

Weekly Focus Question: What do babies need to help them grow?

Focus Question Vocabulary: bottle, crib, nursery, bassinet, rattle, pacifier, newborn, pediatrician, nurture, exercise, grow

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, |activities (aka learning centers)]|

| | | | |Library) | |

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|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |-What do you know about babies? (crying, | |MATH- The number of the week is 13. |-Dramatic Play: Pretend you are a |

| |Date: 5/4 |crawling, bottle, diapers) |- Look in your refrigerator in the|Have your child count out 13 food items|baby; try different fruits and |

| | | |kitchen. Organize food and drinks |during meal time, making sure to touch |vegetables from the kitchen. Which|

| | |-How are babies and plants similar? (they |into two categories—“what babies |each piece of food as they say the |fruits and vegetables can babies |

| | |both grow) |can eat”; and “what babies cannot |number (food item examples include |eat? Why? |

| | | |eat”. What kinds of food can |pieces of cereal, cut grapes, cut | |

| | |-What is one thing that babies need to help |babies eat? (liquid food; |apples, etc.) |-Art: Invite child to look through|

| | |them grow? (food/nutrition) |applesauce, etc.) Why can they eat| |newspapers, magazines, or books. |

| | | |this type of food? (easy to eat) |LITERACY- Review letter B. |Have child put a post-it on |

| | |-What kind of food/nutrition do babies eat? |What types of food can babies not |Have your child say the sound that ‘B’ |food/drink that a baby eats. Using|

| | |Why? (milk, applesauce, baby food; food |eat? (pasta, bread, etc.) Why? |makes. Invite child to find household |crayons and paper, have child draw|

| | |keeps them healthy and strong) |(babies have no teeth to eat this |objects that start with ‘B’. |one baby food/drink that they |

| | | |type of food). | |found in the newspapers, etc. |

| | |-“Sesame Street Babies” | |HANDWRITING- Invite child to practice | |

| | |Click the link below: | |writing their name in mediums such as |-Blocks: Use various household |

| | | | |shaving cream, whipped cream, sand, |materials to create and build a |

| | | | |sugar, etc. |baby high chair. What are high |

| | | | | |chairs used for? Why are they |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “Love You Forever” |important? |

| | | | |Click the link below: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |brxo&feature=youtu.be | |

| |Tuesday | | |MATH- Same/different—invite child to |-Writing: Invite child to use |

| |Date: 5/5 |-What is one thing that babies need to help |-Have child think about everywhere|look through laundry and find matching |paper and pencil to practice |

| | |them grow? (food/nutrition) |that their family members sleep in|socks (same) and mismatching socks |writing the unit vocabulary words |

| | | |their house. Invite child to put a|(different). Which ones are the same? |of “baby” and “sleep”. |

| | |-What is another thing that babies need? |post-it on each bed, crib, etc. in|Which ones are different? | |

| | |(sleep) |their household. When finished, | |-Music/ Movement: Invite your |

| | | |invite child to draw one type of |LITERACY-“My Bb Book”- review with |child to listen and dance to the |

| | |-Where do babies sleep? (bassinet, nursery, |bed that they saw in their house. |child and color—page 15 by clicking |action song found below: |

| | |crib) | |link below: |

| | | | | |

| | |-What might babies need to go to sleep? | |20/03/literacy.pdf | |

| | |(pacifier, blanket) | | |-Art: Invite child to use paper |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Have your child pick out |and scissors (with assistance) to |

| | |-Why is sleeping important? (to stay healthy| |their favorite book to read. During |create a woven blanket for a baby |

| | |and energized for the day ahead) | |reading time, stop and have them write |to sleep with. |

| | | | |three simple words from the story (ex: |[pic] |

| | |-“Sesame Street: Song—Hush Little Baby” | |the, it, am, etc). | |

| | |Click the link below: | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “Peppa Pig—George and | |

| | |t=26s | |the Noisy Baby” | |

| | | | |Click the link below: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |sSy0 | |

| |Wednesday |-What are two things that babies need to | |MATH- Continue discussing the number of|-Dramatic Play: Invite child to |

| |Date: 5/6 |help them grow? (food/nutrition, sleep) |-Invite child to make their own |the week--13. During laundry time, have|pretend they are in a play pen |

| | | |baby rattle. Materials include |your child fold 13 shirts. |using various household materials.|

| | |-What is another thing that babies need? |empty toilet paper roll, crayons, | |What is a play pen? What do babies|

| | |(playtime) |and dried pasta or beans (or |LITERACY- Have child write letter B on|play with in play pens? |

| | | |something similar). |post-its. Invite child to sound out | |

| | |-What do babies play with? (rattles, stuffed| |letter “B” and match to letter B on |-Science: Invite child to explore |

| | |animals, blocks) |[pic] |tree. |baby self-care items (such as baby|

| | | | |Page 16 by clicking link below: |oil, baby lotion, baby powder). |

| | |-How do babies use toys? (explore toys by | | each item into a cup of |

| | |putting in mouth, stacking toys, shaking, | |20/03/literacy.pdf |water. Observe what happens to |

