in amber from a pine tree

5. Oil formed from sea animals of long ago

6. Rocklike wood from a tree that lived millions of years ago

7. Sandstone showing ripple marks from water

8. Living pine tree more than 4000 years old

9. Thin cavity in a rock showing where a shell had decayed

10. Shell-shaped mineral found in rock cavity

11. Flesh, fur, and bones of a woolly mammoth preserved in frozen ground

12. Arrowhead made thousands of years ago

13. Burrows of worms that lived millions of years ago

14. Rocklike parts of a species of fish that lived a short time in several parts of the world

15. Thin layer of carbon from the remains of a plant that lived thousands of years ago

Answer the following questions on the lines provided.

16. What three kinds of information can geologists gather from a study of fossils?

17. What must happen to a dead organism if a fossil is to form?

18. What do you know about a rock layer found on a mountain if you find a seashell fossil in the layer?

Match the terms in Column I with their descriptions in Column II. Write the letter of the correct phrase in the blank at the left.

Column I Column II

19. fossil a. Fossil from a species that existed on Earth for a short period of time

20. cast b. Fossil made from a thin film of carbon atoms and molecules

21. mold c. Remain, imprint, or traces of a once-living thing

22. index fossil d. Hard and rocklike fossil

23. carbonaceous film e. Cavity left in rock by a decayed organism

24. petrified remain f. Produced when a cavity is filled in with solid matter

Circle the word in the parentheses that makes the statement correct.

25. (Impressions, Fossils) are preserved remains or traces of life-forms.

26. Organisms have a better chance of being preserved if they have (hard, soft) parts.

27. A hard, rocklike fossil, called a (petrified, trace) fossil develops when minerals fill spaces left when the original substance dissolves.

28. A carbonaceous (decay, film) fossil is made when pressure and heat force out gases and liquids, leaving a thin residue of the organism.

29. A (mold, cast) is made when sediments fill in a cavity and harden.

30. (Original, Carbon) remains have been preserved in frozen ground and in amber.

31. Preserved tracks and other evidence of animal activity are called (index, trace) fossils.

32. Fossils of life-forms that existed on Earth for a short period of time and were widespread geographically are called (index, trace) fossils.

33. Fossils show that the (environment, elevation) of Antarctica has changed greatly.

Read the paragraphs below and answer the two questions that follow.

Many people throughout the world have a fascinating hobby. They collect fossils. Some of these collectors want only to find good specimens. Others, taking it more seriously, make an effort to find a wide variety of specimens. They display them with information about the fossils and where they were found.

Collections can be organized into three categories: invertebrates, vertebrates and plants. Invertebrates are animals that have no backbones. Examples of these are clams, snails and lobsters. Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have backbones. Plants, the third category, are a common type of fossil.

Invertebrate fossils often found include snails, clams, corals, and impressions of sponges. Vertebrate fossils that amateur collectors commonly find include reptiles and fish. Birds are the rarest of the vertebrate fossils. And plant fossils are more common that vertebrates. Collectors often find cone-bearing plants, leaves and seeds.

34. Why do you think fossils of corals, bryozoans, and other sea creatures are more common than fossils of birds?

35. How can you combine the types of fossils listed in your text (petrified, mold, etc.) and the three classes listed in the reading?

The diagram at the bottom of the page is a picture of the lunar surface. The circles are craters.

The lines coming from "B" are rays of dust from the meteor impact that formed "B". They form at the same time as crater "B".

“F” points to tire tracks from ancient aliens that drove on the moon's surface (for real!).

“G” is a lava flow from a lunar volcanic eruption.

Place each event in order of occurrence.

1. ________________ 6. ________________

2. ________________ 7. ________________

3. ________________ 8. ________________

4. ________________ 9. ________________

5. ________________


Section 1: Rules and Laws of Rock Layers – Define the following:

1. Relative Dating - ____________________________________________________________________________


2. Absolute Dating - ___________________________________________________________________________


3. Unformitarianism - __________________________________________________________________________


4. Law of Superposition - _______________________________________________________________________


5. Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships - ____________________________________________________________


6. Igneous Intrusions - _________________________________________________________________________


7. Included Fragments - ________________________________________________________________________


8. Unconformity - _____________________________________________________________________________


Angular: tilting occurred Disconformity: 2 sections, beds parallel, missing layers Non-conformity: different rock types

Section 2: Identifying Layers

Section 3: Practice identifying the order or sequence of events. Label the layers 1 to 12 with 1 being the oldest.

Section 4: Folding and Faulting – Structural changes provide important clues to interpreting the relative history of rock layers. Plate movement causes cracks and bends in the rock layers. Identifying which layers are cracked or bent and which ones are not can be an enormous key in developing the relative geologic history of an area.


