
Subject?Kindergarten Daily Lessons?– Monday, May 4, 2020?Sight words?Practice reading and writing: find, now, funny, they, help, all? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations Letter Sound Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Diagraph Practice Warm Up?? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations plans May 4-May 8Reading?Listen to?Harry the Dirty Dog.? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" a picture and write a sentence about your favorite part of the story.?My favorite part is ______________________.??Writing?Persuasive -Opinion Writing?Students write a persuasive letter.?Students can write a persuasive letter to a parent or family member describing something they really want (like a pet iguana, a puppy, a bicycle, a basketball), and the reasons they want it.?Example:?????????Student wants a puppy at home. They can write a letter to mom and dad telling them why they want the puppy. They can include how they will take care of it and play with it.?Students can draw a picture at the bottom of their letter to match what they are writing about.?Using available paper or the letter writing paper attached, students write a persuasive letter.?letter paper.docx?Math?8.5 Count to 50 by 1’s and 10’s?Practice Counting to 100-? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" I can count to 100 song?View Math on the Spot Video Tutorial: HYPERLINK "" \l "videoId=ref:En_348" \t "_blank" your notebook, count and write to?50?by 10’s.??Write the number that comes after?20.??Write the number that comes before?20.??Social Studies?Watch the video "What is scarcity?" with a friend / family member: your friend / family member, on a piece of paper make a list of 3 things your family wants from the grocery store and 3 things your family needs from the grocery store. Then share what scarcity means with your friend / family member. Finally, on a sheet of paper, draw and label some fruits that may be scarce in the supermarket during winter. Write a sentence about your drawing. Post your photo in a special place in your home.Music?Happy Cinco de Mayo?Create Mexican inspired crafts:? Kids love crafts so make some very simple maracas. Put some beans in a plastic cup and taped it to a second plastic cup using bright colored tape or whatever you have. Have them decorated the maracas with more colored tape or whatever you have that will make it festive. Play your maracas while watching:?“Cinco de Mayo Kids? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" watching “Family Fiesta”,?Cinco de Mayo for Kids? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Daily Lessons?– Tuesday, May 5, 2020?Sight words?Practice reading and writing: find, now, funny, they, help, all? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations Letter Sound Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Diagraph Practice Warm Up??? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations plans May 4-May 8Reading? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" a book on?razkids?or a book from your book baggie.??The pattern is the words that repeat on every page.? Find the pattern in your book. Then tell an adult what the pattern is.?Writing?Persuasive -Opinion Writing?Students edit their persuasive letter from the previous day.?Writers?can edit their writing to make their message clear. They make their writing?Easy to Read.?Students can use the strategies below to edit their?persuasive letter?from the previous day.?????????make sure they stretched out their words – listening for all the sounds and writing the letters they hear.?????????make sure the picture matches the words?????????put spaces between words?????????use neat handwriting.?????????Use punctuation marks?????????Capitalize the first word in the sentence?????????Reread their writing (letter) to make sure it makes sense.?Math?8.6 Count to 100 by 1’s??Practice Counting to 100-? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" I can count to 100 song?View Math on the Spot Video Tutorial:? HYPERLINK "" \l "videoId=ref:En_349" \t "_blank" your notebook, count to write to 100 by 10’s.??Write the number that comes?after?35.??Write the number that comes?before?35.??Science?In your notebook or a piece of paper, draw or fold your paper into 4 rectangles. On the top of each rectangle write:?Air, Water, Rocks, Soil?Air????????Water?Rocks???????Soil??Air:?Read pages 248-249 in the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Science Book:?In the grid you drew, draw and write about one way you use air (i.e. I use air to breathe, I use air to blow bubbles, I use air to fill a balloon, etc.)???Art?Listen to the story,?Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus?by Mo Willems.?? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" : watch the video and learn how to draw a pigeon:? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" along with the video to draw a pigeon. After you have drawn your?pigeon? add?a speech bubble, just in the book. What will you have your pigeon say??Subject?Kindergarten Daily Lessons?– Wednesday, May 6, 2020?Sight words?Practice reading and writing: find, now, funny, they, help, all? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations Letter Sound Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Diagraph Practice Warm Up??? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations plans May 4-May 8Reading?Listen to?Knuffle Bunny.? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" setting of a story is where a story takes place.?Talk to an adult about where most of the story takes place.??Writing?All About Writing??Please choose one of the videos below to learn about?dogs or gorillas:?dogs:?? