
Jesus Tells About the Good

Samaritan Luke 10:25-37

od wants everyone to love others. Most 5- and 6-year-olds have received care from others, including relatives, babysitters, child-care providers, or preschool teachers.

Lesson 5 55

Use this lesson to talk about ways we can show care and love for others, such as by helping parents with chores, playing with younger siblings, or sweeping the sidewalk for a neighbor.

?Bible Point God wants us to love others.


Key Verse


the resurrection and the


in me will live, even though he dies’ ” (John 11:25).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Children will be kind and loving toward others.



| |Center 1: Love and Care | | |

| |Use bandages to label |My Bible Playground, 2 small| |

| |pictures that show kids |adhesive bandages per child,|Remove the Lesson 5 pages from each My|

| |doing kind actions. |washable markers |Bible Playground student book. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life | | | |

|about 20 min. | | | |

|(Choose 2 centers.) | | | |

| |Center 2: Kindness Snacks | | |

| |Be kind and loving to |bowl, mixing spoon, | |

| |others as they help |applesauce, spoons, cups, | |

| |prepare and serve snacks. |antibacterial gel (optional)| |

| |Center 3: The Best | | |

| |Medicine | | |

| |Have fun acting out the |bandages | |

| |Scripture. | | |

| | | |Staple the outside edge of one |

| | | |half-paper plate to the edges of a |

| |Center 4: Care Kits Make |1½ paper plates and 5 index |full plate to make a pocket. Write the|

| |care cards to share with |cards per child, scissors, |words of the Bible Point (“God wants |

| |others who are feeling |stapler, markers |us to love others”) on the inside top |

| |sad. | |half of the full plate. Make one |

| | | |pocket per child. |

| |Daily Challenges Choose a | | |

| |Daily Challenge to apply | | |

| |God’s Word. |My Bible Playground | |

| | | | |

|5 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

|about 10 min. | | | |

| |Care Prayer Share hugs and| | |

| |tell ways to show | | |

| |kindness. | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |Talk about how to share | | |

| |what they learned with | | |

| |their families. | | |

Jesus Tells About the Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37



Two Questions, One Story


Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan in response to a question from a Jewish teacher of the Law. The trip from Jerusalem to Jericho was about 17 miles and included a descent of more than 3,000 feet. The rocky terrain provided many places for bandits to hide and ambush solitary travelers. In the story, the man on this journey was attacked by robbers and left for dead. Because Jesus was speaking to a Jewish

Important Conclusions


This story reveals several truths: God expects us to treat all people with love and compassion, no matter who they are, what race they are, or where they are from. Love requires actions, not just words. And sometimes those actions will cost us, just as the Samaritan’s neighborly actions cost him.

The Jesus Connection

audience, they would’ve made the assumption that the man was a Jew.

The identities of the three men who came along are significant. A priest was considered to be a representative of God. A parallel today might be a pastor—someone involved in committed service to God. A Levite was someone who assisted the priest—still a spiritual person, but in a layperson’s

role. Samaritans were despised by Jews because of their heritage.

Different Responses

Even greater than the good Samaritan’s kindness, Jesus’ kindness changes our lives forever.

Think about how God has shown you mercy. How have those experiences affected you? God wants to save us through the sacrifice of his Son, but he also wants us to show others his mercy through our acts of kindness. In prayer, consider some ways you can be a good neighbor by communicating God’s message of mercy to others through your actions.

You can write your prayer here.


The priest might have been afraid of being attacked by the same robbers. Or perhaps he didn’t want to become unclean by touching a bloody body. The Levite did essentially the same thing as the priest, likely for the same reasons.

Finally, the Samaritan stopped to help, and he also made sure the man would be taken care of as he healed. The two silver coins the Samaritan gave the innkeeper were about two days’ wages—likely enough to pay for lodging for several weeks. Plus, the Samaritan promised to stop by on his return trip and take care of any additional expenses.

Welcoming Song


CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “We’re So Glad” (track 3), “Everybody Ought to Know” (track 5)



Welcoming Song

Tip Consistently use the same signal to announce a transition to the next activity. You could flip the lights off and on, use a train whistle, have a puppet rustling inside a bag, or sing cleanup songs. Keep it simple, consistent, and fun.

