
The vessel, the USS Hunter, sat alone in the dock for many years. The ancient ship moved gently and sometimes violently with the waves. Its sails were tattered or worn-out from strong winds blowing across the sea. The ship was equipped with only oars to move the ship. It was old-fashioned. Newer ships had taken its place on the high seas. Now, the USS Hunter drifted quietly with the waves. 1. Which word from the first sentence helps the reader know what vessel means? A.dockB.satC.yearsD.alone2. In the passage, what is the meaning of old-fashioned? A.well-builtB.demandingC.out-datedD.effortless3. In the passage, the word tattered means from dirt.B.extremely tough.C.torn into pieces.D.without fault.?????Night after night, Lizzie pored over an old book of poems. The book had poems by poets such as Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope. Swift and Pope always found witty or clever ways to write about everyday subjects. They always had a new way to describe something that was ordinary.?????Lizzie studied their poems carefully because she wanted to be a true poet. She loved the challenge of writing poetry because it was never easy to write. Whenever Lizzie finished a poem, she was proud of it. She believed her poems were original and different just like Swift and Pope. 4. In the passage, the word pored means read make a rain very stretch wide.5. Which of the following clues from the passage helps the reader know what challenge means? A."Lizzie studied their poems…."B."…it was never easy to write."C."…she was proud of it."D."The book had poems by poets…."6. In the passage, what is the meaning of witty? from detailsB.smartly longer freshD.lacking smarts7. ?????In the 1700s, some colonists became rich. They replaced their simple homes with mansions. They wanted their homes to look like those being built by the wealthy class in England.Using the context of the sentence above, what is the meaning of the word mansion? A.a church buildingB.a large, fancy houseC.a sports arenaD.a large farm8. ?????I didn’t want anyone to see the red scratches on my arm. I had fallen out of a tree, and the branches cut my arm in several places. I tried to conceal my injuries by wearing a long-sleeved sweater. It was a hard week to wear a sweater. It was almost 90 degrees each day.In this passage, the word conceal means A.sweat.B.cut.C.fall.D.hide.9. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.?Which two groups of words help the reader understand the meaning of the word?unique?Fireflies? ? ?Fireflies are a type of beetle.?They live in warm, moist areas.?The glow of fireflies can be seen at night.?Fireflies have special organs that make light.?These organs are located under their stomachs.?The insects take in air.?Then cells in the special organ make their stomachs light up.?Scientists have learned that fireflies?use their lights to communicate with each other.?Each type of firefly?can be identified by?the unique pattern it uses to flash its light.?Flash patterns?differ in color, length, number of flashes, and pauses in between flashes.?A male firefly flies around and flashes its light?in order to find a mate.?When a female firefly sees a pattern from a male of her kind,?she might respond with the same flash pattern.?Females choose males with the brightest lights.?10. ?????A decision needed to be made quickly. Kate hated making hasty decisions. She liked to think through all of her choices before deciding the next course of action.Which word from the passage helps the reader know what hasty means? A.choicesB.thinkC.quicklyD.hated11. ?????We were already tardy.?????Gloria couldn't find her shoes. Max couldn't find our tickets. The traffic made us late too. We decided not to hurry. The game had started. We had missed the first inning. Our team had already scored. We decided to try and enjoy the game anyway, even if an hour had already passed.Which word from the passage helps the reader know what tardy means? A.notB.gameC.hadD.late12. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.Which word helps the reader understand the meaning of the word?advancement?Reading?????There are very few hobbies that educate and provide pleasure at the same time and reading is one of them.?Reading gives us not only knowledge, but also?pleasure.?It is a habit that should be developed at an early age.?The joys of reading are many.??????In this age of advancement, everyone is on the move and has no time to spend with others.?As a result of this?progress, there may be times when one can feel lonely.?Books are often called our best friends and can take our?loneliness?away.?Different kinds of books are available for people of all age groups.??????Research shows that after a day's hard work, reading helps one relax.?Books