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" :?? HYPERLINK "" \l "/455626819925" \t "_blank" watching the video about an animal, please write?2 or 3 sentences?describing what you have learned. Please draw a picture to match what you wrote.?Don’t forget the strategies you have learned that make your writing?Easy to Read!?Math?8.7?Count?to 100 by 10’s??Practice Counting to 100-? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" I can count to 100 song?View Math on the Spot Video Tutorial: HYPERLINK "" \l "videoId=ref:En_350" \t "_blank" your notebook, count and write to 100 by 10’s.??When counting by 10’s, what number comes before?40???When counting by 10’s, what number comes after?40???Social Studies?Watch the video "What is scarcity?" with a friend: with your friend / family member the choices you and your family can make to help reduce scarcity. Have your friend / family member write down at least two options and post them on your home refrigerator. Posting the options will help you and your family remember to stick to those great options.Physical Education?CATCHING & THROWING:?Use a sock ball or small soft stuffed animal?1.??????Throw & Catch to yourself 10 times?2.??????Throw, clap your hands then catch 10 times?3.??????Throw and catch with a partner 10 times?4.??????Throw ball into a basket or empty box a distance away 10 times??????Subject?Kindergarten Daily Lessons?– Thursday, May 7, 2020?Sight words?Practice reading and writing: find, now, funny, they, help, all? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations Letter Sound Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Diagraph Practice Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations plans May 4-May 8Reading? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" a book in?razkids?of a book from your book baggie.?Talk to an adult about what happened in the book.??Writing?All About Writing??Please choose one of the videos below to learn about?lions?or?elephants:?lions:? HYPERLINK "" \l "/456396355577" \t "_blank" :? HYPERLINK "" \l "/202850883785" \t "_blank" watching the video about an animal, please write?2 or 3 sentences?describing what you have learned. Please draw a picture to match what you wrote.?Don’t forget the strategies you have learned that make your writing?Easy to Read!?Math?8.8?Count by 10’s??Practice Counting to 100-? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" I can count to 100 song?View Math on the Spot Video Tutorial: HYPERLINK "" \l "videoId=ref:En_809" \t "_blank" your notebook, count by 10’s to 100.?In your notebook, write how many crayons you see for each problem. Each?bundle?is 10 crayons.?? INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET ?Science?Water:?Read pages 250-251 in the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Science Book:?In the grid you drew, draw and write about one way you use water (i.e. I drink water, I use water to take a bath, I swim in the pool).???Rock:?Read pages 252-253 in the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Science Book:?and watch the video:? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" the grid you drew, draw and write about?one way?rocks are used (i.e. Rocks make castles, Rocks make glass, etc.).?Air????????Water?Rocks???????Soil??Music?All I Really Need? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" song tells us all we need is love and our family. It also describes other things we appreciate on this earth as well.??Listen carefully, can you list of few things that this composer said we also need? List at least 2 and?try? drawing?a picture of those things.??Subject?Kindergarten Daily Lessons?– Friday, May 8, 2020?Sight words?Practice reading and writing: find, now, funny, they, help, all? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations Letter Sound Warm Up? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Diagraph Practice Warm Up??? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Fundations plans May 4-May 8Reading?Listen to?The Little Engine That Could.? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" the story to an adult.? Use the sequence words-?first, next, after that, last?to talk about what happened in the story.??Writing?All About Writing??Please choose one of the videos below to learn about?butterflies?or?plants:?Butterflies:? HYPERLINK "" \l "/202852931565" \t "_blank" :? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" watching the videos, please write?2 or 3 sentences?describing what you have learned. Please draw a picture to match what you wrote.?Don’t forget the strategies you have learned that make your writing?Easy to Read!?Math?Chapter 8 Review??Practice Counting to 100-? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" I can count to 100 song?Practice counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.?In your notebook, fill in the missing numbers. 22, _____, 24, 25, _____, 27, _______, ______, 30.??In your notebook, count and write from 31-50.?Ex. 31, 32, 33....?In your notebook, fill in the missing numbers.?Count?by 10’s.??10, _____, 30, _______, _______, 60, 70, ______, 90, _______?Social Studies?Listen and watch the video/song "Scarcity Song For Kids" with a friend / family member: . Then watch the "Scarcity For Kids" video with a friend / family member: watching the video, explain to a friend / family member why Sonia's last client was unhappy. Have you ever felt like Sonia's last client? Explain.Art?HOME??Spell the word HOME using any objects you have around the house. Place different objects together to create each letter.????*See examples for ideas??? ................

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