
 Using the grid below, select an appropriate phrase from each box to help you explore your ideas fully. There are some handy tips in the boxes too!The writer...AdverbVerbMethodQuotation(s)How/ why is this successful?At the beginning, the writerIn the opening,the writer...Prior to…the writer...Following the…As we are introduced to_________, the writer...cleverlysubtlyeffectivelysuccessfullydelicatelypowerfully consistently SurprisinglyskilfullyforcefullydepictsportrayspresentsrevealssuggestsjuxtaposescriticisesunderminesattacksimpliesexposesemphasisesprovokesconveysexploresarguescelebrateshighlightsLinksDouble check-- is the verb you have selected the MOST appropriate? Look back at the question. How is that particular effect created? Methods MAY come from: SettingWhere is the text set?Does the setting change? Why might this setting be significant for this sort of story/ text?How is the setting described? Is it successful in achieving authorial intention?IdeasWhat ideas are promoted? Prioritised? Postponed?Do ideas shift/ change?Themes What is the central topic/ focus or point of the text? EventsWhat actually happens? What might have happened before or after? +(Any other literary tools of note, too!)The shape and structure of the text and ideas presented/ why introduce that character, now? opinions/facts, alliteration/ repetition/metaphor/simile/references, allusion (see your literary terms and devices booklet!)“ _____________________”“_______________________________________”Be selective and discriminating. Embed quotations where possible. This is successful/ effective/powerful because…The reader feels…The reader believes…The reader experiences…The reader is encouraged to…The reader learns…The reader is manipulated into...How successful is it and why?Link carefully back to the ‘bigger picture’Your turn…1) 2)In the exam, it’s important that you explore as many points as possible in the time given for this question (HINT: Look at how many marks it’s worth and how much space you’re allowed! There are 4 sides of A4 allocated, so ensure a wide range of points. 60293251681163-104774114300As you start to get more confident, you can start altering the structures of your paragraphs. This extract is taken from a student who gained full marks on this question. Notice how she uses secure, discriminating evidence to support her critical overview of the text, ‘ this enables the writer to successfully show…’ Section from 15/15 response: ‘ An atmosphere of mystery is very successfully achieved in the extract. In the first line, the scene is directly set and creates tension and uncertainty instantly, ‘ in one moment every drop of blood in my body was brought to a stop’ immediately conveys to readers that a surprising event has happened and that it has startled the narrator significantly. In line 3, he says ‘ I turned on the instant, with my fingers tightening around the handle of my stick’ the use of short, quick paragraphs aid the mystery and suspense involved and replicate the short, sharp movements being described.’ ................

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