offer a variety of content.?Some books can entertain readers and some other books can provide?information.?????Dr Seuss said:?"The more that you read, the more things you will know.?The more you learn, the more places you'll go."13. ?????The school decided to punish hundreds of students for breaking the dress code. The students didn’t get a warning. Instead, they were forced to go home. The parents were outraged at the decision. Many of them had to leave work to go pick up their kids. They were mad that the school did not explain the rules of the dress code better.In this paragraph, what does the word outraged mean? A.excitedB.pleasedC.workingD.angry14. ?????The Great Bell cracked, was rebuilt and cracked again, giving us the famous, flawed, resonating boom. Why Big Ben? There are two answers—either can be chosen. It could have been named after a large man named Sir Benjamin Hall, who was commissioner of works. Or, it might have been named by workmen whose hero of the day was a prize fighter named Benjamin Caunt.In the passage above, what is the meaning of the word flawed? A.loudB.greatC.recastD.imperfect15. The Web site about "How to fix your car" had pictures, or graphics, with labels to show you all the car parts.In this sentence, the word graphics means ?????The monster was so hideous that the boy turned his eyes away. He did not want to see the scruffy fur, multiple eyes, and brown teeth. The boy used to think that all monsters were cute, but he was wrong.In the first sentence, what does the word hideous mean? A.meanB.shortC.angryD.ugly17. ?????Many animals live in the rain forests of Costa Rica. About 4 percent of all the world's creatures live in this tiny country! Its location means it has many kinds of animals. Some of these animals can only be found in Costa Rica. Based on the sentences above, what does the word creatures mean? A.aliensB.bugsC.fossilsD.animals18. ?????Elle grabbed the pile of clothes that were sitting on her pool-side lounge chair. She giggled as she held them in her arms and jumped into the pool. Her brother was getting out of the pool and saw Elle dunking his clothes in the water.?????"What are you doing?" he yelled over Elle's laughing fits. He yanked his clothes from her grasp and tried to wring the water out of them. When he untwisted his clothes, they were a little drier, but very wrinkled. He put his clothes back on the chair. Then, he grabbed Elle's towel and tossed it into the pool.In paragraph 2, the word wring means to A.swim.B.soak.C.laugh.D.twist.19. ?????Doris was a curious girl. She always wondered. She wondered about the sky being blue. She wondered about what is under the Earth. She wondered about what kids were doing on the other side of the world. Sometimes she was too nosy about some things. One time she tried to eat glue because she was curious to find out if it tasted like cotton candy. She was wrong.Which word from the paragraph helps the reader know what curious means? A.SometimesB.DorisC.eatD.wondered20. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.Which phrase in the passage helps the reader to know what?oppressed?means?Facing Conflict? ? ?Immigrants have been?coming to America?since it was first founded.?However, they have not always been treated fairly.?The Irish were?treated very poorly,?and they had a hard time finding jobs.?Store owners did not like the Irish and would not give them jobs.?The Chinese are another example of immigrants who were?oppressed.?In fact, in 1882, there was a law passed in the U.S. that said no more Chinese people could come to America.?That law changed many years later.? ? ?African Americans had been treated unfairly since they?first arrived?in America as slaves.?They fought for equal rights for hundreds of years.?Civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr.?fought very hard?to make sure all African Americans were treated equally.?Rosa Parks is another important civil rights leader.?She refused?to give up?her seat on a bus to a white man like she was supposed to do by law.?She was an example to all African Americans21. ?????In the 1600s, people were able to study the weather. Tools were made that could help measure the weather. People tracked how the weather changed. Some people learned to predict the weather. The field of meteorology was born in 1643. What is the meaning of the word meteorology in the paragraph above? A.the Earth's atmosphereB.the study of weatherC.a new inventionD.measurements with tools22. Emily brought her friend Leslie a freshly baked chocolate cupcake to show her gratitude for helping her do her math homework.The word gratitude in the above sentence means A.attitude.B.baking skills.C.thankfulness.D.grumpiness.23. ?????The doctor started to walk again, carrying