MOTHEXECUTIVETRAINING MANUALTHE FOUNDERCHARLES ALFRED EVENDEN01st October 1894 – 01st April 1961MOTH TRAINING MANUALContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HISTORY OF THE ORDER PAGEREF _Toc397189893 \h 3CONTROL OF THE ORDER PAGEREF _Toc397189894 \h 4THE WORK OF THE ORDER PAGEREF _Toc397189895 \h 5THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ORDER PAGEREF _Toc397189896 \h 6THE MOTH FLAG PAGEREF _Toc397189897 \h 6THE MOTH EMBLEM PAGEREF _Toc397189898 \h 7FORGETFULNESS PAGEREF _Toc397189899 \h 8WARRIORS GATE PAGEREF _Toc397189900 \h 9MOUNT MEMORY SHRINE, WINTERTON PAGEREF _Toc397189901 \h 10TIN HAT BADGE PAGEREF _Toc397189902 \h 10THE MEANING OF THE WORD “DUTY” PAGEREF _Toc397189903 \h 11THE MOTH FAMILY TREE PAGEREF _Toc397189904 \h 12NATIONAL FLAG PAGEREF _Toc397189905 \h 13THE EXECUTIVE PAGEREF _Toc397189906 \h 14SHELLHOLE OLD BILL PAGEREF _Toc397189907 \h 15THE OLD BILL’S ALPHABET PAGEREF _Toc397189908 \h 20DEPUTY OLD BILL (OR WEE BILL) PAGEREF _Toc397189909 \h 22SHELLHOLE ADJUTANT PAGEREF _Toc397189910 \h 24SHELLHOLE PAYBILL PAGEREF _Toc397189911 \h 30SHELLHOLE SERGEANT MAJOR (SM) PAGEREF _Toc397189912 \h 33HISTORY OF THE ORDERThe Memorable Order of Tin Hats or the MOTH as it is more popularly known is an ex-serviceman’s organisation founded in Durban, South Africa, in May 1927 by a remarkable man Charles Alfred Evenden by name. He was born in London on the 01st October 1894 and as a young man immigrated to Australia and served with the Australian forces in Gallipoli during World War I where he was wounded and evacuated to England. After returning to Australia, he was discharged from the army.Witnessing the annual ANZAC parades, Charles Evenden turned his thoughts to the formation of an association of front line soldiers to perpetuate the comradeship gained from front line service. Later, he settled in South Africa where he worked as a cartoonist on the staff of the Mercury, a morning paper in Durban, under the pseudonym of “EVO” by which name he soon became popularly known to most people.In 1927 he saw a war film that included an impressive scene of marching troops wearing tin hats, and muddy uniforms all carrying trench equipment. Looking at the scene, it made him wonder what had become of his comrades in the army; where they were and what they were doing. This line of thought inspired a cartoon on forgetfulness of a comradeship that had apparently ceased to exist. From this one idea other ideas came to the fore, then discussions with colleagues and friends and, eventually, the founding on the 07th May 1927 of an ex-serviceman’s organisation known as the Memorable Order of Tin Hats or simply MOTH.The Order is added on concord and harmony and operates independently of race, religion or politics in the same way as front line service, but with full democracy. The ideals of the Order are-To maintain the living spirit of front line comradeship through the ideals of: True Comradeship (TC) by practising front line friendship in civilian life:Mutual Help (MH) by the acknowledging the personal and collective obligation to help each other as in front line service:Sound Memory (SM) by remembering the fallen as a living companionship to serve their memory in practical actions which rise above divisions of social status, race or politics.To protect and advance the interests of war veterans and their kin by carrying out benevolent activities of an ex-service character.CONTROL OF THE ORDERControl is vested in a governing body known as MOTH General Headquarters which consists of:All Provincial Old Bills or their authorised alternatives and one delegate;All members of the Full National Executive;Chairman of the Property Management Committee.MOTH General Headquarters (MOTH GHQ) is the policy making authority and is empowered in terms of the MOTH Constitution and General Standing Orders to make rules from time to time for the conduct and wellbeing of all the members of the Order. The National Executive is a committee answerable to MOTH GHQ which attends to the daily administration of the Order. The National Executive for the purpose of convenience exercises its mandate on two fronts, namely, through the National Executive Administrative Committee comprising members located in Durban and its surrounds which meets monthly, and through the Full National Executive which meets every quarter consisting of members from Provinces in South Africa other than Durban and the MOTH Property Management Committee.The Units of the Order are subordinate to MOTH GHQ and consist of Provincial and District Dugouts, Shellholes and Cottage Schemes which fall under the jurisdiction of the PMC and branches of the MOTH Ex-Serviceman’s Cottage Association (MESCA). The Property Management Committee (previously known as MCMC (MOTH Cottages Management Committee) was created by the MOTH General Headquarters to control all Cottage Schemes and the Chairman is a Member of the Full National Executive. MESCA is now a sub-committee of the PMC. All Units are required to operate under a Charter issued by MOTH GHQ through Provincial Dugouts to signify their constitutional right to operate.Members of the Order are known as Moths and to be one a recruit is required to be accepted as a member of a Shellhole, the basic Unit of the Order. To qualify as a member, Annexure “B” in the MOTH Constitution and General Standing Orders is employed as a guide. Each Shellhole has an Executive comprising an Old Bill (in the Western Cape this position is referred to as Commander), a Deputy Old Bill or Deputy Commander, an Adjutant and a Pay Bill. The term “Old Bill” emanates from a comic character created by a British cartoonist Bruce Bairnsfather during World War I. Shellholes are also in existence in England, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and more recently a Cyber Shellhole (via internet) for International members who are not in any of the mentioned countries.District Dugouts are usually formed where five or more Shellholes may be conveniently administered by such a controlling Unit. District Dugouts consist of Shellhole Old Bills and representatives from Shellholes. As with lower Units, there is an Old Bill/Commander, a deputy Old Bill/Commander, an Adjutant and a Paybill who are elected annually at a properly constituted Annual General Meeting.Provincial Dugouts exist in all areas defined by MOTH GHQ as Provinces. These Units comprise District or Shellhole Old Bill’s and representatives. Similar to other Units there is an Old Bill/Commander, a Deputy Old Bill/Commander, an Adjutant and a Paybill who are elected annually.THE WORK OF THE ORDERDuring the early years of the Order much emphasis was placed on “harmony”, the cordial friendship found at Shellhole meetings, but whilst this is still important, the emphasis has now shifted towards Mutual Help by way of providing accommodation and welfare services for the aged and indigent persons, mainly ex-servicemen and their wives and this activity has become the main drive of the Order; so much so that at present over 2000 such people are accommodated in houses, cottages, flats, old age homes and frail care centres.At first, such housing was dealt with by Shellholes with very limited means and the need for a concerted effort in this direction became apparent. As a result, the MOTH Ex-Serviceman’s Cottage Association (MESCA) was formed in 1970 to enable certainMOTH charitable institutions to be registered as fund-raisers and welfare organisations within the Order, entitling them to collect contributions from the public, and to obtain exemption from municipal rates and taxes.The Management Committee of PMC (Property Management Committee), consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two other members, administer the various Branches, all providing its own Management Committee and is autonomous within the ambit of the PMC Constitution and laid down policy of the association. The largest of these branches is Flame Lily Park accommodating over 500 persons which purchased an existing old age home capable of accommodating a further 70 persons.Ancillary services provided for residents are catering, a library, workshops where residents can occupy themselves, recreation rooms, a chapel, a laundry, a shop, visiting hairdresser for ladies, buses to transport residents on theatre tours and shopping. Also provided is a service or day care centre to provide facilities where elderly persons not accommodated at Flame Lily Park may receive attention.MESCA is now a sub-committee of the PMC which is a sub-committee of the National Executive.Over and above the foregoing, Units of the Order have in the past to their great credit provided amenities and necessities to the hospitalised servicemen in South Africa, supplied ambulances in country areas, educational grants and bursaries, school feeding schemes and feeding scheme for aged black ex-servicemen.THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ORDERAs at the 30th September 2012 the Order had 4121 members. The MOTH Office consists of the General Secretary, three clerical staff, the Property Management Committee Secretary and a messenger.The income of the Order is derived from investments, donations, legacies, fund raising projects, particularly, Warriors Gate which enjoys museum status, and many Cottage Schemes like Bartle Road and Flame Lily Park in Durban.On the 01st April 1961, the Order suffered a sad blow by the passing of its founder Charles Evenden. