
I. Instructions

II. Organizational Information

A. Organization’s Description

B. Organization’s Financial Information

C. Organization’s Administrative Information

Project Information

A. Project Description

B. Project Contact and Additional Info

C. Project Documentation and Photos

D. Global Giving Disbursement Details

I. Instructions

This template can be used for posting a new project and/or updating/changing your current GlobalGiving project. If you are updating your project, please fill in ONLY those fields that need to be changed. Remember, you can edit the Organizational information, add photos to the photo gallery and add project updates/reports yourself by logging in to If you don’t remember your username and password, send us an email!

We recommend that you read through the template first and give a lot of thought to how you will present your project or how you will change your project information to better attract donors. Remember GlobalGiving attracts all kinds of donors, from the 10-year old who is organizing a class fundraiser, to someone who is older and has a bit more money to give, to a corporate donor who wants to make a company donation. All of these donors want to know the story behind your project, who you are, who your beneficiaries are and why your work is important. It is really important to make your story, simple and accessible for the everyday donor. Collect good quotes from beneficiaries and from those running the project. You will weave these into your project write-up.

Also, as you think through framing your project, collect good, high-resolution photos of your project. We will use these to promote your project. Please give special consideration to your main project photo. It should be powerful and active with the intention to draw in the donor!

GlobalGiving has done extensive research and is still researching what resonates with donors. In this regard, this template provides guidance so please do read it and get back to us if you have any questions. Your project will not be posted until you have submitted the strongest material possible.

All of the requested information is required, unless indicated otherwise. Fill in the appropriate information in the gray boxes. The number in the parenthesis, eg. (50), is your text’s character limit, including spaces. The amount you can write in each box is limited because donors want to quickly understand your project’s goals and activities.

It is recommended you save this document on your computer as you complete the form.

More about writing about your project:

When designing a project, you should describe a concrete initiative with measurable outputs and activities. Funding for regular organizational support does not qualify as a project.

Information about writing a great project description can be found at the Resources for Project Leaders page:

When to post a new project?

Consider posting a new project on GlobalGiving when:

• You have a project that addresses an issue often in newspaper headlines;

• You have a project that responds to an immediate need or relief efforts following a disaster;

• You have developed a new project that addresses an identified need in your community.

Editing/Updating your Project Information

Please keep your project sponsor or Global Giving informed of all changes and updates to this information and check the information twice a year on the Global Giving website to make sure it is current. If the project is changing, or there is some new information, be sure to update/edit your project. It is very important that you keep Global Giving up to date with your latest project contact information.

Posting Project Update and Reports

Not only must you keep the information updated but you are required to post TWO project-specific updates per year. Projects not posting two updates a year will be removed from the Global Giving site. Accountability is important to all our donors, both individual and corporate.

Removing a Project

When your project is no longer active or in need of funding, please let your sponsor or Global Giving know so that they can ask to remove the project from the active projects.


Please proceed to fill in the requested information.

Project Approval checklist

□ We will not approve projects with acronyms in titles. There can also be no acronyms in the summaries (unless it is explained in the summary part)

□ We will not approve projects without pictures or projects with low-resolution, irrelevant, or misleading main photos. All projects must have at least 3 high-resolution photos in the photo gallery and photos must be relevant to the project. The main photo must be high-resolution and relevant to the project.

□ We will not approve projects with vague or unclear titles. Country and beneficiary must be in title.

□ We will not approve projects with vague or technical summaries. The summary is your 2-second pitch that must pull a donor in.

□ You must have a proper project quote that is from a beneficiary of the project.

□ Large budgets, those of more than $100,000, must have a project budget attached as the project documentation.

□ Donation options (must have one below $100 UNLESS that’s not possible). Donation options must show impact.

II. Organizational Information (remember, you can edit this yourself in the Project Entry system)

A. Organization’s Description

i) Organization’s Name

Please list your project organization’s name.

 Mufad-e-Niswan Trust     (50)


3 ii) Organization’s Mission

 To uplift the social condition of poor communities specially women



iii) Problems/Challenges Organization is addressing

Please identify the problems or challenges to which your organization is responding

   Less Privileged population

Lack of access to financial, technical and human resources

Lack of availability of basic health and quality education

Lack of availability of gainful opportunities of home bound women of project area

Awareness to address their own development needs

Behavioral complexes of slum population


iv) Organization’s Strengths/Expertise

Please state what your organization is doing that gives you confidence you will be able to bring about real changes, however small, to address these problems. What are your organization’s strengths, what do you do best, what are you known for?

   The organization is the best example of volunteerism. The cadre of volunteers consists of professional of development field more specifically renowned Educationalist, Social Development Scientists and Experts of community development .In addition the organization has professionals working with the organization. These professional are full time workers of the Trust.


v) Organization’s Programs

Please define all programs.