| | |pulling) | | |these items. |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Page 57 by clicking link | |

| | |-“Sesame Street: Song: B is for Baby” | |below: |Art: Draw two things that a baby |

| | |Click the link below: | | play with and use at least two|

| | | | |20/03/handwriting.pdf |different colors. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “The New Baby by Mercy | |

| | | | |Mayer” | |

| | | | |Click the link below: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |dJj4 | |

| |Thursday | |-Invite child to wash a doll (or |MATH- Same vs. different—draw a picture|-Dramatic Play: Invite child to |

| |Date: 5/7 |-What are three things that babies need to |some sort of plastic object |of a circle. Invite your child to find |pretend they are at the |

| | |help them grow? (food/nutrition, sleep, |pretending it is a baby) in a |a household object that is the same |pediatrician’s office getting a |

| | |playtime) |bath. What do we use to wash the |circle shape. Find an object that is |check-up. What do you do at a |

| | | |body of a baby? (body wash) What |different than a circle. |check-up? What does the doctor do?|

| | |-What is another thing that babies need? |do we use to wash the hair of a | | |

| | |(self-care—such as bathing, doctor’s |baby? (shampoo and conditioner) |LITERACY- Sound out all objects that |-Art: Invite child to trace your |

| | |appointments, diapering) |What do we do during bath time? |start with “B”. As you say each “B” |hand, siblings hand, and their own|

| | | |(clean baby; make sure soap |object, color it in using crayons. |hand. Have them use crayons to |

| | |-Why is self-care important? (bathing babies|doesn’t get in babies eyes) |See Page 2 by clicking the link below: |color the hands. Which hand is |

| | |in bathtub keeps them clean; diapers because| |? Smaller? Why? |

| | |they cannot yet use toilet; doctor’s | |20/03/uppercase-letters-with-pictures.p| |

| | |appointments to make sure they are healthy) | |df |-Writing: Page 45 by clicking the |

| | | | | |link below: |

| | |-What is a baby doctor called? | |HANDWRITING- Page 9 by clicking the |

| | |(pediatrician) What does a baby do at a | |link below: |om/2020/03/handwriting.pdf |

| | |doctor visit? (gets shots to stay healthy; | | |

| | |check-ups) | |20/04/handwriting-beginners-ii-1.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | |-“Baby Bath Time” | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “Peter’s Chair” | |

| | |Click the link below: | |Click the link below: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |jvHQ&t=126s | |

| |Friday | | |MATH- Have your child go outside—have |-Blocks: Invite child to build an|

| |Date: 5/8 |-What are three things that babies need to |-Write different exercises on |them jump 13 times; crawl 13 times; |obstacle course to crawl through. |

| | |help them grow? (food/nutrition, sleep, |post-its and put in a bag |skip 13 times. |Various household materials |

| | |playtime, self-care) |(exercises include crawling, | |include boxes, pillows, etc. |

| | | |standing, walking, running, |LITERACY- Have child find letter ‘B’ in| |

| | |-What is another thing that babies need? |skipping)—these exercises are done|various magazines or newspapers—have |-Science: Invite child to put |

| | |(strength exercises) |at different child development |them use scissors to cut out these |water into a diaper. How much |

| | | |stages. Invite child to pick one |letters to make a letter ‘B’ collage |water does a diaper hold? Who |

| | |-Why do babies need to exercise? (to get |exercise from the bag and have |and glue on paper. |needs diapers and why? |

| | |their muscles to be strong; keep them |them do the exercise. | | |

| | |healthy; exercises help them with crawling, | |HANDWRITING- Page 11 by clicking link |-Art: Invite your child to draw |

| | |standing up and walking) | |below: |pictures of things they can do now|

| | | | | they weren’t able to do as a |

| | |-How do babies exercise? (tummy time; | |20/04/handwriting-beginners-ii-1.pdf |baby (i.e. eat apples, dress |

| | |standing; crawling) | | |themselves, walk, etc.) |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- “You Were the First” | |

| | |-Where can babies exercise? (bouncer seat, | |Click the link below: | |

| | |playpen, on floor) | | |

| | | | |rgnc | |

| | |-“Growing Up Song” | | | |

| | |Click the link below: | | | |

| | | | | | |

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Week 3 Page 57 by clicking the link below:

Common Core State Standards:

Domain 1: Approaches to Learning( PK.AL.5.a: Demonstrates persistence; maintains focus on a task.

Domain 2: Physical Development and Health( PK.PDH.6.b: Engages in a variety of physical fitness activities; participates in activities designed to strengthen major muscle groups.

Domain 3: Social and Emotional Learning( PK.SEL.1.a: Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events; expresses feelings, needs, opinions and desires in a way that is appropriate to the situation.

Domain 4a: Communication, Language and Literacy( PK.AC.2.b: Demonstrates they are building background knowledge; correctly identifies meanings of words in read-alouds, in conversation, and in descriptions of everyday items in the world around them.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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