Alberta Slim. Modern Cowboy Songs. CFQC, Saskatoon, n.d. [c. 1942]

Allen, Ward. Canadian Fiddle Tunes. Book 1. Toronto, 1969

Barbeau, Marius. Alouette! Montreal, 1946

_____________. Folk-Songs of Old Quebec. Ottawa, 1962

_____________. Le rossignol y chante; premiere partie du repertoire de la chanson folklorique francaise au Canada.

Ottawa, 1979 (1962)

_____________. En roulant ma boule: deuxieme partie du repertoire de la chanson folklorique francaise au Canada. Ottawa,


_____________. Jongleur Songs of Old Quebec. New Brunswick, NJ, 1962

_____________. Le roi boit: troisieme partie du repertoire de la chanson folklorique francaise au Canada. Ottawa, 1987

_____________ & Edward Sapir. Folk Songs of French Canada. New Haven, 1925

_____________ et al. Come A Singing!: Canadian Folk-Songs. 1973 (1947)

_________________. Roundelays: Dansons a la Ronde. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 151, 1958

Bartlett, Jon. Indexes to Come All Ye 1972-1977 and Canada Folk Bulletin 1978-1980. [Duotang].

__________ & Rika Ruebsaat. Songs and Stories of Canada. Richmond, 1980

Bauchman, Rosemary (sel., ed.). The Best of Helen Creighton. Hantsport, NS., 1994 (1988)

Bell, Leslie. The Festival Song Book. Book One for Treble Voices. Toronto, 1952

Blurton, H.J. Rhymes of a Mountain Man. Enderby, BC [post 1944]

Bock, W.G. “Billy”. Photostat selections from The Book of Humbug. [Eastend, n.d.: post 1952]

Borlase, Tim (ed., comp.). Songs of Labrador. Labrador East Integrated School Board: Goose Lane Editions, Fredericton, 1993

Britannia Heritage Shipyard's Sea Shanty Songbook. 20 unnumbered shanties [drawn from JB's songbook] on single quarto

sheets, cover & stapled. [Britannia Heritage Shipyard, Steveston, 1994].

Byrne, Pat (sel., ed.). The Ryan’s Fancy Song and Other Stuff Book. Portugal Cove, Nfld., 1977

Calderisi, Maria. Music Publishing in the Canadas, 1800-1867. Ottawa, 1981

Canadian Folk Festival Directory 1984. CBC/CFMS, Calgary, 1984

Canadian Folk Song and Handicraft Festival. Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, 20-22 May 1927

The Canadian Pacific Music Industry Directory. Pacific Music Industry Association, Vancouver, 1996.

The Canadian Youth Hymnal. The United Church of Canada. Toronto, 1939

Carlisle, Roxanne. Folk Music in Canada – 1974. Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, Ottawa, 1974

Carroll, P.J. Ditties of a Dog Musher. Prince George, 2nd ed., n.d.

Cass, Barbara & Helen Freeman (eds.). Awake and Sing! Songs for Singing Democracy. The Fellowship for Christian Social

Order, Toronto, n.d.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. To Listen, To Like, To Learn. Toronto, 1974

_________________. Canadian Folk Songs for the Young. Vancouver, 1975

_________________. _____________________________. _________, rev. ed.1999 (1997)(1st ed. 1975)

_________________ (coll., prep.). Seven Métis Songs of Saskatchewan. Don Mills, 1967

_________________. Your Baby Needs Music. Vancouver, 1978

_________________ & Edith Fowke. A Reference List on Canadian Folk Music. Canadian Folk Music Society, 1966 (12

pp.), 1973 (12 pp.), 1978 (16 pp.), 1984 (20 pp.)

Caswell, Edward S. Canadian Singers and Their Songs. Toronto, 1919

CCF Song Book. Selected by CCF Song Book Committee. CCF (BC Yukon Section), Vancouver, n.d.

Chansonnier. [duotang of w. for 62 songs]

Chestnut, R.H. Rambling Rhymes of the British Columbia Coast. Vancouver, 1933

Chorfest ‘80. Program for BC Choral federation 2nd Annual Conference, UBC, May 1980

Chroniques. numeros 24-25 (dec-jan 1977), 26 (fev 1977): includes Yves Alix, "chansons de lutte et de turlute"

Clark, Kenneth S. (ed.). The “Everybody Sing” Book. Toronto, n.d. [1932]

Clay Centre Club. Celebration in Song. Eastend, SK, 1997

Cleary, Steve. Songs We Sing When We’re Together... Sometimes. Songbook No. 3, The Vancouver Morris Men, n.p.

[Vancouver], n.d.[1997]

Clouston, Al. We Rant and We Roar. St. John’s, 1980

Cohen, Leonard. Songs of Leonard Cohen. New York, 1969

Community Song Book. Canadian Pacific, n.p., n.d.

Cooper, Irvin (comp., arr.).. Teen-Age Songs. Toronto, 1942

Cosbey, Robert. All In Together, Girls: Skipping Songs from Regina, Saskatchewan. Regina, 1980

Creighton, Helen. A Life in Folklore. Toronto, 1975

______________. Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia. Toronto, 1966 (1932)

______________ (coll.). Maritime Folk Songs. 1972 (1962).

______________. (coll., ed.). Folksongs from Southern New Brunswick. Ottawa, 1971

______________. Ed. Ronald Labelle. La fleur du rosier: chansons folkloriques d’Acadie. Sydney, N.S., 1988

______________ and Calum MacLeod. Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia. Ottawa, 1979 (1964).

Crossley, Rev. H.T. (ed.). Songs of Salvation. Toronto, 1887

Davenport, Nadine et al: B.C. Folk/Roots Music Directory. The Acoustic Connection, Vancouver, 1992

Davis, Bob (ed.). Singin' About Us. Toronto, 1976

Dibblee, Randall & Dorothy (coll., ed.). Folksongs from Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, PEI, 1973

Doyle, Gerald S. (comp.). Old-time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland (1927). St. John's, 1955 (3rd ed.) & 1978 (5th ed.)

The Empire Book of Favourite Songs. Oakville, Ont., n.d.

Evans, Robert. Song to a Seagull. Toronto, 1970

Folk Songs Plus. N.p., n.d. [ditto, stapled]

The Folksinger's Passport to Canada: 39 Favourites. Toronto, 1964

4th Vancouver Folk Song & Dance Festival. Programme, 1936

44 Hootenanny & Folk Songs. New Westminster, 1963

Foresman, Robert (eds.). The High Road of Song. Book 3. Toronto, n.d. [c. 1959]

Fowke, Edith. “Anglo-Canadian Folksong - A Survey”. Ethnomusicology. Vol XVI, No. 3 [2 copies]

__________. “Labor and Industrial Protest Songs in Canada”. Offprint from Journal of American Folklore, Vol 82, No. 323;

January-March 1969

__________. Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods. Toronto, 1985 (Austin, 1970).

__________ (coll., ed.). Sally Go Round the Sun: 300 Songs, Rhymes and Games of Canadian Children. Toronto, 1969

__________. Traditional Singers and Songs from Ontario. Hatboro, Pa., 1965

__________ (ed.). Sea Songs and Ballads from Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia: The William H. Smith and Fenwick Hatt

Manuscripts. New York, 1981

__________ (sel., ed.). The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs. Harmondsworth, 1973

__________ et al. Canada’s Story in Song. Toronto, 1965

__________ & Richard Johnston. Chansons de Quebec/Folk Songs of Quebec. Waterloo, 1957

___________________________. Folk Songs of Canada Waterloo, 1954

___________________________. More Folk Songs of Canada. Waterloo, 1967

Frey, Hugo. Canada Sings: Community Song Book. Toronto, 1935

Gagnon, Ernest. Chansons populaires du Canada (1865). Montreal, 1947

Gibbon, John Murray. Northland Songs, No. 1. Toronto, 1936

_________________. Canada in Song. Toronto, 1941

Grierson, Alan. Songs [Duotang containing words to 7 songs]

HEU Songbook. Hospital Employees Union, [Vancouver] 1992 (1991).

Hilliam, B.C. Flotsam’s Follies: The Autobiography of B.C. Hilliam. London, 1948

Hood, Robert Allison. Vignettes of Vancouver and Some Vagrant Verses. Vancouver, 1954

Hopkins, Anthony. Songs from the Front & Rear: Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War. Edmonton, 1979

Hoskin, Zeke. Songs of a Sidewalk Harper. Vancouver, 1996

Ives, Edward D. Folksongs of New Brunswick. Fredericton, 1989

____________. Larry Gorman: the man who made the songs. Bloomington, 1964

de Jarlis, Andy. Andy de Jarlis' Canadian Fiddle Tunes from the Red River Valley. Toronto; Book 1, 1969; Book 2, 1961

Jarman, Harry E. (comp.). Old Time Fiddlin' Tunes. Scarborough, Ont., 1938

Jewish Songs. [A collection of 20 Jewish songs from various photostated sources]; quarto.

Johnson, Richard. Folk Songs North America Sings: A source book for all teachers. Toronto, 1984

Kallmann, Helmut. A History of Music in Canada 1534-1914. Toronto, 1969 (1st ed. 1960)

Kane, Alice. Songs and Sayings of an Ulster Childhood. Ed., Edith Fowke. Toronto, 1983

Kehoe, John. Tales of the Long Logger. Osoyoos, BC 1962

King, Lance. Cradle Songs with Nursery Rhymes and Verse. Vancouver, 1988

Lacourciere, Luc. Receuil de Folklore Canadien: Cours d’ete de francais. Les Archives de Folklore, Université Laval, Juillet,


Laforte, Conrad. Le Catalogue de la Chanson Folklorique Française. Vol I: Chansons en laisse. Québec, 1977

A List of Music Consultants, Music Directors, Music Supervisors in Canada. CMEA Resource Centre, 1974

Lobban, Christopher S. Fragmented Lobster Pot. New York, 1979

Lowther, Roy (comp.). Songs of Labour Old and New and Other Songs. Vol I, Vancouver, 1975

Luccock, Norma A. "Canada’s Music for Canadian Children: The use of ethnic folk song in the elementary school classroom".

[Vancouver]., n.d. (c. 1976). quarto ms, 17pp + vi

MacEachern, Ron (ed.). Songs and Stories from Deep Cove, Cape Breton Sydney, 1979

Mackenzie, W. Roy (coll.). Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia. Foreword G. Malcolm Laws, Jr. Hatboro, PA, 1963

Macmillan, Ernest. A Canadian Song Book. London,1929 [in signatures]

_______________ (ed.). Music in Canada. Toronto, 1955. (includes "Folk Song" by Marius Barbeau)

Magillivray, Allister. Song for the Mira and Other Compositions. Sydney, 1979

Mandala Song Circle. Quarto photostat, 30 pp.

Manny, Louise & J.R. Wilson. Songs of Miramichi (1968). Fredericton, 1970

McLaren, Jean & Heide Brown (eds.). The Raging Grannies Songbook. Gabriola Island, Philadephia PA, 1993 (1st ed. 1989)

The McGill University Song Book. Montreal, 1921

McGregor, Arthur (ed.). Coast to Coast Fever. Ottawa, 1981

McGregor, Robert N. Songs Everyone Can Sing. Toronto, n.d. [c. 1950][Photostat from Lib/Cong]

Mercer, Paul. Newfoundland Songs and Ballads in Print 1842 - 1974: A title and first-line index. St. John's, 1979

Messer, Don. Don Messer’s Barn Dance Breakdowns. Toronto, 1954

__________. Don Messer's Canadian Hoedowns. Toronto, 1957

__________. Don Messer's Folio 'Centennial Edition'. Toronto, 1967

__________. Fiddlin' Favorites with Don Messer and his Islanders. Toronto, 1963

__________. Original Old Tyme Music by Don Messer and his Islanders. Toronto, 1942

Mills, Alan. The Alan Mills Book of Folk Songs and Ballads. Montreal, 1949

_________ (sel., trans.). Chantons un peu (“Sing a little”): Thirty French Folk Songs. Toronto, 1961

_________ (sel., ed.). Favourite Songs of New foundland. Scarborough, 1958

_________ (______). Folk Songs for Young Folk. Toronto, 1957

The More We Are Together. Mutual Life of Canada. Np., n.d.

