How much should rent increase in nycha


How much should rent increase in nycha

NYCHA can help NYcha eligible residents and Section 8 voucher holders access rent incentives that may facilitate adjustment to a rent increase. Here are two rent incentive programs offered through NYCHA INTERMEDIUM: Income Earned Disallowance (EID) Are you a resident nycha public housing or disabled NYCHA Section 8 voucher-holder who recently started working and had an increase in your income? Your rent may not have to rise if you are an authorized resident and qualify for income-earned non-allowance (EID). EID is a program that keeps your rent from going up in the first year after your income increases from employment and/or business-related activities. In the second year, the rent will increase by only half the amount that would normally be. You can qualify to receive earned income If: You have increased your income while participating in an economic self-sufficiency program by getting a new job, starting a new business, or increasing your current or business income; or You got a new job and were unemployed before 12 months or more, or were under the employee earning less than $3,625 a year; or were unemployed and received unemployment insurance benefits; or you have been on public assistance and/or participated in temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) -funded program, received cash payment services and now you are newly hired or have increased NYCHA earnings can help you learn more about Neallowanceance's earned income. First review a list of frequently asked questions, then contact the property management office to find out if you're eligible! If you live in one of nycha's mixed-finance developments, review this list of frequently asked questions about earning revenue Disapproval to learn more. Family Self-Sufficiency Program For more information about the NYCHA Family-Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, please click here. NYCHA CEO Gregory Russ and nycha houses (Credit: Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, Spencer Platt/Getty Images) New York City Housing Tenants have many problems to deal with, but paying rent if they lose their jobs probably won't be one of them. The agency's policy of keeping rent at 30 percent of a tenant's income amounts to a built-in safety net for residents who suddenly find themselves unemployed during the coronavirus pandemic or any other time, depending on the public housing authority. When NYCHA residents lose their total or partial income, or receive unemployment benefits, due to Covid-19 or any other circumstance, their rent will fall and will always be 30 percent of their income, the agency said Declaration. This means that if the household income is zero, then the rent is zero. The policy provides for oft-beleaguered nycha tenants with a unique form of stability at a time when calls were growing for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to cancel rent payments across the state. Cuomo has so far opposed it, arguing that the temporary ban on discharges of the problem - although he said this week that he is looking at a number of options for when the moratorium expires in June. But the income-adjusted rent policy is not a cure for the Housing Authority, which noted that a decrease in rent payments reduces its income. This will further reduce the agency's notoriously limited ability to repair and maintain its buildings and comes just a few months after NYCHA CEO Gregory Russ said the agency needed $40 billion in repairs. NYCHA may reduce the loss of rental income for a very limited period of time, but will need additional federal operating funds to do so in the long run, the agency said. The Agency's operating reserve covers 1.9 months of expenditure, which is not sufficient to compensate for the long rent losses it anticipates due to the pandemic. The authority's revenue in 2019 was $3.51 billion, of which $1.05 billion comes from rent, according to the City Council. Rent was the second largest source of revenue after federal support programs. There's another problem: processing all rent-cutting claims. More than 400,000 tenants have leases to live in the approximately 176,000 apartments in the system. Victor Bach, a senior housing policy analyst at the Community Service Society in New York, has expressed concern about the authority's ability to handle a large influx of revenue recertification requests in a timely manner. He said there had already been a 20 percent jump in revenue recertifications compared to last year at the end of April, citing data from the agency. If I were advising NYCHA, I would suggest that they simplify the process, given what is happening, he said, and speed up the processing of these recertification requests so that families are not stressed out on rent arrears. He continued: I think it currently takes them a few months to process a request, and given the circumstances, that is too long. Bach also expressed concern about NYCHA's ability to sanitize its buildings quickly and efficiently, especially given the large number of disabled tenants and the elderly. I don't know how much they are able to do this kind of information to vulnerable households, he said. I hope it accelerates this process as well. NYCHA has not increased the number of employees in charge of income recertification, but the agency aims to speed up its rent difficulty program, in part by using a new exemption from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which allows families to