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered on Durban Bay.AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN ANDIN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMBER HIM.THE MOTH FLAGThe flag of the MOTH comprises of three equal perpendicular panels of dark blue, red and light blue and carries the Tin Hat and lighted candle symbol in the centre in white.The three panes on band are in harmony with the Three Ideals of the Order and the colours represent the united forces for which we had our origins. Dark blue for the naval service, red for the army and light blue for the air force.In True Comradeship we salute the flag of the Order remembering it is born of the frontline friendship and by remembering the Three Ideals for which it stands can give us guidance in our daily lives.In Mutual Help the Tin Hat and lighted candle reminds us of the need to express Sound Memory in terms of citizenship irrespective of religion, creed or politics.In Sound Memory, red in the centre also denotes the sun which rises and falls over the world’s battlefields, above all known and unknown graves.THE MOTH EMBLEMThe MOTH Badge was chosen because the TIN HAT and LIGHTED CANDLE signify the perpetuation of the FRONTLINE COMRADESHIP which transcends race, rank and material worth. The two rifles with fixed bayonets are leaning as if thrust into the battlefield soil; they are crossed to signify SACRIFICE and are reversed in a token of REMEMBRANCE. A circle has no end – the circle of STARS denotes the ETERNAL UNIVERSE forever the DIVINE example of HARMONY. The twelve stars as in a clock indicate the hours of the day reminding us that every hour presents opportunities of promoting HARMONY among MANKIND through TOLERANCE and MUTUAL HELP.FORGETFULNESSOfficially, the MOTH can be regarded as having started on 07th May 1927, the day EVO’s cartoon “FORGETFULNESS” depicting a battle worn soldier sadly watching a “Tin Hat” borne away on the sea of forgetfulness. In contemplating the cartoon, the words “Memory” sprang to EVO’s mind and from this the idea the Memorable Order of Tin Hats was born as an association of ex-servicemen and women who had seen active service and whose ideals were to be TRUE COMRADESHIP, MUTUAL HELP AND SOUND MEMORY depicting neighbourliness, the joy of giving and the memory of those who had fallen.In the first year, many famous soldiers and seamen joined the MOTH; amongst them, were Field Marshal JC Smuts, Sir Robert Baden-Powell and Captain Ian Fraser of St. Dunstan’s fame. Field Marshal Smuts once remarked of Charles Evenden “He built better than he knew”WARRIORS GATEThe shrine of the Order is indubitably Warriors Gate. It was opened in 1937 and, mellowing with age, it houses an interesting collection of war souvenirs some going back as far as the 11th Century. Included in this pot pourri of weaponry are Crusader side arms, Norman weapons of armour, relics from South African wars and hundreds of regimental badges, medals and decorations. On the walls of the upper chamber are plaques recording the names of foundation members and numerous wooden escutcheons depicting the various emblems and names of Shellholes both existing and defunctFixed on the exterior walls of the building, can be seen, stones gathered from far spread battlefields. On exhibition inside the Gate are two stones from the battlefield at Hastings in 1066.MOUNT MEMORY SHRINE, WINTERTONIn 1947 EVO conceived the idea of naming a peak in the Drakensberg, Mount Memory, and having it declared a National Memorial to the dead of both World Wars. It was eventually decided that the pyramid shaped peak called Sterk Horn below and to the right side of Cathkin Peak should be chosen, and so, Sterk Horn was renamed Mount Memory.The sanctuary is located on a donated piece of ground immediately below the Champagne Sports Resort in the foothills of the Berg. From this position one can gaze up to the Mount Memory peak which shows up prominently, even when there is a cloud forming a backdrop. At the Mount Memory National Memorial, remembrance services are held in November every year at which a member of the National Executive is invited to attend.TIN HAT BADGESet out below are the guidelines for obtaining and wearing Tin Hat lapel badges:1.Tin Hat badges may only be supplied by MOTH GHQ to Provincial Dugouts from which they can be obtained by District Dugouts and Shellholes. No Unit or Moth may obtain supplies from any source whatsoever. Refer Clause 8.1. of MOTH General Standing Orders.2.The bronze Tin Hat badge, embossed or engraved with the letters MOTH, is the Order’s registered badge of membership. It may only be worn by members In Good Standing and always remains the property of the Order. Refer Clause 3.3. MOTH General Standing Orders.3.No badges of the Order may be presented to any person who is not eligible to be a Moth and who has not been inducted as a Moth by a Shellhole. Associate membership is not permitted. Refer Clause 1.1 Qualifications MOTH General Standing Orders.There are no honorary members of the Order and this title may not be conferred upon anyone. Refer Clause 1.2.7 of MOTH General Standing Orders.4.Gold and silver plated Tin Hats are badges of office and may only be worn when on duty. On other occasions, office bearers are required to wear the bronze Tin Hat badge. Refer final paragraph of Clause 8.3.3. of MOTH General Standing Orders.Gold/gilt badges may only be worn by the following persons;Members of the Full National Executive.Old Bills, Deputy Old Bills, Adjutants and Paybills of Provincial/Command Dugouts.Old Bills only of District Dugouts and Shellholes. Refer Clause 8.3.1. of MOTH General Standing Orders.Silver/Nickel badges of office may only be worn by the following persons:Deputy Old Bills, Adjutants and Paybills of District Dugouts and Shellholes. Refer Clause 8.3.2. of MOTH General Standing Orders.Gold/gilt and silver/nickel badges of office may not be retained for whatever reasons but shall be handed over to their successors in office.Precious metal Tin Hats are forbidden to be presented to any member, other than the Old Bill of the Order. Clause 8.3.3. of MOTH General Standing Orders.THE MEANING OF THE WORD “DUTY”In the Concise Oxford dictionary, the word “duty” is defined as a “moral or legal obligation or what one bound or expected to do”.This definition does not include attendance at social or sporting functions unless a member is obliged to attend in an official capacity.At Shellhole level, being on duty means attending Shellhole meetings or as an Executive at District Dugout meetings.At District level, duty entails attendance at District meetings and in an official capacity at Provincial Dugout meetings or at Shellhole meetings.At Provincial level, duty means attending Provincial Dugout meetings, as a Provincial representative at MOTH GHQ meetings, official visits to District Dugouts and Shellholes and as the official Moth representative at wreath laying ceremonies at civil or military functions.Members of the National Executive are expected to wear their gold badges of office at all meetings of the Executive, at specially appointed sub-committees of the National Executive and on official visits to Dugouts and Shellholes.Where an Executive of a Unit is invited to visit another Unit for a meeting, an Annual General Meeting or dinner, he should ascertain from the host Unit if he is expected to attend in an official capacity, and if so , he can therefore be construed as going on duty. Where the visit is purely a social one, the visiting Executive may not wear his badge of office, but instead he must wear his bronze Tin Hat badge.THE MOTH FAMILY TREECONVENTIONConvened when called for. It is the highest authority within the Order, and any decision made at the Convention is final and binding.GENERAL HEADQUARTERSGHQ the governing body of the Order consisting of:-The Old Bill of each Provincial Dugout or his duly authorised proxy. All members of the National Executive elected or appointed as laid down in the General Standing Orders.NATIONAL EXECUTIVEComprising 11 elected members whose duty it is to administer the Order, comprising:- National Chairman, 2 National Vice-Chairmen, National Treasurer, Property Management Chairman and 6 other members, 2 from Platinum, 2 from KZN and one from each of the other Provinces. General Secretary and Secretarial Staff.PROVINCIAL/COMMAND DUGOUTSDISTRICT DUGOUTSSHELLHOLESNATIONAL FLAGAs a guide to flying and displaying the national flag, the following points should be noted:1.The national flag is normally flown from sunrise to sunset or, if illuminated, it may be flown through the night.2.The national flag is to be hoisted rolled up and then broken at the truck; when lowered, the action is a slow movement.3. When a number of flags are displayed together, the national flag is hoisted first and lowered last.4.The national flag is half-masted at official flag stations as a sign of mourning, but only on official instructions to do so from the MOTH office.5.When displayed with flags or pennants of cities or societies on the same flag staff, the national flag is to be at the peak.6.When carried in procession with another flag or other flags, the national flag should be either on the marching right or, when there is a line of flags, in front of the centre of that line.7.When displayed with another flag on crossed staffs, the national flag should be to the spectator’s left and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag.8. If there are only two flags, the national flag should appear on the left facing the spectator. The national flag should always hoisted first and lowered last. 9. When displayed with the flags of other countries, they should all be flown from separate staffs of the same height and be of equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in peacetime.10.The flag should not be used as a table-cloth to cover the speakers table or be draped in front of the platform. At all times the flag is to be treated with