
Great Indoors ideas form the Scouts Off-Screen Bingo! Each activity earns you 5 house points or an effort star for your planner – your choice. Can you do an activity for each day of half term? Can you get 5 in a row, for a bonus 5 effort stars each time? A full house would be impossible, surely? Experience what it would be like to have impaired vision: walk around for 5 minutes with your eyes closed or covered. Extra challenge: try having a shower or eating breakfast.Gratitude: Write down 5 things or people you are grateful for and why.Make a den or fort and eat lunch inside it – is it strong enough to stay up all afternoon?Create a series of Taskmaster challenges then hold a contest and give each person a score for each round. Decide on a prize for the winner.Sew your name into a piece of fabric.Learn to play patience with a deck of cards – how close can you get to winning?Make up a brand new dance to one of your favourite songs, then teach it to a family member.Write a letter to a friend, on actual paper, and post it in an actual post box!See how many items of your own clothing you can wear at once – who will hold the family record?Grab a partner, set a 2 minute timer and each draw a portrait of the other person. Swap them and giggle! You could also each try a self portrait with your eyes closed.Write a letter or draw a picture for your neighbour, or for someone in hospital – if you bring them in to school. Mrs Tearle can get them delivered.Have a mystery taste test – choose 5 or 6 things for a sibling or grown up to taste, to see if they can identify what they are tasting. Safe food items only!Create a chalk trail around your block for someone else in your family to follow. You could write letters as well and they have to collect the letters and unscramble the word.Ask your grown up to set you 3 household chores, and then inspect your work once you have finished.Make a home-made bird feeder - Find instructions online, or smear peanut butter onto a toilet roll tube or open pinecone, then roll in birdseed. Add string and hang from a tree.Choose 3 or 4 songs each and have a dance party. Snacks and jazzy costumes optional!Plant some seeds or bulbs – easy ones to get started are beans, peas, tomatoes, sweet peas, tulips.Design and make some different smoothies – fruit, yoghurt, milk, avocado, honey, oats all go well in smoothies. Can you come up with a great name for your creation?Learn to make a simple meal or treat, and serve it to your family. Suggestions: scrambled egg on toast, beans on toast, pasta and pesto, pancakes, cupcakes.Create a sticker hunt for a grown up or sibling – get a sheet of stickers, cut each one in half, hide one half of each in the room and stick the other halves to a sheet of paper. Can they find the hidden halves?Play the hat-scarf-gloves chocolate game (put them all on and eat as much from a solid bar of chocolate as you can with a knife and fork before the next person rolls a 6 on the dice and takes over from you).Design masks and have a family masquerade.Make something to do with your current project at school – make it out of lego, modelling clay, papier mache, cardboard.Make interesting ice cubes – you could use food colouring, chopped fruit, edible flower petals etc. Serve them in fancy drinks.Using no tools at all, create a 5cm diameter circle in the middle of a sheet of paper. Have several goes – how close to 5cm diameter can you get? ................

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