
Pet Products & Services Market 2020 PLUSPets Are Essential Pandemic PalsAccording to the American Pet Products Association’s (APPA) COVID-19 Pulse Survey, 65% or more of the four primary generational-age groups said they were spending more time with their pets during May 2020, with Gen Z the most at 77%.In the APPA September survey, Gen Zers spent a bit less time with their pets, or 69%. Millennials’ time decreased from 74% during May to 70% during September; Gen Xers’ time increased from 70% to 73%; and Baby Boomers’ time increased from 65% to 71%. The June survey was when respondents said they were social distancing their pet the most from other people and pets, with Millennials 51%, Gen Xers 47% and Baby Boomers 42% while Gen Zers were the least at 41%, declining from 51% during May.Survey Respondents’ Concern About the Expense of Having a Pet During the Pandemic, by Generation, May–September 2020GenerationMayJuneSeptemberGen Zers30%25%30%Millennials26%24%30%Gen Xers17%24%22%Baby Boomers11%7%7%American Pet Products Association, October 2020More Pets Welcomed into Pandemic-Era HomesThe September 2020 APPA survey also indicated 9% of respondents said they had obtained a new pet during the pandemic, which is 11.36 million households and a 13.4% increase from the total of 84.9 million in APPA’s 2019–2020 National Pet Owners Survey.Of the respondents to the September survey, 2% said they had fostered a pet during the pandemic, 2% had removed a pet from their home and 6% said they delayed obtaining a pet while the remaining 83% hadn’t changed their pet ownership.Among those who acquired a new pet, Gen Zers were the #1 generation at 16%, and, interestingly, Latinx Americans was the #1 ethnic group at 13%, and 16% of households with children acquired a new pet, compared to 5% of households with no children.Time Spent, Social Distancing Bonding and Exercising with Pets, May–September 2020Activities with PetsMayJuneSeptemberSpending time with my pet is helping to reduce my stress and increase my sense of well-being72%71%74%I am spending more time with my pet while social distancing70%71%71%I am feeling closer/more bonded with my pet60%59%60%I am social distancing my pet from other people and their pets45%46%42%I am exercising more with my pet39%40%39%American Pet Products Association, October 2020Pet Products Shopping During the PandemicMuch like other essential household products, sales for pet food and supplies increased 40% during the second week of March, and 51% during the third week. After pet owners stockpiled products, sales decreased 40% during the fourth week of March. The September APPA COVID-19 Pulse Survey indicated the three youngest generations were planning to switch to a different brand of pet supplies to save money: Gen Zers 29%, Millennials 27% and Gen Xers 20% while just 6% of Baby Boomers said they would do so.When asked where they had last purchased eight different categories of pet supplies, discount stores/mass merchandisers were generally first in the May, June and September surveys, especially for food, treats, toys, litter/bedding and other supplies. Top Purchase Channels for Eight Pet Product Categories, September 2020CategoryChannelPercentCategoryChannelPercentFoodDiscount/Mass24%MedicationVeterinarian41%TreatsDiscount/Mass25%Grooming suppliesPet superstore27%ToysPet superstore23%Vitamins/SupplementsPet superstore20%Litter/BeddingDiscount/Mass25%Other suppliesDiscount/Mass22%American Pet Products Association, October 2020Purchase PatternsFor all eight of the pet-product categories APPA measured in its surveys, 50% or more of respondents said they purchased them most recently in person and at a brick-and-mortar store, with food, treats and toys tied for first at 72% each.Consumers purchased vitamins/supplements (59%), other supplies (64%) and medications (61%) the least in person and at a brick-and-mortar store, but they still exceeded 50%.Unsurprisingly, most survey respondents (52%) said they had bought extra pet food during their most recent shopping trip (September), with treats second (41%), vitamins/ supplements third (38%), litter/bedding fourth (37%) and medications fifth (34%).Survey Respondents’ Plans to Purchase Eight Pet Product Categories Again After Having Previously Purchased Extra Supplies, September 2020CategoryNext WeekNext Month2–3 Months4–6 MonthsMore than 6 MonthsFood29%46%21%4%1%Treats26%43%24%5%1%Toys25%40%24%9%3%Litter/ Bedding24%51%20%4%1%Medication25%37%24%9%5%Grooming supplies23%40%23%11%4%Vitamins/Supplements28%31%27%12%2%Other31%38%21%6%4%American Pet Products Association, October 2020Pet Food Buying InsightsPet food is historically the top product category by sales. APPA, which includes treats in the category, reported 36.9% billion in 2019 sales and estimated a 4.1% increase in pet food and treats for 2020; however, the pandemic has affected APPA’s projections.Based on Nielsen data and comparisons, wet food sales’ dollar share increased 2.1% and treats increased 