dignity and respect.THE EXECUTIVEWhen the Order came into being, the Founder, Moth O, and his able assistants saw a Shellhole comprising between 50 and 100 members led by someone who had sufficient ‘go’ to see that the “bobs-in” requirement was met and where Mutual Help was needed by a brother Moth, those present would knuckle in and end a hand, whether it was financial or physical. However, a the brotherhood of MOTHs expanded, it was soon realised that the practical application of just one of the Ideals, namely Mutual Help was going to grow that it would need special control; already, it was stretching that to encompass such matters as emergency funds, distress funds and above all cottages for the MOTHS growing a little older. Those at GHQ saw that is was going to be necessary to decentralize control to at least a Provincial level. This move proved correct and it was very soon that the decentralisation came down to district level and finally to Shellholes.It became apparent that the Old Bill had been selected because he could manhandle a group of MOTHs at a Shellhole meeting and could see that everybody paid his “bob”. Every Shellhole had a project in mind so bingo nights, fetes, jumble sales and swindles became the order of the day. The Old Bill now had to be a Sergeant Major, Paymaster, and Quartermaster and, in fact, everything rolled into one.Finding this type of man was not all that easy and it soon became necessary to break that particular duty into more than one function, finally, resulting in what we today call the Shellhole Executive, comprising the Old Bill, Deputy Old Bill, Adjutant and Paybill. This meant that MOTHs filling these other posts could be experts in similar fields in Civvy Street and they could benefit the Shellhole by carrying their expertise to their Shellhole duties. All that was needed was to find the right captain of the team, in other words the Old Bill, who would still be a MOTH to keep control of a large group of MOTHS in a para-military way and yet have sufficient knowledge to be able to see that his support group was not pulling the wool over his eyes. Initially, with such large numbers to choose from, it was not difficult to find the right man, but later and more especially now with our numbers of experienced MOTHs dwindling, it is not that easy. What is now becoming important is the fact that there is a lot of latent talent in the back row at a Shellhole meeting, and, if an attempt was made to show this hidden talent what was required f them if they took office, they would come to light and, possibly end up being very capable active executive members. It is to this end that the guidelines have been arranged, so that the actual requirements of executive office can be detailed in a simple form.SHELLHOLE OLD BILLYou need to give some careful thought to the following before accepting nomination:-Firstly, you must understand that no specific qualifications are required for this post, you need not have been an officer in the army or hold a management post at your place of work, all you have to have is the spirit to undertake the job and do your best at all times, however, just give a little thought to the following pointers before accepting nomination:-1. You are proud to be a Moth and are going to be doubly proud to be able to put something back into the Order.2.Although the job will be an interesting one it will require more of your free time. Can you find the time?3.Those ideas you have had about firing-up the Shellhole. Do you have the drive to put them into practise?4. Will you family support you in what you are undertaking? Experience has shown that most families take pride in the fact that the head of the household is also the head of the Shellhole. They will certainly find themselves more involved than they were before.5.Can you accept the fact that this post requires you to prepare quite a bit of your work at home? You must appreciate that without putting in a good bit of “homework” you can never hope to carry out your duties efficiently and successfully.Remember in particular that the Blokes nominating you firmly believe that you are the right man for the job and that you have the ability to answer “yes” to all the above and in the long run you will make them proud of their choice.Right, we accept that you have been nominated, elected and installed as the Old Bill of your Shellhole so let us look at the duties you have to carry out-1.He shall be responsible for the control and administration of the Shellhole.2.He shall ensure that the activities of the Shellhole shall be in complete harmony with the Order’s Three Ideals and objectives and is in keeping with the recruit’s declaration of the Founder’s ritual.a.Give comradeship to the Shellhole and zeal to the Order;b.Give cheerful service as a witness that members live to lighten each other’s burden;c.Ensure that the Shellhole works within the three ideals of True Comradeship, Mutual Help and Sound Memory which require practicalexpression and sincere endeavour in the work of the Order.3. Preside as Chairman of the Shellhole meetings.4. Control the procedures and conduct of the meeting.5.Be the host at all Shellhole functions.6.Be one of the scrutinizers to ensure that membership of the Order is confined to those ex-servicemen and women whose qualifications strictly conform to the constitution of the Order.7.Initiate new members into the Shellhole.8.Be one of the signatories in connection with the signing of cheques etc. in terms of Shellhole Standing Orders relevant to banking and savings accounts.9.Certify balance sheets in terms of Shellhole standing orders.10. Be an official delegate representing the Shellhole at District meetings.11.Obtain an updated copy of Shellhole Standing Orders, read and understand their content.12.Obtain an updated copy of District Standing Orders, read and understand their content.13.Familiarise oneself with committee meeting procedure as a Chairman and a delegate.14.Read and understand how to conduct a MOTH funeral and a Sound Memory Parade.15.Understand basic protocol demands regarding seating at Sound Memory Parades, dinners etc.16.Keep up to date with instructions, amendments to General Standing Orders and eligibility revisions.17.Wear his badge of office when attending MOTH functions.18.Recognise and observe the courtesies to all visiting office bearers according to their position.19.If there is no District office bearer in the town in which the Shellhole operates, then the Old Bill must be prepared to deal with local authorities on behalf of the Order.20. Carry out the opening and closing rituals in a proper and dignified way.21.Serve in an ex-officio capacity on all sub-committees formed to carry out Shellhole policy and affairs.Although the foregoing gives you a good idea of the requirements of the Old Bill’s post, let us look at them in a practical and more simplified way, starting from the time you take over after being installed.Standing to address the floor: Remember when you address the floor on a personal basis, as will be the case with the first duties you have to perform, earn their respect by standing up to speak to them. There will be many more occasions when you will again have to be upstanding but this will come to you naturally. Generally when conducting the business of the Shellhole the Old Bill remains seated, however, it is the duty of the Shellhole Sergeant Major to see that nobody addresses the Old Bill without standing up. Once standing:-1. Thank your colleagues for the confidence they have in you;2.Thank the other incoming Executive officers for the support you know you are going to get from them.3.Thank the outgoing Old Bill and other outgoing Executive officers for a job well done.4.Thank the Senior Officers for coming along to the Shellhole to carry out the installations.The thanks are now over and it’s down to work for you. You must continue with the business of the meeting as efficiently and as confidently as you can. This is no problem as you knew in advance that you were going to be installed and at what point in the agenda you would be taking over, so having done your “homework” you now place your notes in front of you and confidently carry on with the meeting. Your ability to carry on in a business-like manner will tell the Blokes that they have made the right choice.At the termination of the business of this Installation Meeting it is customary to ask the most senior of the officers who undertook the installations to close the meeting for you. Remember to tell the Sergeant Major to dismiss the Shellhole to harmony if the visiting dignitary closing the meeting fails to do this.From the beginning it must be stressed that only through preparation well ahead of a meeting can you hope to be an efficient Old Bill, so don’t be afraid to do your homework and don’t leave getting answers to queries to the day of the meeting, they may require investigation.Now let us consider the practical application of your duties for your second Shellhole meeting, which is usually a month later.OPENING CEREMONY: Remember you have a Shellhole Sergeant Major so don’t upsurge his duties, tell him at what time you want to start the meeting and remind him there is a defaulter’s charge for late starting. During the ceremony, if instructions have to be given to others, let the Sergeant Major do it for you, e.g. when “Lights” appear in the ceremony call out smartly “Sergeant Major Lights”. He will then see that the sentries he placed switch off the lights. It is at this stage of the meeting that you have a chance to remind those present of one of our ideals, namely Sound Memory, by making reference to those who have answered the Sunset Call as well as remembering those who are