   Following are the Organization’s Programs of the trust;

• Vocational Training Center for women at subsidized rates.

• Pre-primary, Primary & Secondary Schools for less privileged.

• 17 Basic Education Community Schools in poor localities at no cost.

• Computer Training Center at subsidized rates.

• English language course at very nominal cost Providing Basic Healthcare at very nominal cost.

• Helping poor and needy women through edibles and cash donations.

Providing Legal Awareness Facility to Women in collaboration with PAWLA


vi) Organization’s Recognitions

Please list the awards, honors, credentials and other recognitions that are most relevant to implementing this project or securing a potential donor’s trust.

   The trust has following national and International Awards;

• Best Social Welfare Organization in Pakistan by Matsetishita Electrical workers Union- Japan

• Friends of Anti Narcotics by FANOS Sindh- 1993

• Quaiz-Azam Khidmat e Insaniat Award by Young Cultural Welfare Society, Karachi-1996

• Galaxy of Friendship Social Welfare Award by Galaxy of Youth 1996.

• Khidamt e Watan Award by Flag of Pakistan FOP in 1996

• Shield ofa Aitraf e Khidmat by Union Council 3 Shah Faisal town.

• Best Volunteer Award by Organization Committee for International volunteer

In addition, the trustee has admiration and recognition form following organizations;

• Pakistan Centre of philanthropist PCP

• INFAQ Foundation


• Volunteer services Overseas- UK:


• Helping Hand Trust

• Sindh Education Foundation

• National education foundation: 17 Basic Education Comunitiy schools: supervision

• Rotary Club of Karachi- Funding

• CDGK- Women leader ship Training .

• Ministry of Women Development


• Education Foundation

• Sindh Board Of technical education

• Sign Source- Financial support



vii) Organization’s Director

a) Name   Zia Akhtar (Begum Baji)         (40)

b) Title   Managing Trustte         (50)

viii) Organization’s Main Address

a) Street 1            St-6/G, Shah Faisal Colony No-2, Karachi.  (50)

b) Street 2       (50)

c) City  Karachi     (25)

d) State  Pakistan     (25)

e) Postal  74900     (10)

ix) Organization’s Address Country


x) Organization’s Phone


+92308-3184324,+92300-2178435        (20)

xi) Organization’s URL

When entering web addresses, you must include the complete url, including http://. For example, .

  http:/         (100)

xii) Organization’s Scope

xiii) Organization is:

5 xiv) Organization’s Staff Numbers

Employees  50    

Volunteers    40  

xv) Organization’s Year Founded (YYYY)  1954   

B. Organization’s Financial Information (reminder: this information is required)

When entering dollar amounts enter the number without any symbols and round to the nearest dollar or percent.

✓ I agree to make this organization’s financial information public (check box)

i) Organization’s current year Operating Budget, in US Dollars      56168.11     

ii) Organization’s previous year Operating Budget, in US Dollars        47104.31   

iii) Organization’s Maximum Operating Budget, in US Dollars    56168.11       

iv) Organization’s Previous Year’s Overhead (as percentage)         30%  

v) Organization’s Religious Affiliation          Organization is non discriminatory trust and has no affiliation with any religious organizations.  (100)

vi) Organization’s Other Funding Sources

• Pakistan Centre of philanthropist PCP

• INFAQ Foundation


• Volunteer services Overseas- UK:


• Helping Hand Trust

• Sindh Education Foundation

• National education foundation: 17 Basic Education Community schools: supervision

• Rotary Club of Karachi- Funding

• CDGK- Women leader ship Training.

• Nominal Fee/charges

• Donation from INFAQ Foundation

• Donation from M/s Sign Source (Mr. Faraz-ul-Ghani)

• Membership Fee from Trustees

• Donations from local philanthropists and token fee


C. Organization’s Administrative Information

i) Organization’s Board of Directors

  Name of Trustees

1-Ms. Zia Akhtar Managing Trustee

2-MsAkram Khatoo Patron/ Trustee

3-Mrs Feroza Azmat Trustee Organizer

4-M/s Touseef Anwar Principle Sec./ Trustee

5-Ms. Azra Karar Nominee Trustee

6-Mrs Akhtar Wajahat Trustee

7-Anis Fatima Zaidi Trustee

8- Syed Sohail Hassan Trustee

9-Dr. Nayyar-ul-Islam Trustee

10-S.Shoukat Ali Zaidi Trustee

11-Mr. Hassan Jafri Trustee

12- Prof. Rehana Mughni Trustee


ii) Organization’s Senior Staff

  Feroza Azmat

Asher Al

Sadia Shakel

Azmat Qazi

Aijaz Ali Baloch

 Shanaz Anwar

Shamim Mumtaz


iii) Organization’s Financial Institutions/Banks

   Habib Bank, drigh colony # 1

Shah Faisal town, Karachi        (500)

III. Project Information—telling your story

6 A. Project Description

7 i) Project Title

8 The title is very important because it is the first thing donors read about your project.

9 Keep the title, simple and direct: Convey what your project is doing in one phrase and keep the following in mind:

10 Who are your beneficiaries? i.e. 100 schoolgirls.

11 How are you benefiting them? i.e. providing elementary education

12 Where is the project located?, Kerala

Full title: Providing education for 100 girls in Kerala

13   Poverty reduction through improved standards of Education Health in Urban slum of Karachi   (50)

ii) Project Summary

Project summary is the next thing donors review, and is often the basis for a decision to donate.