the cat cradled over one shoulder, the cat's eyes peeping out of the gauze. The doctor was stroking its back. He was confident the cat's wounds would heal soon.In the passage above, the word gauze means A.blanket.B.cradle.C.bandage.D.sack.24. Darlene's teacher, Miss Rose, asked her to recite a poem in front of the class.What does the word recite mean in the above sentence? A.speak something aloud in front of an the poem to herself quietlyC.tell a joke to a classD.memorize the poem25. ?????The most important reason that life can exist on Earth is its atmosphere. Without it plant and animal life could not have developed. There would be no air to breathe. There would be no clouds, weather, or even sounds, only a deathlike stillness and an endlessly black sky.What is the meaning of the word atmosphere in the paragraph above? A.the surface of the oceanB.the water in the oceansC.plant and animal lifeD.the air around us26. ?????This was the final quiz of the day. Luis's teams needed his points to win the game. Luis was nervous.?????Mrs. LaMott told Luis to concentrate. She told him to think hard about the question. She said to block everything else out. She told him to focus on his training. The time was ticking down, and he had one minute left. He wanted to help his team win the quiz, but he didn't know the answer. He tried to concentrate, but he was too nervous.In the paragraph above, what does the word concentrate mean? think question27. When Marcus went to the supermarket with his dad, he noticed that the ketchup and mustard were way up on the top shelf. He thought that was a very inconvenient place for them—they were so hard to reach.What does the word inconvenient mean in the above paragraph? A.hard to reachB.sensibleC.on the wrong shelfD.easy to reach28. ?????While Italy has many rivers, they tend to be short. At four hundred miles, the Po is the longest. It runs from Turin to its outlet on the Adriatic Sea south of Venice. The river can be navigated by boat. The Arno flows through Florence and Pisa. The Tiber is Rome's river.In the paragraph above, the word navigated means A.fished.B.emptied.C.traveled.D.seen.29. ?????I felt alone. Mary had left. David had left. Cathy and Heather were on their way out. It was just me and my dog. There was no one left to talk to. I felt like I had been deserted. Which word from the paragraph helps the reader know what deserted means? A.outB.aloneC.MaryD.their30. ?????My brother and I hadn't cleaned up our room. We hadn't washed dishes. We hadn't even taken out the trash. When mom came home and saw the mess, she was furious. We knew we were in trouble just because of the look on her face. She grounded us for two weeks. ?????We went right to work. We did our chores in a hurry. When she calmed down, she let us play our video games for an hour. It was the last time we didn't do our chores. We never wanted to see her like that again. In the paragraph above, what does the word furious mean? A.angryB.happyC.funnyD.forgetful31. ?????October was my favorite month when I was a kid. The State Fair started in the beginning of October, and it lasted for the whole month. The fair was an annual event for my family. We would go each year to play the games, eat the food, and ride the carousel.Which of these is the meaning of annual as it is used in this sentence? for childrenB.begins in OctoberC.likes games and foodD.happens each year32. ?????Francis held the bat in his hand. He held it tightly. He could feel the grain of the wood. He squeezed it, and the sweat from his hands made it go loose. As the ball came at him, he swung the bat. The sweat was too much! The bat slipped from his grasp. It flew out of his hands, and everyone moved.In the paragraph above, what does the word grasp mean? A.runB.slipC.holdD.fly33. ?????Two people had the same painting. They both said it was an original painting by Claude Monet. They took the paintings to the museum. The museum director knew that only one painting was genuine, and the other one was a fake.The word genuine in this passage means A.large.B.real.C.colorful.D.old.34. Annie's motive for cleaning her room was clear—she wanted her parents to let her go to the movies with her friends.What does the word motive mean in the above sentence? A.movieB.reasonC.vacuumD.motion35. ?????Fran knocked on the classroom’s door. She pressed her ear to the door so she could hear voices inside. There was no sound on the other side of the door. She shrugged her shoulders. She guessed that the room was vacant and walked to the classroom next door.In this passage, the word vacant means A.noisy.B.empty.C.cozy.D.crowded.36. ?????My cousin and I have the same taste in clothes and wear the same size. Sometimes, we swap clothes. I’ll give her my blue dress, and she’ll let me wear her pink sweater. Our mothers don’t mind that we share clothes. When they were young, they would wear each other’s clothes, too.In the paragraph above, the word swap means When Jonathan was visiting Alaska, he looked up one night and was amazed to see the Northern Lights shimmering in the sky, so strange and beautiful he couldn't explain it—it mystified him.From the paragraph above, what is the meaning of the word mystified? feel feel like you don't feel feel like you can't explain something38. ?????Many changes were made in the workplace in the 1960s. