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Edexcel Sample &Past Exam Questions for A’Level GeographyThis document contains every single sample and past exam Q that Edexcel have issued for the Regenerating Places section of the Full A Level. Sample Paper 1033337500Study Figure 1. (a) (i) Suggest one reason for the pattern of vacant land in Detroit. (3)Suggest reasons for the relationship between proportion of vacant land and distance from the CBD of Detroit. (6) Explain why different groups would have contrasting views about regenerating vacant land in cities (6) Evaluate the importance of rebranding to the success of rural regeneration (20)Sample Paper 2Study Figure 2 in the Resource Booklet. (i) Suggest one way the functions of the site have changed (3)Suggest reasons for the change in functions identified in 3a(i). (6)714375508000Explain why different media convey contrasting views on the need for localregeneration schemes. (6)Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision-makersin the regeneration of either urban or rural areas.(20)June 2018157480137795000-1587513271500-482602679700011430162242500-191770343598500June 2019See next page-188595-42799000Nov 2020 Paper2021 ................

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