This brief description of your project will be displayed on the search results and browse page AND on your main project page. You want to use this to draw the potential donor in. You will want to answer the following:

• What are you doing?

• How are you doing it?

• What will it accomplish?

Example: This project provides 50 women with healthcare training to provide basic healthcare to 600 villagers in rural Nepal. Again, do not use “development speak”—Global Giving donors want to read very simply what your story is. Don’t use words like “psychosocial development”, “informal education, ” “sustainable development” or other terms. Use simple, clear language and refrain from technical and development language.

     The project is designed for the population living in and around Shah Faisal Town, Karachi. The project catchment area covers a population of 150,000 people comprises over 60% women in the project area. The project is focused to provide quality education to the deserving and less privileged children. The project strategy clearly defines the delivery of education services in such a way to build capacity of teachers in Early Childhood Education, Curriculum development and following set indicators of an ideal school. The project with the collaboration of development partners has planned training programs for school teachers in order to cater best delivery of education to the children of the area and create a cadre of high class student with leadership skills for future prospective.

The project also entails parents of the children and put emphasis of building capacity of parents to play significant role in creating leadership to their children and get education for knowledge.

In addition, the Trust is providing more learning opportunities to the student and has planned to establish an English Language Centre at the school. The activities of the center have already coordinated with the Volunteer services Overseas- UK. A team of competent training staff will be provided by the organization to provide language skills to the Students

The school building will also use to build capacity of women in skills enhancement and create a cadre of women model for development entrepreneur and development of micro enterprises.    (200)

14 iii) Project Need and Beneficiaries (500)

Explain the needs that the project will address and exactly who will benefit from the project's activities.

• What challenges are you addressing?, i.e. hunger, poverty, illiteracy

• Where are you addressing the problem?, city, country, try to be specific

• What does your solution offer them, education, scholarships?

• Weave in a short quote in this section from someone leading the project. This will add some life to the project and helps tell the story.

   The project direct beneficiaries are the population of slums of East Karachi located in Shah Faisal Town. ;  (500)

15 iv) Project Activities

Describe the activities the project will undertake in order to reach the expected outcomes or goals. Talk concretely, i.e. we operate a clinic that serves malaria patients and gives them medicine, bednets, water purification tablets, etc.

• Try to keep the activities focused so that donors can imagine what the activities are. You want to be able to tie your activities to outcomes. For example, “If we provide the bednets and water purification tablets, we will be able to reduce malaria cases.”

• Again another short quote here would be good from a beneficiary. You want to show the donor how the activities are important to the beneficiary! Weave this into the summary. For example,

By educating girls, they are better informed and raise healthier families. Anisa, a mother who was educated in one of our schools says, “Education changed my life, I know what to feed my kids so they grow up healthy and are good in school.”

      The Project has two components;

1) Quality Education;

Following activities has been designed to provide quality education to 2000 children and develop capacity of teachers for sustainable service delivery in subsequent years.

1- 30 Teachers impart training in;

-Early Childhood education

-Curriculum Development

-Lesson Planning

2- School Infrastructire Maintinance


v) Donation Options (Please fill-out at least 3, maximum 8)

Donation Options Defined: Donation options are listed on the homepage AND are of increased prominence in our website. A donation options tells the donor what a sum of money can “buy” and what the impact of that buy will be. The donation options describe the social impact that comes out of an activity. Donation options directly relate to the target beneficiaries of your project (e.g. trees, school children, etc). So, it should not just describe a project activity. For example, rather than saying “a consultant will train local artisans”, you should say “$20 will train 1 artisan in marketing his/her wood products”. The KEY is to show the impact!

For example:

▪ $35 can provide 3 nutritious meals to 126 orphans and poor Tibetan refugee students

▪ $150 buys a cow to begin a dairy business

▪ $5000 provides sustainable access to clean water to 300 people

Donors have the ability to see all donation options but the smallest three options will be displayed first. We’re asking you to contribute a minimum of 3 outcomes, and a maximum of 8, for various unit costs.