1.5% during the 4/11–8/8/20 period, compared to the 11/9/19–3/7/20 period, while dry food sales’ dollar share decreased 3.6%.Packaged Facts revised its April 2020 forecast of a 4% increase for pet food sales during 2020 to a forecast of a 7% increase based on new August data, primarily as a result of the millions of new pet owners.Forecast for Retail Channel Pet Food/Treats Category, 2019–2024YearYOY Change2019+6.1%2020+7.0%2021+5.5%2022+5.5%2023+5.0%2024+5.0%Pet Food Industry (Packaged Facts), August 2020 issueEcommerce Sales SpikePackaged Facts estimates 2020 ecommerce sales will account for 27% of all pet product sales, and then increase to 35% by 2024, becoming the #1 channel. and Amazon are forecast to account for three-quarters of all 2020 online pet product sales.Not only did report a 47% increase of Q2 2020 net sales ($1.69 billion), but also its active users increased 37.9% YOY, or 4.6 million new users, which is the largest number of new users during any previous quarter.’s total 2020 online sales may reach $6.5 billion, and Amazon’s $5.7 billion. During the early-pandemic period, 60% of pet owners purchased products on Amazon, 54% on , 27% on , 24% on and 23% on .Consumers’ Purchases* of Eight Pet Product Categories Online Only and Online Via a Retailer, September 2020CategoryOnline OnlyOnline via a RetailerCategoryOnline OnlyOnline via a RetailerFood14%24%Medication10%35%Treats13%25%Grooming supplies15%29%Toys14%24%Vitamins/Supplements17%34%Litter/Bedding14%26%Other supplies15%31%American Pet Products Association, October 2020*the remaining portions purchased from non-online shoppingThe Dog OwnerAs during previous years, the APPA reported dogs were still the #1 pet in US households, or 63.4 million during 2019. According to Wisdom Panel’s (a pet-parenting Website) summer 2020 survey, 63% of dog owners obtained their dog from a shelter or via rescue.The Media Audit’s 2020 Aggregate Survey (60 US markets, representing more than 158 million adults) revealed 45.1% of adults 18+ have a dog, with the largest age group 25–44 (37.1%), followed by 50–64 (26.4%) and 45–54 (19.5%).Although owning a pet is often expensive, The Media Audit data shows almost all income brackets owned a dog: less than $35K (26.7%), $35K–$75K (32.7%), $75K–$150K (29.3%), $100K–$200K (20.0%) and $200K+ (5.1%).Media-Day Analysis of Adults 18–49 and 50+ Who Have a Dog, 2020MediaAdults 18–49Adults 50+TargetMarket MinutesPercentIndexTarget Market MinutesPercentIndexTelevision230.1724.9%102279.0734.5%101Internet (no email)231.4425.1%99178.9922.1%104Radio162.9817.7%103138.2017.1%104Newspaper102.0811.1%10467.988.4%101Email99.5310.8%10092.0011.4%101Billboards97.0910.5%10252.596.5%106Based on The Media Audit’s 2020 Aggregate SurveyThe Cat OwnerIn the APPA’s 2019–2020 National Owners Survey, cats maintained their solid #2 position behind dogs, with 42.7 million households reporting they owned a cat during 2019.For years, research has shown women are more likely to own a cat than men and The Media Audit 2020 Aggregate Survey supports this trend, as 55.2% of adults 18+ who owned a cat were women, compared to 44.8% of men.The largest age group of female cat owners was 25–44 (33.3%), but women 55–74 were a close second (29.4%). More single women 35 and older with no children at home owned a cat (18.0%) than those single and younger than 35 with no children (10.1%).Media-Day Analysis of Women 18+ Who Have a Cat, 2020MediaWomen 18+MediaWomen 18+Target Market MinutesPercentIndexTarget Market MinutesPercentIndexTelevision261.8530.1%101Newspaper80.939.3%101Internet (no email)216.7324.9%104Email98.2611.3%96Radio147.5116.9%102Billboards66.097.6%95Based on The Media Audit’s 2020 Aggregate SurveyPampering Pets for the HolidaysThe very thorough APPA COVID-19 Pulse Survey indicates pet owners are just as likely to buy their pets a 2020 holiday gift (46%) as those who bought them a 2019 holiday gift (47%). The average amount they plan to spend is $41.Although essentially the same percentage of women (45%) and men (47%) plan to buy their pet a holiday gift, significantly more Gen Zers said they would (60%), compared to Millennials (49%), Gen Xers (43%) and Baby Boomers (42%).Large percentages of survey respondents in all three income brackets measured said they were buying their pets a holiday gift: less than $50K (42%), $50K–$99,999 (49%) and $100K+ (50%).Methods Survey Respondents Will Use to Purchase 2020 Holiday Pet Gifts, September 2020MethodPercentIn person, at a brick-and-mortar store44%Online-only outlet40%Online, delivered directly to home22%Online, but pick up at a store curbside service9%Online, but pick up inside a store6%Not sure9%American Pet Products Association, October 2020CBDs Are for Pets TooAs more research indicates the benefits of CBD products for humans, in terms of stress reduction, calming and skin conditioning, so has similar benefits been revealed for pets; however, retailers must be aware of legal issues and use careful marketing messages.Sales of CBD pet products have increased at an amazing rate, or 946%, from $31 million during 2018 to $321 million during 2019. Brightfield Group, provider of consumer insights for the CBD and cannabis industry, forecasts another 33% increase for 2020.According to Brightfield Group’s January 2020 survey, 89.1% respondents said they give CBD products to their dog(s), with cats a distant second at 35.9%. 