What You’ll Do

As children arrive, greet each one with a smile. When it’s time to begin, use your signal to bring the children together in a circle on the floor. Begin the CD, and lead kids in singing “We’re So Glad” (track 3 on the CD) to the tune of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Encourage the kids to join you in doing the motions and singing.

[pic] We’re so glad you came to our class (hug a friend) Where we sing and learn and pray. (fold hands in prayer) We’re so glad you came to our class; (hug another friend) We praise Jesus every day. (wave hands overhead)

(Repeat 2x.)

Say: I’m so glad you’re here, because today we’re learning that ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS. Let’s keep praising Jesus by singing another song called “Everybody Ought to Know.” Let’s sing for joy because of everything Jesus has done for us. Play “Everybody Ought to Know” (track 5 on the CD), and encourage kids to sing and follow the motions in parentheses.

[pic] Everybody ought to know, (raise a fist)

Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know Who Jesus is. (point up)

He’s my Savior, and he loves me, (hug yourself)

Caring for me every day.

He will never, never leave me. (wag your finger)

He will guide me all the way. (walk in place)

Everybody ought to know! (yell)

Everybody ought to know! (yell)

Everybody ought to know, (raise a fist) Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know

Who Jesus is. (point up)

He’s my Guide, and he will lead me (walk in place)

Over any path I go.

He will always go before me.

He’s the one you ought to know. (point to forehead)

Everybody ought to know, (echo) Everybody ought to know, (echo) Everybody ought to know (raise a fist) Who Jesus is. (point to forehead)

Everybody ought to know! (yell) Everybody ought to know! (yell) Everybody ought to know! (yell) Everybody ought to know! (yell)

Say: We want everybody to know about God. One way we can help others know God is by doing kind things for them. ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS.



Who Believes?

What You’ll Do

Have the children form a circle and sit down. Open your Bible to John 11:25, and show children the words.

Say: Our Key Verse from the Bible says, “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies’ ” (John 11:25). This means that people who believe in Jesus will live forever in heaven. Let’s remember our Key Verse together. Lead the children in repeating the adapted Key Verse with you: People who believe in Jesus will live forever (John 11:25).

Have kids take turns saying the name of a person who has taught them something about Jesus. Each time a child says the name of a person, let him or her reach into the bag, remove a puzzle piece, and place it down to complete the puzzles of Jesus’ name. As the child places the puzzle piece down, have the rest of the children join the child in saying the simplified Key Verse: People who believe in Jesus will live forever (John 11:25).

Continue playing and redoing the puzzles until everyone has had at least one chance to place a puzzle piece down.

Who Believes



Bible bag scissors

Teacher Pack

“Jesus” puzzles

Who Believes

Easy Prep


Cut the “Jesus” puzzles apart and place the pieces in the bag. (Make sure you save the puzzle pieces for use in Lesson 12.)

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


1 What happens to a puzzle when some of the pieces are missing?

■ What would happen to our faith if the people who’ve taught us were missing?

Say: Each puzzle piece only showed part of the picture, but when put together we see the whole image. ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS. We can be thankful for all the people who teach us about how much Jesus loves us.

Theo’s News


Surprise Box (any box will do)

Theo puppet bandage

CD player Teacher Pack CD: “Here, Theo” (track 2)

Theo’s News

Easy Prep

Put the bandage inside the Surprise Box, and hide the box where it’s easily accessible.

Put the puzzle pieces back in the Teacher Pack for use in Lesson 12.



Theo’s News

What You’ll Do

Say: Friends, it’s time for Theo’s News! Have the children sit in a circle, and begin “Here, Theo” (track 2 on the CD). When the CD segment ends, bring out the Surprise Box, and put the Theophilus the FaithRetriever puppet on your hand. Then follow along with the script.

Theo: Hi, everybody!

Teacher: Hello, Theo! Tell us what interesting news you’ve dug up about the Bible today.

Theo: I hid it in the Surprise Box.

Teacher: Let’s look inside to see what Theo dug up for us today.

(Invite a child to open the Surprise Box, and have the kids pass the bandage around the circle so the rest of the children can see it up close. Give the children time to guess what they might learn in the Bible today.)

Teacher: Theo, why did you hide this bandage in the Surprise Box?