Occasional Papers:

18 Various Term Papers submitted to Dr. Malcolm Page, English 377, SFU (in Occasional Papers)

Norie, Susan. “Historical Influences on the Distribution and Character of the Folk-Songs of Newfoundland.” Unpublished

paper. SFU: Burnaby, November 1994 (in Occasional Papers binder)

Ruebsaat, Ulrika. “Creation and Re-Creation in Traditional Song: A Personal Case Study.” Unpublished paper. SFU:

Burnaby, December 1995 (in Occasional Papers binder)

Volante, Maura. “Women of the Folk: An Oral History of Women's Involvement with the Vancouver Folk Song Society.”

Unpublished paper. SFU: Burnaby, March 1994 (in Occasional Papers binder)

O’Donnell, John. The Men of the Deeps. Waterloo, 1975: melody ed.

Okanagan Historical Society. Songs of the Okanagan. Vernon, 1944

Paul, Ann Casselman. Legends of the Pioneers and Other Poems. Keremeos, 1977

Peacock, Kenneth. The Native Songs of Newfoundland. From National Museum of Canada Bulletin 190, 1963

______________. Songs of the Newfoundland Outports. 3 vols., Ottawa, 1965

______________. Twenty Ethnic Songs from Western Canada. Ottawa, 1966

Pearl, Bert. The Happy Gang Book of Comic Songs. Toronto, nm.d. [post 1947]

Proceedings of the Centennial Workshop on Ethnomusicology. UBC, June 1967. Aural History, Provincial Archives, Victoria,


Programme and Song Book, Miners' Memorial Day, Princeton. CAW, 1992

Roberts, Helen H. & D[iamond] Jenness. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Southern Party 1913-16. Vol

XV: Eskimo Songs: Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Ottawa, 1925

Rosenberg, Neil V. Country Music in the Maritimes. St. John's, 1976

Roy, Raoul. Le Chant de L'alouette. Quebec, 1969

Ruebsaat, Ulrika Hedwig. What the Songs Say: An Examination of the Role of Song in the BC Music Curricula and their

Required Song Books, 1919-1995. Unpublished Master’s thesis, SFU, 1999

Ryan, Shannon and Larry Small. Haulin' Rope and Gaff: Songs and Poetry in the History of the Newfoundland Seal Fishery.

St John's, 1978

Scammell, A.R. My Newfoundland: Stories/Poems/Songs. Montreal, 1966

Seeing the World of Sound: The Cover Art of Folkways Records. Exhibition catalog, Nov-Dec 2005. U of Alberta, Edmonton

Service, Robert W. Yukon Poems of Robert W. Service. Palmer Lake, Co., 1967

Sing I. Joint Committee on the Preparation of the Hymn Book, Anglican Church of Canada & United Church of Canada. N.p.,


Singalong. Vancouver. Vol 1, No. 1. Spring, 1957; Vol 2 No 1 July 1958

Sing Out! Student Guide. N.p., n.d. [1982]

Sociability Songs. Toronto, 1937

Society for Ethnomusicology. Program & Abstracts. Toronto, 1996

Song Book. Student Christian Movement of BC, n.p., n.d. [c. early ‘30’s]

[songster 4” x 7”, coverless, possibly SCM as above: np., nd]

Songbook. Language Institute, Centre for Continuing Education. Quarto photostat , 17 pp. Vancouver, n.d.

Songbook 1977. Language Institute, Centre for Continuing Education. Quarto photostat , 25 pp. Vancouver, 1977

Songbook: English Language Program. Language Institute, Centre for Continuing Education. Quarto photostat , 15 pp.

Vancouver, n.d.

Songs for Canadian Boys. Quebec Provincial Council of Boy Scouts Association. Toronto, 1932

[Songs from Camp Galilee]. Handwritten, 15 pp.

Songs That Never Die. Toronto, n.d.

Song Time and Music and Things 1959-60. Teacher’s ed. of songbook for primary children. N.p., [Canadian] nd. [c. 1960]

Sullivan, Maireid. Celtic Women in Music: A Celebration of Beauty and Sovereignty. Kingston, 1999

Swanson, Robert E. Bunkhouse Ballads: A Third Book of Verse. Toronto, 1945

_______________. Rhymes of a Lumberjack. A Second Book of Verse. Toronto, 3rd ed., 1943

_______________. Rhymes of a Western Logger. Vancouver, 4th ed., 1943

Taft, Michael. A Regional Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador 1904 - 1972. St. John's, 1975

Thomas, Gerald. Songs Sung by French Newfoundlanders. St. John's, 1978

Thomas, Philip J. Songs of the Pacific Northwest. Saanichton, 1979 [2 copies]; also 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. Ed. Jon

Bartlett. Surrey, 2006

_____________. Twenty-Five Songs for Vancouver 1886-1986. Vancouver, 1986

Tremblay, Roger. Visages de la chanson quebecoise. Montreal, 1976

The University of Toronto Song Book. Toronto, 1887 [coverless, in process of being rebound]

Trail-Rossland District Songbook: commemorating 75 years of Scouting, 1907-1982. 42pp, typewritten and photostat

Usher, Bill and Linda Page-Harpa. "For What Time I am in this World": Stories from Mariposa. Toronto, 1977

Vancouver Folk Music Festival. Festival Records 1991 Catalogue

Verrier, Hugh (ed.). The Songs of Wade Hemsworth. Illustrations by Thoreau Macdonald. Waterloo, 1990

Wates, Cyril G. (ed.). Songs of Canadian Climbers. Edmonton, n.d.

Wells, R.E. The Loss of the Janet Cowan. Sooke, 1989

Willan, Healey (arr.). Chansons Canadiennes. Vol 2. Oakville, 1929

Wright, Richard Thomas & Cathryn Wellner. Castles in the Air: Music & Stories of British Columbia’s 1860s gold rush.

Williams Lake, BC, 2000


Bartlett, Jon (ed.). Indexes to Come All Ye, 1972-1977 and Canada Folk Bulletin 1978-1980. Vancouver Folk Song Society,


______________. VFSS Tape Archives Database (dB4). Vancouver Folk Song Society, 1995

The Big Time Music Magazine. Quarterly. Courtenay, Jan 1985

B.C. Music Educator: Journal of the British Columbia Music Educators’ Association. Vol 50, No. 1 Fall 2006

British Columbia Library Quarterly. July, 1962 (contains PJT’s “B.C. Songs”)

Canada Folk Bulletin. Vancouver Folk Song Society, 1978-1980 (17 issues: complete)(5 sets)

Canadian Folklore Canadien. Folklore Studies Association of Canada. Vol II, nos. 1/2, 1980

Canadian Folk Music Bulletin. Canadian Folk Music Society, October 1972- (from 1990, Canadian Society for Musical

Traditions; from June 1994, Canadian Society for Traditional Music)

Canadian Folk Music Festival Programs:

Calgary FF I (1980)(Hamilton)

F of Friends 1976 - 1978 (London)

Home County FF VII (1980)

Mariposa FF1 (1971), FF II (1972), IV (1974) - VIII (1978)

Northern Lights F Boreal IV (1975), VI (1977), VII(1978)

Owen Sound Summerfolk II (1977) - IV (1979)

Regina F Arts F X (1978) - XIII (1981)

Summer Solstice (Thunder Bay) I (1979)

Vancouver FMF I (1978) - IV (1981), VII (1984) VIII (1985), X (1987), XIII (1990) XIV (1991), XX (1997), XXI (1998),

XXVIII (2005), 2006

Winnipeg FF II (1975), IV (1977), V (1978)

(Yellowknife) F on the Rocks I (1980), II (1981)

Canadian Folk Music Journal. Canadian Folk Music Society, 1973 - (from 1990, Canadian Society for Musical Traditions;

from June 1994, Canadian Society for Traditional Music)

Canadian Folk Music Organizations Publications:

Bytown Folk Connection, Feb 1980 - June 1981 (5 vols.) Ottawa

Open Door, Mar 1979 - June 1980 (15 vols.) Vancouver

Pourquoi Chanter? May 1977 - July 1978 (5 vols.) Montreal

The Rocky Mountain Folk Club Recorder, Nov 1981 - April 1983 (5 vols.) Calgary

The Saint John Folk Club Rag, Aug 1977 - Jan 1981 (9 vols.) Saint John, NB

Summer Solstice Festival Newsletter, Feb - Aug 1979 [3 vols.], February 1981 (#24), March 1981 (#25), (May 1981 (#27); Thunder Bay, Ont.)

Canadian Music Educator. Vol 47 No 4 Summer 2006; Vol 48 No 1 Autumn 2006

The Canadian Society for Musical Traditions. Folk Music Catalogue, 1990. Folk Music Catalogue, 1991. Folk Music

Catalogue, 1992. Folk Music Catalogue, 199, Folk Music Catalogue, 1994; Catalogue 1999

Come All Ye. Vancouver Folk Song Society, 1972-1977 (66 issues: 6 vols. complete)(+ Vols I/II unbound)

Communique. Vol 3, no. 4 Aug 1977: "Canadian Folk Culture"

Dill Pickle Rag. No 1. Summer 1976; Vol 2, No. 1, Jan 1978

Hoot folk music magazine. Guild of Canadian Folk Artists, Toronto. No 1, Aug 1963; Vol 2, Nos. 2-5 (May 1966-Sept 66),

Vol 3 No 1 Feb 1967

Music Across Canada. Vol 1, No. 6 July-August 1963. “A Tribute to Sir Ernest Macmillan”.

Rogue Folk (Rogue FC newsletter, Vancouver). II-3, Feb 1988 -

Singalong! Vancouver: Vol I no.1, Spring 1957: Vol II no.1, July, 1958

Song Broadcasts

Let’s Sing Together. Students’ Guide Book, 1950-51; Students’ Song Sheets, 1955-1956 & 1959-1960

Your Listen and Sing Song Book, 1958-9; 1959-1960

Listen and Sing Word Book, 1962-63; 1964-1965

3/4 Times. Vancouver Folk Song Society, 1975 -

(Newsletter). Victoria Folk Music Society, Aug 1977 -


“A Gentleman About Town”. A Book of Vulgar Verse, Secaucus, NJ, 1981

________________ & George Foss. Anglo-American Folksong Style. Englewood Cliffs, 1968

Agay, Denes. Best Loved Songs of the American People. New York, 1975

Allen, Linda (comp.). Washington Songs and Lore. Spokane, 1988

American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings. Library of Congress, 1985, 1987 & 1991

Anderson, V.C. The Hobo in Song and Poetry. Cincinnati, nd [1926]

Andrews, Edward Deming. The Gift to be Simple: Songs, Dances and Rituals of the American Shakers (1940). New York,


Babad, Harry (ed.). Roll Me Over. New York, 1972

Baez, Joan. And a Voice to Sing With: A Memoir. New York, 1987

Ballads of the B.E.F. New York, 1932

Bartis, Peter T. & Barbara C. Fertig (eds.). Folklife Sourcebook. American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington,


Baum, L. Frank (verse) & W.W. Denslow (pictures). The Songs of Father Goose for the Kindergarten, the Nursery and the

Home. Indianapolis, 1909 (1900)

Beattie, John W. et al (comp., ed.). The Golden Book of Favorite Songs. Chicago, 1961 (1915) [see also “Aitch, N.H.” in PJT


