Pentecost Points for Prayer: From Chaos to KairosSimilar to the Easter Vigil, there is also a Pentecost Vigil with a series of readings and psalm responses. If you wanted to deepen your experience of prayer this Pentecost, why not take some time and reflect on each of these readings?Reading 1: Genesis/ The tower of BabelReflect on the Chaos that comes from the human desire to be divine and reach the heavens.How does the chaos of our world today call out for God’s Spirit to come and renew us.Reflect on the “design of God’s heart” in the Psalm ResponseReading 2: Exodus: SinaiReflect on the “elemental” nature of this scripture. Earth, Wind and Fire are all signs of the Spirit working to show the “dunamis” (Power) of God.How do the elements of creation reveal to you the presence and movement of the God’s Spirit?Reflect on the response: “Glory and Praise, forever!”Where do you see God’s Glory manifest in created beauty and majesty?Reading 3: Ezekiel/ Dry BonesReflect on the powerful image of the “dry bones” coming to new life. Can you see yourself coming to new life, especially in this time of distress?Reflect on the words from the psalm Response“ Give thanks to the Lord, God’s love is everlasting”How and why give thanks when there is so much suffering and chaos in the world today?Reading 4: JoelThus says the LORD:I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,your old men shall dream dreams,your young men shall see visions;even upon the servants and the handmaids,in those days, I will pour out my spirit.The image from this reading is one of being anointed with the Spirit. Do you feel this anointing these days? Is God luxuriating in and with you in this time when we are deprived of so much?Response from Ellie Peterson, sister to Joel Peterson, who loves to sing and dance for God. ................

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