Your project is being incorporated into a grassroots marketing campaign in the United States – targeted at the middle class rather than the wealthy. We want everyone to feel like they’ve made a difference – from the kids who will donate the proceeds of their bake sale to your project to the church groups who gather donations -- and having tangible project outputs will help make this happen. The average online donation is around $150. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you include at least one (more if possible) donation option of less than $100. Projects without one small donation option will not be approved.

When entering dollar amounts enter the number without any symbols and round to the nearest dollar or percent.

Amount (USD) Description


16 vi) Potential Long-Term Impact

Explain the potential long-term impact of your project as opposed to the more short and medium-term, concrete desired outcomes.

Some suggestions:

• How many people will your project serve?

• What problem will the project solve?

• Why is your solution important?

Example: The project will educate 200 women allowing them to increase their incomes and provide for their families’ health and well-being.

          The project is innovative in respect that it defines its sustainability at every step of its activity. The Trust is running a model school in the vicinity and capable to coupe its expenditure to maximum level. However, since the activities of the trust are for the under privileged people of the area the added requirement are fulfilling by the local philanthropists. The major activities planned in the project will be carried out with the budget resources of the project.

The project direct beneficiaries will be 150,000 in the catchments area. The beneficiaries consists of 2000 students, 30 Teachers, 450 parents, and 360 women. The project has multiple impacts and it is anticipated that the number of beneficiaries may increase. The long lasting impact may be seen after the completion of first year of the project where beneficiaries start catering the 0wn development needs by building up of their capacities in the different development fields. Further, the activities may act as catalyst to bring behavior change in all concerned stakeholders to ensure prompt service delivery.


17 vii) Project Message

18 Enter a quote that adds a personal touch for potential donors reading the project. We highly recommend it be from a beneficiary of the project. You want to include a quote that would tell a donor why your project is important, you want to make the case for your project. One great quote for example is, “"If we educate these children we will have peace. If we do not we will remain at war".

- Yomchiir village elder, village elder (from project, Help Build a School for 500 Girls in Sudan)

  A sustainable model of Social Development for Poor women


viii) Name of person quoted above

 Fatima Batool    (40)

ix) Description of person quoted

Who is the person? i.e. a beneficiary, government official, project staff, etc.

 Person is direct bneficiry of the project. Her children are studying in the school. She herself got voccational training and want to be a women entreprenuer    (50)

19 x) Project country

Please list your project country. Projects can only be listed in one country.


20 xi) Project theme

A sustainable model of Social Development for Poor women

xii) Project Timeline

xiii) Project Activity Type

√Patronage refers to training, scholarships; Charity refers to relief efforts; √ Development refers to sustainable activities

xiv) Project Funding Requested, in US Dollars (recommended $75,000 or less. Maximum budget limit - 1,000,000)


21 xv) Keywords, space separated (no commas)

These are keywords that help search engines identify your project. When listing keywords, do NOT separate the words with a comma, simply use a space. When deciding what keywords to include, try to think of words that people might type in order to find your project. Ideas include the specific location of your project, sub-themes, beneficiaries, and tools used to carry out the project.

 Gender & social Development     (255)

B. Project Contact and Additional Info

i) Organization implementing this project

If you are entering the project online, you will have to select the correct organization from the drop down menu.

    Mufad E Niswan Trust 

ii) Project Contact Name

This is the person who will be the main contact for the project. If a donor is interested in finding out more about the project, he or she should be able to get in touch with this person through the contact information entered below. GlobalGiving will also communicate with the project contact as well regarding disbursement, project newsletters and GlobalGiving updates so please make sure this person is responsive and has access to email. Please notify GlobalGiving if the project contact changes.

**If you are entering the project online, you can select the relevant leader from the drop down menu. If you are online and you don’t see the Project Leader, then please email the contact’s name, organization, title and email address to projecthelp@. GlobalGiving will enter that person into our database to create a new user so that you can select the project leader’s name from a drop down menu. We will let you know when the record has been created.

 Feroza Azmat     (40)

√ As the project contact, I agree to be responsible for overseeing quarterly project updates. (Check box)

iii) Title

What is this person’s role at the organization?

  Execution of the project. Responsible for all administrative and financial matters and ensure implementation of the project. She will be responsible for over all monitoring and execution of the project.   (50)

iv) Contact’s Address

This is the address where a potential donor could write a letter in order to find out more information about the project.

Line 1  ST 6/G  (50)

Line 2  ShahFaisal Colony # 2    (50)

City  Karachi    (25)

Province/ State  Sindh    (25)

Postal  74900    (25)

Country  Pakistan    (50)

v) Contact’s Phone

Please insert any additional country codes in the phone number that might be necessary to reach the project contact. Assume all callers will be calling from the U.S.

Phone:  +92308-318-4324, +923332171279    


vi) Contact’s Email

Email:  fairywaheed@


vii) Project Personnel #1

You must include information for at least one person who is involved with this project. Make sure that if you choose to enter only one person, you use the "Project Personnel #1" field to enter the information. If "Project Personnel #1" is left blank you will receive an error message and will not be able to submit your project.