14. Fold - _________________________________ 15. Fault - ______________________________________

________________________________________ ____________________________________________

16. Label the fault type, hanging wall and foot wall in each diagram below. Include the force involved.


Section 5: Layer Sequencing

17. Arrange the layers from oldest to youngest using the columns below. Be sure to put the oldest layer at the








Section 6: Relative Age

18. Determine the relative ages of each sequence below using the Key to Rock Types. Write the name of each rock type in the space provided from the oldest to youngest, beginning with the oldest on the bottom.


Section 7: Sequences and Processes - Order the sequence for the layers in the diagrams below but also write the appropriate process that occurred at each arrow along the column. Processes include contact metamorphism, erosion, intrusion, faulting, folding or tilting.

19. Diagram #1


20. Diagram #2


1. Define Relative Time –

2. Example: Place these relative times in order on a timeline from youngest to oldest:

baby, teenager, child, toddler, middle aged, young adult

3. Define Absolute Time -

4. Example: Place these absolute times in order on a time line from youngest to oldest:

1955 Chevy, 1999 Kia, 1984 Pontiac, 1965 Volkswagen

5. Which one is used by geologists, relative or absolute time? ______________________


6. Law of Uniformitarianism - (an assumption) - _____________________________________________


7. Law of Superposition - _______________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


8. Law of Crosscutting - ________________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


9. Law of Included Fragments - __________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


10. Unconformity “Rule” - _______________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


11. Volcanic Intrusion “Rule” - ____________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


12. Volcanic Extrusion “Rule” - ____________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


13. Earthquake “Rule” - _________________________________________________________________

Place in order from oldest to youngest -


Directions: Study the diagram of the Grand Canyon’s rock layers shown below. Then answer the questions that follow.
















1. Which group of rocks is the oldest, A, B or C? ___________

2. What number represents an intrusive rock? ____________

3. What was it made of? _______________________________

4. What number represents the oldest rock in the Grand Canyon?

5. What kind of rock is found there?

6. How many unconformities can you detect? _____________

7. Look at line X. Then place these events in the correct order: the deposition of 8, the intrusion of 10, the erosion of 9 and 10. List them in order from the oldest to the youngest.

8. Which group of rocks were uplifted, A or B? ____________

9. How can you tell?

10. Which letter represents the youngest rock layers?

11. Which was the last layer to be deposited?

Background: Rocks do not always contain specific index fossils. In such situations, groups of fossils are used to establish the age of a bed. The arrows in the diagram below show the range of time during which four organisms (A through D) developed and became extinct. Use the information in the diagram to answer the questions that follow.


1. During what time range did Fossil A occur?


2. Which organism was the first to evolve? Which was the last?


3. As shown in the diagram above the age of a bed containing fossils A and B is estimated to be that time period

when both organisms lived. The age of the bed is from 550 to 450 million years ago. Why can’t a bed

containing both A and B be any younger than 450 million years old?


4. What is the age of a bed containing fossils A and C? _______________________________________________

5. What is the age of a bed containing fossils A, C and D? ____________________________________________

6. What is the age of a bed containing fossils A, B and C? ____________________________________________

7. Will fossils B and D ever be found together? Explain your answer.


8. During what geologic era and periods did these four organisms live?


9. Compare your answers to Questions 1, 4, 5 and 6. Why is it better to have several fossils rather than just one

fossil when estimating the age of a bed?




1. Define the term, half-life.

2. Distinguish between parent and daughter elements.

3. Use this model to demonstrate half-life to others.

Materials needed:

clock or watch with second hand, sheet of paper, scissors.


1. Record the time.

2. Wait one minute, then cut the paper in half. Select one piece, and set the other piece aside.

3. Wait one minute, then cut the selected piece in half. Select one piece, then set the other piece aside.

4. Repeat step 3 until 9 one-minute intervals have elapsed.

Questions to consider:

| |Question |Answer |

|1 |In terms of radioactive decay, what does the whole piece of paper used in | |

| |this investigation represent? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|2 |What do the pieces of paper that you set aside in each step represent? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|3 |What is the half-life of your element? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|4 |What fraction of your paper was left after the first three intervals? Six | |

| |intervals? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|5 |What two factors in your model must remain constant for your model to be | |

| |accurate? | |

| | | |

| | | |


Discuss how does this model represent radioactive decay?

1. When U-238 (uranium-238) decays, its final decay product is _______________________________________.

2. The diagram below is an outline that you can use to show the amount of U-238 and its decay product. The

first column represents 100 grams of U-238.


a. In the column labeled “AFTER 1 HALF-LIFE”, shade in the amount of the column to show the amount of

U-238 that would remain after one half-life. Label the column to indicate how much U-238 and how much

decay product would be present.

b. In the column labeled “AFTER 2 HALF-LIVES”, shade in the amount of the column to show how much

U-238 would be present after 2 half-lives. Again, label the column to indicate how much U-238 and its

decay product would be present.

c. In the column labeled “AFTER 3 HALF-LIVES”, repeat the procedure you used in steps ‘a’ and ‘b’ to show

how much of each substance would be present after 3 half-lives.