Belden, Henry M. & Arthur Palmer Hudson (eds.). The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. Vol Three:

Folk Songs from North Carolina. Durham, NC, 1952

Benson, Mr. & Mrs. John. Soul Stirring Songs. Nashville, TN., n.d. [c. 1913]

Best, Dick & Beth. The New Song Fest. New York, 1955 (1st ed., 1948)

Bikel, Theodore. Folksongs and Footnotes. Cleveland, OH, 1964

Blood-Patterson, Peter (ed.). Rise Up Singing. Bethlehem, Pa., 1988

Bogarad, Miriam et al. Songs for America. New York, 1939

Boni, Margaret Bradford (sel., ed.). Fireside Book of Folk Songs. New York, 1947

Booth, Mark W. The Experience of Songs. New Haven, 1981

Brand, Oscar. The Ballad Mongers: rise of the modern folk song. New York, 1967 (1962)

__________. Folk Songs for Fun. New York, 1961

Bullard, Carrie (comp., arr.). The Most Popular Mother Goose Songs and Other Nursery Rhymes. New York, 1910

Butler, Francelia. Skipping Around the World: The Ritual Nature of Folk Rhymes. New York, 1989

Cantwell, Robert. When We Were Good: The Folk Revival. Cambridge, MA, 1996

Carawan, Guy & Candie. Voices from the Mountains. New York, 1975

___________________. We Shall Overcome! Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement. New York, 1963

Cazden, Norman (ed., arr.). The Abelard Folk Song Book: More than 101 Ballads to Sing. New York, 1958

Challis, Evelyn. Songs for a New Generation: Love, Work and Hope. New York, 1974

Chase, Richard (comp.). American Folk Tales and Songs (1956). New York, 1971

____________ (coll., ed.). Old Songs & Singing Games (1938). New York, 1972

____________ (comp.). Singing Games and Playparty Games (Hullabaloo and Other Singing Folk Games, 1949). New York,


Cheney, Thomas E. (ed.). Mormon Songs from the Rocky Mountains: A Compilation of Mormon Songs. Salt Lake City, 1981

Chroman, Eleanor (comp., ed.). Songs That Children Sing. New York, 1970

Cohen, Norm. Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong. Urbana, IL, 1981

Colcord, Joanna C. Roll and Go: Songs of American Sailormen. Indianapolis, 1924

_______________. Songs of American Sailormen. New York, enlarged & revised ed., 1938 (Indianapolis, 1924 as Roll and

Go, Songs of American Sailormen)

Coleman, Emmet G. (ed.). The Temperance Songbook. n.p., 1971

The Complete Phil Ochs: Chords of Fame. Hollywood, n.d.

Co-operative Recreation Service. 36 small booklets, various titles, of songs in various languages, mostly English. Delaware,


Copland, Aaron. What to Listen for in Music. Toronto, 1963 (1st ed., 1939)

Courlander, Harold. Negro Music U.S.A. New York, 1970 (1963)

Cray, Ed. The Erotic Muse (comp., ed.). New York, 1972 (1968)

Cunningham, Sis (comp., ed.). Broadside: Songs of our times from the pages of Broadside Magazine. NY Vol 1, 1964; Vol

2, 1968; Vol 3, 1970

Cunningham, Keith (intro., ed.). The Oral Tradition of the American West. Little Rock, AR, 1990

Dale, Ralph Alan. Games to Sing and Play. New York, 1971

Day, Thomas Fleming. Songs of Sea and Sail. New York, 1898

De Charms, Desiree & Paul F. Breed. Songs in Collections: An Index. Detroit, 1966

Denisoff, R. Serge. Great Day Coming: Folk Music and the American Left. Baltimore, MD, 1973

Diamond, David. The David Diamond Songbook. N. Potomac, MD, 2008

Doerflinger, William Main (coll., comp.). Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman. New York, 1972 (Shantymen and Shantyboys,


Dunson, Josh. Freedom in the Air: Song Movements of the 60’s. New York, 1965

___________ & Ethel Raim (eds.). Anthology of American Folk Music. (Transcriptions from the Folkways series: Vol I

Ballads FA 2951; Vol II Social Music FA 2952; Vol III Songs FA2953: all edited by Harry Smith). New York, 1973

Dyer-Bennet, Richard (arr.). The Richard Dyer-Bennet Folk Song Book. Fifty Songs. New York, 1971

Dykema, Peter W. (comp., ed.). Twice 55: Part Songs for Boys. Boston, n.d.

Eckstorm, F.H. and M.W. Smith. Minstrelsy of Maine. Boston, 1927

Eddy, Mary O. (coll., arr.). Ballads and Songs from Ohio (1939). Hatboro, PA, 1964

Ehret, Walter (ed., arr.). Sourwood Mountain. New York, 1963

Electra Folk Song Kit. New York, 1959 [guide book to accompany [absent] LP]

Eliot, Marc. Death of a Rebel. New York, 1979

Elmore Vincent’s Lumberjack Songs. Chicago, 1932

Emrich, Duncan (comp.). American Folk Poetry. Boston, 1974

Everybody Sing! Business and Professional Eastern Area Mid-Winter Conference. YWCA, Germantown, February 1940

[stapled ditto]

Excell, E.O. Triumphant Songs. Chicago, 1887

Farnsworth, Charles H. & Cecil J. Sharp (eds.). Folk-Songs, Chanteys and Singing Games. New York, n.d. (c. 1915)

Ferguson, Gary Lynn (comp.). Song Finder: A Title Index to 32,000 Popular Songs in Collections, 1854-1992. Westport, CN,

1995 [books held by State Library of Louisiana]

Fife, Austin & Alta (ed. & commentary). Ballads of the Great West. Palo Alto, CA 1970

Foley, John Miles. The Theory of Oral Transmission: History & Methodology. Bloomington, IN, 1988

Folk Music: A Selection of Folk Songs, Ballads, Dances, Instrumental Pieces, and Folk Tales of the United States and Latin

America. Catalog of Phonograph Records. Music Division, Library of Congress, 1959

Foner, Philip S. American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century. Chicago, 1975

Foster, Stephen. Songs of Stephen Foster. Prepared for School and General Use. Pittsburgh, 1834

____________. Treasure Chest of Stephen Foster Songs. New York, 1940

____________. A Treasury of Stephen Foster. New York, 1946

Fowke, Edith & Joe Glazer (eds.). Songs of Work and Freedom. 1961 (1960).

[fragment of paperback songbook, pp. 85-208, mainly from Caribbean islands, c. 1955]

Frey, Hugo (ed.). America Sings: Community Song Book for schools, clubs, assemblies, camps and recreational groups. New

York, 1935

________. ___. Bill Hardey's Songs of the Gay Nineties. New York, 1942

________. ___. Stephen Foster Immortal Memories. New York, n.d. (1939). (missing pp. 9-15)

Frith, Simon. Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure, and the Politics of Rock ‘n’ Roll. New York, 1981

Gardiner, Emelyn Elizabeth & Geraldine Jencks Chickering (coll., ed.). Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan. Ann Arbor,


Garvey, Mary E. Songs of Washington. self-published. 8 Feb 1991

Gilmore, Jeanne & Robert C. Chantez, La Louisiane! Louisiana Folk Songs. Lafayette, LA, 1970

Glassie, Henry, et al. Folksongs and Their Makers. Bowling Green, OH., 1979

Glazer, Tom. A New Treasury of Folk Songs. New York, 1961

__________. Do Your Ears Hang Low? Fifty More Musical Fingerplays. New York, 1980

Gospel Melodies and Evangelistic Hymns. Takoma Park, Washinton, DC, 1944

Gray, Roland Palmer. Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks, with Other Songs from Maine. Cambridge, MA, 1924

Great Golden Folk Songs Sing Along. New York, n.d. [c. 1960]

Green, Archie et al. (eds.). The Big Red Songbook. Chicago, 2007

Greenway, John. American Folksongs of Protest. New York, 1960 (1953 1st ed.)

Grossman, Stefan et al. Country Blues Songbook. New York, 1973

Guiterman, Arthur. I Sing the Pioneer. New York, 1926

Guthrie, Woody. American Folksong (1947). Ed. Moses Asch. New York, 1961

Haglund, Ivar & George Frederick McKay. An Ivar Book of Ballads from Puget Sound. Seattle, 1953

Handy, W.C. (ed.). A Treasury of the Blues. New York, 1949 (1926)

Harding’s Original Collection of Jigs and Reels. New York, n.d. [1932].

Harlow, Frederick Pease. Chanteying Aboard American Ships (1962). Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT, 2004

Haufrecht, Herbert (ed.). ‘Round the World Folksing. New York, 1964

Haywood, Charles. A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong. Vol One: The American People North of

Mexico, Including Canada and Vol Two: The American Indians North of Mexico, Including the Eskimos. Both vols. New

York, 2nd rev. ed., 1961 (1951)

Heaps, Willard A. & Porter W. The Singing Sixties: The Spirit of Civil War Days Drawn from the Music of the Times. Norman,

OK, 1960

Held, John Jr. The Saga of Frankie & Johnny. New York, 1930 [in slipcase, of 2,050 copies]

Heresies #10. Women and Music. New York, 1980

Hille, Waldemar (ed.). The People's Song Book (1948), New York, 1966

Hubbard, Lester A. Ballads & Songs from Utah. Salt Lake City, 1961

100 Great Country & Western Songs. New York, 1965

Hudson, Arthur Palmer. Folksongs of Mississippi and Their Background. New York, 1981. [1936]

Huntington, Gale. Songs the Whalemen Sang. Barre, MA, 1964

Hymns for Junior Worship. Philadelphia, 1940

Ives, Burl. Burl Ives Song Book. New York, 1964 (1953)

_______. Song in America: Our Musical Heritage. New York, 1962

_______. Sea Songs of Sailing, Whaling and Fishing [missing title pp. & 1-5]. C. 1956

_______. The Wayfarin’ Stranger. New York, 1955

Jackson, George Pullen. Another Sheaf of White Spirituals. New York, 1981 [1952]

__________________ (coll., ed.). Spiritual Folk-Songs of Early America: Two Hundred and Fifty Tunes and Texts with an

Introduction and Notes. New York, 1964 (1st ed. 1937)

Johnson, James Weldon. God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse. New York, 1961

___________________ & J. Rosomond. The Books of American Negro Spirituals (2 vols. [1925 and 1926] in 1). New York,


Johnson, John Henry (ed.). Bawdy Ballads and Lusty Lyrics “Maxwell Droke, publisher” Indianapolis, 1935

Keller, Dominic J. Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant. Collegeville, MN, 1947

Kennedy, Charles O’Brien. American Ballads: Naughty, Ribald and Classic. New York, 1952

Kenney, Maureen (coll.). Circle Round the Zero: Play Chants & Singing Games of City Children. St. Louis, MO, 1975

Klein, Joe. Woody Guthrie: A Life. New York, 1980

Kodish, Debora. Good Friends and Bad Enemies: Robert Winslow Gordon and the Study of American Folksong. Urbana, IL


Kolb, Sylvia & John (ed., comp.). A Treasury of Folk Songs. New York, 1954

Kornbluth, Joyce L. Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology (1964). Ann Arbor, MI, 1972

Korson, George (ewd.). Pennsylvania Songs and Legends. Baltimore, 1949 [photostated contents page and one song: “Wann

ich vun dem Land rei kumm” [When I Came to this Country]

Korson, George (ed.). Pennsylvania Songs and Legends. Philadelphia, 1949

Labor Songs dedicated to the Knights of Labor. Chicago, 1886 [Photostat]

Lawless, Ray. Folksingers and Folksongs in America. New York, 2nd ed., 1965 [1960]