still doing service., so don’t rush through it, do it sincerely. It is the efficient and knowledgeable way in which you conduct the opening procedures that will decide the attitude for the rest of the meeting. Moth O gave us a very simple outline of an opening procedure but told us that it was only a guideline. Develop your own procedure if you want to, especially if you feel that your Shellhole’s present procedure needs rejuvenating. It may be a good idea, however, to let some of the old hands have a look at it before it is introduced to see that it does not infringe standing orders.MEETING BUSINESS: Here again, do your homework and have everything requiring attention ready, so that the meeting is not dragged out by needless discussion. Remember it is the duty of your Sergeant Major to see that only one meeting is taking place. Don’t be guilty of holding a private meeting with your Executive at the top table; remember it is a general meeting which includes all those present.CLOSING CEREMONY: The first few meetings after your installation you should conduct the Closing Ceremony yourself, thereafter alternate with your Wee Bill, so that he can also gain experience in this regard. However, if you have any senior officers from other Shellholes visiting you it is customary to ask them to close your meeting for you. Remember during the closing ceremony, like the opening one, you call on the Sergeant Major to give orders to the Moths on the floor.The foregoing in general are the only regular ceremonies that the Old Bill is responsible for on a monthly basis other than the smaller monthly Executive meeting, however, some of the following may well come you during your term of office.INITIATION CEREMONY: Remember that a recruit joining the Order will carry with him the impressions gained during his initiation, and make it a good one so he feels proud of becoming a Moth. Homework is important as there is nothing worse than a faltering Old Bill who does not know or understand what is being conveyed in the ceremony he is conducting. Homework also implies that the other members of the executive will be briefed on their roles, especially the Sergeant Major. This also appears as a guideline in General Standing Orders but most Shellholes have their own expanded services. Copies of an expanded service are available should you think your Shellhole’s present service does not really fulfil the purpose.REMEMBERANCE PARADES: These ceremonies differ with the types of Parades arranged by Moths. You must consider whether it is a straight MOTH Parade or a parade that includes civic dignitaries and other services. Protocol is involved in the latter parade and help from more the experienced “Old Hands” should be sought. The parading and march past details should be discussed with the Sergeant Major. FUNERAL SERVICES: Guidelines for this service are also available from the MOTH Office via the usual channels; however it is just as well to discuss the conducting of the service with some of the “Old Hands” who know the Padres and can tell you which way they like the service arranged. A chat with the Padre on arrival at the church or chapel is a must. Once you know where he will fit in the MOTH service, brief your assistants. You will deal with graveside, memorial and cremation services as far as the MOTH service is concerned. The above information allows an inexperienced Old Bill to handle most of he ceremonies he may have to carry out and soon he will find himself among those “Old Hands” referred to above. Brief mention is now made of some of the other duties of the Old Bill which cannot be classified as services or ceremonies.EXECUTIVE MEETINGS: Certain matters pertaining to running a Shellhole do not lend themselves to open discussion at a General meeting and need to be sorted out by the Executive before advising the floor. The Old Bill should arrange Full Executive meetings including the Administrators regularly. To prevent complaints of secrecy from the floor, the Old Bill should invite all Moths to attend these meetings as observers. He has the right to co-opt anyone to the committee for the duration of the meeting. This is advisable when experts on the subject under discussion are present. The meeting should be opened and closed in correct MOTH manner and the Scribe should take the minutes. Any opportunity we get to remember the fallen is what Sound Memory is all about.DISTRICT MEETINGS: The Old Bill and whoever else the Shellhole standing Orders indicate must attend District General meetings, where the delegates vote in accordance with the mandate given by the Shellhole. (Shellholes usually give delegates an open mandate, allowing them to vote as they deem right after hearing the pros and cons). It is the Old Bill’s responsibility to see his Shellhole is always represented so that they may use their voting right.FINANCE MEETINGS: The Old Bill must ensure that finance meetings are held in accordance with periods laid down in Shellhole standing Orders. He must see that his executives and administrators attend these meetings. He must inform the next senior unit immediately if ant discrepancies are found in the finances.SHELLHOLE FINANCES: The Old Bill must at regular intervals preferably monthly or at least every other month; satisfy himself that the Shellholes books tally with the bank statement. This should be done in conjunction with the Paybill.ADMINISTRATION: The Old Bill must check that the Scribe is conversant with his duties and is preparing accurate minutes of meetings; keep his filing up to date and that the accepted and signed minutes are being placed in the Minute Book. He must also satisfy himself that incoming correspondence is being acknowledged and tabled at the earliest possibility and that outgoing correspondence is also handled timeously.PROPERTY: If the Shellhole owns or rents property the Old Bill must undertake regular inspections to confirm that whoever is responsible for maintenance is carrying out his duties.RAIDS: When visiting other Shellholes, the Old Bill as senior officer of his Shellhole should extend to their respective Old Bills and Moths greetings from his own Shellhole. A visiting Old Bill is often called on to close a Shellhole meeting, so be prepared and have an easy-to-read copy of the closing ceremony or learn it off by heart.MOTHWA: If your Shellhole has a MOTHWA section meet with the Lady Billie and her Executive to let them know well in advance when and where you need their help, such as catering for memorial parades, open nights, installations etc.Some duties are not usually written down, i.e. what to say and do when visiting the wife of a Moth who has just died: how to address those involved when attending a Council meeting, how to act when hosting VIPs etc. Most of this comes with experience and help should be asked from experienced Moths such as the Old Bill of the Province.THE OLD BILL’S ALPHABETAGENDA - essential preparation for an efficient meeting.ACCOLADE -praise is always appreciated.BADGE - it is exclusive so wear it proudly.BEARING -in public it is you who represents the Order.CEREMONY -respect and adhere to ritual.DISCORD -avoid and where necessary eliminate.EVO -read Old Soldiers Never Die and you will respect him.EGO -don’t get a swollen head, you are still an ordinary human being.FUNDS -collect cautiously and always give or demand a receipt.FINANCE -adhere to stringent administration and supervision.GRIEF - offer aid but do not intrude, funeral only on request.GROUSE - healthy, as long as not stealthy.HOMAGE -to the chair on entering Shellhole.HUMOUR -an essential part of any meeting but filth is banned.IDEALS - TC, MH and SM (Live by Them.).INTEGRITY -it is your standards that will set the example.JUSTICE - be fair to all parties and do not take sides.JUXTAPOSITION -the essence of our Comradeship.KINDNESS -I shall pass through this world but once…….KNOWLEDGE - ask, look, learn and visit other Units in the Order.LEADERSHIP -is action and not position.LOYALTY - a rare virtue, try to apply, and expect little in return.MEMORABILIA -protect yours and respect others.MOTHWA - deserve respect and co-operation; our most loyal friends.NOMINAL ROLL -your most important return of the year.NOGGINS - no drinks during a meeting enjoy but discourage abuse.OATH -I take up this office to serve my comrades under the three …OBLIGATIONS -not only to your Shellhole etc. but also to your community.PADRE - brings dignity to a Unit, and always respect his presence.PENSIONER - will appreciate tolerance and understanding.QUALIFICATION ensure careful scrutiny of papers.QUAGMIRE -avoid getting bogged down during discussion.RECRUITING - quality and not quantity and choose correct age group.REMEMBRANCE -essential to perpetuate these parades, no Bowls.SCRIBE -your most valuable man, select wisely, give support.SUBS -the Order cannot operate without– assist needy Moths if necessary.TEAMWORK -always encourage, you will never succeed without it.TOLLERANCE -we all make mistakes, so give the other chap a chance.UPHOLD -uphold the image of your unique Brotherhood proudly.UNDERESTIMATE never underestimate any Moth or you will be sorry.VARIETY -a predictable course of events soon becomes boring.VERBOSITY -pointless ramblings kills interest and participation.WELCOME -guests and visitors appreciate a sincere reception.WIDOW -do not forget her as soon as the funeral is over.X-RAY -portrays framework of a structure enabling detection of flaws.X-PERT -no one in the Order is or ever will be, we learn every day.YEAR - having served your year, do not just vanish from Mothing.YOUNGER -encourage interest in the younger Moths, give training.ZEAL -can be infectious and it also inspires.ZERO -it is your starting