Theo: Well, sometimes my mom puts a bandage on me when I have an owie.

Teacher: God wants us to care for others, too, when they have owies. Friends, can you tell us about a time your mom or someone else gave you a bandage to help take care of you? (Pause for kids to answer your question.)

Theo: We put bandages on scrapes and cuts when someone gets hurt. In the Bible, you’ll hear how a man cared for someone who was hurt and helped him feel better. Teacher: Let’s listen to the Bible to find out what happened!

Theo: Have fun, boys and girls!

Teacher: Say goodbye to Theo.

Encourage the children to wave or say goodbye to Theo. Then put Theo away in a safe place for next week’s use.

Bible Time: The Good Samaritan

What You’ll Do

Say: In the Bible, Jesus reminds us that ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS.

Have kids repeat the Bible Point.

Say: Raise your hand if you have ever had a fever or a cold. Allow time for responses.

I wonder how many of you have ever had the “Not Me’s.”

Maybe I should tell you what the Not Me’s are! We know that when we get a fever, we get really hot, right? And when we get a cold, we might cough or have to use a lot of tissues. But the Not Me’s—now that’s a different kind of illness! People with the Not Me’s shout, “Not me! Not me!” anytime they hear someone asking for help. In the Bible, Jesus told about some people who had the Not Me’s.

Open your Bible to Luke 10, and show the children the words. Tell children that the Bible is God’s special book.

Say: A man thought he understood most of God’s Word, but he had a couple of questions. The man asked Jesus what he needed to do to live forever with God in heaven. But Jesus knew that the man already knew the answer, so Jesus asked the man what he thought. The man said the following words. Everyone repeat the words and do the motions with me.

Love the Lord your God (hold both arms up) With all your heart (place both hands over heart) And with all your soul (hug yourself)

And with all your strength (show strong muscles)

And with all your mind. (point to forehead) And love your neighbor (hug another person) As yourself. (hug yourself)

Say: Jesus told the man that he was right and that if he did those things, then he’d have life forever in heaven. But the man had another question. The man asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor that I’m supposed to love?” That’s when Jesus told the story of the people who had the Not Me’s and a man who was a good Samaritan.

Jesus told about a man who was traveling down a road when some bad people beat up the man and took all of his money.

The man needed help! Pretty soon a priest—an important man who taught others about God—walked by the hurt man lying on the side of the road. But did he stop to help the man? Nooo—because the priest had the Not Me’s! Everybody, let’s run to the other side of the room and back saying, “Not me! Not me! Not me!” Ready? Lead the children to the other side of the room and back; then have the children sit on the floor. Say: And so the man was left there on the side of the road because the priest went away and didn’t want to help.

Bible Time: The Good Samaritan Supplies



1 adhesive bandage per child


Teacher Pack

“The Samaritan Man Helps His Neighbor” poster (from the Big Bible Poster Pack)

But soon another person came walking by and saw the man lying on the side of the road. But did he stop to help the man? Nooo—because guess what?—he had the Not Me’s, too! Everybody, let’s run to the other side of the room and back saying, “Not me! Not me! Not me!” Ready? Lead the children to the other side of the room and back; then have the children sit on the floor again. Say: And so the man still was left there on the side of the road. No one would help him!

But then a Samaritan, a person from a place called Samaria, came by and saw the hurt man lying on the side of the road. Do you think he stopped to help? Pause for kids to respond. Yes, he did help the man, because he had a case of the “I Will’s,” which means that when someone needed help, he’d say, “I will.” Have everyone shout “I will!” and run to the center of the room for a group hug. Say: The Samaritan bandaged the hurt man’s cuts and scrapes. Pass out the bandages and ask kids to stick a bandage on someone else’s hand; then have the children sit down.

Say: The Samaritan took the hurt man to an inn, which is like a motel. And when the Samaritan had to leave, he paid someone to look after the man.

Bring out “The Samaritan Man Helps His Neighbor” poster, set it on the floor, and have the kids sit in a circle around it.

Say: The Samaritan man helped the hurt man. Point out the Samaritan man in the poster and the bandage he is putting on the hurt man. The Samaritan man had a case of the “I Will’s.” Jesus wants us to be “I Will” people and help others when they need our help. Let’s think of ways we can help our families and our friends and draw them on the poster. Encourage kids to use the markers to draw themselves helping their families or friends.