Lee, Katie. Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle. Albuquerque, 2001 (1976)

Leisy, James F. The Folk Song Abecedary. New York, 1966

Leisy, James F. (sel., arr.) Songs for Pickin’ and Singin’. Greenwich, CT, 1962

Linscott, Eloise Hubbard (coll., ed.) Folk Songs of Old New England. New York, 1939

Lomax, Alan. The Folk Songs of North America. Garden City, NY, 1960

Lomax, John A. (coll.). Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads. New York; two eds., 1923 & 1938

____________ (comp., ed.). The Penguin Book of American Folk Songs. Harmondsworth, 1968 (1964)

____________. Songs of the Cattle Trail and Cow Camp. New York, 1927

____________ & Alan Lomax (coll., adapted & arr.). Folk Song U.S.A. New York, 1966 (1947)

____________ ___________. (coll., comp.). Our Singing Country: Folk Songs and Ballads (1941). Mineola, NY, 2000

Lomax, John A. & Alan (coll., comp.) Our Singing Country: A Second Volume of American Ballads and Folk Songs. New

York, 1941

___________________. American Ballads and Folk Songs. 1962 (1934)

Lynn, Frank. Songs for Singin’. San Francisco, 1961

Lyle, Katie Letcher. Scalded to Death by the Steam: Authentic Stories of Railroad Disasters and the Ballads that were Written

About Them. Chapel Hill, NC., 1991

Lyons, Charles R. Berthold Brecht: The Despair and the Polemic. Carbondale, 1968

Mattox, Cheryl Warren (coll., adapted). Shake It to the One That You Love the Best: Play Songs and Lullabies from Black

McCurdy, Ed. Ed McCurdy’s Song Book of Wit and Mirth: The Choice from His Recordings of Dalliance Songs. New York,


McKinney, B.B. & W. Hines Sims. Evangelistic Songs. Nashville, TN, n.d. [c. 1948]

Messages of Love Hymn Book. St. Louis, MO, n.d. [c. 1930]

Moore, Ethel & Chauncey O. Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest: More than 600 Titles, Melodies, and Texts Collected in

Oklahoma. Norman OK., 1964

Morris, Alton C. (coll., ed.). Folksongs of Florida. New York, 1981 [1950]

Morse, Jim (coll., ed.). The Dell Book of Great American Folk Songs. New York, 1963

Morse, Jim & Nancy Mathews (coll., ed.). The Sierra Club Survival Songbook. New York, 1971

Moore, Frank. Personal and Political Ballads. New York, 1864

Neely, Charles. Tales and Songs of Southern Illinois. Carbondale, IL, 1998 (1st ed. 1938)

Nettl, Bruno. Folk Music in the United States: An Introduction (1960) Detroit, 1976

Newell, William Wells (coll., comp.). Games and Songs of American Children. New York, 1963 (rep of 2nd ed. 1902 [1st ed.


Niles, John Jacob (coll, arr.). The Anglo-American Carol Study Book. Schirmer’s American Folk-Song series, Set 26. New

York, 1948

O’Connor, John. Songs for Workers of Washington: an unofficial songbook for the 1989 State of Washington Centennial.

Seattle, 1989

Original Sacred Harp, Denson Revision. Cullman, AL, 1966 (1st ed. 1844)

Owens, William A. Texas Folk Songs. Austin, TX., 1950 [HB]

Pankake, Marcia & Jon; Joe’s Got a Head Like a Ping-Pong Ball: A Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book (1988). New

York, 1990

The Peter, Paul and Mary Song Book. New York, 1964

Pound, Louise. Folk-Song of Nebraska and the Central West: A Syllabus. From reports given before the Annual Meeting of the

Academy of Sciences 1913-1915. n.p., n.d.

Randolph, Vance (ed.). Ozark Folksongs. Ed., abridged, Norm Cohen., Urbana IL, 1982

______________. Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales. New York, 1977 (1976)

______________ (coll., ed.). Ozark Folksongs. In Four Volumes. Revised ed. Columbia, MO., 1980

Vol I: British Ballads and Songs

Vol II: Songs of the South and West

Vol III: Humorous and Play-Party Songs

Vol IV: Religious Songs and Other Items

Recreational Songs. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Deseret, 1949

Reuss, Richard A. Songs of American Labor, Industrialization and the Urban Work Experience: A Discography. U. of

Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983

Reynolds, Malvina. Song in My Pocket. California Labor School, San Francisco, 1954 (4 copies)

Rickaby, Franz (coll., ed.). Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy. Cambridge, MA., 1926

Richfield Christmas Carols and caroling customs in other lands. n.p., n.d.

Ritchie, Jean. Singing Family of the Cumberlands (1955). New York, 1980.

Robbin, Ed. Woody Guthrie and Me: An Intimate Reminiscence. Berkeley, 1979

Rodnitzky, Jerome L. Minstrels of the Dawn: The Folk-Protest Singer as a Cultural Hero. Chicago, 1976

Rowdy Rhymes and Bibulous Ballads Gathered from Many Gay Minstrels. Mount Vernon, NY., n.d. [1960]

Rubin, Ruth ( -2000), ed. A Treasury of Jewish Folksong. New York, 1950

Sandberg, Larry & Dick Weissman. The Folk Music Sourcebook. New York, 1976

Sandburg, Carl. The American Songbag. San Diego, CA, 1990 (1927)

San Francisco Folk Music Club. Directory 1988, 1992, 1998

Scarborough, Elizabeth. The Songkiller Saga. Vol I: Phantom Banjo. Vol II: Picking the Ballad’s Bones (missing Vol III:

Strum Again?). New York, 1991

Scott, John Anthony. The Ballad of America. New York, 1966

Sedberry, Stephen. My Side of the Sky. Birmingham, AL, 1977

Seeger, Peggy. Folk Songs of Peggy Seeger. New York, 1964

Seeger, Pete. The Incompleat Folksinger. New York, 1972

_________. Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Singer's Stories, Songs, Seeds, Robberies. Bethlehem, PA, 1993

Seeger, Ruth Crawford. American Folk Songs for Children in Home, School and Nursery School. Garden City, NY, 1948

__________________. American Folk Songs for Christmas. Garden City, NY, 1953

__________________. Animal Folk Songs for Children: Traditional American Songs. Garden City, NY, 1950

Sharp, Cecil J. American-English Folk-Songs Collected in the Southern Appalachians…. New York, 1918

___________. Folk Songs of English Origin Collected in the Appalachian Mountains: First and Second Series. London, 1966

(1919 & 1921)

___________. (coll., arr.). Seventeen Nursery Songs from the Appalachian Mountains. Novello Book 340. London, 1951

___________ & Maud Karpeles (coll., ed.). Eighty English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians. London, 1968

Shay, Frank. My Pious Friends and Drunken Companions [1927] and More Pious Friends and Drunken Companions:

Songs and Ballads of Conviviality collected by.... [1928]. New York, 1961.

__________. An American Sailor’s Treasury: Sea Songs, Chanteys, Legends and Lore. Two vols. in one. [1948 & 1951]. New

York, 1991

Siegmeister, Elie (arr., intro.). The Joan Baez Songbook. New York, 1964

Silber, Fred & Irwin. Folksinger’s Wordbook. New York, 1973

Silber, Irwin (ed.). Lift Every Voice! The Second People's Song Book (1953). New York, 1964

__________& Ethel Raim (eds.).. American Favorite Ballads: Tunes and Songs as sung by Pete Seeger. New York, 1961

Silverman, Jerry. Mel Bay Presents Songs of the Sea, Rivers, Lakes & Canals. Pacific, MO, n.d.

Sing ‘em, Cowboy, Sing ‘em!. Toronto, 1934

Sing Together: A Girl Guide Songbook. New York, 1949

Smith, Betty N. Jane Hicks Gentry: A Singer Among Singers. Lexington, KY, 1998

Smith, Jean (comp.). Rainybook I: being a tasty collation of songs from the first ever Rainycamp. Bellevue, WA, 1990

_________. _____. Smithsongs: An index. Ringbound. 1992

Song Book. Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO, Washington., n.d

Songs of Kiwanis. Chicago, 1927.

Songs of the People. New York, 1937

Songs of the Sea. Barn School, Gloucester, MA, 1988 [Mimi fundraiser]

Songs of the Workers to Fan the Flames of Discontent (1909). Chicago, 1974 (34th ed.)

Songs for Wallace. 2nd ed., 1948. [Photostats from Brown University]

Spaeth, Sigmund. Read ‘em and Weep. New York, 1945 (1926).

_____________. Weep Some More, My Lady. Garden City, New York, 1927

Tinsley, Jim Bob. He was Singin’ This Song¨ A Collection of Forty-Eight Traditional Songs of the American Cowboy, with

Words, Music, Pictures and Stories. Orlando, FFL, 1981

Treasure Chest of Christmas Songs and Carols. New York, 1936

Treasure Chest Community Songster. New York, 1936

A Tribute to Woody Guthrie. New York, 1970

Tudor, Tasha (sel., ed.). Take Joy! The Tasha Tudor Christmas Book. Cleveland, OH, 1966

Twice 55 Community Songs. Boston, n.d. [c. 1920]

Van Der Horst, Brian. Folk Music in America. New York, 1972

Van Ronk, Dave & Richard Ellington (coll., ed.). The Bosses’ Songbook: Songs to Stifle the Flames of Discontent. 2nd ed., New

York, 1969

Van Stone, Mary R. (coll., trans.). Spanish Folk Songs of New Mexico. Chicago, 1928

Wald, Elijah & John Junkerman. River of Song: A Musical Journey Down the Mississippi. New York, 1999 [companion to PBS

Smithsonian Institution series]

Wallrich, William. Air Force Airs: Songs and Ballads of the United States Air Force World War One through Korea. New

York, 1957

Warner, Anne. Traditional American Folk Songs from the Anne & Frank Warner Collection. Syracuse, NY., 1984

Watson, Doc. The Songs of Doc Watson. New York, 1971

Weissberg, Eric (arr.). Duelling Banjos. (piano solo). New York, 1973

Willens, Doris. Lonesome Traveler: The Life of Lee Hays. New York, NY.,1988

Winn, Marie (coll., ed.). The Fireside Book of Children’s Songs. New York, 1966

Wolfe, Charles K. (ed.). Folk Songs of Middle Tennessee: The George Boswell Collection. Knoxville, TN, 1997

Work, John W. American Negro Songs and Spirituals. New York, 1940

Wyman, Loraine (coll., ed.). Lonesome Tunes: Folk Songs from the Kentucky Mountains. New York, 1916

Yolen, Jane (ed.). The Fireside Book of Birds and Beasts. New York, 1972 [photostat in binder]


Banjo Newsletter: The 5-String Banjo Magazine. Vol XXI, No. 7 May 1994

California Traditional Music Society Journal

Cantabrigia. Catalogue Seventeen. Folk Lore, Folk Music, Social History, Ethnology. Cambridge, MA, n.d.

Come-All-Ye (4 vols.)

Come For to Sing (Chicago) 21 vols

Dirty Linen see list for holdings

The Etude Music Magazine. Philadelphia. October 1928, October 1932

Folksong in the Classroom, Sturbridge, MA. 15 vols., 1980-95

The Folknik (San Francisco FMC)

Folkscene (Los Angeles) complete bar V6-8,V9-1, V10-1

Folktivities (2 vols.)

Folkways Records. Fall-Winter Catalog, 1959. New York, 1959

Frets (7 vols.)

Friends of Mountain Music (Corvallis, OR) 6 vols

Golden West Bluegrass (2 vols.)

Guitar Player

In the Tradition (2 vols.)