self-certify income losses. In other words, tenants do not need proof from an employer to verify that they have lost their income. There are also no waiting periods to recertifications of income. Tenants who lose their jobs or see their hours cut due to the coronavirus should report immediately, the agency said. Adi TalwarJennifer Bryant at her NYCHA Park Rock Rehab apartment in Crown Heights. She deals with issues related to her nycha lease renewal. What if you have received an invoice more than three times Should it have been? That's what happened to Gwinovon Coffey, a tenant in East Harlem Jefferson Houses who recently retired and whose daughter got sick and stopped working. She went to her management office to report the change in income, but it wasn't processed. A full two years later, she just won a court battle to clear up a significant, overcharged unpaid rent debt. She was charged $700 a month instead of the corresponding $200. She's not alone in her struggles. The process of recertification of the city housing authority for tenants is difficult to navigate and frequently leads to errors, which makes tenants charged more than they should for rent. This drags them into costly administrative processes in which they have to choose between paying more than they can reasonably or fighting to eliminate unpaid rent debts. NYCHA households pay 30 percent of their income as rent, so it is emphasized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Rules. To ensure that this is the case, tenants are required to submit documents each year documenting their household income as well as deductible expenses. Deductions are available when a family has children under 18, is paying for older child care or is supporting medical costs. Households also need to submit documents to NYCHA when their income changes so that their rent can be changed as well. Both NYCHA and the tenants frequently make a mistake, leading to rent surcharges and dragging families into administrative and judicial processes, both leading to eviction. We see a lot of tenants in the housing court who have cases of non-payment because the rent is too high, says Genesis Aquino, NYCHA program coordinator at Housing Court Answers. Frequent problems have prompted Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, a Community organization in Manhattan, to set up a rent-check clinic where NYCHA tenants can verify that NYCHA has calculated their rent correctly. Tenants are queuing and a lawyer with Lenox Hill uses a worksheet to check that their rents are calculated correctly. 30% of the tenants I see have a problem. There are often a lot of problems in the $100 to $300 range, says Larissa Bowman, a lawyer in charge of the project. The work they do is crucial because when tenants' rents are incorrect, surcharges add up, sometimes resulting in thousands of dollars in higher rent; $300 extra per month for two years is a significant amount. Rachel Andino is struggling with a $12,000 debt for that very reason. After her son moved out of their Red Hook apartment, she filed papers for a rent adjustment. Without his income, her rent would be halved. However, her adjustment was not processed, and after paying the full rent for two months she stopped, returning to paying the amount she had paid before her son started working. NYCHA reports that 35 percent of units have fallen behind on rent in 2018. It has brought tens of thousands of cases against tenants for The alleged miscalculations of rents could take into account many of these cases: When tenants face rental bills that they consider too high, they often pay nothing at all. An understandable answer for a lot of people is, I don't know what's wrong. I'm going to keep my money, then I'm going to pay what I owe, says Chris Helwig, a colleague at Lenox Hill Houses who developed the rent-checking clinic. Of course, then things come up and the money they hoped to save, they didn't, he says. NYCHA continues to work with residents to help with the annual HUD recertification process, said Michael Giardina, a spokesman, in a statement. The Authority provides many opportunities and formats for residents to recertify themselves properly each year, while also ensuring that any errors in rent calculations are addressed immediately. While recertification issues lead to tenants being overcharged, it's also likely that miscalculations lead to some undercharging too. Is a new process part of the problem? The once analog recertification system became digital in 2017 as part of NYCHA's modernization plan. Tenants submit their papers through computers, mobile devices or digital kiosks that have been installed in the management office of each development. For elderly tenants, those who do not have access or familiarity with a computer and others, this system has proved difficult to navigate. Harry DiPrinzioAfter the recertification system became digital in 2017, the kiosks were installed in the management office of each development. Tenants submit their recertification once a year. There are four dates a year when recertification can be done. But problems most commonly arise when income changes significantly - because of job loss or when a family member moves out or no longer works. When this happens, a tenant must submit an intermediate recertification. Erica, a tenant of Gun Hill Houses in the north Bronx, lost her job in March. (She asked us not to use her last name.) When she went to present her papers to notify NYCHA, her computer did not recognize her Social Security number, she