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


Tell about a time you were hurt and someone helped you.

■ Tell about a time someone else was hurt and you helped the person.

■ Why do you think it’s important to love others when they’re hurt?

Say: The good Samaritan cared for others, just as the Bible tells us to. Jesus also cared for others; he helped people who were hurt or sad. He never said, “Not me,” when someone needed his help. Jesus can help all of us to be “I Will” people, too. So the next time we feel ourselves coming down with a case of the Not Me’s, it’s important that we cure it quickly. The way to cure the Not Me’s is to shout out,

“I will!” Go around the circle and have children take turns shouting, “I will!” Keep the bandages on your hands as a reminder that the good Samaritan cared for someone

when nobody else would. ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS, too.



Choose at least two of the learning centers to help reinforce today’s Bible lesson. Gather the needed materials, and put the supplies in an out-of-sight area until you’re ready for them. Allow the children to choose which center they’d like to explore first. Then circulate among the children as they create and explore. Encourage them to make connections between their activities and the Bible by asking them the questions included with each center’s description.


Love and Care

What You’ll Do

Distribute the Lesson 5 pages from My Bible Playground, and have kids write their names on their papers. Set out small adhesive bandages.

Say: Look at the page and find the pictures that show kids being kind and caring to others. For this next part, you’ll each need two bandages to stick to the pages, but you can’t get the bandages for yourself. Show kindness by getting two bandages and giving them to someone else. As you give the bandages to each other, do a kind action, such as patting your friend’s back.

After everyone has shown kindness and received bandages, encourage kids to stick the bandages to the pictures that show kind and caring actions.

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


What was it like showing loving actions to others?

■ What’s it like to have others be kind to you?

■ How is showing love and kindness to others like giving a bandage to someone who’s hurt?

Say: Like a bandage can help someone who’s hurt, we can help others by doing nice things. ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS.

Center 1: Love and Care



My Bible Playground 2 small adhesive bandages per child washable markers

Center 1: Love and Care

Easy Prep


Remove the Lesson 5 pages from each My Bible Playground student book.

Center 2: Kindness Snacks Supplies


mixing spoon applesauce spoons

cups antibacterial gel (optional)



Kindness Snacks

What You’ll Do

Have children clean their hands. Encourage the kids to be kind to one another as they help prepare today’s snack. Say: You’re going to help me make a snack. Invite a child to pour the applesauce into the bowl. One at a time, I want you to come to the bowl and stir the applesauce. As you mix, say one thing you can do to be kind and caring toward others. Then spoon some applesauce into a cup, add a spoon, and give it to someone else. Encourage children to mix and serve each other, and invite a

child to pray. As the kids enjoy their snacks, have them talk about ways they can be kind and caring at home.

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


We worked together to make this snack. How else do we work together to love others?

■ Who can you work with this week to show kindness to others?

Say: ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS. When we work together to care for others, it’s amazing what God can do!

Center 3: The Best Medicine Supplies



The Best Medicine

What You’ll Do

Say: Using the bandages and any other items in the room you’d like to use, you’re going to have the chance to act out Jesus’ story about the good Samaritan. Invite a child to lie on the floor and pretend to be the person who was hurt. Invite a few other children to walk by and ignore the injured person.

Say: The rest of you will pretend to be a crowd of good Samaritans walking by. Be kind and caring to the injured person as you place bandages on his (or her) arms, legs, or forehead. Once you’ve taken care of the victim, you can gently move him (or her) over to the “inn.” (The inn can be at any corner of the room.) Encourage children to take turns playing the various roles.

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


Who was your favorite person to act as? Why?

■ When you have a friend who’s sad, what can you do to be a good Samaritan?

■ How can you be more like the good Samaritan this week?

Say: ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS. Being caring means we can put bandages on someone’s hurts, but we can also listen to friends when they’re sad or draw pictures for our grandparents. The kind things we do every day mean a lot to others and to God.