J.E.M.F. Quarterly (Los Angeles) 11 vols

Local Lore (Portland, OR)

Mugwumps. Silver Spring, MD. Vol 1 No 5 Sept 1972; Vol 2 No 3 May 1973; Vol 2 No 4 July 1973; Vol 5 No 1, July 1976;

Vol 5 No.5; Vol 5 No. 6

The Musician. Boston. Vol XXII, No. 2, February 1917

North Country Folk (2 vols.)

Paid My Dues: Journal of Women & Music. Number 4, March 1975. Milwaukee, WI

Pickin’ (2 vols.)

The Record Finder (4 vols.)

Schoenfeld, Ed (ed.). The Incomplete Political Music Resource Guide. Vol 1 No. 1 January 1977

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___________________ Journal

Sing Out! (New York: Bethlehem, PA) see list for holdings

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. Catalog 2000. [Washington, 2000]

Reprints from Sing Out! see list for holdings

Victory Music Folk and Jazz Review (Seattle) + Vol 14, No. 5 May 1989


Allen’s Reels and Strathspeys and General Dance Music. [pp. 3-42 only] n.p., n.d.

Anarchy 51. London, May, 1965 [articles on blues and folk music]

Ashton, John. Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century (1882). New York, 1970

__________. Modern Street Ballads (1888). New York, 1968

Ballantyne, Mike. Pint Pot & Plough: Thirty-One English Traditional Folksongs. Cobble Hill, BC, 1994

Baring Gould, S. & H. Fleetwood Sheppard (coll., arr.). A Garland of Country Song: English Folk Song with their Traditional

Melodies. London, 1895 repr 1976

Behan, Dominic. Ireland Sings. New York, 1973

Berman, Leslie & Heather Wood (eds.). Grass Roots International Folk Resource Directory. New York, 1985

Bradley, S.A.J.(sel., ed., intro., notes, glossary). Sixty Ribald Songs from Pills to Purge Melancholy [Henry Playford, 1698,

1700, 1702-3, 1706, ed. Thomas D’Urfey]. London, 1968

Breed, Rev. David R. The History and Use of Hymns and Hymn-Tunes. London, 1934. [1st ed 1903]

Broadwood, Lucy E. and J.A. Fuller-Maitland. English County Songs. London, 1893

Brocklebank, Joan & Biddie Kindersley (eds.). A Dorset Book of Folk Songs. EFDSS, London, 1971 (1948)

Brophy, John & Eric Partridge. Songs and Slang of the British Soldier 1914-1918. An Anthology and Glossary. London, 1930

Buchan, Norman. 101 Scottish Songs. Glasgow, 1964 (1962)

_____________ & Peter Hall. The Scottish Folksinger. Glasgow, 1978 (1st ed. 1973)

Buhe, Klaus. Irische Lieder und balladen fur Gitarre solo. Mainz, 1979

Bunting, Edward. The Ancient Music of Ireland [compilation of editions of 1796, 1809 and 1840]. Dublin, 1969

Campbell, Margaret Shaw. “Hunting Folk Songs in the Hebrides”. Pp. 249-272, National Geographic, Feb. 1947

Catcheside-Warrington, C.E. Album of Tyneside Songs. Vol II 3rd ed. 1929 (1912). 2/6d

______________________. ____________________. Vol IV 1924 2/-

Chappell, William. Old English Popular Music. Rev. H. Ellis Wooldridge. New York, 1961 (1st ed. London, 1893)

The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem Song Book. New York, 1971 (1964)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrations, Gustave Dore. New York, 1970

Copper, Bob. A Song for Every Season: A Hundred Years of a Sussex Farming Family. London, 1971

Cowan, Edward J. (ed.). The People's Past. Edinburgh, 1980

Dean-Smith, Margaret. A Guide to English Folk Song Collections 1822-1952. Liverpool, 1954

Dearmer, Percy, R. Vaughan Williams & Martin Shaw. The Oxford Book of Carols. London, 1965 (1928)

De Sola Pinto, V. & A.E. Rodway. The Common Muse: An Anthology of Popular British Ballad Poetry XVth – XXth Centuries.

London, 1957

Dibdin, Charles Jr. Mirth and Metre, Consisting of Poems, serious, humorous, and satirical, Songs, Sonnets, Ballads &

Bagatelles. Vernor, Hood and Sharp, London, 1807

Dixon, James Henry. Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England taken down from oral recitation and transcribed from

private manuscripts rare broadsides and scarce publications. London, n.d. [probably 1864][1st ed. 1857]

Dunn, Ginette. The Fellowship of Song: Popular Singing Traditions in East Suffolk. London, 1980

Evans, R.H. (rev.). Old Ballads Historical and Narrative with some of modern date; collected from rare copies and mss. By

Thomas Evans. W. Bulmer & Co., London, 1810.Vols II, III and IV of 4.

Farmer, John S. Musa Pedestris: Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes (1896). New York, 1964

____________. Merry Songs and Ballads (5 vols.)(1897). New York, 1964

Folk Song and the Folk Tradition: Festival issue of the New Edinburgh Review. Edinburgh, 1973

Ford, Robert (ed.). Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland with many old and familiar melodies. Paisley & London, 1899

Fox Strangways, A.H. in collaboration with Maud Karpeles. Cecil Sharp. London, 1933

Francis & Day’s 3rd Album of Harry Lauder’s Popular Songs. London, n.d. [c. 1912]

French, Percy. Prose, Poems and Parodies of Percy French. Dublin, 1964 [1929]

Furnivall, Frederick J. Loose and Humorous Songs in Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript. London, 1868

Gadsby, David & Ivor Golby (chosen). Merrily to Bethlehem: A very unusual carol book: 44 carols. London, 1978

Galvin, Patrick. Irish Songs of Resistance (1169-1923). New York, 1962

Gardham, Steve (coll., ed.). An East Riding Songster: A selection of folk-song from the East Riding. Lincolnshire &

Humberside Arts, Lincoln & Hull, 1982

Gomme, Alice Bertha. The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 2 vols., New York, 1964 (1894 & 1898)

_________________. Children’s Singing Games with the tunes to which they are sung. New York, 1967 (1894)

_________________. & Cecil J. Sharp (eds.). Children’s Singing Games. Sets I-V [of 9], 1951

Graham, George Farquhar. The Songs of Scotland Vol II. Edinburgh, 1848

Graves, Alfred Perceval. Songs of Old Ireland: A Collection of Fifty Irish Melodies Unknown in England. London, 1882

Woodgate, Leslie. The Penguin Song Book. Harmondsworth, 1951

Greig, John. Scots Minstrelsie: A National Monument of Scottish Song. Edinburgh, 6 vols. Vol 4 [photostat]

Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (eds.). Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript: Ballads and Romances. 3 vols. N. Trübner

& Co., London, 1868

Hamer, Fred. Garners Gay: English Folk Songs. London, 1967

Harker, Ben. Class Act: The Cultural and Political Life of Ewan MacColl. London, 2007

Harker, Dave. One for the Money: Politics and Popular Song. London, 1980

Harrop, Beatrice (chosen). Carol, gaily carol: Christmas songs for children. London, 1978 (1973)

_____________ & Linda Friend & David Gadsby (eds.) Okki-Tokki-Unga: action songs for children. London, 1983 (1976)

Haywood, Ernest (coll., arr.). Country Dances: Jigs, Reels & Strathspeys. London, 1933

Herd, David (coll.). Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc. (1776 with 1792 additions) Vol II of 2. Glasgow,


Holdstock, Dick. British Ballads of Reform from 1778 to 1834. Davis, CA, n.d. [1995]. Presented and signed by the author on

the occasion of a 2nd Wednesday Workshop, 8 Feb 1995

Hugill, Stan. Shanties from the Seven Seas. London, 1961

Hugill, Stan. Sailortown. London, 1967

Iles, Norman. The Pagan Carols Restored: Vol II. n.p., 1976

International Folk Music Council. Journal. Vol XVII, part 1. 1965

Karpeles, Maud. An Introduction to English Folk Song. London, 1973

Kelly, Stan. Liverpool Lullabies: The Stan Kelly Song Book. London, 1964

Kennedy, Peter (ed.). Folksongs of Britain and Ireland. London, 1984 (1975)

Kerr’s “Cornkisters” (Bothy ballads) as sung and recorded by Willie Kemp. Glasgow, 1950

Kines, Tom (comp., ed.). Songs from Shakespeare’s Plays and Popular Songs of Shakespeare’s Times. New York, 1964

“Let’s Have a Ceilidh” (sheet music, rec. The Alexander Bros.), Glasgow, n.d.

Let’s Sing in the National Interest.. London, n.d. [post 1976]

Lloyd, A.L. Folk Song in England. London, 1967

_________. The Singing Englishman: A Festival Year Re-Issue of An Introduction to Folk Song. London, n.d. [1951]

_________. Singing Englishmen: A Collection of Folk Songs... London, 1951

Loesberg, John. Traditional Folksongs & Ballads of Scotland. 3 vols. Cork, 1994

Logan, W.H. A Pedlar’s Pack of Ballads and Songs. Edinburgh, 1869

Lubbock, Basil. Round the Horn Before the Mast. London, 1930 (1902); [bound collection of those pages containing shanties]

Lyric Gems of Scotland. One Hundred and Twenty-Five Songs with Piano Accompaniments. London, n.d.[c. 1920?]

MacColl, Ewan. Journeyman: An Autobiography. Introduction, Peggy Seeger. London, 1990

____________. (comp.). Folk Songs and Ballads of Scotland. New York, 1965

____________. (ed.). The Shuttle and Cage: Industrial Folk-Ballads. London, 1954

____________ & Peggy Seeger. Ewan MacColl Peggy Seeger Songbook. New York, 1963

Macleod, Kenneth. The Road to the Isles. Edinburgh, 1927

Martinengo-Cesaresco, The Countess. Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs (1886). London, n.d.

Marothy, Janos. Music and the Bourgeois: Music and the Proletarian. Budapest, 1974

McMahon, Tom. Bofor Ballads. Winchester, n.d. [1941-1944]

Moffat, Alfred. What the Children Sing. London, 1915 [Photostat]

Morton, Robin (comp.). Folksongs Sung in Ulster. Cork, 1970

National Anthems and Battle Marches of the Nations. London, n.d.

Nettel, Reginald. Sing a Song of England: A Social History of Traditional Song. London, 1954

O Lochlainn, Colm. (coll, annot.). Irish Street Ballads. New York, 1960

120 Scotch Songs. Toronto, n.d. (2 copies)

Page, Martin. ‘For Gawdsake Don’t Take Me’: The Songs, Ballads, Verses, Monologues, etc. of the Call-Up Years, 1939-1963

(1976). London, 1977

_________ (ed.). ‘Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major’: The Songs and Ballads of World War II. London, 1973

Palmer, Roy and John Raven. The Rigs of the Fair. Cambridge, 1976

Pegg, Bob. Folk: A Portrait of English Traditional Music, Musicians and Customs. London, 1976

Poston, Elizabeth (ed.). The Penguin Book of Christmas Carols. Harmondsworth, 1977 (1965)

______________ (__). The Second Penguin Book of Christmas Carols. Harmondsworth, 1973 (1970)

Purslow, Frank (sel., ed.). Marrow Bones: English Folk Songs from the Hammond and Gardiner Mss. London, 1965

____________ ______. The Wanton Seed: More English Folk Songs from the Hammond & Gardiner Mss. London, 1968

Raven, Jon. The Urban and Industrial Songs of the Black Country and Birmingham. Wolverhampton, 1977

_________. Turpin Hero: 30 Folk-songs for voices and guitar. Oxford, 1974

Reeves, James (ed., intro., notes). The Everlasting Circle: English Traditional Verse from the Mss of S. Baring-Gould, H.E.D.

Hammond & George B. Gardiner. London, 1960

_________________________. The Idiom of the People: English Traditional Verse from the Mss of Cecil Sharp. London,

1961 (1958).