Also remember that if you complete the "name" field, you must also include the Title and a Brief Bio. If you fill out one of these fields and not the others you will receive an error message and will not be able to submit your project.

In the "Bio" section, you may include past work experiences, expertise, or interests. Explain the role that this person plays in achieving the goals of the project.

Donors have commented on how they read the organizational information and the team bios.  They like to see teams implementing a project and good, detailed information on the organization and team increases their confidence in the ability of the organization to complete the project.

Name  Asher Ali    (40)

Title  Project Manager    (50)


Seventeen years of intensive and extensive experience of working with the Government/ State, Non- Government and International donors organizations in the field of Administration of multi donor projects and administrative audits.

The duties performed were;

• Designed, planned, monitored and implement program activities in the field of Social development.

• Analyzed and evaluates data and/or takes corrective action where necessary, to meet program project objectives.

• Conducted administrative audits and regular performance evaluations as per SOPs of USAID,UNDP, The World Bank and other international organizations.

• Participated in monitoring missions. Also conducted periodic program reviews with government counterparts and other partners. Identified/ suggested necessary changes/ action and re appropriation in project proposals.

• Provided technical advice and assistance to government and other partners in the planning and management of program/projects.

• Participated in meetings with Ministries, departmental heads and projects heads to review and follows up on implementation of recommendations and agreements.

• Participated in the development of the work plan with the local stakeholders, and ensures compliance with specific assigned objectives. Provided guidance and support to staff to manage and implement projects.

• Designed specific programs for community support to increase access to basic facilities.

• Maintained effective liaison with various government , private (corporate sector) and International Donor organizations

• Negotiated and prepared contracts for support of services with partner organizations.

• Provided all administrative, logistic & HR management support.

• Designed Training Need Assessment Tools to identify TNA and specific training manuals and arranged and conducted training sessions.

• Consultancy services to public organizations for institutional strengthening

• Writing of project proposals, periodic reports, data compilation and situation analysis for future program designing.

  Seventeen years of intensive and extensive experience of working with the Government/ State, Non- Government and International donors organizations in the field of Administration of multi donor projects and administrative audits. During the tenure worked with the following international organizations in Pakistan;

• The Max Foundation –USA (TMF)

• Consultant to State Government (Asian Development Bank’s Project)

• Consultant with The World Bank-Pakistan (registered)

• Children Resources International (CRI)- USAID

• The Royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE)

• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

• National Rural Support Program (NRSP),

• Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP)

The duties performed were;

• Designed, planned, monitored and implement program activities in the field of Social development.

• Analyzed and evaluates data and/or takes corrective action where necessary, to meet program project objectives.

• Conducted administrative audits and regular performance evaluations as per SOPs of USAID,UNDP, The World Bank and other international organizations.

• Participated in monitoring missions. Also conducted periodic program reviews with government counterparts and other partners. Identified/ suggested necessary changes/ action and re appropriation in project proposals.

• Provided technical advice and assistance to government and other partners in the planning and management of program/projects.

• Participated in meetings with Ministries, departmental heads and projects heads to review and follows up on implementation of recommendations and agreements.

• Participated in the development of the work plan with the local stakeholders, and ensures compliance with specific assigned objectives. Provided guidance and support to staff to manage and implement projects.

• Designed specific programs for community support to increase access to basic facilities.

• Maintained effective liaison with various government , private (corporate sector) and International Donor organizations

• Negotiated and prepared contracts for support of services with partner organizations.

• Provided all administrative, logistic & HR management support.

• Designed Training Need Assessment Tools to identify TNA and specific training manuals and arranged and conducted training sessions.

• Consultancy services to public organizations for institutional strengthening

• Writing of project proposals, periodic reports, data compilation and situation analysis for future program designing.


Credentials, awards, degrees


MS Forestry

Diploma in Rural ResourcesManagement     (250)

viii) Project Personnel #2

Name  Feroza Azmat    (40)

Title  Coordinator    (50)


|Work Experience |March 2010 Dubai- TOT on line Children safety Arranged by Micro Soft Pakistan and conducted 13 sessions in different organization regarding |

| |safe use of modern technology. |

| | |

| |May 2009 District Coordinator of research work on local Govt. System in Karachi. Project organized by PAIMAN Funded by Asia Foundation. |

| |Dec 2008 to May 2009. Social Scientist of Wind Energy Power Project Organized and funded by UNDP |

| |District coordinator of research work on Local Govt. System in Karachi organized by paiman funded by FAFEN. |

| | |

| |Aug to Nov. 2008 Constituency coordinator of project CRP constituency relation project organized by PAIMAN funded by The Asia Foundation to |

| |take the views, comments, suggestion, needs issues and problem of the constituent and prepare charter of demand for legislation. |