3. Suppose a rock originally contained 10 grams of U-238.

a. After 1 half-life, the rock would probably contain _________________ grams of U-238 and

___________________ grams of decay product.

b. After 2 half-lives, the rock would probably contain ___________________ grams of U-238 and ___________________ grams of decay product.

4. Suppose a rock sample contains 2 grams of U-238 today. How much U-238 would it probably have contained

one half-life ago (4.5 billion years ago)? Explain. __________________________________________________


Directions: After reading the question, take the time to mark key information necessary to compute the answer. Use the “Work” box to show your calculations. You must show your calculations in order to receive credit for each question. Record the answer in the last column.

| |Question |Work |Answer |

|1 |An isotope of cesium (cesium-137) has a half-life | | |

| |of 30 years. If 1.0 gram of cesium-137 | | |

| |disintegrates over a period of 90 years, how many | | |

| |grams of cesium-137 would remain? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 |Actinium-226 has a half-life of 29 hours. If 100 | | |

| |mg of actinium-226 disintegrates over a period of | | |

| |58 hours, how many mg of actinium-226 will remain? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3 |Sodium-25 was to be used in an experiment, but it | | |

| |took 3.0 minutes to get the sodium from the reactor| | |

| |to the laboratory. If 5.0 mg of sodium-25 was | | |

| |removed from the reactor, how many mg of sodium-25 | | |

| |were placed in the reaction vessel 3.0 minutes | | |

| |later if the half-life of sodium-25 is 60 seconds? | | |

|4 |The half-life of isotope X is 2.0 years. How many | | |

| |years would it take for a 4.0 mg sample of X to | | |

| |decay and have only 0.50 mg of it remain? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5 |Selenium-83 has a half-life of 25.0 minutes. How | | |

| |many minutes would it take for a 10.0 mg sample to | | |

| |decay and have only 1.25 mg of it remain? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|6 |The half-life if Po-218 is three minutes. How much| | |

| |of a 2.0 gram sample remains after 15 minutes? | | |

| |Suppose you wanted to buy some of this isotope, and| | |

| |it required half an hour for it to reach you. How | | |

| |much should you order if you need to use 0.10 gram | | |

| |of this material? | | |

Background: The most accurate method known today to determine the exact age of rocks and fossils is based on the radioactive decay of certain elements. In radioactive decay, radioactive elements change into new elements by giving off energy and particles. This process takes place at a constant rate. Furthermore, this process is unaffected by outside factors such as temperature, pressure or changes in phase (solid, liquid, gas). Each radioactive element has a fixed rate at which it decays. This rate is often expressed in half-life. Therefore, if a rock or fossil contains a radioactive element, the decay process may be used like a clock to determine the age of the rocks. In this lab exercise you will study dating by radioactive decay using mathematical models.

Objective: Demonstrate with mathematical models how radioactive decay can be used to determine an object’s absolute age.


1. Use the tag end of the plastic shoe box as a “marked” end. Place 100 popcorn kernels in the box. Record “100” in Table 1 beside Shake No. 1 under the first column. Note: the number recorded is the number before shaking.

2. Shake the box vigorously. Open the box, remove all the kernels that are pointing to the tag end of the box and count them. Record this number in Table 1 beside Shake No. 2 in the decayed column.

3. Calculate the percent and record it in Table 1 under the percent column. Use this formula to calculate the percent that decayed.

percent = __number that decayed__ x 100

decayed number before shaking

4. By subtracting the number of kernels that decayed from the 100 you began with, record the difference in the “Shake No. 2” row.

5. Repeat the steps until you run out of rows in Table 1 or until all the kernels have been removed from the box.

6. On the graph in Figure 1, plot the number of kernels in the box before each shake vs. the number of shakes.

7. Share your data with the class in the space provided on the board.

8. As groups’ data becomes available on the board, record it in Table 2.

9. Repeat Step 3 using the class average for each shake in Table 2.

10. On the graph in Figure 2, plot the class average vs. the number of shakes.

11. Answer the questions that follow the tables and charts.

|Table 1 – Group Data |

|Shake |Number of kernels |Number of kernels|Percent |

|No. |before shaking |decayed (flipped |that |

| | |over) |decayed |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | | | |

|Table 2 – Class Data |

|Shake |Group 1 |Group 2 |Group 3 |Group 4 |Group 5 |Class |

|No. | | | | | |Avg. |

|1 | | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | | |

|4 | | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | | |

|6 | | | | | | |

|7 | | | | | | |

|8 | | | | | | |

|9 | | | | | | |

|10 | | | | | | |

|Figure 1 – Group Graph |

|Numbe| | |

|r of | | |

|kerne| | |

|ls | | |

|befor| | |

|e | | |

|shaki| | |

|ng | | |

| | |Number of Shakes |

|Figure 2 – Class Graph |

|Numbe| | |

|r of | | |

|kerne| | |

|ls | | |

|befor| | |

|e | | |

|shaki| | |

|ng | | |

| | |Number of Shakes |


1. Compare the graphs of your own data with the graphs of the class average data. ________________________




2. How did the average percentage of popcorn kernels that decayed per shake compare? ___________________


What accounts for this difference? ______________________________________________________________