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it against the law to pay women less money than men. Since then, the wage gap between men and women has been closing at a rate of less than half a penny a year. It will still take time for women to reach the goal of equal pay for equal work.What is the meaning of the word wage in the paragraph above? A.lawB.payC.womenD.fair39. ?????The cat was quiet. It crawled on its claws. When it saw the mouse, it jumped into the air from the tree. It pounced right on it. The mouse was smart though. It moved out of the way as the cat tried to land on him. The cat never knew how fast it was.Which word from the paragraph helps the reader know what pounced means? A.catB.mouseC.triedD.jumped40. ?????Martha was wearing a new outfit. It was cold, and it was a winter outfit. She wore very dark clothes. She had on a black pair of gloves, a grey sweater, and black jeans. She also wore a dark shawl, over her sweater and neck. Even though it was not colorful, it looked warm. When the wind picked up, I wished I had a shawl too.Which word from the passage helps the reader know what shawl means? A.clothesB.hadC.sheD.pair41. ?????Harry tore the wrapping paper off his birthday present. When he saw the cover of the box, he bounced in his seat. It was the toy jet that he had wanted. He tore open the top of the box to get to his toy. He pulled out a piece of the jet’s wing. He looked at his parents. “Dad, will you assemble it for me?” he asked.Which of these is the meaning of assemble as it is used in this sentence? A.bounce withC.put togetherD.tear paper42. ?????Lucy loved to talk. No matter where she went, it was hard for her to stop. She would utter things to strangers who she didn't even know. One time, she talked to a bus driver for a whole hour. She was the last one to get home because she missed her stop, so she could keep talking. Even though her name is Lucy, her mom calls her "Chatty Cathy." Which word from the paragraph helps the reader know what utter means? A.talkB.LucyC.hourD.time43. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.Which word helps the reader know what?reluctant?means in Karis' situation?? ? ?Pamela wanted Karis to promise she would go with Pamela to a?midnight?showing of the movie?The Return of the Jedi?on Saturday.Although this was one of Karis'?favorite?movies, she was?reluctant?to make a?promise?that she might not be able to?keep.?Karis wasafraid?of disappointing Pamela.?Karis' parents had been unwilling to let Karis go to a 9 p.m. movie a few weeks earlier.44. My teacher says we should always strive to do our best.From the way it is used in the sentence above, what does the word strive mean? A.impressB.teachC.try hardD.think hard?????Yodel, the golden retriever, barked very loudly on Tuesday afternoon. His bark smothered all other sounds in the neighborhood. The bark was the only thing anyone could hear on the busy street. Yodel believed he saw a robber enter the house. Trying to warn his owners, he yelped, barking at a high-pitch. Yodel’s owners raced out to meet him, but they found nothing wrong. It turned out that Yodel had seen his own shadow. 45. In the passage, the word smothered means stay be be at cover up.46. In the passage, what is the meaning of yelp? let out a sharp conceal all cause make more cheery?????Hippopotamuses are herbivores. They mainly eat plants, but they are still among the most dangerous animals in Africa. They are very aggressive animals. The males fight to protect their territories and the females fight to protect their young. Their speed, power, and sharp teeth make them frightening creatures. With a weight of up to 8,000 pounds, they are one of the largest land animals, but they can move up to 30 miles per hour. When they open their mouths, you can see their long canines. Males can open their mouths 4 feet wide, and their teeth can grow to be 28 inches long. 47. The article says, "Hippopotamuses are herbivores." What are herbivores? A.animals with four legsB.animals that eat plantsC.animals that like meatD.animals that are friendly48. In this paragraph, the word aggressive means A.lazy.B.forceful.C.enormous.D.slippery.49. Which words from the paragraph help the reader know what the word canines means? A.speed and powerB.frightening their mouthsD.largest land animals?????Jackie’s dad was not pleased when he saw the water spot growing above the kitchen ceiling. The water had trickled down from the bathroom, and it was now dripping little by little down onto the floor. The water made a wet spot right above the stove. Her dad made a prompt phone call to a plumber the moment he saw the spot. However, the spot had grown as wide as a giant hula hoop. It was too late to save the ceiling. 