
1. Pick up a Milky Way candy bar half and place it on the paper. DO NOT EAT IT…..yet.

2. Use a magnifying glass to observe the layers.

3. In the box below, make a LARGE sketch of the inside of the candy bar. Be sure that your sketch is both large and clear. Leave room for labels!

4. Label the following candy layers:

• top chocolate

• caramel

• nougat

• bottom chocolate

5. Then start thinking about how you would label the real layers:

• crust

• lithosphere

• asthenosphere

• mantle

• core

Now, about the layer of chocolate on top…

1. How does the top chocolate break when you push or cut it? ______________________________________

2. Is this what would happen if someone took a giant knife and cut the Earth’s crust? ____________________

Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________


3. What is the thickest measure of the top chocolate? ___________mm.

What Earth formation does the THICKEST part of the top chocolate represent? _______________

4. In/on which candy layer does the chocolate crust seem to be floating? _______________________

Which Earth layer does this represent? ______________________________________________


1. Pick up a Milky Way candy bar half and place it on the paper. DO NOT EAT IT…..yet.

2. Use a magnifying glass to observe the layers.

3. In the box below, make a LARGE sketch of the inside of the candy bar. Be sure that your sketch is both large and clear. Leave room for labels!

4. Label the following candy layers:

• top chocolate

• caramel

• nougat

• bottom chocolate

5. Then start thinking about how you would label the real layers:

• crust

• lithosphere

• asthenosphere

• mantle

• core

Now, about the layer of chocolate on top…

1. How does the top chocolate break when you push or cut it? ______________________________________

2. Is this what would happen if someone took a giant knife and cut the Earth’s crust? ____________________

Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________


3. What is the thickest measure of the top chocolate? ___________mm.

What Earth formation does the THICKEST part of the top chocolate represent? _______________

4. In/on which candy layer does the chocolate crust seem to be floating? _______________________

Which Earth layer does this represent? ______________________________________________


Name ______________________________

Date________________ Per.______


What does it look/feel like? _____________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________

Name ______________________________

Date________________ Per.______


What does it look/feel like? _____________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


What does it look/feel like? _______________________________________________________

Which Earth layer is this most like? ______________________________ Label it on your picture.

How is it the same? _____________________________________________________________

How is it different? _____________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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