3. Assuming that each shake equals 1,000 years according to the graph, what is the half-life of the popcorn kernel model? ______________________________________________________________________________


4. How is the model of decay in this lab activity similar to radioactive decay in nature? ______________________




In what ways is it different? ___________________________________________________________________



5. Would using more or fewer popcorn kernels at the start affect the half-life? ____________________________

Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________



Directions: Read the background material and then read the Five Theories. Choose your favorite theory and write it on the top line on the attached page. Put your name on the next line. In the blank area, draw a picture that represents your theory. On the lines at the bottom of the page, write a paragraph to state your reasons for choosing a particular theory. Remember, paragraphs have several complete sentences.

Background: At the end of the Mesozoic Era, about 65 million years ago, all the dinosaurs died. The plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs and other large ocean animals died. The flying pterosaurs died. Many other animals and plants died, too. More than half of the animal and plant species then living died along with the dinosaurs.

Because many living things died at this time it is known as the Great Death. It happened quickly. At the most, it took less than a million years – a fairly short period in the history of life on earth. However, it may have taken only a few hundred years, a few months or maybe only a few weeks or days. We are not sure why the Great Death took place, but everyone agrees that it happened fast, and it was widespread.

Not everything on earth died. Crocodiles and other reptiles lived. Many birds, fish and small mammals lived. Flowering plants and pine trees lived. But all the dinosaurs died; they became extinct.

Five Theories: Read the theories and choose the one you think sounds like the most likely scenario.

#1 – Weather

The climate changed. The weather got colder. Dinosaurs were used to a warm climate. They had no fur or feathers to protect them from the cold. Swamps disappeared and the dinosaurs could not find new homes. Dinosaurs did not adapt and died.

#2 – Meteorite

A gigantic meteorite crashed into the earth, creating a huge dust cloud that blocked out the sunlight for several years. Many plants wilted and died. Both plant-eating and meat-eating dinosaurs starved.

#3 – Exploding Star

A nearby star exploded, filling the air with radiation. Dinosaurs died from radiation poisoning.

#4 – Diet Change

Dinosaurs changed their diet and began to eat flowering plants. Many of these plants had chemicals the dinosaurs were not used to eating. Dinosaurs died from food poisoning.

#5 – Egg Problems

Dinosaur eggshells became so thin that they broke before the baby dinosaurs could hatch.


by ____________________________



Objective: To demonstrate the vast amount of time from Earth’s beginning to the present;

To demonstrate how recent life on Earth began.

For the Earth Time Scale, you will need 5 meters of adding machine tape.

1. Draw a continuous line down the middle of the tape.

2. Draw a line across the left end of the tape.

Label this line: The Present.

3. From The Present line, draw five more lines exactly one meter apart.

Label these lines 1 billion years ago, 2 billion years ago, etc.

4. Plot each Event and Years Ago from the following list onto the tape.

(Example: The first event would be placed 60 cm past 4 billion years ago.)

5. Draw in pictures (10 minimum) to illustrate the major events.

6. Lightly shade each of the four major Eras a different color.

7. Label each of the four Eras.

Event Years ago Placement

Earth’s beginning???? 4.6 billion 60 cm past 4 billion

Oldest microfossils 3.5 billion 50 cm past 3 billion

Oxygen created 2.5 billion 50 cm past 2 billion

End of Precambrian Era 600 million 60 cm from present


Beginning of Paleozoic Era 600 Million 60 cm from present

Trilobites abundant 570 million 57 cm from present

Fish abundant 500 million 50 cm from present

First forest fossils 390 million 39 cm from present

Continents collide forming Pangaea 280 million 28 cm from present

Appalachian Mts. form 280 million 28 cm from present

Trilobites die out 230 million 23 cm from present


Beginning of Mesozoic Era 225 million 22.5 cm from present

Pangaea breaks up 220 million 22 cm from present

forming Gondwanaland & Laurasia

Rocky Mts. form 190 million 19 cm from present

Dinosaurs abundant 180 million 18 cm from present

Ancient birds found 160 million 16 cm from present

Gondwanaland separates 135 million 13.5 cm from present

into Africa & So. America

Asteroid collision???? 65 million 6.5 cm from present

Dinosaurs die out 65 million 6.5 cm from present


Beginning of Cenozoic Era 65 million 6.5 cm from present

First abundant mammals & birds 60 million 6 cm from present

Camels found in North America 20 million 2 cm from present

Ice Age begins - super-large mammals 2 million 2 mm from present

Last Ice Age ends 10,000 years 0.01 mm from present

Materials: Model, colored pencils or crayons, scissors, tape or glue

Procedure: 1. Set up the map legend below for your block diagram. Choose a color for each layer, making

sure that the layer colors match on each side (A layer the same color on all four sides, B layer

the same color on all four sides, etc.)

