REA 055 Class Schedule - Easy Literacy

REA 055 Class Schedule

Spring, 2008

Catherine Wishart, Adjunct Instructor

Please note: all homework assignments will be due for the next class period. Students are expected to correct their own book activities and be ready to ask questions about specific problems that were difficult.

|Date |In-class Lectures and Assignments |Homework Assignments |

|Tuesday, January 22 |Introduction |Ten Steps to Building College Reading Skills: Read |

| |Review Course Syllabus |“Introduction,” pages 1 to 30. Write a response to |

| |Class Expectations |Question1, page 22. |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 1 |Vocabulary Chapter 1 Final Check |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, January 24 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps Review Test 1, page 49, Review Test 2, page|

| |Townsend Press Website: |50 |

| |Set-up |Review Test 3, page 51 |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 1 Sentence Check 2 |Vocabulary Chapter 2 and 3 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 1: Dictionary Use, page 33, Practice 1 – 6 | |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 2 and 3 | |

| |Journal Entry: | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, January 29 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps – write a response to Question 1, page 55 |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 1: Review Test 4, page 52 |Mastery Tests 5, 6 (pages 65 – 68) |

| |Mastery Test 1, 2 |Vocabulary Chapter 4 Final Check |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 4 | |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 2:Vocabulary in Context, page 69, Practice 1 – 3| |

| |Seven Keys to Comprehension: Sensory Images | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, January 31 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps – Mastery Tests 4, 5, 6 (pages 103 – 108) |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 5, 6 |Vocabulary Chapters 5, 6 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 2: Practice 4, Review Test 1, 2, 3 |Study for test on Vocabulary in Context |

| |Review Test 4 | |

| |Townsend Website: Vocabulary chapters 2, 3 – Sentence 2 Check | |

| |Dictionary Use – Exercise 1, 2 | |

| |Vocabulary in Context – Exercise 1, 2, Mastery Test 1, 2 | |

| |Journal Entry: | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, February 5 |Review Homework as Needed |Study for Vocabulary Unit 1 Test |

| |Concentration! Review of Unit 1 Vocabulary |Vocabulary Chapter 7 Final Check |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 7 | |

| |Chapter 2: Vocabulary in Context Test – Untimed | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, February 7 |Ten Steps Chapter 3 Main Ideas: Practice 1 – 4 |Journal Entry |

| |Vocabulary Chapters 8, 9 |Choose Story for Writing Assignment #1 – stories are |

| |Unit 1 Vocabulary Test – Untimed |found at |

| |Townsend Press Vocabulary Chapters 7, 8, 9 Sentence Check 2 |Vocabulary Chapters 8, 9 – Final Check |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, February 12 |Ten Steps Chapter 3 Main Ideas: Practice 5 – 7, Review Test 1 |Ten Steps Review Tests 2, 3 (pages 128 – 131) |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 10 |Write a one to two paragraph summary of Story for |

| |Seven Keys to Comprehension: Background Knowledge |Writing Assignment #1. Answer these questions: |

| | |Who are the main characters? |

| | |What is the plot? |

| | |What is the lesson the story is trying to teach? |

|Thursday, February 14 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps Mastery Tests 3 – 6 (pages 141 – 148) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 3 Main Ideas: Review Test 4 |Take-Home Test: Vocabulary Unit 2 |

| |Vocabulary Chapters 11, 12 | |

| |Townsend Press Main Ideas Exercises 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1, 2 | |

| |Journal Entry | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, February 19 |Vocabulary Chapter 13 |Vocabulary Chapter 13 Final Check |

| |Review Main Idea | |

| |Chapter 3 Main Idea Test – Untimed | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, February 21 |Vocabulary Chapters 14, 15 |Vocabulary Chapter 14, 15 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 4 Supporting Details: Practice 1, 2 |Supporting Details Review Tests 1, 2, 3 |

| |Townsend Website – Vocabulary Chapters 13, 1: Practice 1, 2 | |

| |Townsend Website – Vocabulary Chapters 13, 14, 15 Sentence Check 2| |

| |Ten Steps Supporting Details Exercises 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1 – 4 | |

| |Journal Entry | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, February 26 |Review Homework as Needed |Vocabulary Chapter 16 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Review Test 4 (page 166) |Choose Story for Writing Assignment #2 – stories are |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 16 |found at |

| |Seven Keys to Comprehension: Questioning | |

| |Supporting Details Test - Untimed | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, February 28 |Vocabulary Chapters 17, 18 |Ten Steps Review Tests 1 – 3 |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 5 Location of Main Ideas: Practice 1 – 3 |Mastery Tests 4, 5, 6 |

| |Townsend Press Site – Vocabulary Chapters 16, 17, 18 Sentence |Vocabulary Chapters 17, 18 Final Check |

| |Check 2 |Write a one to two paragraph summary of Story for |

| |Ten Steps Location of Main Ideas Exercises 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1 –|Writing Assignment #2. Answer these questions: |

| |3 |Who are the main characters? |

| |Concentration! Review for Vocabulary Unit 3 Test |What is the plot? |

| |Journal Entry |What is the lesson the story is trying to teach? |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|March 4 – 6 |Spring Break |Study for Midterm and Vocabulary Test |