| |1991-1993 - Office Assistant - Eram Fashions Garments, Export Processing Zone Karachi. |

|Training Skills | |

|Training Received |Supervise organize and coordinate the field work of Data collection of prescribed information on Karachi based women entrepreneurs. Organized |

| |by eci (Pvt.) Limited, Islamabad. (EMPOWERMENT THRU INTEGRATION) |

| |2001-2005 - City Councilor – City District Government. Karachi. |

| | |

| | |

| |2001, 2002 and 2003 - Worked in Data Collection on Women Issues – Project funded by CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) arranged |

| |by CIET – |

| |One Week Activity in Karachi |

| |Reported to CIET |

| | |

| |WPS & W3P Master Trainer, Report Writing, Visual Presentations, Hands on experience in Computer and MS Office. |

| | |

| |Nov 2008 Karachi 3 days work shop on CAPACITY BUILDING OF EPAs / STAKEHOLDERS & EIA FRAME WORK FOR Wind Energy projects in Pakistan, organized|

| |by UNDP / GEF Wind Energy Project in collaboration with the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) Government of Pakistan. |

| |Oct.-Nov. 2007- Islamabad- Training as Lead Trainer (TOLT)- Organized by UNDP/SNEP to train Master Trainers for upcoming general election in |

| |Pakistan. |

| |May 2007 – Islamabad – “How to verify the mechanism of Electoral Role in Pakistan” - Training of Trainers (TOT) – 2-days (two sessions) |

| |Training arranged by PAIMAN, funded by TAF (The Asia Foundation) |

| |May 2006 – Karachi – TOT on “Gender Sensitization” Arranged by WPS funded by UNDP Pakistan (Module for Nazims and Naib Nazims) |

| |April 2004 – NIPA Karachi – TOT on “Gender” Arranged by WPS funded by UNDP Pakistan |

| |April 2004 – NIPA, Quetta – Received Training to train Women Councilors in “How to perform their duties in their councils as defined in Local |

| |Govt. Ordinance” – Arranged by WPS funded by UNDP Pakistan |

| |Dec 2003 – Karachi - 3-Days Paralegal Training Workshop on “Legal Issues faced by women at work place” arranged by Working Women Support Center|

| |(WWSC) |

| |January 2004 – Karachi – 2-days Sensitization Training in “Human Rights” arranged by Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) |

| |2003 – Thatta – Empowering Communities and SMCs for Quality Education (ESRA) arranged by PAIMAN funded by ESRA |

|Training Conducted as|March 2004 – Islamabad – Training Course on Political Education in American Embassy, Islamabad – Arranged by W3P - UNDP Pakistan |

|a trainer, Master | |

|Trainer and lead | |

|master trainer. | |

| | |

| | |

| |March 2002 – NIPA Karachi – 6-days Training Course on “Gender Issues for City Management Functionaries – Arranged by Community Development |

| |Deptt. CDGK |

| |April 2002 – Karachi – Orientation on “Reproductive Health and their Valuable Support for RH Program” Arranged by Health Sector NGO |

| |13 2001 – Karachi – Citizen Community Board and Local Tools for “Governance and Community Monitoring” in Pakistan – Arranged by CIET funded by |

| |NRB and CIDA |

| | |

| |14 2001 – Karachi – 2-days training session on “Devolution of Power to Grassroots level and Local Govt. System” - Arranged by Community |

| |Development Deptt. CDGK |

| | |

| |15. 2004 – Karachi – Election Coordinator – Aurat Foundation “To coordinate and observe the Local Govt. Bi-Election held in 2004” |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |1. Nov. – Dec. 2007 – Islamabad/Sindh – Orientation Training for Returning Officers in Islamabad and District Training Coordinators organized|

| |by FPAP-UNDP. Pakistan (Continue till Election 2008) in Karachi, Hyderabad & Mirpurkhas |

| | |

| |2. Nov. Dec. 2007 – Sukkur & Larkana – Train Master Trainers to provide training to Presiding and Returning Officers for up coming general |

| |election in Pakistan un UNDP/SNEP support program. |

| | |

| |3. 2004 – 2007 - Trainer Consultant – Decentralization Support Program (DSP) |

| |Ministry of Finance – Govt. of Sindh – |

| |Conducted 8 training Sessions 4-days each on Local Govt. Ordinance in Karachi & Sukkur Distt. |

| |Trainees comprised of District, Taluka and Union Council Members (Nazimeen, Women councilors etc.) |

| |Reported to Sindh Govt. (DSP) |

| | |

| |4. 2007- Trainer Consultant – The Asia Foundation (TAF) – |

| |Conducted training for static and mobile observers to check the electoral role in Pakistan under Free & Fair Election Network (FAFEN – Network |