Renwick, Roger deV. English Folk Poetry: Structure and Meaning. Philadelphia, 1980

Rogers, Charles. The Modern Scottish Minstrel (Vol V of VI). Edinburgh, 1857

Roseberry, Eric (arr.). The Faber Book of Carols and Christmas Songs. London, 1969

Ross Records. Catalogues, various [CD, cassette, video]. Turrif, Aberdeenshire, 1996

Rosselson, Leon. Songs for City Squares and Sceptical Circles. London, 1966

Sangs o’ the Stane. Scottish National Congress, Glasgow, n.d. (c. 1951)[Stone removed, Xmas Day, 1950]

The Scottish Song Book for Contralto: A Collection of the Favourite Songs and Ballads of the North. London, n.d. [c. 1920]

The Scottish Song Book for Soprano: A Collection of the Favourite Songs and Ballads of the North. London, n.d. [c. 1920]

The Scottish Students' Song Book (1891). London, n.d. (c. 1927) [2 copies 1 HB]

Sedley, Stephen. The Seeds of Love, London, 1967

Sharp, Cecil J. English County Folk Songs. London, 1961 (5 vols., 1908-1912)

__________. (ed.). One Hundred English Folk Songs (1916). New York, 1975

__________ & R. Vaughan Williams. A selection of Collected Folk-Songs. Vol 1. London, n.d. [copyright dates 1908-12]

_____________________________ et al. A Selection of Some Less Known Folk-Songs., Vol , 2, comp. Cyril Winn. London,

n.d. [copyright dates 1908-12]

C[ecil] J. S[harp]. Folk Songs from Somerset. London, 1909.

Shaw, Geoffrey et. al. (arrs.). National Songs with Descants. Set VI [of 9], London, n.d. [c. 1951]

Shepard, Leslie. The Broadside Ballad (1962). Hatboro, PA, 1978

____________. The History of Street Literature. Detroit, MI, 1973

Simpson, Claude M. The British Broadside Ballad and its Music. New Brunswick, NJ, 1966

Songs from Aldermaston. London, n.d.

Tate, Carole. Rhymes and Ballads of London. New York, 1973 (1971)

Terry, Richard Runciman. The Shanty Book. Part 1. London, 1921

Tomlyn, Alfred W. (ed.). Scottish Songs. Bruceton Mills, WV, 1988

Vaughan Williams, R. & A.L. Lloyd (eds.). The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs. Harmondsworth, 1959 + 1973 HB

Wales, Tony (ed.). Songs for Singing Folk: The Jackie & Bridie Song Book (Jacqueline McDonald & Bridie O’Donnell).

London, 1969

Wales, Tony (ed.). Folk Songs Today Vol 3. EFDSS, London, 1970

__________ (__)._______________ ___ 4. EFDSS, London, 1970

Whall, W.B. Sea Songs and Shanties. Glasgow, 1964 (1927)

Whitaker, W. Gillies et al. The Clarendon Song Books. I & II, London, n.d.[c. 1950]

Williams, J. Lloyd & L.D. Jones (Llew Tegid). Welsh Folk Songs arranged for schools. Cardiff, n.d. [1920]

Wiseman, Herbert & Sydney Northcote. The Clarendon Books of Singing Games. Book 1. London, n.d.[c. 1957]

Woods, Frederick (ed.). The Oxford Book of English Traditional Verse. Oxford, 1983


Acoustic Music (2 vols.)

Chapbook. See list for holdings

Club Folk Vol 1 No 1 May 1967; 3 March/April 1968

EFDSS. The Folk Directory 1974. London, 1974

______. The 1992/3 Folk Directory. London, 1992

English Dance and Song (London: EFDSS) See list for holdings

English Folk Dance & Song Society. Annual Report 1971-1972. London, 1972

Folk. EFDSS, London. No 1, nd; No 2 Oct 1962 [‘quarterly’]; No. 3 Jan 1963

Folk Festival Guide, 1992. Croydon, 1992

Folk London: June-July 1995. London, 1995

Folk-Lore. The Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society. London. Holdings: Vol LXV!, No. 2 June 1955; No. 3, September 1955; No. 4, December 1955; Vol LXVII, No. 1 March 1956; No. 2, June 1956; No. 4, December 1956; Vol LXVIII No. 1, March 1957; Vol 73, Winter 1962; Vol 74, Summer 1963; Vol 81, Winter 1970.

Folk Music Journal (London: EFDSS) See list for holdings

Folk Music (London) 2 vols

Folk News (London) (7 vols.)

Folk News International (1 vol.)

Folk Review (Nantwich)(8 reviews)

Folk Undercover. Bristol. No. 2, No. 3 (Summer Edition)

Fyfe, Peter (ed.). Fyfe’s Festival Guide 1995. Croydon, 1995

Irish Music (1 vol)

Jardyce, Antiquarian Booksellers. Chapbooks, Tracts & Street Literature. Catalogue CXXX, London, Summer 1999

The Living Tradition. See list for holdings

New City Songster (Beckenham, Kent) V2-20A. full run except V1

Peter Loughran Mail Order Records. Issue No. 15, May 1995; Issue No. 16, August 1995. Consett, Durham

Rankin, Alan. Miscellany No. 36: Ballads, Songs, Folklore and Music, and a General Miscellany. Edinburgh, February 1993

Sandy Bell's Broadsheet (Edinburgh)

Scottish Studies (S of SS, Edinburgh)(vols 20 (1976) – Vol 21, 24 – 29 (yearly)

Sing See list for holdings

Smedley, Geoff. 1970 Folk Directory. n.p., n.d. (West Midlands area]

Souvenir programme, 1981 Whitby Folk Week.

Spin See list for holdings

Sussex Folk Diary (5 vols.)

SWAFF News (2 vols.)

SRFN News: Newsletter of the South Riding Folk Network. Summer 1998

Tocher (S of SS, Edinburgh) V1-22, 24-26, 32 index v25-30

The Topic Catalogue of Recorded Folkmusic. London, 1978

Traditional Music (London) (Vols 1-6 (2 copies of #3)


Abrahams, Roger D. (ed.). A Singer and Her Songs: Almeda Riddle’s Book of Ballads. Baton Rouge, 1970

Allingham. William. The Ballad Book. 2 eds., Cambridge, 1865 & London, 1892

Appleseed Quarterly: The Canadian Journal of Storytelling. Vol 9 No. 2: Summer 1999

Armes, William Dallam (sel., ed.). Old English Ballads and Folk Songs. New York, 1915

Ballads: Scottish and English. William P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, c. 1873

Ballads and Metrical Tales selected from Percy, Ritson, Evans, Jamieson, Scott, etc., etc. London, 1843

Beattie, William (sel., ed.). Border Ballads. Harmondsworth, 1952

Belden, H.M. Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Society. Columbia, MO, 2nd ed., 1955 (1940)

Brander, Michael. Scottish & Border Battles & Ballads. New York, 1993

Bronson, Bertrand Harris. The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads: With Their Texts, according to the Extant Records of

Great Britain and America. Princeton, N.J., 1959 (4 vols photostated in 3 large binders)

____________________ (ed.). The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads. Princeton, 1976

Brown, Mary Ellen. William Motherwell’s Cultural Politics 1797-1835. Lexington, KY, 2001

Buchan, David. The Ballad and the Folk. 2 eds., London, 1972 & East Linton, Scotland, 1997

____________ & James Moreira (eds.). The Glenbuchat Ballads. Comp., Rev. Robert Scott. N.p., U Mississipi), 2007

Buchan, Peter. Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland Hitherto Unpublished with Explanatory Notes. Vol 1.

William Paterson, Edinburgh, 1875 (repr. from original ed. of 1828)

Bulletin of the Folk-Song Society of the Northeast. Cambridge, MA: Annual: No. 1, 1930 –No. 4, 1932; No. 7, 1934; No. 12,


Cameron, David Kerr. The Ballad and the Plough: A Portrait of the Life of the Old Scottish Farmtouns (1978). London, 1979

Cheesman, Tom & Sigrid Rieuwerts (eds.). Ballads into Books: The Legacies of Francis James Child. Bern, 1997

Chappell, William. The Ballad Literature and Popular Music of the Olden Time. 2 vols., New York, 1965 (1859)

Child, Francis James (sel., ed.). English and Scottish Ballads. Vol III. Boston, 1857

________________ (sel., ed.). English and Scottish Ballads. Boston, 1857. Vols 1, 3, 5 and 8 of 8

________________ (ed.). English and Scottish Ballads. Eight Volumes in Four. Boston, 1895 (1857)

________________ (ed.). The English and Scottish Popular Ballads [1882-1894]. 5 vols., New York, 1965

Cox, John Harrington (ed). Folk-Songs of the South Collected under the Auspices of the West Virginia Folk-Lore Society.

Cambridge, MA, 1925

Davis, Arthur Kyle Jr. Traditional Ballads of Virginia. Cambridge, MA., 1929

_________________. (ed.). More Traditional Ballads of Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC, 1960

De Cruz-Saenz, Michele S (coll., ed.). Spanish Traditional Ballads from Aragon. Lewisburg/London, 1995.

Eyre-Todd, George. Scottish Ballad Poetry. London [1893].

Flanders, Helen Hartness (comp., ed.). Ancient Ballads Traditionally Sung in New England. 4 vols. , Philadelphia, PA., 1960

____________________ & Marguerite Olney. Ballads Migrant in New England. New York, 1953

____________________ & George Brown. Vermont Folk-Songs & Ballads. Brattleboro, VT, 1932

Friedman, Albert B. (ed.). The Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-Speaking World. New York, 1968 (1956)

Graves, Robert (ed., intro., crit. notes).. English and Scottish Ballads. London, 1969 (1957)

Gummere, Francis B. (sel., ed.). Old English Ballads. Boston, 2 eds., 1894 & 1904

Hendren, J.W. A Study of Ballad Rhythm with special reference to ballad music. New York, 1966 (1936)

Hodgart, Matthew. The Faber Book of Ballads. London, 1965 HB

Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard. Ballad Books and Ballad Men: Raids and Rescues in Britain, America, and the Scandinavian

North since 1800. Cambridge, MA, 1930

Johnson, R. Brimley (sel.). A Book of British Ballads. London, 1912

Kahlert, Dr. Annemarie. Metapher und Symbol in der Englisch Schottischen Volksballade. Marburg, 1930

Kealy, Kieran. The Americanization of Horn. [offprint from ?, pp. 355-384]

Leach, MacEdward. The Ballad Book. New York, 1955

Lockhart, J.G. (trans., notes). Ancient Spanish Ballads Historical and Romantic. Reprinted from rev. ed. of 1841. New York &

London, n.d.

Lyle, Emily (ed., intro.). Scottish Ballads (1994). New York, 1995

Mackenzie, Roy. The Quest of the Ballad. Princeton, NJ, 1919

Marsden, John & Nic Barlow. The Illustrated Border Ballads: The Anglo-Scottish Frontier. Austin, TX, 1990

McCarthy, William Bernard. The Ballad Matrix: Personality, Milieu, and the Oral Tradition. Bloomington, IN, 1`9990

McNeil, W.K. (comp., ed.). Southern Folk Ballads. Vol I. Little Rock, AK., 1987

_____________________. ___________________. Vol II. Little Rock, AK, 1988

Miscellaneous Papers [Photostats in ring binder] see holdings

Newbolt, Sir Henry (sel., intro.). English Ballads. London, n.d.

