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|Name: _____ANSWER KEY______________________________________________ Class Number: _____ |

|Periods: _______________ Date DUE: February 3, 2012 |

STUDENTS: First, PREVIEW the selection. CIRCLE the words you do not know. Second, READ THE SELECTION ON THE REVERSE OUT LOUD TO A PARENT, Third, ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW. Be sure to CHECK YOUR ANSWERS with a RED checking pen!

| |ELA.RC.6A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension. |

|Reading |ELA.6.1A and C Adjust fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) when reading aloud grade-level text based on the reading purpose |

|Skills |and the nature of the text (e.g., using background knowledge; visualizing; rereading a portion aloud; generating questions). |

| |Ⓢ ELA.6.13A Explain messages conveyed in various forms of media. |

| |Ⓢ ELA.6.10B Explain whether facts included in an argument are used for or against an issue. |



1. Which information can you find on the website ?

|the names of restaurants that serve bugs |a list of 1,462 kinds of edible bugs |

|recipes for preparing food made with insects |suggestions for solving the world’s hunger problems |

2. Based on the information in this article, how would you describe Aletheia Price? What kind of person is she? Tell why you think so. Remember to write in a sentence!

__Aletheia Price probably is a risk-taker and an adventurous person. She began eating bugs when she was only 13. She also is knowledgeable and smart; she has a website devoted to eating bugs! ______________________________________________

3. What are two support reasons for why eating bugs might be a good idea?

a. __ They are filled with protein. ________________________________________________

b. ___ Eating bugs could help serve the world’s hunger problems. _____________________

4. Why do you think the author includes the statement, “Aletheia realizes that eating bugs is not for everyone”?

__The author includes this statement to reach those readers who might think eating bugs is disgusting. The author is trying to address a counter-argument that many people just won’t eat bugs. ______________________________

QUESTIONS REGARDING “Vermont Foliage Video”

1. The main purpose of this text is to:

|give information about Vermont |compare Vermont with other states |

|persuade you to buy the video |explain why Vermont is better than other states |

2. Where would you be most likely to see this text?

|in a magazine |in a textbook |

|on television |on the Internet |

3. If you were not satisfied with the video, what would you do? Be very specific in your answer.

____You would have to tell the seller you were not completely satisfied. Although the article doesn’t say so, you should put this in writing and send the video page to the Leaftown address. ______________

4. Using your persuasive techniques vocabulary list or foldable (in your RWNB), list at least TWO techniques used by this author:

___Answers will vary. Bandwagon (“thousands of people” enjoy Vermont); diction, This is an “ethos” (emotional) argument with loaded language, too. __________________________

QUESTIONS REGARDING “Eating Bugs” AND "Vermont Foliage Video”

1. How do these two texts differ in purpose? In tone? Explain your answer.

”Eating Bugs” is primarily an information piece, and “Vermont Foliage Video” has a primary purpose to persuade you to buy the video. The Vermont video piece uses more “loaded language” (superlatives such as “loveliest”). “Eating Bugs” is lighter in tone. The author selected examples that grab the reader’s attention and (for many) make them saw “ewwwwwwww!!”

2. How do these two texts differ in structure?

__The “Eating Bugs” article has a distinct introduction and conclusion, while the boxes and bullets make “Foliage” look more like an advertisement.__________________________________________________________________

REMEMBER THAT ACTIVE READERS SET A PURPOSE FOR THEIR READING. Your PURPOSE for this reading is to understand how persuasive and information texts differ. Remember – you are reading this OUT LOUD to a parent. Please pay attention to your reading rate and expression.



First Paragraph: you have to admit that eating bugs might be a good idea.

Last Paragraph: billions and billions

we would have plenty of food for everyone


First Paragraph: thousands, comfort, most beautiful . . . in the world breathtaking whenever you want to!

Second Paragraph (with bullets): highest . . . . unusual . . . . one of the largest

Third Paragraph: site of an important battle

Second column: never forget . . . beauty

Last box: satisfaction guaranteed . . . . no questions asked

|MORE QUESTIONS – For the next text, “Vermont Foliage Video” |

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|WORDS IN CONTEXT: What are the CONTEXT CLUES that help you understand the meaning of the word “foliage.” List them here: ____”to see the colorful |

|autumn leaves___________beautiful autumn ______________________________ |

|_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Read like a writer – With a highlighter, highlight the words in each text that the author probably used to convince the reader that the statement(s) |

|in the article are worthy of the reader’s belief? SEE ABOVE |

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|QUESTION REGARDING “Eating Bugs” AND "Vermont Foliage Video”—What is the purpose of the graphics that accompany these texts (such as the box “Today’s |

|Menu” or the bullet points or picture of the video). Write in complete sentences: |

|___The “Today’s Menu” box is more light-hearted and playful. It invites the audience to read the article with playful language such as “ant brood |

|tacos.” In the “Vermont” piece, the bullets and boxes and video picture leave white space to make the reader want to read the text and make the ideas|

|easier to understand. ___ |


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