point; your ZEAL determines the apex.DEPUTY OLD BILL (OR WEE BILL)Any Moth willing to accept nomination for this post must have given some thought as to what is required of him to carry out the duties of a Wee Bill. One exceptionally important requirement that thought must be given to, is your preparedness to take over the Old Bill’s duties if need be.The one real advantage of becoming a Wee Bill is that you get ample opportunity of finding out what Mothing is all about while still having a chance to learn about the duties and requirement of all other posts in the Shellhole.The duties –1.He shall assist the Old Bill in all the prescribed duties.2.He shall take over as Old Bill in his absence.3.Assist at initiation of new members.4.Be one of the signatories in connection with signing of cheques etc. in terms of Shellhole Standing Orders5.Be responsible to ensure that the venue for the meeting is correctly dressed.6.Familiarize himself with all duties of the Old Bill so as to be in a position to take over at short notice.7.Have matches available for the lighting of the candle.You will no doubt have seen for yourself that from the time the Old Bill enters the Shellhole door he is kept busy with Shellhole administration problems or welcoming VIP’s. so other than squeezing in time to set his own papers out for the meeting, he does not have much chance to look at such things as Shellhole dressing etc. and his Wee Bill must do this for him.The following points are considerations from a more practical aspect of the duties of the Wee Bill 1.The Wee Bill because he has a lot to make certain about before the meeting starts, should see that he arrives at the Shellhole timeously to check on the following aspects of the Shellhole dressing:See that the Vacant Chair is correctly dressed and placed, and then without fail immediately carry out the Vacant Chair saluting procedure himself.He should then tour the Shellhole to see that the following are receiving or have received attention:That the full Shellhole MOTH regalia has been correctly set out on the main table by the S/M or his deputy. That the Shellhole stores are on hand for sale, under control of the officer delegated for this job. That the Supply Bill is in attendance and has no problems with rations. That the register is available for signing by the members and visitors alike.1.3. He should also find out from the Old Bill whether he is required to assist with any ceremonies or procedures during the meeting, and if so he should immediately find out what he will be required to do and if necessary prepare notes for himself so he can handle the requirements efficiently.1.4 Having made sure of the foregoing he should then assist the Old Bill with the welcoming of VIP’s and other visitors to the Shellhole. Remember to assist with the entertaining of these visitors after the meeting as well.The Wee Bill should not just be prepared to take over from the Old Bill when he is away but he should also see if there are any tasks he could take over to make the Old Bill’s duty a little less onerous. In a number of Shellholes the Wee Bill will organise and run the annual Christmas tree party for the Old Bill. He will also build up work parties for, if applicable, any associated cottage schemes and Shellhole maintenance. The arrangement of raiding parties can also be undertaken by the Wee Bill as well as Shellhole functions for fund raising.The ordering and ensuring of delivery of wreaths for Remembrance Parades is one of the Wee Bill’s duties.The Blokes on the floor generally accept the Wee Bill as the contact man between the executive and themselves, therefore he should circulate among them during harmony, keeping an ear open for any moans and groans.Bearing in mind that this post is also a “training post” for the job as Old Bill, you should whenever possible accompany the Old Bill on his external duties, such as a visit to the home of a Moth who has just answered the Sunset Call, or a meeting with local dignitaries regarding MOTH matters, or raiding other Shellholes and on any occasions which are not classified as being regular duties pertaining to the Old Bill’s post.Get to know the Shellhole’s Closing Ceremony and have an easy-to-read copy with you, so that when called upon by your own Old Bill or the Old Bill of any Shellhole you may be visiting, you can close the meeting without difficulty.When invited to attend functions, accept as many invitations as you can, as this will give you an opportunity to get to know “who’s who” in the Mothing arena and also allow you to meet local VIP’s. If permissible and possible take your wife along with you as well as in the future she may be well asked to assist with the entertaining of VIP wives.Acquaint yourself with the tasks undertaken by other members of the Executive so that should the need arise you can cover any job.SHELLHOLE ADJUTANTThe Moth who accepts nomination for election to the post also has to ask himself questions similar to those that the Old Bill and Wee Bill ask themselves. However, the question regarding the availability to spare time at home is the most important one to consider for this post, as the Scribe writes up his minutes at home from notes made at a meeting (A recorder and computer with internet access are almost prerequisite in performing these tasks.). He handles the incoming and outgoing correspondence at home and to keep abreast of what is going on in the Order he has a good bit of reading to do as well, which clearly indicates that he will be spending more time on MOTH work at home than he has done before. For this extra time though he will get a wonderful return in that he will suddenly become aware of what Mothing is all about. He will correspond with and meet the Moths who make the Order the unique and wonderful organisation that it is. He will become an active participant in the great work being done by the Order and in the end his pride in being a member of the Order will double.There are of course a number of rules and regulations one has to conform to and some of these may make the task a little harder to commence with, but with experience the requirements of the post fall into line and in the end most of it becomes routine.The duties will be expanded upon and considered from a practical application as the overall duty is dealt with,1.He shall assist the Old Bill in the control and administration of the Shellhole2.He shall assist the Old Bill to ensure that activities of the Shellhole shall be in complete harmony with the Order’s ideals and objects and in keeping with the recruits declaration in the Founders ritual.3.Perform the duties of Secretary (Scribe) at all official Shellhole meetings. He must ensure that a proper and accurate report of the proceedings is recorded in the official minutes. These minutes must be presented at the next meeting for acceptance.4.Attend to all correspondence affecting Shellhole matters. The laid down channel of communication must be adhered to, i.e. Shellhole to District, District to Province and Province to GHQ.5.He shall ensure that all Shellholes correspondence is correctly conducted and that a satisfactory filing system is maintained. Shellhole records to be kept in good order.6.Keep a record of all petty cash disbursements viz. postage stamps, stationary, etc. for recovery from the Paybill.7.Maintain an accurate Nominal Roll showing residential addresses and telephone numbers where possible.8.Keep official Roll Book up to date.9.Issue monthly newsletters, unless a Ragbill has been appointed. 10.Keep a supply of official stationary.11.Keep an inventory of all Shellhole assets (excluding expendable items).12.In terms of MOTH General Standing Orders Clause 10.2. Nominal Rolls and Capitation Fees ensure that –12.1.Shellhole fees are paid as may be decided upon from time to time;12.2. Keep stock of bronze hat badges, Certificate of Membership, copies of official constitution and General Standing Orders as well as copies of Shellhole standing orders.He shall submit a nominal roll of membership as at 30th June in triplicate in July of each year together with dues (Capitation fees) – to District Dugout.Be one of the scrutinisers’ to ensure that membership of the Order is confined to those ex-servicemen and women whose qualification strictly conform to the restriction laid down in the Constitution of the Order.Assist at the Initiation of new members.Be an official delegate representing the Shellhole at District Dugout meetings (unless otherwise ruled in Shellhole standing orders).Be one of the signatories in terms of the Shellhole Standing Orders.Forward form GHQ4 in triplicate to the District Dugout as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting of the Shellhole.Maintain an updated file of all official circulars, instructions and copies of Act pertaining to MOTH affairs.Advise the Old Bill as to the whereabouts of any deed or documents pertaining to MOTH properties, securities, etc.Annually ensure that the Paybill informs the Shellhole what securities, deeds and special records are on file.Familiarise himself with committee procedures as a Secretary and as a delegate.Carry out Liaison with local authorities on behalf of the Old Bill and Shellhole where there is no district representative.Some of the foregoing tasks have been re-allocated to the Paybill of the Shellhole to lighten the Scribes load; however, the tasks detailed below remain with the Scribe and must be carried out as and when required.Remember that in nearly all cases, except in the case of a new Shellhole, you will be taking over these duties from someone else so make sure you are handed all the paperwork and paraphernalia pertaining to the post. Such items as Nominal Rolls, Standing