Care Kits

What You’ll Do

Set out the supplies. Say: We’re going to create a Care Kit so you can show love to others when they need it. Draw a picture of Jesus’ story of the good Samaritan on the back of your plates with the markers. Help kids who need assistance. When

you’re finished, let’s each draw hearts and flowers or anything else that makes you happy when you’re feeling sad on five of these cards. As you finish, put the cards in your paper plate pocket. Allow time for kids to finish drawing. Take these Care Kits

Center 4: Care Kits



1½ paper plates and 5 index cards per child scissors

stapler markers

Center 4: Care Kits

Easy Prep

home with you. Whenever a friend or family member is sad or hurting, give that

person a card from your Care Kit and remind the person that Jesus loves him or her.

Talk With Kids

Lead children in this discussion.


How do you know when someone is hurt?

■ Why is it important to help people who are hurt?

Say: God helps us care for others when we see someone who is hurting. Now, we can use our Care Kits to help someone who is sad and doesn’t feel good. ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS.

Staple the outside edge of one half-paper plate to the edges of a full plate to make a pocket. Write the words of the Bible Point (“God wants us to love others”) on the inside top half of the full plate. Make one pocket per child.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Daily Challenges


My Bible Playground



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

After the children have cleaned up the centers, bring everyone back to the circle area on the floor. Review the lesson activities and the Bible Point, and then encourage the children to share what they learned from the Bible today.

Also use this time to challenge kids in their faith. Encourage them to choose a Daily Challenge for applying today’s lesson to their lives this week. Use this challenge for encouraging your children’s growing relationships with Jesus.

Talk With Kids

Say: Today we learned that ? GOD WANTS US TO LOVE OTHERS. I’d like each of you to choose a way you can be an “I Will” person and be kind and caring this week.

Give kids these three Daily Challenge ideas to choose from:

Play with someone who doesn’t have anyone to play with.

■ Help a friend clean up a mess he or she made.

■ Help your mom or dad make dinner and clean up afterward.

Have kids each whisper in your ear to tell you which idea they’ve chosen, and then circle it on each child’s My Bible Playground page. Make sure you choose a challenge as well and tell kids which challenge you chose. Your commitment will inspire children and will give them a new opportunity to see God at work in your life as well as theirs!

Care Prayer

What You’ll Do

Tell the kids that you’ll say a prayer and pause in the middle so that they can tell ways to show kindness or care for others. Go around the circle in one direction. Ask children each to high-five the next child as a cue for that child to start. Lead kids in the following prayer.

Dear God,

Thank you for sending Jesus to show us how we can care for others. Help us find new ways every day to care for others, such as… Ask kids each to share an idea and then give a high five to another child. Then it will be that child’s turn to share and give a high five to someone else. We’re so glad you love us so much. Help us share your love with others.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Weaving Faith at Home

Have children take home their My Bible Playground pages whether they worked on them or not. Have the children tell their parents the challenge they committed to in the “Daily Challenges” activity. Encourage parents to help their kids fulfill this commitment throughout the week. By working together and focusing on the same goals, you and parents can help children weave faith into their lives!

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.




|1 | | | |

|Getting Started |Welcoming Song | | |

|about 10 min. |Sing or listen to praises for|CD player | |

| |God. |Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |Who Believes? |Bible, bag, scissors Teacher |Cut the “Jesus” puzzles |

|2 |Say the name of someone who |Pack: “Jesus” puzzles |apart and place the pieces |

|Key Verse Activity |believes in Jesus, and then | |in the bag. (Make sure you |

|about 10 min. |choose a puzzle piece from a | |save the puzzle pieces for |

| |bag. | |use in Lesson 12.) |

| | | | |

| |Theo’s News |Surprise Box (any box will do),|Put the bandage inside the |

| |Find out what a bandage has |Theo puppet, bandage, CD player|Surprise Box, and hide the |

|3 |to do with the Bible. |Teacher Pack: CD |box where it’s easily |

|Bible Exploration | | |accessible. |

|about 15 min. | | | |

| |Bible Time: The Good |Bible, 1 adhesive bandage per | |

| |Samaritan Participate in a |child, markers Teacher Pack: | |

| |reenactment of Jesus’ |“The Samaritan Man Helps His | |

| |parable about the good |Neighbor” poster (from the Big | |

| |Samaritan. |Bible Poster Pack) | |

| | | | |

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am

life. He who believes



Lesson 5

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6

Spring Quarter

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6

Lesson 5

Spring Quarter






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