|Tuesday, March 11 |Mid-Term |Study for Vocabulary Test |

|Thursday, March 13 |Vocabulary Chapters 19, 20 |Vocabulary Chapters 19, 20 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 6 Relationships I: Practice Tests 1 – 3 | |

| |Who Wants to be a Millionaire Vocabulary Review | |

| |Vocabulary Unit 3 Test | |

| |Vocabulary Chapters 19, 20 Sentence Check 2 | |

| |Journal Entry | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, March 18 |Vocabulary Chapter 21 |Ten Steps Review Tests 1, 2, 3 |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 6 Relationships I: Practice 4, 5, Review Test 4 |Vocabulary Chapter 21 Final Check |

|Thursday, March 20 |Vocabulary Chapters 22, 23 |Vocabulary Chapter 22, 23 Final Check |

| |Townsend Website Vocabulary Chapters 21, 22, 23 Sentence Check 2 |Mastery Tests 5, 6 (pages 253 – 256) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 6 Exercise 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1 – 4 | |

| |Journal Entry | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Tuesday, March 25 |Vocabulary Chapter 24 |Vocabulary Chapter 24 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 7 Relationships II: Practice 1 – 3 |Choose Story for Writing Assignment #3. Stories are |

| |Seven Steps to Comprehension: Drawing Inferences |found at . |

| |Relationships I Test – Untimed | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, March 27 |Vocabulary Chapter 25 |Chapter 25 Final Check |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 7 Relationships II: Practice 4 – 8. |Review Tests 1 – 3 (pages 277 – 281) |

| |Townsend Website: Vocabulary Chapters 24, 25 Sentence Check 2 |Write a one to two paragraph summary of Story for |

| |Ten Steps Relationships II Exercises 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1 – 4 |Writing Assignment #3. Answer these questions: |

| |Vocabulary Unit 4 Test - Untimed |Who are the main characters? |

| |Journal Entry |What is the plot? |

| |Exit Exercise |What is the lesson the story is trying to teach? |

|Tuesday, April 1 |Review Homework as Needed |Chapter 26 Final Check |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 26 |Mastery Tests 1 & 2 (pages 300 to 304) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 7 Relationships II: Review Test 4, Mastery Tests| |

| |5, 6 | |

| |“Winners, Losers, or Just Kids?” page 421 | |

|Thursday, April 3 |Review Homework as Needed |Chapter 27 Final Check |

| |Vocabulary Chapter 27 | |

| |Clue! | |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 8 Inferences: Practice 1 | |

| |Townsend Website: Vocabulary Chapters 26, 27 Sentence Check 2 | |

| |Relationships II Test – Untimed | |

| |Journal Entry | |

|Tuesday, April 8 |Vocabulary Chapter 28 |Ten Steps Review Tests 1 – 3 (pages 322 – 325) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 8 Inferences: Practice 2, 3 | |

| |Seven Steps to Comprehension: Determining Importance | |

| |“The Storyteller” page 429 | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, April 10 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps Mastery Tests 5, 6 (pages 339 – 342) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 8 Inferences: Review Test 4 |Vocabulary Unit 5 Take-Home Test |

| |Townsend Website: Vocabulary Chapter 28 Sentence Check 2 | |

| |Ten Steps Inferences Exercises 1, 2, Mastery Tests 1 – 4 | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, April 15 |Review Homework as Needed | |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 9 Implied Main Ideas: Practice 1 – 2 | |

| |Seven Steps to Comprehension: Synthesizing | |

| |“Disaster and Friendship” page 439 | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, April 17 |Ten Steps Chapter 9 Implied Main Ideas: Practice 3 – 4, Review |Ten Steps Review Tests 1 – 3 (pages 356 – 360) |

| |Test 4 |Mastery Tests 4 – 6 (pages 375 – 380) |

| |Seven Keys to Comprehension: Fix-Up Strategies |“Adult Children at Home” (page 457) |

| |Townsend Website: Ten Steps Implied Main Ideas Exercises 1, 2, | |

| |Mastery Tests 1 – 3 | |

| |“Read All About It” page 448 | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Tuesday, April 22 |Review Homework as Needed |Ten Steps Review Tests 1 – 3 (pages 394 – 396) |

| |Ten Steps Chapter 10 The Basics of Argument: Practice 1 – 4 |“False Ideas About Reading” (page 479) |

| |“How to Make It in College, Now That You’re Here” page 466 | |

| |Implied Main Ideas Test – Untimed | |

| |Exit Exercise | |

|Thursday, April 24 |Ten Steps Chapter 10 The Basics of Argument: Review Test 4 |Ten Steps Mastery Tests 4 – 6 (pages 413 – 418) |

| |“Are You a Good Listener?” page 487 |“Dealing with Feelings” (page 497) |

| |Townsend Website: Basics of Argument, Exercises 1, 2, Mastery | |

| |Tests 1 – 3 | |

| |Combined Skills Exercises 1, 2 | |

|Tuesday, April 29 |Review for Final |Review for Final |

| |“Childhood Stress and Resilience” page 507 | |

|Thursday, May 1 |Final Exam | |

|Tuesday, |Conferences | |

|May 6 | | |

|Thursday, May 8 |Conferences | |


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