50. In the passage, the word trickled means become make jump move slowly.51. In the passage, what is the meaning of prompt? A.writing an essayB.not taking actionC.lacking any reasonD.done immediately?????To Jacob Hughes, his mom was the most peculiar person. She enjoyed doing strange things. There were always unusual things to do—she made kites, played the banjo, and baked dog food. However, his mom loved to roller skate most of all. She would rove through the streets on her skates. His mom liked to wander the streets without a purpose. She sometimes found the best picnic spots that way. Although she was different from most moms, Jacob still thought his mom was the best. 52. Which of the following clues from the passage helps the reader know what peculiar means? A."His mom liked to wander the streets…."B."She enjoyed doing strange things."C."She would rove through the streets…."D."…his mom loved to roller skate…."53. In the passage, what does the word rove mean? hop in the know the move skate quickly?????Every time I walked by the gray house down the street, I would stop and stare. It was an attractive one-story house with a beautiful garden. I never knew how the inside of the house looked. The old man who lived there was not friendly with the kids in the neighborhood.?????One day, I heard a deep rumble and the squeal of rusty brakes. I ran outside and saw an immense truck filling up the street in front of the gray house. New people were moving into the house. I saw kids about my age running around the front yard. I was excited.?????I invited the kids to play at my house. Later, they returned the invitation, and I finally got to see the inside of that house. It was tidy and well-organized. Even my friends' toys were put away in colorful toy chests. 54. Read this sentence from the passage.It was an attractive one-story house with a beautiful garden.Which of these is the meaning of attractive as it is used in this sentence? A.bought by a to a treeC.pleasing to the eyeD.built on the ground55. The word tidy in this story means A.neat.B.mysterious.C.hidden.D.friendly.56. Read the sentence from paragraph 2 below.I ran outside and saw an immense truck filling up the street in front of the gray house.What does the word immense mean? A.loudB.parkedC.hugeD.dirty?????My family was nearing the end of our three-day camping trip. We were really hungry. The food had been very scant since the beginning—we had brought only enough food for two days. We tried to spread the food out for three days, but that didn’t work. My brother was so desperate for food that he began to hunt for his own meat. He even went as far as digging up roots to eat. 57. In the passage, the word scant means A.holding more than normal.B.having a very small supply.C.containing the right amount.D.eating all the food at once.58. In the passage, what is the meaning of desperate? A.having extreme needB.being happily hungryC.waiting for suppliesD.needing to go home?????Pizza is very popular in America. It is also popular all around the world. Each country has its own favorite toppings. In Japan, customary toppings include squid and sweet corn. A popular topping in Costa Rica is coconut. Pakistanis top their pizzas with curry, a golden blend of spices. Chefs from all around share their love of pizza each year in Italy. There, they compete in the World Pizza Championship. To win, the chefs must know how to make great-tasting pizzas. They are also judged on speed and style. 59. The article refers to customary toppings in Japan. What does the word customary mean? A.seafoodB.limitedC.saltyD.normal60. The article says, "There, they compete in the World Pizza Championship." What does the word compete mean? take a try to eat a lot61. In the paragraph, the word chefs means A.childrenB.animalsC.strangersD.cooksAnswers1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. -- 10. C 11. D 12. -- 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. D 20. -- 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. -- 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. A 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. B 61. D ................

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