2. Cut out the model and color each layer as shown in your legend.

3. Fold and tape or glue as directed.

4. Answer the questions below AFTER assembling the model.

Questions: Answer all questions in the space provided. Use the completed model to help you answer correctly.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Which layer is the oldest? Explain how you determined the | |

| |answer including what principle you used. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|2 |List the layers in order from oldest to youngest. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|3 |What has happened to layers A-C? Two separate events have | |

| |occurred. List both events. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|4 |Is the intrusion (F) older or younger than layers A-C? | |

| |Explain how you determined the answer including what | |

| |principle you used. | |

| | | |

|5 |What is the term that indicates a period of erosion rather | |

| |than deposition? | |

|6 |Were layers A-C originally flat? Explain how you determined| |

| |your answer including the principle you used. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|7 |Why didn’t layers D and E change when layers A-C did? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Color |Layer |Rock Type |

| |A |Limestone |

| |B |Shale |

| |C |Sandstone |

| |D |Limestone |

| |E |Sandstone |

| |

|Day 1 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in?: ____Y, ____N Prepared?: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 2 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in: ____Y, ____N Prepared: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 3 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in?: ____Y, ____N Prepared?: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 4 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in: ____Y, ____N Prepared: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 5 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in?: ____Y, ____N Prepared?: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

|Comments: |

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|Day 6 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in: ____Y, ____N Prepared: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

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|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 7 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in?: ____Y, ____N Prepared?: ____Y, ____N |

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|Teacher Feedback Section: |

|Homework Grade: Do Now Completed? Need to stay after? Y N |

|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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|Day 8 Date: SOL: Do Now: |

|Homework turned in: ____Y, ____N Prepared: ____Y, ____N |

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|Classwork Completed? Progress: On Track Behind Behavior: |

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• Study of ___________________

• Almost all fossils are found in ________________________________ rock

• Usually only __________ _________ of organism are saved but occasionally whole __________________ remain

Preservation of Organisms

• Mummification – _______________ an organism so ____________________ will not destroy it.

• Amber: hardened __________ ________ that captures and preserves insects.

• Tar Beds: thick _________________________

• Freezing: Low temperatures _________________ and _________________ organisms

Conditions to Form Fossils

• ____________________________ Rock

• _____________ ________________ so that scavengers and micro-organisms don’t disturb the remains

• ____________ body parts

5 Types of Fossils

• ______________ – A cavity in a rock that has the shape of remains that were trapped there; water dissolved the remains away, leaving its imprint

• ______________ – A type of fossil formed when an earlier fossil in the rock is dissolved away leaving the impression (mold) and NEW sediments or mineral crystals fill the mold

• Carbonaceous film – A fossil ______________________ in a rock, consisting only of a thin carbon residue that forms an _______________ of the original organism

• ____________________ Remains – Plant or animal remains that have been petrified or “turned to rock”; this happens when minerals carried in groundwater replace the original remains.

• ____________________ Remains – Bones, shells, teeth

How fossils form…

[pic] [pic]

Animal dies… buried quickly…

[pic] [pic]

layers are uplifted…. fossil becomes exposed.

Fossil Record

• Fossils help to determine a rock layers’ _________________ age

• An ________ fossil is used to help determine relative age

• 3 overall characteristics

1. ______________ recognizable

2. Must be found __________________

3. Lived for a ___________ time period

Determining the fossil record by…

• ____________________ Age

• ____________________ Age

Relative Age

• Not an __________ age; way of telling one layer of rock is older than another

• _________ and _________ govern how you determine the relative ages of ________ layers and ______________ that you find around them.

• Law of _______________________

• Rock layers are laid down horizontally – never on a ______

• Law of _________________________________

- each sedimentary rock layer is ______________

than the overlying ______________ layer

• Sometimes due to _____________ movement sedimentary layers aren’t always _______________

• Law of Cross-cutting Relationships

- States that a fault or intrusion is ______________

than rock layer it cuts through

Igneous Intrusion (rule)

• occurs when _____________ squeezes into or between layers of _____________________ rock.

Included Fragments (rule)

• Sometimes other things found ____ the rock layer give you clues about its age

- pieces of rock found ______ another rock must be

______________ (formed first).

Unconformity (rule)

• a buried surface of _______________ separating two rock masses representing a ________ in geologic time

Label the where the following laws and rules are shown in the picture below:

a. Law of Horizontality

b. Included Fragments

c. unconformity

Label where the following laws and rules are shown in the picture below:

a. Horizontality d. Superposition

b. Included Fragments e. Unconformity

c. Igneous Intrusion f. Cross-Cutting Relationship

Order of Development

When round about age isn’t good enough but need the ______________ _____________ of the event

1. Tree Rings & Varves

2. _____________________ Decay

Radioactive Decay

• Most rocks contain elements that are _________________________. Since these elements give of particles and energy they will eventually form new ______________________________ elements.