| |of 31 NGOs) |

| |Two Sessions held in Karachi |

| |No. of Trainees = Approx. 80 |

| | |

| |5. 2007- Evaluation & Monitoring Consultant - The Asia Foundation (TAF) – |

| |To observe the performance of static and mobile observers trained for FAFEN in Display Centers in 18 Towns of Karachi Distt. |

| |Reported to TAF on regular basis |

| | |

| |6. 2004 – 2007 - Research Analyst – Women Political School (WPS) – Project funded and arranged by Provincial Technical Experts UNDP, Pakistan |

| |– |

| |Conducted 6 Sessions – Karachi, 1 each in Nawabshah and Sukkur |

| |Trainees comprised of Women Councilors of District, Taluka & Union Councils |

| |Conducted two 2-days Training Sessions in Karachi, two 0ne-day in Hyderabad, each one in Sukkur and Mirpurkhas for Nazim and Naib Nazims on |

| |“Gender Sensitization”. |

| |No. Trainees per session – 35-40 |

| | |

| |7. 2004 – 2006 - Master Trainer – Women Political School (WPS) – Project funded by UNDP, Arranged by Provincial Coordinators UNDP Pakistan – |

| |Conducted two 6-days TOTs (Training of Trainers) in Karachi to trained RA (Research Analyst) and LM (Lead Mentor) |

| |RAs & LMs from all over Sindh |

| |No. of Trainees in two TOT – 70 |

| | |

| | |

| |8. 2001-2004- Lead Mentor – Women Political Participation Project (W3P) – Funded by Norwegian Govt. Arranged by Federal Manager UNDP, Pakistan |

| |– |

| |Conducted 4-days Training Sessions |

| |No. of Session- 3 in Karachi, one each in Larkana, Badin, Thatta, Tando Bhago, Shahdad Kot, Somaro, Mirpurkhas. |

| |Each Session trained 35-40 Women Councilors |

| |9. 2004- 2005. Master Trainer – PAIMAN Alumni Trust Fund – National NGO, Islamabad |

| |Conducted training to Teachers and Chairman of School Management Committees (SMCs) under ESRA (Education Sector Reform Assistance Program) |

| |funded Project and arranged by PAIMAN |

| |Five 2-days Training Sessions held in Thatta and Hyderabad |

| |No. of Trainees – 20 Participants from 10 Schools in each session |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Education | |

| |BA (1987) and M.A (1989) from Sindh University, Hyderabad |

|Membership | |

| | |

|Province of Residence|Founder member of PAIMAN Alumni Trust. |

| | |

| | |

| |Sindh Domiciled (Sukkur). Resident in Karachi from 1991 to Date. |

| | |

| | |


Credentials, awards, degrees

 MA History    (250)

ix) Project Personnel #3

Name  Sadia shakeel    (40)

Title  Training Coordinator    (50)


2   Employment Experience:

District Coordinator ( Karachi West) with PAIMAN ( Project of FAFEN ) since Jan 09 to June 09.

Program Coordinator with Children’s Resources International, Karachi Office (April 2003- December 2008)

Consultant and Principal in

Icon Montessori & Education System, Karachi

responsible for the setup of school system, plan curriculum, trained teachers, organize workshops, and manage all setup through my skills and abilities. (Oct 2002- March 2003)

Coordinator for Beacon House (November 1998 to Oct 2000.)

Directress in Head Start (July 1995 to Sept 1998.)

Primary Teacher for St. Judes High School (1993 to 1995)

Trainee Teacher with Ken Grammar School as “Duration of my job over there was two years from July 1990 to 1992 and promoted to "primary teacher”.

1 Training /Workshops and Seminars:

Attended workshop on Change In Community Leadership For NGOS at city institute for image management conduct by CDGK in July 09

Workshop on Role of Women in Leadership & Management conducted by CDGK & UNDP in May 09 .

Two days workshop at NIPA Karachi on Evaluation of Local Government performance conducted by PAIMAN in May 09.

Conducted workshops in August 2008, and trained 60 heads as mentors of FDE schools at Islamabad.

Conducted workshops in February-March 2008, for almost five weeks at Islamabad of FDE teachers teaching from KG till Grade V in all partner schools

Arranged and facilitated workshop organized by CRIP in collaboration with Higher Education Commission at Dow University of Health Sciences, in December 2007 for faculty members

Conducted sessions in a three days workshop organized by Committee for Monitoring and Improvement of Schools in collaboration with City District Government Karachi for teachers of City Nazim’s model school project, in November 2007

Arranged and facilitated in May 2007 two training workshops for teachers of Grade KG and Grade I of Army Public School and College Systems at Karachi.