Niles, John Jacob. The Anglo-American Ballad Study Book Containing Eight Ballads in Current Tradition in the United States

of America. New York, 1945

Niles, John Jacob. The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles. Boston, MA., 1961 1st ed. HB

______________. The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles. New York, 1962

______________. Songs of the Hill-Folk: Twelve Ballads from Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina. Set 14, New York,


Olrik, Axel (sel., intro.). A Book of Danish Ballads. New York, 1968 (1939)

Percy, Bishop Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765)(2 vols.). London, 1845

__________________. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765). London, 1845. Spineless; needs rebinding]

Pound, Louise (coll., ed.). American Ballads and Songs. New York, 1972 (1922)

Quiller-Couch, Arthur (sel., ed.). The Oxford Book of Ballads. 2 eds., Oxford, 1910 & 1963 (of 1919 ed.)

Reed, James. The Border Ballads. London, 1973

__________ (ed.). Border Ballads: A Selection. London, 2003 (1991)

Rubin, David C. Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-Out Rhymes. New

York, NY., 1995

Sargent, Helen Child & George Lyman Kittredge (eds.) English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Boston, 1904 (2 copies)

Saunders, Dennis (comp.). Words on the Winds: A book of ballads. London, 1974

Scott, Walter Sir (coll.). Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. London, 1869 (1802)

Sharp, Cecil J. (coll., arr.). American-English Folk-Ballads from the Southern Appalachians. New York, 1918

____________________. English Folk-Songs from the Southern Appalachians. London, 1966 (1932)

Sidgwick, Frank (sel., ed.). Popular Ballads of the Olden Time. Fourth Series. Ballads of Robin Hood and Other Outlaws.

London, 1912

Thomas, Jean. Ballad Makin’ in the Mountains of Kentucky New York: 2eds., 1939 & 1964

Wells, Evelyn Kendrick. The Ballad Tree: A Study of British and American Ballads, Their Folklore, Verse and Music. New

York, 1950

Wilgus, D.K. Anglo-American Folksong Scholarship since 1898. New Brunswick, NJ, 1959

Wimberly, Lowry Charles. Folklore in the English & Scottish Ballads. New York, 1965 (Chicago, 1928)

Robin Hood articles & reviews (in Robin Hood folder)

Dobson, R.B., “Sightings of Robehod fugitivus”: review of Robin Hood: An Historical enquiry (John Bellamy). TLS 22 Feb


Doninger, Wendy. “Female Bandits? What next!”, in London Review of Books, Vol 26 No. 14: 22 July 2004

Hilton, R.H. “The robber as a hero”: review of Robin Hood (J.C. Holt). TLS 11 June 1982

Hilton, R.H. “Robin of Rutland”: review of Robin Hood: A complete study of the English outlaw”, TLS, 11 June 1982

Holt, J.C. “The Ballads of Robin Hood”. Past & Present. No 18 (November 1960).

Keen, Maurice. “Robin Hood A Peasant Hero”. History Today, October 1958 repr. Oct 1991

Kenyon, John. “Superman of South Yorks”: review of Robin Hood (J.C. Holt) [20 June 82, unnamed newspaper]

Pragnell, Max. “Sheriff fights for Robin Hood” (news item)


Anderson, Hugh. Colonial Ballads. Melbourne, 10962 (1955)

Bush Ballads of Australia. Frenchs Forest, NSW, 1989 (1985).

Edwards, Ron. The Big Book of Australian Folk Song. Adelaide, 1976

Fahey, Warren (comp.). Pint Pot and Billy: A Selection of Australian and New Zealand Folksongs. Sydney, 1977

Hood, Alex. Australian Folksongs Song Folio. No. 1 , Sydney, NSW.,1964

Lawson, Henry. Henry Lawson’s Bush Ballads. North Ryde, NSW, 1991

Manifold, John S. Who Wrote the Ballads? Notes on Australian Folksong. Sydney, 1964

Manifold, John (comp.). The Penguin Australian Song Book. Adelaide, SA, 1964

Stewart, Douglas & Nancy Keesing. Old Bush Songs and Rhymes of Colonial Times. Enlarged and Revised from the Collection

of A.B. Paterson. Sydney, 1957

Sundowners Bush Band. Australian Bush Music as Sung by the Sundowners Bush Band. N.p., n.d.

Ward, Russel. The Penguin Book of Australian Ballads. Harmondsworth, 1964


Alevizos, Sausan & Ted (comp., arr., trans.). Folksongs of Greece. New York, 1968

Anderson, Marion (arr.). Ten Dutch Nursery Rhymes. Selected from J. Rontgen et al., Old Dutch Nursery Rhymes. Piano Solo.

London, 1947

Arma, Paul. Europaische Volkslieder. Ravensburg, 1950

Burgie, Irving (comp., arr.). The West Indian Song Book. New York, 1972

Carter, H. & G. Dyson. Petit Receuil de Chants Francais. London, 1913

Des Knaben Wunderhorn Balladen und Lieder. Gutersloh, n.d.

Dutt, Toru. Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan. London, 1906

Folk Music from Limousin. Lyon, 1985

Folks-Fest [folk festival program]. Bonn, 1979; 1980

Folk Songs from China (supplement to China Reconstructs). Shanghai, 1955

Fuller, Bernard. (ed.). La France qui chante: A Collection of French Folk-songs. London, 1959

Gotze, Gustav & Wilh. Koehler-Wumbach. Sammlung von Chorgesangen. Zweiter Band. Berlin, 1930

James, C.V. (comp., ed.). Russian Song-Book Volume 1. Oxford, 1962

Karpeles, Maud (ed.). Folk Songs of Europe. New York, 1964

Marais, Joseph & Miranda. Folk Song Jamboree. New York, 1960

May, Elizabeth (ed.). Musics of Many Cultures. Berkeley, CA, 1983 (1980)

Murray, Tom (ed., arr.). Folk Songs of Jamaica. London, 1951

Pihl, Marshall R. The Korean Singer of Tales. Cambridge, MA., 1994

Poston, Elizabeth & Paul Arma. The Faber Book of French Folk Songs. London, 1972

Sounds and Folk Songs of Japan. n.p., 1965 (includes 3 45 rpm discs)

Ukrainian Folk Songs. Toronto, 1984 [p. 3-72; pop/folk in English 73-108]

Vietnamese Folk-Songs. Hanoi, 1961


Ceol: A Journal of Irish Music (Dublin)

International Folk Music Council. Bulletin. (see list for holdings) No. XXV, April 1964; No. XXVI, October 1964; No.

XXVII, April 1965; No. XVIII, July 1966; No. XXIX, November 1966; No. XXX, April 1967; No XXXII, April 1968; No.

XXXIII October 1968: No. XXXV, October 1969

__________________________. Members. March, 1965

Michel Folkzeitung (Bonn)(11 vols.)

Musikblatt: Zeitschrift fur Gitarre, Folklore und Lied (Gottingen)

Stringybark and Greenhide: Folk Magazine of Australia. Newcastle, NSW, 1979


Altès, Henry. Method for the Boehm Flute. New York, 1918

Atkins, Chet. Chet Atkins Note-for-Note. Saratoga, CA, 1975

Baxter’s Complete Guitar Accompaniment Manual. New York, 1968

Bay, Bill. Mel Bay’s Fun with the Harmonica. Pacific, MO, 1976

_______. Mel Bay’s Guitar Christmas Carols. Kirkwood, MO, 1974

Burakoff, Sonya & Gerald. The Beginners Method for Soprano and Alto Recorder. Saugerties, NY, 1965

Burns, Jethro. Mel Bay Presents Jethro Burns Mandolin Player. Pacific, MO, 1976

The Chromatic Harmonica. Chicago, 1966

Coker, Patty & David Baker. Vocal Improvisation: An Instrumental Approach. Lebanon, IN, 1981

Coles, Graham. Folksongs of Canada/Chansons folkloriques du Canada for Soprano Recorder. Toronto, 1976

Doane, J. Chalmers. Classroom Ukelele Method. Waterloo, 1976

Duschenes, Mario. Method for the Recorder. Part One (1957). [two books, one for “soprano and tenor”, the other for “alto,

sopranino and bass”]. Toronto, 1969

Edwards, Cliff. Ukelele Ike Collection for the Ukelele. New York (post 1946)

Enjoy Your Recorder. The Trapp Family Singers’ new complete method. Books M-1 (C-Soprano or C-Tenor: and Book M-2

(F-Alto, F-Sopranino, F-Bass). Sharon, CN, 1954

Evans, “Hank”. Harmony Hank’s Harmonica Budget of Famous Melodies. New York, 1937

Fenwick, J.W. Instruction Book for the Northumbrian Small-Pipes. Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1981

Folk Guitar arranged for easy guitar with lyrics. Los Angles, n.d. [c. 1972

Fox, Dan (ed.). Folk Giants: Schirmer’s Easy Five String Banjo Book. New York, 1978

Gindick, Jon. Country and Blues Harmonica for the Musically Hopeless. Palo Alto, CA, 1984

Greene, Ted. Chord Chemistry. Melville, New York, 1981

__________. Modern Chord Progressions. Melville, New York, 1976

Gregory, David. The Chappell Recorder Book. Ilford, Essex, 1982

Hannigan, Steáfán. The Bodhrán Book. Cork, 1991

Hawthorn, Philip. The Usborne Book of Easy Recorder Tunes. London, 1989

Hellman, Neal. Dulcimer Songbook. New York, 1977

___________ & Sally Holden. Life is Like a Mountain Dulcimer. New York, 1974

Hunter, Ilene & Marilyn Judson. Simple Folk Instruments to Make & to Play. New York, 1977

Isaac, Burton. Mel Bay Presents Folk Fiddle. Kirkwood, MO, 1964

Ives, Burl. Guitar for Beginners. Dayton, OH, 1976

Jeffries, Susan. How to Play Harmonica Today. New York, 1972

King, Carol. Recorder Routes: A Guide to Introducing Soprano Recorder in Orff Classes. Memphis, TN, 1978

Leighton, Hal. Play the Harmonica for Fun and Profit. Beverly Hills, CA, 1968

Lieberson, Richard. Richard Lieberson's Old-Time Fiddle Tunes for Guitar. New York, 1974

Lowinger, Gene. Bluegrass Fiddle. New York, 1974

Mandelblatt, Abe & Malka Ackerman Mandelblatt. Abe and Malka’s 100 Guitar Accompaniment Patterns. New York, 1974

Manus, Morton. How to Play the Recorder. Sherman Oaks, CA, 1979

Manus, Steven. How to Play the Harmonica. Sherman Oaks, CA, 1980

____________. Learn to Play the Alfred Way Harmonica. Van Nuys, CA, 1975

Martin, Nancy. Learning the Recorder. London, 1971 (1970)

Mason, Phillip. Mel Bay Presents the Hammered Dulcimer Companion. Pacific, MO, 1985

McReynolds, Jessie. Mandolin. New York, 1979

Muller, Eric & Barbara Koehler. Mel Bay’s Frailing the 5-String Banjo: An Instruction Manual. Kirkwood, MO, 1973

Musical Instruments of the World. New York, 1978

Nelson, Roger. Fiddle Tunes with a Difference. self-published., Seattle, 1990

Orr, Hugh. Basic Recorder Technique. Soprano (1961 & 1962). 2 vols. Toronto, 1969

Pearse, John. Album of Folk Guitar Favourites. London, n.d.