• By ______________________ the amount of radioactive and non-radioactive elements scientists can _________________ the absolute age of a specific rock


_______________ is commonly found in rocks

__________ will decay to form _________

(releases 2 protons & 2 neutrons)

It will eventually decay all the way to produce


U-238 = __________________ element

Pb-206 = ___________________ element


• The decay of U-238 to Pb-206 is a very __________ process.

• Rate of decay is ___________________

• It takes ___________ billion yrs for half of U-238 to decay

• In conclusion = the more Pb-206 in a rock the ________________ it will be.

Carbon Dating

• C-14 is a radioactive element found in ALL _______________ things.

• When plant/animal dies _________ decays to form __________

• The half-life of C-14 is about _____________ years

Sketch the Absolute Age Model Here:

|# Half-Lives |% of C-14 |Fraction of C-14 |% of N-14 |Fraction of N-14 |Fossil Age (in Yrs) |

|0 | | | | | |

|1 | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | |

|4 | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | |

|6 | | | | | |

|7 | | | | | |

|8 | | | | | |

|9 | | | | | |

|10 | | | | | |

Divisions of Geologic Time

• _________ – there are 3

1. Archean (Pre-Cambrian)

2. Proterozoic (Pre-Cambrian)

3. Phanerozoic (Cambrian)

• _________ (no eras before Cambrian)

• _______________

• ___________________

Four Major Divisions of Time

• Pre-Cambrian – simple _______________ life

• Paleozoic – ___________________

• Mesozoic – ____________________ & _______________

• Cenozoic – _____________________

Pre-Cambrian Era

• ________ bya to _______ mya

• _______________ unit of geologic time

• Not much known

• __________________ fossil record – Deeply buried and changed by heat and pressure

• Cyanobacteria – produced _________________

• _______________ began forming

• Soft bodied simple organisms like _________________ existed

Paleozoic Era

• _______ mya to __________ mya

• Warm shallow ___________ covered most of the Earth’s surface

• _____________________ life forms – Trilobites, Brachiopods, & Crinoids

• ______________ forms

• _______________ appeared

• ______________________ Mountains formed

• ____________ & _______________ life moved to land

• Mass ___________________, tectonic activity & glaciers

Mesozoic Era

• __________ mya to ________ mya

• _____________________ & ______________________ dominate

• __________________ appear

• Little __________________ (non-dominant)

• ______________ trees and ________________ plants

• __________________ breaks up

Cenozoic Era

• ______ mya to present

• ______________________ become extinct

• Climate cools; ________ ________ occur

• THE AGE OF ________________ (including ________)


Terms on this page should be studied carefully. There will be a quiz on these terms.

1. Absolute Time: method of recording events that identifies actual date of an event such as when a rock formed.

2. Fossil: the remains, impressions or traces of the former existence of life preserved in rock.

3. Epoch: subdivision of a geological period on the geologic timetable

4. Era: a major division of geologic time (there are 4 eras – Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic)

5. Evolution: the process of gradual change that produces new life forms over geologic time

6. Geologic Timetable: system by which the major events of Earth's history are arranged in the order in which they occurred

7. Half-Life: time required for half of the atoms in a radioactive substance to decay to a stable end product

8. Index Fossil: fossils that help identify the age of the rock in which they occur, can be found in a wide geographic area but lived for a narrow range of time

9. Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships: States that a fault or intrusion is younger than the rock it cuts through

10. Law of Superposition: states that in a sequence of undisturbed sedimentary rocks, the oldest rocks will be at the bottom of the sequence and the youngest will be at the top

11. Period: subdivision of a geologic era

12. Radioactive Decay: process by which alpha rays (protons) are released from an atomic nucleus, thus changing the atom to a new lighter element

13. Relative Time: method of recording events that places events in a time sequence by comparing the events with other events, but does not identify their actual date of occurrence

14. Unconformity: A place in the rock record where sedimentary rock layers are missing

15.Varve: any sediment that shows a yearly cycle; can form in any body of water

Use as many resources in the room as necessary to answer the questions.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Define/describe Horizontality as it relates to rock layers. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|2 |Define/describe the Law of Superposition. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|3 |Define/describe the Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|4 |Name the 5 types of fossils and describe them briefly. |1) |

| | | |

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| | |2) |

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| | |3) |

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| | | |

|5 |Name the 3 conditions under which fossils are formed. |1) |

| | | |

| | |2) |

| | | |

| | |3) |

|6 |What is an igneous intrusion? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|7 |What is the tectonic force where rocks are bent? | |

|8 |What is the tectonic force where rocks are broken? | |

|9 |Place these in the proper order: period, era, eon, epoch. | |

| | | |

|10 |Name the 4 major eras. |1) 3) |

| | | |

| | |2) 4) |

|11 |In which major era did man appear? | |

| | | |

|12 |In which major era did dinosaurs live? And what are some of| |

| |the theories as to why they became extinct? (There are 5.) | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|13 |What is an index fossil and why is it important? | |

