52 Marketing Ideas For Your Online Store - Amazon S3

52 Marketing Ideas For Your Online Store

SEO 1. Get your OnPage SEO In Order 2. Join Haro and Get Featured 3. Ask to guest post 4. Get blogs to interview you/Feature Your product 5. Start a blog and use the content Ideas below

Organic Social 1. Youtube 2. Facebook 3. Instagram 4. Pinterest 5. Twitter 6. Vine 7. Tumblr 8. SnapChat 9. Google+ 10. Yelp 11. Reddit 12. Get on Google Maps

Content 1. Spotlight Marketing 2. Round up posts 3. Keyword Targeted Posts 4. Location Targeted Posts 5. Posts on each of your products

Paid Search Ads 1. Google Text Ads Via Adwords 2. Product listing Ads 3. Google Display Ads 4. Bing Text Ads 5. Bing Product Listing Ads 6. Yahoo Ads 7. THink about doing separate campaigns for mobile

Paid Social 1. Facebook

2. Pintrest 3. Instagram 4. Youtube 5. Twitter 6. Linkedin

Influencer Marketing (famebit) 1. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from Instagram 2. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from Youtube 3. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from SnapChat 4. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from Pinterest 5. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from Twitter 6. Give away free products/Hire Influencer from Vine

Email Marketing 1. Capture Emails and Do Email Marketing

Offline 1. Make Phone Calls to VIPs 2. Cold Email VIPs 3. Walk in to VIP customer 4. Send Post cards 5. Send catalogs 6. Send Discount codes 7. Focus on building a marketing campaign locally

Other 1. Sell On Amazon 2. Sell on Ebay 3. Sell on Etsy 4. Get your customers to promote your brand to your friends

Repeat Customers 1. Call your best customers to try and get repeat sales 2. Write handwritten notes


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