Must be a favorite family recipe

GEO 509: Food, Place and Identity: The Geography of Diet

Minor Paper Fall 2010 (15%)


|  Name of Dish |Type: |Ethnicity: |Source: |Contributor: |

|Blitz torte (a.k.a. |D |German |The All New All |Rima Rowsell |

|Lightning Cake) | | |Purpose Joy of Cooking| |

| | | |by Irma S. Rombauer, | |

| | | |Marion Rombauer and | |

| | | |Ethan Becker | |

|Quantities |Units | Ingredients |

|1 |Cup |All-purpose flour |

|1 |Tsp. |Baking Powder |

|¼ |Tsp. |Salt |

|8 |Tbsp. |Unsalted Butter |

|1 |Cup |Sugar |

|3 |Large |Eggs |

|1 |Tsp. |Grated lemon zest |

|2 |Tbsp. |Fresh lemon juice |

|1/3 |Cup |Chopped or sliced almonds or other nuts |

|1 |Tbsp. |Sugar |

|Directions: |

|1. Grease and flour one 8X2 inch round baking pan |

|2. Whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt |

|3. In a large bowl, beat the butter until creamy, using a standing mixture or hand blender |

|4. Gradually add the 1 cup of sugar until the mixture is light in colour |

|5. Beat in the 3 eggs one at a time |

|6. Beat the lemon zest and lemon juice into the butter, sugar and egg mixture |

|7. Stir in the flour mixture until smooth |

|8. Scrape the batter into the pan and spread evenly |

|9. Sprinkle with the almonds and tablespoon of sugar |

|10. Bake at 350(F for 30-35 minutes |

|Adverbial Context: |

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|Originating in Germany, the blitz torte or blitz kuchen has traditionally been |

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|considered an easy, sweet cake to serve with coffee. As far as I have been able to |

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|determine, it was invented around 1850-1855, when fast acting rising agents, such as |

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|baking soda and powder, became popular. Since then, it has been a welcome addition |

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|to any recipe book as a fast dessert to make for guests. |

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|When my father first moved to the little town of Wilno, Ontario, he had only a trailer |

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|with a small kitchen and living quarters to call his home. Around the time he moved, I |

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|bought him a copy of the Joy of Cooking for Christmas, so that he would have a good |

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|cookbook that contained a large variety of recipes. It was in the summer of 1999 that I |

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|discovered this recipe. I decide one day to pick a bunch of the blackberries that grew |

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|on his property and was looking for something to do with them. He suggested that I |

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|try to bake something, so I picked up his only cookbook and leafed through the pages. |

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|Almost all of the recipes that I looked at required ingredients that he did not have, but |

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|I was determined to find something. I was about to give up, when I came across this |

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|recipe. Amazingly enough, my father had all the ingredients, so I started to make it. |

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|As the title indicates, it was as quick as “lightning” to prepare and took little time to |

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|bake. When it was complete, I gave my father a piece to try and he stated that it was |

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|delicious. I have been making this recipe ever since that day. |

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|Over the years, I have added other berries to the recipe, increased the mixing time to |

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|make a smoother textured cake and converted the quantities of the ingredients to |

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|increase its serving size. At the first summer camp I worked at in 2004, I converted |

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|this recipe to yield 250 pieces. I was not sure how it would turn out and the head chef |

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|was angry with me for making him buy me a whole box of butter, but the end result |

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|was great. I served it as the evening snack and many of the campers and staff came up |

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|for seconds, even thirds. I proudly wore the apron that I purchased that summer with |

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|the slogan “I’d tell you the recipe, but then I would have to kill you” as people came |

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|up to the counter. The camp director was not entirely amused, but I didn’t care. I |

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|considered this recipe to be my own little creation, despite its publication in a |

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|internationally renowned cookbook, and was going to take full credit for the praise I |

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|received for its taste. |

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|As the years go by, I have continued to prepare this simple little recipe at other camps |

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|and for special occasions with family. It has become a favourite family recipe and it |

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|always brings back fond memories of that summer I spent with my father all those |

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|years ago. |

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| I agree to provide the recipe provided for distribution X□ |

|I would like to attach my name to the recipe X□ |

|I do not agree to provide the recipe for distribution □ |


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