| | | |

|14 |What is the dating process that doesn’t exactly identify the| |

| |age of rock? | |

|15 |What is the dating process that exactly identifies the age | |

| |of rock? | |

|16 |Which dating process works only on once living things? | |

| | | |

|17 |What is a buried erosional surface called? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|18 |About how old is the Earth? | |

| | | |

|19 |If a sample of rock originally contained 200g of U-238, | |

| |after 2 half lives, how many grams of U-238 remain? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|20 |In the example above, what percentage of decayed material | |

| |(Pb-206) is present. | |

| | | |

|21 |Name 2 ways fossils can be preserved as whole organisms. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|22 |Why does igneous rock not contain fossils? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|23 |What parts of an organism (specifically) are likely to be | |

| |preserved as fossils? | |

|24 |What is the type of fossil called where there is a | |

| |molecule-for-molecule replacement, turning the original | |

| |object into a rock like object? | |

|25 |What is amber and why is it important to scientists? | |

| | | |

| | | |

|26. |In the rock section at right, list the layers in order from |[pic] |

| |oldest to youngest. | |

|27. |In the diagrams at right, indicate the percentage of parent |[pic] |

| |material, the percentage of daughter material and the number|[pic] |

| |of half lives that have occurred. |[pic] |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Key | |

| |[pic] | |

|28. |Place the events at right in the correct order that they | |

| |occurred. |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

| | |_____ _____ _____ _____ |

|29. |Which of these tracks occurred last? | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

|30. |Which event in the diagram at right indicates an igneous | |

| |intrusion? |[pic] |

|31 |Describe the composition of Earth’s early atmosphere. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Describe the changes that have occurred to bring it to it’s | |

| |present day composition. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|32 |What is the correct order of development from the original |[pic] |

| |(oldest) stage to the most | |

| |recent (youngest) stage? | |

| | | |

| |(1) B (D (C (F (A (E | |

| |(2) B (F (C (D (E (A | |

| |(3) E (A (D (F (C (B | |

| |(4) E (A (F (C (D (B | |

|33 |[pic] |Inference 1: The shale layer is older than the basaltic intrusion. |

| |[pic] | |

| | | |

| |After the students examined the cliff, they made three | |

| |correct inferences about the geologic history of the | |

| |bedrock. | |

| | | |

| |Explain how each inference shown at right is supported by | |

| |evidence shown in the diagram. | |

|34 | |Inference 2: The shale layer is older than the sandstone layer. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|35 | |Inference 3: An unconformity exists directly under the shale layer. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

These are the facts you should know…:

A fossil is the remains, impressions, or other evidence of a former existence of life preserved in rock.

Nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock.

Some ways in which fossils can be preserved are molds, casts, and original bone or shell.

In Virginia, fossils are found mainly in the Coastal Plain, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau provinces.

Most Virginia fossils are of marine organisms. This indicates that large areas of the state have been periodically covered by seawater.

Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic fossils are found in Virginia.

Law of Superposition states that the oldest rocks are found on the bottom of strata and the youngest on top of strata.

Law of Cross-cutting relationships states that an igneous intrusion is younger than the layers it cuts across.

Law of Horizontality states that when a rock layer is put down it is done horizontally. Any rock layer that is not horizontal has undergone some changes, like uplifting or tilting.

Unconformities are missing rock layers usually a result of erosion.

Fossils, superposition, and cross-cutting are used to determine relative ages.

Relative dating places events in sequence without assigning exact numerical ages.

Absolute time places a numerical age to an event.

Radioactive decay or half-life is used to determine the absolute age of rocks.

Uranium dating is used to find the ages of the oldest rocks while Carbon-14 is used to find the ages of human artifacts or things that were once living.

The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.

The early atmosphere contained little oxygen and more carbon dioxide than the modern atmosphere.

Early photosynthetic life such as cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) consumed carbon dioxide and generated oxygen.

It was only after early photosynthetic life generated oxygen that animal life became possible.

When finished with this unit, you should be able to…:

Describe the processes involved in the formation of fossils and identify the different types of fossils.

Identify, on a map, the provinces in Virginia where fossils are found.

Recognize that fossils are found mostly in sedimentary rock and that Virginia fossils are mostly of marine organisms.

Identify the geologic periods that are represented by fossils found in Virginia.

Sequence geologic events using principles of relative dating.

Correlate rock layers from different locations using relative dating and index fossils.

Describe the principles of relative dating, including superposition and cross-cutting relations.

Describe the process of absolute dating, including radioactive decay and half-life. Give examples of radioactive isotopes used in absolute dating.

Identify periods of geologic time based on geologic events or dominant life forms.

Compare past and present composition of the Earth’s atmosphere and give reasons for changes over geologic time.

Explain how volcanic activity could affect the atmosphere and life on Earth.

