left000Jones Magnet Middle SchoolUSII.8The United States and the Cold War:Roots of the Cold War<<<Cold War cartoon 63563564897000Why it Matters~After World War Two, the alliance between the US and the USSR (Soviet Union) broke down into a new struggle, the ________________________.Growing Distrust~Problems began even before WW2 was over as Churchill, Roosevelt and __________ met at _________ to discuss post war Europe. Stalin promised to allow Eastern European countries that the ______ controlled to have free __________ to pick their new ______________. But he lied. He knew that these countries would never pick ____________ governments so…….he did not allow elections to occur. Instead, Stalin installed ______________________ that would report to and support the _______________. Later during a speech, Winston Churchill referred to this division between the capitalist and free countries of the _____________ and the communist dictatorships of the East as a ____________________ descending across ________________.By 1948, most countries in Eastern Europe had become ____________________ of the USSR.-47434511239500Define satellite nation~Even scarier, the Soviets were threatening to spread their communist form of government to countries in __________ Europe such as France, Spain and beyond.Containing Soviet New President _______________ was up to the task of Expansion~checking ___________________________. When communist threatened to take over the government of ___________, Truman responded strongly.Truman Doctrine~In response the Greek problem, Truman asked Congress to help the Greeks resist ________________5080000Truman believed it was the right of all people to live in a _______________ where they choose their leaders. Truman promised that the United States would help block the spread of ________________ and protect _______________ around the world. This became known as the ___________________. An important part of the Truman Doctrine is the concept of ______________Define containment~Sec. of State George C. __________ devises a plan to help strengthen the economies of ____________. It was called the _________ Plan. What did the Marshall Plan do? 45402507620000The Marshall Plan was a great __________, helping provide needed relief to war torn western European countries. Japan~ After being soundly beaten by the Americans during WWII, Japan was __________ by the US Army led by __________________. MacArthur convinced Congress to help the Japanese ____________. MacArthur was a genius and _________________ for the New Japan. Thanks to American kindness, within a few years, Japan hadchanged in three ways:1.2.3.The Berlin Defeated Germany was divided into _________ zones afterAirlift~ World War Two. ______________________________ each controlled a “sector” of Germany. A huge problem was that the German capital of_______ was located deep in the Soviet sector. To add to the confusion, Berlin was also shared by the _________________. To the Americans, English and French, Berlin was like a ______________________. By 1948, the three Allies believed it was time to __________________Naturally, the Soviets did not support this knowing that East Germany would become _______________ and they would lose an pro-communist friend. Hoping to starve the Allies out of Berlin, the Soviets set up _______________ around Berlin, preventing _______________________________________________419100017018000-62865017018000Not to be bullied out of Berlin, the three Allies were determined to hold onto Berlin without risking ________ with the Soviets. To avoid war and keep the “free” side of Berlin stocked with food and other needed items, the three Allies organized an ____________ known as the _______________________. Hundreds of thousands of flights brought everything from diapers, food and fuel to Berlin. Realizing that this was hopeless, the Soviets called off the Berlin Blockade in May of 1949. The Allies had won….without war!!Giving up hope of Soviet cooperation, the English, French and Americans agreed to allow their three sectors hold elections and form a new country, ______________________ also known as ____________For people living in ________________, the pro-Soviet country of _______________________________ was created. Germany was divided!!!right38735000Cold War Crisis~For years after the division of Germany, one road to freedom for Germans living in East Germany was by escaping to freedom in Berlin. Thousands of Germans escaped to freedom this way until suddenly, in 1961, the East Germans (Soviets) built the _________________. At first very simple, the Wall grew into a highly guarded barrier that became almost impossible to cross. The Berlin wall becameInternationalAfter World War Two, a new Organizations~ organization was created, the ____________________. The goal of the UN was simple, Member nations agreed to bring their disputes (fights) to the UN to be ___________The United Nations has been a success in several areas:Providing ImprovingHelping countries duringcenter29019500NATO and the Warsaw Pact~In April of 1949, the United States and other democratic countries of Western Europe formed a new military alliance known as the ____________________________________ or NATO. NATO was formed to protect its member countries against ____________ from the Soviet Union or its friends.In response, the Soviet Union and its satellites formed the _________________. The stage was now set for a ___________________________ in Europe.The Shock ofAfter World War Two, Americans were confident because we were the only 1949~country that had the ______________.left000However, that all changed as the Soviet Union exploded its own _________________Now, any war between the US and the USSR (the Soviets) would be extremely deadly.The world, to the Americans, got a lot more dangerous in 1949. After a long war between Chinese __________ and Chinese _____________, the communists under their leader Mao ______________ took control of China. The Chinese Nationalist fled to the nearby island of Taiwan. right000Now, the ______________ seemed much colder to the Americans as the “Reds” (communists) had spread from the Soviet Union to the most populist country in the world, China. ................

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