says. She told the management office back in the spring, but by the end of September she still hasn't received a revised lease. Something hasn't gone through. The kiosk indicates that her Social Security number has not been processed, she says. He didn't know what amount to pay, so he didn't pay anything. She was in the nycha administrative office in late September because NYCHA still hasn't received her papers. She also owed $3,029 because her monthly rent has not yet been adjusted to match her income. I'm scared right now, he Erica. I don't want to pass this month, but the rent's too high. It is not clear whether the system is full of errors or is just confusing: puzzle problems users and those trying to help them alike. What is clear is that there is not enough help for tenants who are struggling and when the aid is is returns frequently. Management offices struggle When tenants have problems with the digital process, they call on the staff in their development management office. Sometimes this is just another headache: Staff will tell them to come back later, or that They can't help them at all. But perhaps with useful intentions, staff will often take these documents and say they will file papers for them. Often it gets lost or never presented. That was Jennifer Bryant's situation. She had trouble putting her documents into the online system, so when she was looking for help, she was told to leave the documents with the housing assistant and would do them for her. Looks like they never did. As with all THINGS NYCHA, this is a matter of being a mismanaged and underfunded bureaucracy, says Bowman. They seem to be overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do. People's incomes are changing. The nice thing about public housing is that rent should reflect revenue. But it takes staff who are available end trained to do so and be a short time to respond. Edward Josephson, director of litigation and housing at NYC Legal Services, an organization that frequently represents NYCHA tenants in court, also blames management offices. I'm sure there's a management challenge in overseeing what's going on in all these management offices, he says. That would be a challenge even for the well-intentioned. There were so many files everywhere. I think they're very unorganized, says Andino. There are hundreds of management offices in NYCHA's 326 developments. Asked if staff in these offices could be part of the problem, NYCHA replied that staff resources vary according to development. In an office, there are three employees for a development of 3,000 units, Helwig says. Fights over back rent If the customer didn't get a paper stamped back, then it's like NYCHA didn't take it at all, says Bowman. Stuck with unfair leases for months, the debts of tenants pile up. Even once a tenant is able to get NYCHA to establish a lease, NYCHA will frequently still press them for the rent back due. Fighting this is a matter of proving that you filed your papers when you did. But when the management offices take the tenants' papers, they don't give proof of filing. That's where the problem came in, Coffey says. I didn't know they should have stamped the papers with this car they had there. Coffey was only last month able to get her lease adjusted after two years of persistence, but a case of default in the housing court has dogged her. NYCHA's debt claimed that the due was significant and at the heart of the dispute was that she had no evidence that she had submitted when she says she did it. Tips for NYCHA tenants to tell if the rent is correct: NYCHA rent should be 30 percent of your income after deductions. This form lists how to calculate the rent and many available deductions. to Your proper recertification: Tenants can recertify using the online self-service system or through kiosks located in management offices. NYCHA also operates three trucks with computer kiosks that lead from development to development, giving tenants access to a computer where they can send recertification forms. If you don't want to use the kiosk, you can request that a copy of the paper form be mailed to you. Tenants can do this by calling (718-707-7771, option #4). Housing Court Answers tells tenants to present their papers at the management office and ask for a stamped copy to mark the date or send the documents by certified post and receive a receipt. If there are problems, this will provide ample evidence that you submitted the documents when you did for the court. What to do if the rent is incorrect: Tenants who think their rent is incorrect should write a letter to their management office explaining the problem. Send the letter with proof of your household income and when delivering the letter, be sure to get a stamped copy for your own records. A subsequent meeting should solve the problem, but if not, tenants can file a formal complaint. They can do this by requesting a form in their management office. This is an official procedure and will lead to a meeting with development staff. If this request is rejected, you will be issued with a letter explaining why. You can appeal this decision by writing a letter to your nycha district office, but you must do so within 10 days of denial. More tips on the process can be found here There is no help there. The Red Hook Community Justice Center's Housing Resource Center assisted 511 tenants with recertification last year. Organizations like MFY Legal Services will also help tenants calculate their rents. Rents.

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