Describe how life has changed and become more complex over geologic time.

Interpret a simple geologic history diagram using superposition and crosscutting relations.

Compare and contrast hypotheses, theories and scientific laws. For example, students should be able to compare/contrast the Law of Superposition and the Theory of Plate Tectonics.

Concept Checks

Review the list of terms below. For each one, determine how well you understand the term or the concept that it represents after having completed the review questions on the previous pages.

If you understand it thoroughly, place a check (() in the space next to it. If you have heard of it but are less certain about it, place a plus (+) in the space next to it. If you’ve never heard of it or simply can’t seem to understand it, place an ‘o’ in the space next to it. Let the ‘o’ items help focus your studying.

(/+/o Concept

fossil formation

fossil types

fossil location (rock type)

relative dating

absolute dating

rock layer correlation





radioactive decay


carbon-14 dating


The End!


Name: ________________________________________ Due Date: ________________

Earth Science


Historical Geology

Classwork Journal

Table of Contents

Unit SOL Study Card Instructions

There are 2 Study Cards to be completed for this unit. All Study Cards will be kept in your folder in preparation for the SOL that will be taken near the end of this semester. The completion of each study card counts as a classwork grade in the unit. Each card must be completed to the teacher’s satisfaction. The card must contain all of the criteria mentioned below at a minimum.

Card #9: Historical Geology, Part 1

• Fossil Types & Conditions – include the different types of fossils, how they are formed and the rock type in which they can be found, conditions necessary for fossils to form

• Relative Dating – draw a diagram that demonstrates the different laws, rules, principles, etc. that allow geologists to date rock layers and the things contained in them

Card #10: Historical Geology, Part 2

• Absolute Dating – list the 2 different types of absolute dating (for once living or never living things)

• Draw a chart or a graph showing the difference between the parent material and daughter material for 0, 1, 2 and 3 half lives

• Geologic Time – list the major geologic divisions of time, draw one or two examples of things that lived during that period, indicate the time span involved, include key vocabulary (eon, epoch, period, etc.)


Set a goal and work toward it. Complete the information below.

My goal for this unit is to earn a ______. This means I will complete all pages in this journal on my own and to the best of my ability. Additionally, it means I will complete the unit homework, all quizzes, the daily “Do Now’s”, the Daily Learning Log and the test.

In order to achieve this goal, I commit to do the following:



I promise to complete the work totally on my own and without the assistance of anyone other than a teacher in the room. I understand that other students in this class may be repeating this course and need to learn just as much as I do. The ultimate goal is to pass the SOL on my own.

____________________________________________________ ___________________

(Signature) (Date)






Historical Geology Test Review

The Fossil Record Vocabulary List

Fossil Types and Conditions Notes

Relative Age Notes

Absolute Age Notes

Geologic Time Notes

Name: ________________________________________ Due Date: ________________

Historical Geology


Review Info

This portion may be removed ONLY at the end of the unit and ONLY at the teacher’s instruction.

Historical Geology – Review Graphics


Earth Time Scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10












Radioactive Decay Lab









13. Which rules come into play with this section?





This picture shows a road cut with 3 rock layers. The top and bottom layers are metamorphic while the middle layer is a coarse-grained igneous rock that intruded.

Examine the diagram and the caption to the left. Layers A, B and C are labeled.

9. Which layer is the youngest? ________________________

10. Which layer is the oldest? __________________________

11. Which rules or laws from above helped you determine this?



12. Where was this rock section when the intrusion occurred? How do you know? ________________________________



Rock Layer Relationships

Relative Aging Practice

Relative Age Model

Radioactive Decay Practice

Half-Life Problems

Half-Life Practice

Learning Relative Sequencing

Interpreting and Applying

Sequencing and Inferring

Daily Learning Log Information

For each day of the unit, completely fill out the boxes. If you were absent, I will write ABSENT in large letters in the “What I worked on today” section.

Daily Learning Log Information

For each day of the unit, completely fill out the boxes. If you were absent, I will write ABSENT in large letters in the “What I worked on today” section.

Daily Learning Log Information

For each day of the unit, completely fill out the boxes. If you were absent, I will write ABSENT in large letters in the “What I worked on today” section.

Why Did the Dinosaurs Die?

Daily Learning Log Information

For each day of the unit, completely fill out the boxes. If you were absent, I will write ABSENT in large letters in the “What I worked on today” section.

Undecayed material

Decayed material

_____ % parent

_____ % daughter

_____ # half lives

_____ % parent

_____ % daughter

_____ # half lives

_____ % parent

_____ % daughter

_____ # half lives





Historical Geology – Study Guide

Determining Relative Age

Forming and Unconformity

How Fossils Form

Determining Which is Older

In each of the figures below there are two features that are labeled with a letter. Using the rules, laws and principles of geologic dating, determine which lettered feature in each figure is older. Write the letter in the space under each figure.

Determining Relative Age


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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