Orders, files Stationary and rubber stamps etc.To help yourself come up to date with Shellhole business, study the filing system and if necessary file any outstanding correspondence etc.Determine whether the Shellhole has a safe deposit box and if so, make sure its contents list is up to date.Check the Shellhole’s minute book and see that all meeting minutes have been signed by the responsible Old Bill and Scribe.At the earliest opportunity ask the Old Bill what he wants you to obtain or prepare for him for the Shellhole meeting in a number of Shellholes it is left to the Scribe to prepare an agenda for the meeting. This is often very helpful in minute writing and if the Old Bill can be assisted in keeping to the agenda. It can go a long way to limiting diversion.For minute writing develop the skill of quickly noting down a heading for the topic, and then while carefully listening to the discussions make brief notes of the salient points. These then form the trigger when writing up the minutes. Find out who has to receive a copy of your minutes and see they are distributed timeously.Ask your District Adjutant what reports he requires from a Shellhole and when, so you can start gathering in the required information well in advance.Tabulate all the expenses associated with your duties for regular submission to the Paybill for payment. Even if you feel you can carry most of the expense yourself you should still claim to permit the auditors to determine what it costs to run your Shellhole and to avoid embarrassing your successor who may have to claim for all his expenses.Discuss with your Old Bill before the meeting any correspondence he wants you to read out in full. The remainder can be tabled by merely referring to the salient points in the letter. In most cases this is quite adequate and certainly a time saver.Prepare notes relevant to any items the Shellhole may have mandated the Old Bill and his co-delegate to represent at the next District Dugout meeting and provide any supporting documentation. If you are the co-delegate to the District Dugout meeting take brief notes of the discussions taking place at the meeting so that you can assist the Old Bill in reporting back to the Shellhole at the subsequent Shellhole meeting.Make sure that when the Old Bill is reading the visitors names out of the register that they are clear enough for you to read when writing up the minutes.Having taken the plunge and in the job – where do you start? You may be lucky to be able to draw on guidance and assistance from your predecessor, however this is not always the case and you may find you are literally on your own. The first step is to ensure that all records and documents appertaining to the general administration of the unit have been handed over to you. Check that all copies of the minutes up to the time of take-over have been signed and that there is no correspondence outstanding.It is advisable to spend some considerable time going through previous minutes and correspondence to familiarise yourself with what has already transpired. Start making deeper study of the MOTH Constitution and General Standing Orders, and particularly to the standing orders of the unit you are serving and have them at hand at every meeting. The Scribe or Adjutant is an honorary position that is somebody who is not remunerated for his/her services and therefore remains an ordinary member who retains the right to propose motions and participate in discussions, and to exercise the vote. He/she should have a strong sense of duty and be punctual, neat and systematic.Now to the job itself. The duties include recording minutes and handling all correspondence. Let us deal first with the recording of minutes. Minutes must state the correct name of the organisation and unit, the venue, time and full date. Minutes should be in unambiguous language and are always written in the past tense. The Scribe must not record his/her impressions of the meeting, or indulge in adding any cryptic comments. Minutes must record all decisions and resolutions in full. Facts and findings and not discussions are minuted. The only time you detract from this is when a particular member requests a statement to be minuted.The names of the Executive, number of members attending the meeting and names of members who have offered their apologies must be minuted. It is courteous also to record the names of visitor. The Scribe should ensure that the proposer and seconder for the adoption of the minutes were in fact present at the meeting in question.The financial statements must be recorded, whether it is presented in full or in the form of balances, and must include the names of those who proposed and seconded the acceptance. Details of incoming and outgoing correspondence may be recorded, or noted as being read; however, all decisions arising from correspondence must be minuted in full.Circulation of the minutes timeously is advantageous as it allows for them to be digested more thoroughly. This of course will depend on whether you have access to a copy facility or, more important, whether your unit is in a position to absorb the printing and postage costs. It is quite in order, however, for the minutes to be read at a meeting. It is wise to retain the notes from which the minutes were drafted in case a query is raised which would be solved by reference to the notes. The method used to record the minutes, whether it be by tape recording or a series of short notes from which the final draft can be built, is the prerogative of the Scribe. Once the minutes are confirmed and signed, no-one can alter them, finally, minutes must be retained permanently. They must never be destroyed.Correspondence should not be allowed to accumulate. Where a letter must await a meeting or information, it should be acknowledged with an explanation. All letters should carry the full title of the unit, date and address where correspondence should be sent, and telephone number if possible. Letters of thanks for services rendered, or donations received, should always be sent. Not only is it good manners, but also serves as an exercise in good public relations.The wording of letters must be clear, concise and to the point. The purpose of writing is to communicate and should give the reader the most information in the least time. Never sign off to persons outside the Order with MOTH expressions such as “Yours in True Comradeship” or “Yours of Sound Memory”. They may not fully understand the meaning of them and think it is being factious, particularly if the letter is of a serious nature. It must be remembered at all times that correspondence within the Order follows lines of communication, i.e. Shellhole to District to Province to General Headquarters. This should not be looked upon as time wasting red tape. It is to ensure that the affairs of the Order can be dealt with at the proper domestic level, depending on its degree of importance and the invested power of decision of each respective unit, so that time is not wasted.It is essential that an efficient filing system is maintained. All correspondence should be filed in sequence of date; however, some correspondence of different dates may be grouped together if it is all dealing with the same subject. It is advisable to keep a file for incoming correspondence, and another for outgoing. This allows for quick and easy reference. All letters, circulars, reports and other items of correspondence that are current should not be filed until they have been dealt with at a meeting. Unlike minutes, items of correspondence do not have to be retained permanently. Generally,correspondence is kept for a minimum of three years.OFFICIAL FORMS: We are fortunate in the Order we are not inundated with forms of an official nature, however, those we do have to deal with must be completed correctly otherwise it can cause a great deal of unnecessary problems, not only for yourself but to the next senior unit and so on. The nominal roll is the most important of these and is submitted annually. Utmost care should be taken when compiling the nominal roll. Failure to ensure all details are correct can cause a number of avoidable problems. Nobody knows better the complement of a Shellhole than its executive, and most of all the Scribe. Instructions are issued every year on how to complete the forms and if studied carefully, no problem need arise. The District Adjutant can only assume that the forms submitted to him to be forwarded to Province are in order. GHQ4 form is the form that should be submitted to the next senior unit at an AGM and provides full details of the incoming executive, and confirms the details entered on the nominal roll. GHQ5 is the form which is forwarded to the District Adjutant in duplicate once a new member has been inducted into the Order, along with the required capitation fee. One is retained by District and one by Province, GHQ1 and GHQ5 forms are forwarded to District, Province and MOTH GHQ. Transfer certificates are used to advise the Scribe of the Unit to which a member is transferring that the Moth is in good standing. Remember to put the date of transfer on the form before handing it to the member. Apart from these forms that can be obtained on application which enable Units to apply to GHQ for security grants from the GHQ Special Fund and for bursaries from the Doug Hurst Memorial Education Fund. These forms must be completed in full and be accompanied by all the relevant supporting documents, and must be endorsed by District and Province before being forwarded to GHQ.We now move on to another aspect of a Scribe’s job that will not be found in any book of rules or regulations. Success or failure will not only depend on administrative