
1949450-201295Year 11 PE Unit 1 Revision Questions00Year 11 PE Unit 1 Revision Questions9702809525DO NOT complete all of the questions below. Use them as a guide to run through and check that you understand what each question is asking you – if any of the questions below do not make sense or you could not answer them off the top of your head then these are the areas you need to focus on.00DO NOT complete all of the questions below. Use them as a guide to run through and check that you understand what each question is asking you – if any of the questions below do not make sense or you could not answer them off the top of your head then these are the areas you need to focus on.550799062230020000The Skeletal SystemExplain the 5 functions of the skeleton.Describe the 5 types of bones and give an example of each.Label the regions of the vertebral column and state how many vertebrae exist in each.Label the skeleton below.On the skeleton diagram highlight the axial skeleton in one colour and the appendicular skeleton in another.Describe the three types of joints and give 2 examples of each.What is cartilage?What differences exist between ligaments and tendons?State the function of the following synovial joint features: hyaline cartilage, menisci, ligaments, joint capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, bursae, pads of fat.Describe the movement allowed at the following types of synovial joints and give an example of each joint type: ball-and-socket joint, hinge joint, pivot joint, saddle joint, gliding joint, condyloid joint.What is the anatomical position?Explain the following terms: superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, proximal, distal, prone, supine, superficial, deep. Give an example for each.43580053848104000020000Explain the following movements and give a sporting example for each: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, pronation, supination, eversion, inversion, dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, elevation, depression.The Muscular SystemExplain the function of the muscular system.Describe the three types of muscles, including their structure, function and how they are controlled.Label the muscle men below on the next page. Next to the muscle names, state what movements they create.Explain the following common features of muscles: nervous control, contractility, extensibility, elasticity, atrophy, hypertrophy.Explain how the nervous system controls muscle contraction.What is a motor neuron & what is its function?Draw a motor neuron. Label the following parts and state their function: axon, dendrite, cell body, nucleus, myelin sheath, motor end plate.What is a motor unit?Describe the ‘All or Nothing Principle’.Explain how the amount of force provided by a muscle can be varied.How do muscles create movement?What is the origin and what is the insertion?Using an example, describe reciprocal inhibition.Explain the difference between the following terms: agonist, antagonist.What are the different types of muscle fibres and what activities are they each suited to?What characteristics do each of the muscle fibres have?Explain the following contraction types: isotonic concentric, isotonic eccentric, isometric, isokinetic.Explain what changes occur in the muscular system in response to physical activity.40081200020000The Cardiovascular SystemOutline the functions of the cardiovascular system.Label the diagram of the heart.Explain the difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.What is the function of the valves in the heart?Outline the cardiac cycle.What are HR, SV and Q? How are they related to each other?How does resting heart rate and stroke volume compare in trained athletes vs untrained individuals?What are the three types of blood vessels?Explain the differences between the different types of blood vessels and why these differences exist.Explain how capillaries can regulate blood flow.Explain the skeletal muscle pump.List the four components of the blood and their structure/functions.Explain the difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation. Draw a flow chart showing each, including when the blood is oxygenated and when it is deoxygenated.What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure?Explain how the cardiovascular system controls body temperature. In your explanation, use the terms vasodilation and vasoconstriction.Explain what happens to the following things during physical activity and why these changes occur: heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, systolic blood pressure, disastolic blood pressure, volume of blood flow, direction of blood flow, body temperature, arteriovenous oxygen difference, coronary circulation.27070052984500The Respiratory SystemDescribe the functions of the respiratory system. Label the diagram of the respiratory system and explain the function of each component.Draw a flow chart to show how oxygen gets to the cells, beginning with air entering the nose.What is the pleura?What is the diaphragm? What is its function?What are RR, TV and V and how are they related to each other?Describe the processes of inspiration and expiration.What is diffusion?Explain how gas exchange