
Chapter 22-23


|Instructions: |

|• |Identify each item. Be sure to consider the questions who, what, where, and when in each essay, using examples from the |

| |chapter(s) when needed. |

|• |Be sure to explain the historical significance of each question. Establish the historical context of each question. In |

| |each answer, establish the causal relationships and other factors existing in the society under study in each question. |

| |Answer this question: What were the political, social, economic, and/or cultural consequences in each question? |

1. Examine the early Portuguese exploration and dominance in trade. What made this dominance possible? Why didn't their early advantage last?

2. Discuss the implications of the Columbian exchange. What crops and animals were being shipped back and forth? Was there a negative side to this exchange? What would be the long-term consequences?

3. Explore the differing approaches to exploration, trade, and colonization of the western European nations. What might explain these differences? How would these different approaches influence the areas being explored and colonized?

-Explain differences in exploration patterns between the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English using examples and explaining those examples (i.e. If you mention Ferdinand Magellan, explain who he was and his importance to Portuguese/Spanish exploration).

-Explain differences in trade patterns between the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English using examples and explaining those examples (i.e. If you mention trading posts or joint stock companies explain what they were, who used these methods, why these methods were used and give and explain examples (Example: English East India Company).)

- Explain differences in colonizing patterns between the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English using examples and explaining those examples…

-Explain the influence these patterns had on the colonized (example: disease, Columbian exchange, etc.)

-Be sure to answer all of the questions that will be asked of you clearly and concisely.

4. What were the positive and negative demographic impacts of European contact with the New World?

5. Examine the career of Martin Luther. What were the foundations of his Reformation? What legacy did he leave Europe? Why did earlier reformers not have the same impact?

6. Examine Map 23.2, Europe after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648. How does it compare to Map 23.1? What were the long-term implications of the Peace of Westphalia? (Projected)

Map 23.1 (Sixteenth-Century Europe)


Map 23.2 (Europe after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648)



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