ability but can weigh heavily on the attitude you adopt towards your fellow Moths. The Scribe is in a position to ascertain in a very short time the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of members of his/her unit. Once armed with this knowledge, it can be used to gain their confidence and eventually their co-operation. This will be no easy task, and requires a great deal of patience and understanding.There are those in every Unit who will never understand, or do not want to understand, why certain rules and regulations have to be stringently applied. Bringing them to accept the situation will not be achieved by waving a stick. It must always be remembered that we are an organisation where everyone is voluntarily involved and any attempt to introduce autocracy will be fatal.The Scribe or Adjutant can best be described as the link man of a Unit. It will depend on how they project themselves, either in the contents of a letter or by their telephone manner, whether they present a favourable or detrimental image, not only of their Unit, but of the Order itself.SHELLHOLE PAYBILLThis is perhaps the one post where experience in the financial field in Civvy Street will make your duties easier. It is not essential however, as many a tradesman has made a good Paybill. Again access to a computer and the Internet will be a great help especially with the implementation of the “Smart Edge” accounting system that has been implemented throughout the MOTH. If you are not an expert ask for help from your predecessor or the District/Provincial Paybill when necessary. The duties of a Paybill are – 1.He shall assist the Old Bill in the control and administration of the Shellhole.2.He shall assist the Old Bill to ensure that the activities of the Shellhole shall be in complete harmony with the Order’s Ideals and Objects and in keeping with the recruit’s declaration in the Founder’s rituals.3. He shall keep a proper record of receipts and expenditure of all monies and cause them to be entered into the Smart Edge accounting system.4.He shall collect all dues payable from members of the Shellhole.5.He shall issue the membership cards annually, on payment of fees by the members.6He shall ensure that the handling of funds and assets generally accord with the Ideals and Objects of the Order.7.He shall deliver a financial statement at every meeting.8.He shall ensure that the provisions of his Shellhole Standing Orders are compiled with.9.Prepare an Annual Balance Sheet in terms of Shellhole Standing Orders.10.Keep a record of all Shellhole assets and deeds, securities etc: know at all times where such documents are lodged and advise the Shellhole and executive annually as to situation regarding such documents.11.Where Trustees have been appointed, the names, addresses and terms of reference of their duties and responsibilities, duration of office and the date of renewal of their appointments shall be recorded12.Ensure that all valuables and other MOTH property are adequately insured at all times.Remember that in nearly all cases, except in the case of a new Shellhole, you will be taking over these duties from somebody else, so make sure you are handed all the paperwork and books pertaining to the post.Make sure that the Shellhole account has been officially audited and that the required copies have been sent to the District Dugouts as soon as you take up the post. Remember that there are not many things more boring and confusing to the Blokes on the floor than listening to the reading of a full balance sheet each month. By doing a little homework you can read out the more interesting and larger items and by referring to income against expense you can keep the Blokes in the picture. A full balance sheet must be available for perusal after the meeting by any member who is interested.Through our Old Bill, chase the members to pay their subscriptions timeously, and in conjunction with the Scribe get your completed nominal roll and cheques away as soon as possible.Safeguard any cash entrusted to you and issue recorded receipts immediately money is received. All monies should be banked within 5 days of receipt.Insist as a safeguard to your own honesty and integrity, that the Old Bill arrange Financial Meetings at the times laid down in the Shellhole Standing Orders. If in your Shellhole the Quartermaster’s duties are combined with the Paybill’s duties make a thorough and supervised check of the stores held before taking them over.Get to the meetings ahead of time so that the Blokes can finalise financial payments with you before the meeting starts. Remember that as soon as financial transactions cease at a meeting, lock your takings for the evening away in a safe place, before going to join the rest of the members in Harmony.SHELLHOLE SUPPLY BILLNo specific knowledge or skill is required by the Moth who accepts nomination to the post of Supply Bill but he must be a Bloke who is dedicated to his task and is prepared to keep records of attendance and consumption so that he can make sure that he always has sufficient but not too much stock on hand of both edibles and drinks. A good Supply Bill is one who provide rations appropriate to the type of function but who does not set out to try and outdo every other Supply Bill, not only in the quantity of the rations but also in the quality being suppliedRemember the “Hole-in-the-Wall” is a vital component of the harmony achieved after a meeting, but as most of them are unlicensed, they have to be pretty rigidly controlled to prevent any over indulgence from embarrassing the Shellhole or the MOTH as a whole. It is wise to remember that not all Traffic Officers are Moths.The duties of the Supply Bill are – He shall serve on the Shellhole Committee;2.He shall be responsible for feeding of the Shellhole members and Visitors.3.He must liaise with the Committee as to the expenditure to be incurred.It is very important that the Supply Bill cater for the type of function being held. For example, at a Shellhole meeting he would not provide cream cakes, but would go for such items as sausage rolls, hot dogs, potato crisps, peanuts and sandwiches. A Supply Bill will find that there are a number of the smaller snack items available today which he can try as a variation. It is good to keep records of what is and what is not being eaten, so that supplying food for future meetings will be made easier. It is also a good idea to provide different types of dry rations for specific occasions during the year, e.g. on the Shellhole executive election night, bring back a few memories by supplying army biscuits and sliced bully beef. In most Shellholes a few non-drinkers can be found so the Supply Bill must make a small amount of tea and coffee available as well. This fact must be especially remembered when the Shellhole has the privilege of having visitors at monthly meetings.It must be stressed again that it was never the intention that Shellhole Supply Bills should try to outdo one another, especially bearing in mind that rations today are very expensive, so therefore keep the actual items and quantities reasonable. After a meeting the Blokes should get the feeling that they are moving over to the Camp Canteen and not to the Carlton Hotel. It is important to discuss costs with the Shellhole Executive so that the amount available for rations is known before the buying of stores. For the bigger occasions, such as “Tea Parties” for the aged, etc. permission should be obtained from the executive to be allowed to hand the catering over to the MOTHWA or Moth wives depending on who usually helps the Shellhole in this respect.Records kept by the Supply Bill will help the executive fix a door charge for rations. These records should detail even items that appear quite minor, such as how many Blokes and how many meetings will 10 Kg of peanuts supply. With regard to the Hole-in-the-Wall, dislikes and likes of the members will soon be known but remember it is wise to keep at least 1 bottle of each of the lesser known types of liquor for use at those special functions.It is best to find out from the Shellhole Executive what amount of money they hope to get from the “Pub” to help them finance the administration of the Shellhole and with this knowledge the prices of drinks can be determined. A good Supply Bill knows how to keep the members happy and that is by keeping prices as reasonable as possible.As mentioned earlier, the Supply Bill must keep a pretty rigid control over the amount of drinking taking place at the Hole-in-the –Wall but at the same time he must also remember that in most cases the Blokes only see each other once a month.In most Shellholes the Supply Bill will need some assistance, so two or three “Slingers” should be appointed to help him. A good Supply Bill will know which members he can count on and therefore the nomination of “Slingers” should be left to him.The Supply Bill must also keep accurate records regarding purchases and sales of liquor as well as the provision of free drinks when authorised to provide them. If he feels he would like to update his records he should organise with the Old Bill and Paybill to assist him with stocktaking, before the end of the MOTH year annual stocktaking.The serving procedure behind the “Pub” counter is the Supply Bill’s responsibility, but he should bear in mind though that his colleagues do not like to be kept waiting and therefore he must always see that he has plenty of ice and mixers available. It is also wise to pre-pour drinks for the first rush, after the meeting terminates.If the Shellhole is raiding a Shellhole some distance away, the Supply Bill and his “Slingers” should arrange to run a “Pub” on the bus. If drinks are sold on these occasions