occurs between the capillaries & alveoli, and between the capillaries and body cells.Explain the following terms: total lung capacity, vital capacity, tidal volume, residual volume, inspiratory reserve capacity, expiratory reserve capacity, maximum oxygen uptake.How does VO2 max differ between males and females (in general)? Why?Explain what happens to the following things during physical activity and why: respiratory rate, tidal volume, ventilation, vital capacity, oxygen uptake, activity of intercostals muscles & diaphragm. Energy SystemsWhat is ATP and what is it used for? Explain how this happens?How is ATP created? What fuels are used?What foods are good sources of carbohydrates, fats & proteins?Where are carbohydrates, fats & proteins stored in the body and how are they stored?Compare the need for oxygen, rate of ATP synthesis & ATP yield of carbohydrates, fats & proteins.When are carbohydrates, fats & proteins used during physical activity?What four factors determine which of the energy systems are used during activity?What are the three energy systems?What do aerobic and anaerobic mean?Outline the process by which the ATP-CP system is able to create energy for the regeneration of ATP.Outline the process by which the Lactic Acid system is able to create energy for the regeneration of ATP.Outline the process by which the Aerobic system is able to create energy for the regeneration of ATP.Contrast the energy systems under the following headings. You may like to draw up a table:Aerobic or anaerobicFuels usedIntensity at which it is usedWhen it is predominantAmount of ATP producedSpeed of ATP productionByproductsWhat causes fatigueExamples of sports/events that rely on this systemAdvantagesDisadvantagesUsing a sporting example, explain the term ‘interplay’Explain which muscle fibre types are most likely being used by each energy system.BiomechanicsWhat is biomechanics?Explain 3 pieces of equipment or technology that biomechanists may use.What benefits does biomechanics have for athletes?Explain linear motion and the two types of linear motion. Give two examples for each.What is angular motion? Give two examples.Explain the 3 axes that the human body can rotate around. Give a sporting example in which an athlete is rotating around each of these axes.Explain general motion. Give two examples.Using a sporting example, explain the difference between distance and displacement.Using a sporting example, explain the difference between speed and velocity. Give the formula for each.What is acceleration? If the force applied to a discus is 30 Newtons and the mass of the discus is 2kg, what is the acceleration of the discus?What is deceleration? Give an example of where deceleration is important in sport.What is a lever?What are the main functions of levers?What are the three components of all levers?Explain what a first class lever is. Draw an example of a first class lever, ensuring you label all components.Explain how the function of a first class lever can be altered.Explain what a second class lever is. Draw an example of a second class lever, ensuring you label all components.What is the function of second class levers?Explain what a third class lever is. Draw an example of a third class lever, ensuring you label all components. What is the function of third class levers?Explain the principle of leverage, including an example of how it relates to sport.What is a force?Explain the difference between simultaneous force summation and sequential force summation.Explain the techniques that sequential force summation requires to be successful. Explain the term inertia. Give an example.Explain the term momentum.What is the formula for momentum?What factors affect momentum? Explain, using a sporting example.Explain the term impulse.What factors affect impulse? Explain, using a sporting example.What is a projectile?Explain how speed or velocity of release impacts on how far a projectile can travel.Explain how the angle of release impacts on how far a projectile can travel.What is the theoretical optimum angle of release? Why is this only theoretical?When should the angle of release be above the theoretical optimum angle? When should it be below?Explain how the height of release impacts on how far a projectile can travel.What is gravity? How does it affect projectiles?What is air resistance? How does it affect projectiles?Explain how the following factors impact on the air resistance experienced by a projectile: size/surface area of the projectile, surface of the projectile, shape of the projectile, velocity of the projectile, mass of the projectile.Using a sporting example, explain the concept of moment of inertia.What is friction? Give examples of how a decrease in friction can result in better performance and how an increase in friction can result in better performance.Explain the difference between static and dynamic balance.Explain how the following factors affect the stability of an object. Give a sporting example for each: mass, area of the base of support, height of the centre of gravity, position of the force in relation to the base of support, line of gravity ................

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