National Conference at Karachi “ National Conference on Sustainable Development” conducted by IUCN in March 07

Conducted Teachers Training Workshop to 400 teachers of Grade I and Grade II of FDE schools of Islamabad in (July -Aug 2006)

Conducted three 5 days Teacher Training Workshops a project of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, for Community Model Primary Schools of Balochistan in collaboration with Taraqee Foundation ( Oct 2005-April 2006 worked as resource person for one year)

Conducted 10 days Teachers’ Training Workshop to Primary teachers of Oman in the city of Nizwa. (June 2005)

Facilitated Orientations and training programs for Family Literacy Program (October 2004)

Conduction of International Teacher Training Workshop for Kindergarten, Grade I, GII & GIII for Primary Teachers of CRI project partner schools Government Schools in Karachi and Islamabad along with trainers from CRI Washington (May 2003 –April 2005 )

Attended International Workshop for Faculty of Education from all over Pakistan, in ECE at Allama Iqbal Open University in collaboration with Higher Education Commission and USAID (August 2005 two courses)

Attended International Workshop for Faculty of Education from all over Pakistan, in ECE at Allama Iqbal Open University in collaboration with Higher Education Commission and USAID (July 2004 two courses)

Attended Training of Trainers on Early Childhood Education at Washington DC

(Feb-Mar 04)

Attended International Certificate Training of Trainers course (ToT) in Early Childhood

Education conducted at Islamabad (Jan 2004).

Attended 3 day Orientation training program at CRI head office Islamabad in April 2003

Workshop on

Conducted numerous training workshops on child behavior, book treatment and teaching to primary teachers.

Educational Qualification:

3 Masters in M A (Sociology) from Karachi University1994

Graduation (second division) in 1992.

Certificate in Montessori Setup & Management, conducted by PTMA in Year 2000.

Certificate Program on EARLY CHILDHOOD from Educational Research Institute

Computer Working Knowledge:

MS Office

Internet Usage/Browsing/Exploring



 MA English   (400)

Credentials, awards, degrees


x) Web Resources (OPTIONAL)

You may list up to four websites that are relevant to your project. This can include your project homepage, additional information about the country the project is in, an online article about the project or organization, or a link to an online video or slideshow. When entering the url, remember to include the full Web address (ex. )

Project Homepage:

Label       (50)

URL            (100)

Additional Web Resource #1

Label      (50)

URL      (100)

Web Resource #2

Label      (50)

URL      (100)

Web Resource #3

Label      (50)

URL      (100)

C. Project Documentation and Photos

Project documentation and photos should be sent as separate attachments to the person responsible for entering your project. These documents are required in order for your project to be listed. (Please do not paste documentation and photos in this document).

2 1) Project documentation (< 5 MB)


This document will be accessible on your project page on the Global Giving web site, along with your project information completed above. The Word, Excel, or Pdf document may be a project proposal, project budget, business plan, or any other document that describes your project in detail. Projects requesting $100,000 or greater must provide a detailed budget breakdown here.

2) Photos


3 Main project picture (1 picture, required)

You need 1 main project photo for the main page. In order for best appearance on the site, please be sure that the photo is horizontally oriented. Please send these as jpeg’s or gif files and send us high resolution, active photos.

3) Photo Gallery Pictures (optional, up to 10 pictures)

We strongly recommend including photos; thumbnails of each gallery photo appear on your main project page in a nice moving slideshow. Please upload high resolution photos which

closely show project leaders and/or ben[pic]eficiaries in action. Again you can upload the photos yourself via the project entry system.

You can have 10 for the photo gallery.

Photo Title (50)

Please title each photo to give a sense of what is happening in the photo. The title will appear under each photo in your slideshow.

Caption (500)

Tell us more about the pictures in the photo gallery. What is the story behind the picture, how does it relate to your project? It should be a brief description.

Photo 1

Title   INFAQ Foundation is given Awards to student taken A Grade



Photo 2

Title  Women are     


Photo 3

Title  Kids are making Color day    


Photo 4



Photo 5



Photo 6



Photo 7



Photo 8



Photo 9



Photo 10



D. Global Giving Disbursement Details

Please contact Manmeet Mehta, mmehta@, if you have any questions or concerns about disbursement of project donations.

Please choose one option:

US-Based organizations have the option of check OR ACH transfers.

Send collected funds by check to a US-based organization:

Check should be made out to:      

Check should be sent to (address):      

Additional Check Details      (Notes for memo field, whom the check should be

sent to)

Send collected funds via ACH

Bank account number:

Routing number:

International Organizations.

√ Send collected funds by wire transfer to an internationally based group

We require all of the following information:

Account Name:   Mufad E Nswan Trust.     

Account Number:  1508-21    

Account contact person:  Zia Akhter    

Contact address:  ST 6/G, Shah Faisal colony # 2    

Contact phone:  021-34599562    

Bank Name:  Habib Bank Lltd    

Bank Address:  Drigh colony # 1, Karachi    

SWIFT code:      

ABA Routing number (if there is an intermediary bank):      

Other comments, information, requests, etc




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