__________. The John Pearse Finger-Picking Guitar Method. London, 1967

Perlman, Ken. Fingerstyle Guitar. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980

Peters, Olemara. The Double Ocarina Tune Book. self-published, Seattle, 1984

Peterson, Meg (comp., arr.). Autoharp Parade, Vol 1: 100 Favorite Songs for Young People. Northbrook, IL, 1967

Phillips, Stacy & Kenny Kosek. Bluegrass Fiddle Styles. New York, 1978

Pickow, Peter & Jason A. Shulman. How to Play the Pocket Harmonica. New York, 1983

Raim, Ethel & Josh Dunson (eds.). A Folksinger’s Guide to Grass Roots Harmony. New York, 1968

Rapid Baritone Ukelele Method. New Westminster, 1969

Rempel, Ursula M. & Carolyn F. Ritchie. A Medieval Feast: Songs and Dances for Recorders and Orff Instruments. Waterloo,

ON, 1981

Ritchie, Jean. The Dulcimer Book. New York, 1963

Roth, Arlen. Traditional, Country and Electric Slide Guitar. New York, 1975 [with slide guitar disc]

Sandvoss, J. (arr.). Music for Two Recorders. New Westminster, 1966

Schwab, Siegfried. Folk Concerto: Folk Picking für Finger-Style Guitar. Frankfurt, 1981

Seeger, Pete. Henscratches and Flyspecks: How to read melodies from songbooks in twelve confusing lessons. New York,


Sevush, Leo. Let’s Play Recorder Instruction Book. Milwaukee, WI, 1973

Silverman, Jerry. The Art of the Folk-Blues Guitar: An Instruction Manual. New York, 1964

____________. Beginning the Folk Guitar: An Instruction Manual. New York, 1970 (1964)

____________. The Flatpicker’s Guitar Guide: An Advanced Instruction Manual and Song Book. New York, 1967

____________. Folk Blues. New York, 1968

____________. The Folksinger’s Guitar Guide: An Instruction Manual based on the Folkways Record by Pete Seeger. New

York, 1969 (1962)

____________. How to Play the Guitar: Folk. Blues. Calypso. Garden City, NY, 1968

Snyder, Jerry. Finger-Style Chord Solos for Guitar. New York, 1972

__________. Jerry Snyder’s Easy Chord Christmas Guitar Book. Miami Beach, FL, n.d.

The Sound Horizon 2. Part 1. Japan, n.d.[post 1964]

Statman, Andy. Bluegrass Masters: Jesse McReynolds: Mandolin. New York, 1979

Taussig, Harry. Advanced Guitar. New York, 1975

___________. Folk Style Autoharp. New York, 1967

Teaching Little Fingers to Play: John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano. Cincinnati, OH, 1936

Thede, Marion. The Fiddle Book. New York, 1966

Tottle, Jack. Bluegrass Mandolin. New York, 1975

Traum, Happy. Finger-Picking Styles for Guitar. New York, 1966

Ukelele Chord Finder. New York, 1950

The Ukelele Occasional. Debut Issue, Summer 2002

Waring, Dennis. Folk Instruments: Make Them & Play Them: It’s Easy & It’s Fun. Winnipeg, 1979

Wernick, Peter. Bluegrass Banjo. New York, 1974

Williamson, Robin. The Penny Whistle Book. New York, 1977

Winner, Sep. A Complete Method for the Spanish Mandoline. Boston, 1884

Zeidler, Frank. Mel Bay’s Fun with the Recorder. Kirkwood, MO, 1971

Zeitlin, Ralph Wm. Appalachian Folk Songs for Recorder. New York, 1978


Abrahams, Roger D. The Man-of-Words in the West Indies: Performance and the Emergence of Creole Cultures. Baltimore,


Baring-Gould, W.S. The Lure of the Limerick. London, 1972 (1968)

Battle, Kemp P. (comp.). Great American Folklore: Legends, Tales, Ballads and Superstitions from All Across America.

Garden City, NY, 1986

Bloomfield, L. Sacred Stories of the Sweet Grass Cree. Ottawa, 1930

Botkin, B.A. A Treasury of American Folklore. New York, 1944

__________. (ed.). A Treasury of Southern Folklore: Stories, Ballads, Traditions, and Folkways of the People of the South.

New York, 1971 (1949)

Brunvand, Jan Harold. The Choking Doberman and Other "New" Urban Legends. New York, 1986

_________________. Curses! Broiled Again! The Hottest Urban Legends Going. New York, 1989

_________________. The Study of American Folklore: An Introduction. New York, 1968

_________________. The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends & Their Meanings. New York, 1981

Christian, Roy. Old English Customs. London, 1966

Le coffret magique des contes et legendes. Livre 2. n.p., n.d.

Cooper, J.C. (ed.). Brewer’s Book of Myth and Legend. London, 1992 (taken from Phrase and Fable)

Dorson, Richard M. American Folklore. Chicago, 1959

Dundes, Alan (comp.). Folklore Theses and Dissertations in the United States. [Vol 27 of Publications of the American

Folklore Society, Bibliographic and Special Series] Austin, TX, 1976

___________ & Carl R. Pagter. Never Try to Teach a Pig to Sing: Still More Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire.

Detroit, 1991

________________________. Work Hard and You Shall be Rewarded: Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire.

Detroit, 1992 (1st ed., 1975)

Erdoes, Richard & Alphonso Ortiz (sel., ed.). American Indian Myths and Legends. New York, 1984

Fowke, Edith. “‘Blind McNair’: A Canadian Short Story and Its Sources” in Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert: A

Festschrift. St John’s, 1980 [offprint]

__________. Folklore of Canada. Toronto, 1976

__________. Folktales of French Canada. Toronto, 1979.

Fraser, Amy Stewart (coll., ed.). Dae Ye Min’ Langsyne?: A Pot-pourri of Games, Rhymes and Ploys of Scottish Childhood.

London, 1975 [photostat in binder]

Gard, Robert E. Johnny Chinook: Tall Tales and True from the Canadian West. Toronto, 1945

Green, Roger Lancelyn. A Cavalcade of Magicians. London 193 [this ed. from NY, n.d.]

Jason, Heda. About the ‘Historical’ and the ‘Local’ Legend and their Relatives. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA,

May 1968

_________. The Jew and the Barber: About the Particular and the General. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA,

April 1968

_________. The Narrative Structure of Swindler Tales. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, February 1968

_________. N.P. Andreev, ‘Index of Tale-Plots According to the System of Aarne’: A Partial Translation. The RAND

Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, May 1968

_________. The Russian Criticism of the ‘Finnish School’ in Folktale Scholarship. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica,

CA, February 1968

_________. Structural Analysis and the Concept of the ‘Tale-Type’. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, May 1968

Johnson-Tekahionwake, E Pauline. Legends of Vancouver. Kingston, ON, 1991 (1st. ed. 1911)

Krappe, Alexander H.(1894-1947). The Science of Folklore (1929). New York, 1964

Lauder, Afferbeck [= Alistair Morrison]. Strine. Sydney, NSW, 1982

Legman, G(ershon). The Horn Book: Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography. New Hyde Park, N.Y., 1966 (1964)

_______________. No Laughing Matter: Rationale of the Dirty Joke. Second Series. New York, 1975

_______________ (ed.). The Limerick: 1700 examples, with notes, variants and index. New York, 1969 (1964).

Lemieux, Germain. Les jongleurs du billochet. Montreal, 1972

Opie, Iona and Peter. Children’s Games in Street and Playground. Oxford, 1969

__________________. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford, 1959

Ramsay, Sterling. Folklore Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, 1976 (1973)

Randolph, Vance. Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales. New York, 1977 (1976)

Morrison, Lillian (comp.). A Diller, A Dollar: Rhymes and Sayings for the Ten O’clock Scholar. New York, 1955

Oring, Elliott (ed.). Folk Groups and Folklore Genres: An Introduction. Logan, UT., 1986

Peck, Catherine (comp., annot.). A Treasury of North American Folk-Tales. New York, 1998

Propp, Vladimir. Morphology of the Folktale. Austin, 1968

Sedillo, Mela. Mexican and New Mexican Folkdances. Albuquerque, NM, 1950 (1st ed., 1935)

Shoolbraid, Murray. List of Folklore Books and Other Materials. Salt Spring Is., BC, 1996

Shoolbraid, G.M.H. The Oral Epic of Siberia and Central Asia. Bloomington, IN, 1975


B.C. Folklore: Bulletin of the British Columbia Folklore Society. (see list for holdings) #1 Winter 1995 – (quarterly). G.M.H.

Shoolbraid, editor: Holdings: No 1, Winter 1995; No. 2 Spring 1996; No. 3 Summer 1996; No. 4 Autumn 1996; No. 5

Candlemas 1997; No. 6 Summer 1997; No. 7 Autumn 1997; No. 8 St. Valentine 1998; No. 9 Summer 1998; No.

10 September 1998; No. 12 October 1999; No 15, No. 16, No. 19

Center for Southern Folklore (2 vols.)

Folklore Studies Association of Canada. Bulletin. Vol 1, No. 4 December 1977; Vol 2, No. 1, May 1978; Vol 27,


_______________________________. Folklore. (See list for Holdings): Vol 2, Numbers 2/3, Sept/Nov 1978; Vol 2, No. 4

May 1979;Vol 3, Nos. 1/2, October 1979; Vol 3 Nos 3/4, Dec 1979; Vol 4, Nos. 3/4, Nov 1980; Vol 5, Nos 1/2, May 1981,

Vol 5 Nos 3/4, Nov 1981

Journal of American Folklore. Vol 87, No.343, No. 346; Vol 91, No. 353, No. 359, No. 361;l 92, No. 363, No. 364

Journal of the Folklore Institute


Bambra, Audrey & Muriel Webster. Teaching Folk Dancing. London, 1972

Games and Dances of the Maori: A Guide Book for Teachers. Wellington, NZ, 1972

Greenaway, Kate. Kate Greenaway’s Book of Games. New York, 1976 (1889)

Lovett, Benjamin B. "Good Morning": Music, Calls, and Directions for Old-Time Dancing as Revived by Mr. and Mrs. Henry

Ford. Dearborn, MI., 1943

Martin, Elaine. Kids’ Games: Creative games and activities: A Parents’ Guide to playing with your three to six-year-old.

New York, 1989

Mayo, Margot. The American Square Dance. New York, 1943

Stenhouse, Agnes B. Folk Dancing, Book Two. Hamilton, 1941

Stewart, Georgiana Liccione. Heel, Toe, Away We Go: Simple Folk Dance Patterns for Children. [enveloped incomplete

photostat of book: no title page]. 1976

Withers, Carl. Ready or Not, Here I Come: Town and Country Games. New York, 1964 (1947)

__________. A Treasury of Games (originally Ready or Not…(1947). New York, 1976


Andrews, Ralph W. Glory Days of Logging. New York, 1956

Duff, Wilson. The Indian History of British Columbia. Vol 1: The Impact of the White Man. Victoria, 1964

Efrat, Barbara J. & W.J. Langlois (eds.). Captain Cook and the Spanish Explorers on the Coast. Sound Heritage Vol VII, No.

1. 1978

English, L.E.F. Historic Newfoundland. Jt. John’s, 5th printing, 1961 (1955) & 12th printing (1967)

Hobsbawm, Eric. Bandits. New York, 2000

Loggers Handbook (Vol 9, 1949). Portland, OR, 1949

Marlatt, Daphne & Carole Itter (comp., ed.). Opening Doors: Vancouver’s East End. Victoria, BC, 1979

Patton, Janice. The Sinking of the I'm Alone. Toronto, 1973

People’s Law School. Volunteers & the Law. 2000 edition

Phillips, Paul. No Power Greater: A Century of Labour in British Columbia. Vancouver, 1967

Pike, Robert E. Tall Trees, Tough Men. New York, 1967

Selleck, George A. Principles of the Quaker Business Meeting. Richmond, IN, n.d.

Sheeran, Michael J. Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless decisions in the Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1987

Sound Heritage. Vol III No. 4, Victoria, 1974

Wejr, Patricia & Howie Smith (comp., ed.). Fighting for Labour: Four Decades of Work in British Columbia 1910-1950.

Victoria, BC, 1978

Who Does What: A Guide to National Arts Associations.... Ottawa, 1980-1


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