65.7% of respondents said they know CBD is benefiting their pet because it seems a calmer.Types of CBD Products Survey Respondents Typically Give Their Pets, January 2020CBD Product TypePercentTreats60.1%Tinctures54.4%Topicals21.7%Capsules16.9%Mixing powders16.1%Brightfield Group, January 2020Other Pet ParentsMany people enjoy having pets that fly, swim, slither and burrow. According to the APPA, there were 11.5 million households with freshwater fish, 5.7 million with birds, 5.4 million with small animals, 4.5 million with reptiles and 1.6 million with saltwater fish.Interestingly, the rate of adoption of these “other pets” has been greater than for dogs and cats during the pandemic. According to Packaged Facts, the rate for fish, birds, reptiles, etc. was 4% during the first three months of pandemic, compared to 9% for the previous year. Packaged Facts data from its US Pet Market Outlook 2020–2021 report indicates ownership of reptiles will increase the most during 2020, or 7% YOY, and account for 4.1% of all pet-owning households. Pet-Owning Households, by Percentage, Total and 2020 Growth, June 2020HouseholdsPercentTotalTotalGrowth*PercentAny pets100%Any pets70.9 MAny pets+4.0%Other than dogs/cats21.3%Other than dogs/cats15.1 MOther than dogs/cats+2.0%Fish7.7%Fish5.4 MFish-3.0%Birds5.4%Birds3.8 MBirds+3.0%Reptiles4.1%Reptiles2.9 MReptiles+7.0%Small mammals3.9%Small mammals2.8 MSmall mammals+6.0%Pet Food Industry (Packaged Facts), October 2020 issue*growth YOY from 2019Other Issues and TrendsThe concept of sustainability is increasingly important to pet-products consumers. A July 2020 report indicates Millennials are more likely to buy sustainability-marketed products, but Baby Boomers are spending the most for these products.With more pets “a member of the family,” pet owners are motivated to buy more premium pet food products. They’ve turned to local pet specialty store for advice, which has generated more sales and as much as 70% for specialty, natural and wellness products.More attention on pets’ health has reinvigorated a product sub-sector, or mixers and toppers. Many owners add these products to dry foods to enhance their flavor. An April/May 2020 Packaged Facts survey found 44% of pet owners like the idea of toppers/mixers.Estimated Total 2020 Pet Spending vs. 2019, by Category, 2020Category20202019ChangePet food and treats$38.4 B$36.9 B+4.1%Supplies, live animals and OTC medicine$19.8 B$19.2 B+3.1%Vet care and product sales$30.2 B$29.3 B+3.1%Other services*$10.7 B $10.3 B+3.9%Total$99.0 B$95.7 B+3.4%American Pet Products Association, 2020 *other services include boarding, grooming, insurance, training, pet sitting, walking and all other services not included in veterinary careMore Valuable InsightsField Agent, in its 2020 Holiday Preview report, provides additional information about holiday gifts for pets, as 58% of surveyed consumers said they were “completely likely” to buy their dog and/or cat a holiday gift. Another 18% said they were “very likely” and 10% “moderately likely.”Holiday Gifts Surveyed Consumers Said They Were Likely to Purchase for Their Dog and/or Cat, January 2020GiftPercentToys72%Packaged dry/crunchy treats or snacks46%Packaged meaty/moist treats or snacks43%Non-edible, long-lasting treats (bones)33%Holiday-themed pet accessories/supplies25%Gourmet handmade treats or snacks24%Wearable accessories (collar, not clothing)20%Inside/Outside pet accommodations (pet beds)19%Clothing (dog/cat sweater)18%Grooming equipment (brush, nail)8%Services (grooming, massage)7%Field Agent, September 2020Additional insights from Brightfield Group’s January 2020 survey of pet parents and their use of CBDs for their pets indicate these parents have been quite responsible, as 73.9% said they had talked to their vet about pet CBDs. Most of the survey respondents said they have been administering CBD products to their pets for 6 months or more.Period in Which Pet Parents Have Been Giving Their Pets CBDs, January 2020Time PeriodPercent6–12 months35.2%3–6 months33.6%1–2 years16.9%Less than 3 months10.9%More than 2 years3.5%Brightfield Group, January 2020Sources: American Pet Products Association Website, 10/20; Pet Business Website, 10/20; Petfood Industry Website, 10/20; Retail Dive Website, 10/20; Brightfield Group Website, 10/20; The Media Audit Website, 10/20; SmartBrief Website, 10/20; Field Agent Website, 10/20.Updated: October 2020? 2020 Media Group Online, Inc. All rights reserved.Local Market and Station Information ................

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