The University Research Behind - Easiest Language

 The University Research Behind INTERNATIONAL VOCABULARY

QUICK International understanding in much less time using international words Esperanto


The University Research Behind INTERNATIONAL VOCABULARY Esperanto QUICK INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING IN MUCH LESS TIME USING INTERNATIONAL WORDS, ISBN 0-915935-12-0 This book may now be copied for Educational use by everyone for all purposes. It is now free to all because it is needed because thousends of people have died or suffered because of language misunderstandings. Copyright 2010 Wesley Edward Arnold Published in Warren Michigan Wesley Arnold 499.992 A (Dewey number) Library of Congress number PM8213.A7

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Research Section 66 Importance 67 Ideological, Psychosociological Phenomenon 68 Masterpiece, the Articulate Language 68 Lexical Economy, Esperanto Can Express What Is Impossible in Other Languages 68 Publications 69 Taxonomy 69 Importance of Word Frequency Studies 69 Zlatko Tisljar's Research on Conversations 70 American Heritage Corpus Analysis 70 Internet Analysis 70 A 16 Million Word Corpus 70 Size of Vocabulary Compared to Other Languages 71 Proof that a Basic Esperanto Vocabulary Works 71 Vilho Seta'la', English Requires Three Times the Words 71 Versatility of Esperanto, Word Formation, Meanings 72 Total Roots 72 Paderborn Scientific Experiments 72 Facilitation of Learning Other Languages 73 Learning Time for Various Languages, Latent Knowledge 74 Learning Difficulties of Other Languages 74 English has 232 ways to spell 44 sounds American Heritage Dictionary 75 Massive Failure of English Teaching in China 75 One Year of Esperanto Equals Four Years of Other Languages 75 Has Positive Effect on Language Study 76 Piron on Esperanto, 10 Minutes a Day Could Change the Face of World History 77

Return on Esperanto is High, Helps Students Understand Native Language 77 Leads to Desire to Learn Other Languages 77 Convergent-divergent Thought, Freedom from straight jacket of rules and 77 exceptions, Gives Means of Analyzing Semantic Relationships and Thought 77 Teach Children and Children Will Teach the World, Where to Find Teachers 78 Internationality of Lexemes, Percentages 78 Coefficient of Attainment, International Words 79 Basic Esperanto International Vocabulary on Internet 79 Attracting Millions Who Are Not Inclined to Learn Another Language 79 Esperanto Can Save Businesses Thousands of Dollars 80 Growing Internet Presence, Over 1000 Email Addresses in Over 50 Countries 80 Success Using Basic Vocabularies 81 Languages Compared, Suitability and Difficulty 81 Size of Children's & Adult's Vocabularies, Zipf's Law 81 Frequency percentages 87 Numbers of Parts of Speech, and Idioms 88 Pei's World's Greatest Need and Artificial Horse 97 Esperanto Gallop Poll, UN Translation 97 Claude Piron on Perverse Effects 97 Language Prejudice 98 Qualifications for an International Language 98 How Many Languages Are There? 99 Current Language Situation, Figures of Total Speakers & Percents 99


Percentages of non Speakers of English in USA Cities 99 Transfer of Learning, Best Teaching Method 101 Language Education 102 Bridge Translation 103 What Esperanto Offers the Elementary Teacher 103 Miscellaneous Facts about Languages, Records, Berlitz, Pei 104 Roman Alphabet 104 Edward Thorndike 104 Topological Classification 105 Mandelbaum, Sapir 106 Notes on and Problems of English 106 Esperanto-English Comparison 106 Neutrality 107 "That Language Is Best Which Is Easiest For the Majority" Pei 107 Learning English, Spanish and French Only Gives Access to 17 Percent 107 If One Learned Nine Languages, One Could Still Only Understand Less Than 30

Percent of the World 108 Bibliography 108 List Comparing Kontakto, Juna Amiko, Internet, Official

Lists, Basic English, Tisljar Conversations, Durr Words In Children's Books, High Utility Words 112-136


Most cost efficient solution to communication between languages. Most time efficient solution to communication between over 1000 languages. Most of the necessary grammar can be learned in a few days and has no exceptions. Some groups can be communicating directly in a month.

All words spelled as pronounced. All verbs are regular. There are no idioms.

Scientifically planned for inter-language communication the vocabulary for 80-90 percent understanding can be learned in as little as a month. 300-999 international word roots provide 80-99 percent understanding without years of memorization. A free dictionary provides for any additional words and eliminates years of study. 1

Does not replace anyone's language!

Companies can save thousands of dollars in training costs.

Helps people learn English.

SAMPLE. La inteligenta persono lernas. Internacia lingvo estas la moderna, kultura lingvo por la tuta mondo. Simpla, fleksebla, ghi estas la praktika solvo de la problemo de internacia interkompreno & meritas vian konsideron. (The intelligent person learns. International language is the modern, cultural language for the whole world. Simple, flexible, it is the practical solution of the problem of inter-national mutual understanding & merits your consideration.) For now sound out all text as if it were in English. Punctuation is on page 43, 44.

1 See references to scientific studies Thorndyke, Arnold, et al page 43. 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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