at slightly higher prices some of the some of the raiding costs can be subsidised.If heated discussions are to occur in the Shellhole they will usually take place in front of the “Hole-in-the-Wall” in which case the Supply Bill is expected to, without taking sides, calm the members down. Remember he can call on the Sergeant Major to assist.SHELLHOLE SERGEANT MAJOR (SM)The actual paramilitary requirements of this post are small in comparison to the more general duties of the Sergeant Major. He is probably the best known character in the Shellhole and should be a Moth who has a good sense of humour so that can smile when he is jokingly ragged by the members and yet tough enough to control them when required. He must be a diplomat, as he will be required to give orders to young Moths as well as real old veterans. Defaulter parades should be well controlled but at the same time fairly humorous, with trumped-up charges if necessary. It is one job in the Shellhole where you can enjoy yourself without having a lot of responsibility, other than seeing that the Blokes enjoy and behave themselves. From the foregoing you can see that if you are the type of Moth who likes to go to the Shellhole for the enjoyment you get out of it, plus you have a sense of humour and want to become more involved in Mothing, without having the added responsibility dealt out to those at the top table, then you are the right Moth for the SM’s Post. The duties of the Sergeant Major –He shall serve on the Shellhole committee;He shall at all times be held responsible for the discipline of the Shellhole at any meeting, official function or parade.He shall assist at all meetings.He shall instruct new recruits in the articles and implements of the Order, and acquaint himself with the MOTH Constitution an General Standing Orders and Shellhole Standing Orders.He shall ensure that all visitors to a Shellhole meeting are bona fide members of the Order, or in the case of non-members that they are present at the invitation of the Old Bill and executive for a specific reason.Officiate as the SM at all Shellhole parades.Ensure that Shellhole flags and regalia are properly cared for and correctly displayed on all occasions.He shall have a copy of the inventory of Shellhole regalia and souvenirs and ensure they are secure against theft.Ensure that all firearms on display and in the Shellholes possession have been rendered harmless in terms of the Firearms Act and that they have been registered at the local police station.Be answerable for the functions of any sentries, parade markers, wreath orderlies, positioning of portable flag poles etc. for parades. The placing of a lectern, the positioning of buglers, pipers, bands and generally the smooth functioning of parades is the SM’s responsibility.Familiarise himself with committee procedure in maintaining discipline at meetings, preventing liquor from being consumed during meetings, to assist in distribution, collection and scrutinizing of secret ballots. Obtaining permission and destroying secret ballot papers after the Old Bill has completed the vote.Act at all times in a manner calculated to bring credit to the MOTH.The following detail some of the more practical applications of the SM’s duties in a Shellhole, remembering at all times it is the way the SM conducts himself as to whether a Shellhole will be sombre or vibrantly alive and on its toes.At the first opportunity after installation find out from the Old Bill what duties the SM is to perform at the opening of a meeting, during and at the closing of a meeting. He will ensure that the Blokes are seated and ready to be called to attention for the opening ceremony at a time given to him by the Old Bill. To do this right on time he will give the order for, button up, be upstanding and properly at ease. At a signal from the Old Bill he will bring the Shellhole to attention and advise the Old Bill that it is his parade. During the meeting he will ensure that the members are quiet, that they stand up to speak to the Old Bill, that they do not hold private meetings on the floor and that they address the meeting only through the Old Bill.He shall ensure that nobody leaves the meeting while it is in progress without the Old Bill’s permission. Closing will be similar to the opening ceremony only he will wait for the Old Bill to tell him to bring the meeting to attention. He shall close the Shellhole door at the start of the meeting to post a sentry there to take the names of any latecomers and prevent any raiding party from entering the Shellhole unannounced. He shall post a sentry at the Shellhole light switches to douse the lights for the opening and closing ceremonies. He shall at the end of the opening ceremony make sure that all latecomers sign the register (before he hands the book to the Old Bill), and pay the door-charge to the Provost Sergeant or Door Sentry. He must ensure that all those attending the meeting pay their respects to the “Vacant Chair”, including the latecomers and raiders. Any Moth failing to do this will be taken to task under the Defaulters Parade. Before dismissing a Moth charged and fined under this crime, march him across and salute the Chair. During the meeting he must look the Blokes over to see that they are all properly dressed, i.e. that they are all wearing their tin hat badges. If not they are candidates for the Defaulters Parade.Also during the meeting, while everybody is seated, he shall see to the distribution of the free drink tickets to those entitled to them by decree of the Shellholes executive.Assist the Old Bill by passing over to the Blokes for him or vice versa if required. Keep the Blokes seated as much as possible during the period of the meeting, except of course when they stand to address the Old Bill. An uninterrupted meeting is usually a short meeting.If there are any Moths in default he must request the Old Bill for a Defaulter’s parade. On receiving the go-ahead the defaulters shall be called out to parade in front of the meeting. Remember to place escorts at both ends of the defaulter’s line, they must have been or still higher or equal MOTH rank, than or to, any of the defaulters, e.g. a past Old Bill requires two past or two existing Old Bills as escorts. When the Old Bill is considering fines suggest every now and then that the Defaulters tell a joke or a story in place of a fine, (it is soon known who tells a good joke or story). The SM is right there with the defaulters when they are being fined and if any moans and groans about the fines being a bit too steep are heard let the Old Bill know straight away, otherwise harmony will not be enjoyed after the meeting.He shall, about 5 minutes after closing of the meeting call the Shellhole to attention with drinks in their left hands and then loudly pronounce a toast to absent friends.As SM he shall officiate in that capacity at Shellhole parades, in view of this he must discuss parade programs with the Old Bill to ensure a smooth running of the particular function. This is important so that he can determine what drill orders have to be given and where markers and sentries have to be placed. Appoint and brief markers and sentries. Avoid long marches as most of the Moths find this difficult nowadays.If the Shellhole is raiding another Shellhole the SM shall see that the Raiders enter the Shellhole in a soldierly manner and march up to and salute the Vacant Chair before dismissing them to be seated.He shall assist the Old Bill during the initiation of a new recruit by controlling all the drill procedures required in accordance with the service being used by the Old Bill (who shall have briefed the SM before the meeting started). Remember to give the recruit the piece of lead to swing and to take it away from him just as the Old Bill steps down to pin the lapel badge on the new Moth. If the SM is required to demonstrate a procedure to a recruit, such as cupping the hands one over the other as in a MOTH salute, he shall get the new Moth to look at him even if it means giving him a half left or right turn. The new Moth must be turned to face the front at the end of the demonstration. It is customary for the SM to shake the hand of the new Moth before he is dismissed to return to the floor.Amongst every raiding party there will be some Moth who tries to “Capture” a piece of Shellhole regalia. It is the duty of the SM to check the regalia against his list to see that nothing is missing. Don’t let the Raiders leave without returning the missing item or getting a promise from the raiding Old Bill that it will be returned.If the going is getting a bit rough the SM must remind the Blokes that trench language can only be used if the Padre is not present and as far as he is aware the Padre has not left yet. Remember diplomacy is the keyword here as the Shellhole is a meeting place for ex-soldiers and not a group of girl-guides. The SM must decide for himself how far the trench language can go.The SM knowing in advance that a parade is to take place must through the Old Bill remind the Blokes that the correct MOTH dress is to be worn. He should advise the Blokes that he is available after the meeting to talk to any Moth who may wish to wear some other form of attire. It is through this diplomatic approach that the Shellhole executive becomes aware of Mutual Help being needed and then privately take action.Unlike the “Top Table” posts the SM will have very little homework to do but remember that what is most important is that for every consecutive year that the SM accepts office so does his character as an SM grow, leading to more respect and appreciation by the Shellhole as a whole. ................

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