EASY TRIVIA QUESTIONS 3Peter said to Jesus, "Thou shalt never wash ___my feet___" a. My hands b. My feet c. My hair d. My clothes e. My cup Who prayed three times a day at an open window? DanielWho had an occupation as a tentmaker? PaulJesus was arrested in ___The Garden of Gethsemane_________Who in the Bible could be called "The Lion Tamer"? DanielJohn the Baptist was how much older than Jesus? Six monthsWho in the Bible could carry the title "The Strong Man"? Samson"If God be for us, __who can be against us__ ?" In what book of the Bible do you find the words, "There is no new thing under the sun"? EcclesiastesAccording to the book of Proverbs, the beginning of knowledge is __fear of the Lord__ Who was the man who said, "Every kind of beasts, and of birds hath been tamed by mankind"? JamesIn what book of the Bible do you find the story of the burning bush? ExodusTo whom did Jesus say, "Get thee behind me, Satan"? PeterWho prayed inside of a fish? JonahWhat is the longest chapter of Psalm’s in the Bible? Psalm 119The wise man built his house on __rock__ and the foolish man built his house on __sand___What was the name of the special food that God provided for the children of Israel during the forty years in the wilderness? Manna"I am __Alpha___ and __Omega___, the beginning and the ending." In what book of the Bible do you find the following words? "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written everyone, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written." JohnWho in the Bible could carry the title "The Wise King"? Solomon ................

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