
Geography Exam Process/Jot Note BookletName: Period: Number:This Note Booklet MUST remain in the classroom- you will get this back on the exam day. Throughout this course the concept of Sustainability and Stewardship has been a consistent theme. This assessment will focus on that theme and the connections between the health of society, economy and the environment. You will be connecting the theme sustainability with the three main units that we have covered. Food From the Land (Agriculture)Natural ResourcesIndustry and TradeYour exam will consist of a couple of tasks: Step One: Define Sustainability/Stewardship and why it is an important concept for society and the government to promote, practice and maintain? (Why Care?) (3-5 SENTENCES)Step Two: Create a visual representation of sustainability (eg: collage, story book, painted ceiling tile, board game, diaorama) with a minimum of 6 (Level 2) and a maximum of 10 images (Level 4) that express Sustainability/Stewardship. Explain how each image/item connects to the theme of Sustainability/Stewardship. Each unit covered must be represented (a minimum of 2 images per unit) along with information we learned throughout the course. (Food from the Land/Agriculture, Natural Resources, Industry and Trade)Your images/items may either be hand drawn, cut from magazines, newspapers etc. or from Google images. (you may also work on this at home in case of lack of laptop availability)**You will also have to explain your organization-ie.-why did you organize your collage the way you did?This may be written on the bottom of your collage or after your Sustainability paragraph. For EACH image/item you MUST explain the image/item – ie. what is it about? What does it represent? Why did you select/create that image/item; and why it is important/how it relates to sustainability/stewardship? Step Three- Process: You will be given a note booklet to help gather your thoughts about each. The note book MUST remain at school in my possession. You will be given at least three classes to help you find your pictures and make your notes. This is where you will explain your images/items. Only JOT NOTES will be allowed- NO PARAGRAPHS. You will get the note booklet back on the exam day. Collage: You may work on your collage/piece at home if you wish. If it is a computer piece, print it off from the Library or from home (if you have a color printer please print it in color) to put into your folder PLUS Please hand in an electronic copy of your collage into my teacher drop-off box. (Make sure your name AND period are clearly evident in the title)Exam Day: You will have time to complete your write-ups as well as complete a map of Canada and North America locations. You will be responsible for knowing the Canadian provinces/territories, Canadian capital cities, North American water bodies, and North American physical features. There will be approx. 30 locations in total. (See list of Non-Negotiables)Remember to turn in your booklet before you leave.This Note Booklet MUST remain in the classroom – you will get it back on exam day. Geography Exam Recording Research BookletStewardship - defineSustainability - defineImportance for society to be aware of and have knowledge aboutWhy should the government promote it and how?Remember to turn in your booklet before you leave.This Note Booklet MUST remain in the classroom – you will get it back on exam day. Geography Exam Recording Research BookletImage/Idea #1Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:277876026670Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #2Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image: 2684780120015Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______ Connection to course (unit):Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #3Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:276923595885Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit):Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #4Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:276923512065Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #5Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:277876028575Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #6Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:2778760153035Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #7Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:276923596520Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #8Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:277876010795Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #9Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:277876020955Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: Image/Idea #10Jot Notes explaining connection Explanation of image/what it represents: Why I chose this image:286321517780Environment ______Economy ______Society ______00Environment ______Economy ______Society ______Connection to course (unit): Why this is important/how does it connect to sustainability: ................

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