June 2012 Memorandum IAD Item 1 - Information …

|California Department of Education |memo-dsib-iad-jun12item01 |

|Executive Office | |

|SBE-002 (REV. 01/2011) | |

|memorandum |

|Date: |June 1, 2012 |

|TO: |MEMBERS, State Board of Education |

|FROM: |TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction |

|SUBJECT: |Program Improvement Year 3 Corrective Action: Analysis of 2011–12 Mid-Year Evidence of Progress of Local Educational |

| |Agency Plan Implementation. |

Summary of Key Issues

This item presents a summary analysis of the evidence of progress of Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan implementation for LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of Program Improvement (PI) Year 3. This new accountability requirement is described in Item 7 located on the State Board of Education (SBE) Agenda for November 2011 Web page at .

In a letter dated January 19, 2012, LEAs in PI Year 3 received guidelines for submitting evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring to the California Department of Education (CDE). (See Attachment 1.) Also in the letter was an invitation to a Webinar held on February 15, 2012, to support LEAs in the submission process.

March 7, 2012, was the due date for LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 to submit mid-year evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring to the CDE. All evidence was to be submitted to the CDE electronically in the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS). Trained CDE reviewers received and reviewed the local evidence submitted by LEAs.

The total number of LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 is 228. The number of LEAs that submitted local evidence of progress of LEA Plan implementation to the CDE in CAIS is 198, representing 86.8 percent of those LEAs. (See Attachment 2.) On April 3, 2012, an e-mail courtesy notice was sent to all LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 that had not yet submitted evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring in CAIS.

On May 4, 2012, a preliminary analysis of the submitted local evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring was sent to all LEAs in Cohorts 1–4. LEAs that submitted documentation in CAIS were given an opportunity to provide feedback on the process by participating in a brief online survey.

The Mid-Year Evidence of Progress consists of:

• A mid-year summary description of the LEA’s progress towards implementation of the strategies and actions in the LEA Plan

• A mid-year analysis of the LEA’s progress towards student achievement goals in the LEA Plan based on local assessment data

The following is a summary analysis of the Mid-Year Evidence of Progress of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring submitted to the CDE. The first table displays the seven highest priority areas of LEA Plan implementation as reported by LEAs. The second table displays the five most commonly cited types of local evidence of LEA Plan implementation. A single LEA may list multiple examples of local evidence.

|LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action |

|Seven Highest Priority Areas of LEA Plan Implementation and Monitoring |

|March 2012 |

|Area of Focus |Percent of LEAs Reporting |

|Instruction—Intervention—Implementation: |62% |

| | |

|Identify targeted interventions | |

|Increase rigor and engagement in classrooms | |

|Use specific instructional tools such as pacing guides | |

|Implement instructional strategies to meet the needs of specific students or student groups | |

|Professional Development—Professional Learning Communities—Coaching—Highly Qualified Teacher—Administrator|48% |

|Training Program: | |

| | |

|Identify teacher professional development needs | |

|Provide professional development for teachers | |

|Provide professional development for administrators | |

|Provide professional development focused on leadership | |

|Provide instructional materials training | |

|Student Achievement—Adequate Yearly Progress—Academic Performance Index—Graduation Rate—Student Groups: |44% |

| | |

|Explicitly identify growth targets for LEA and specific students groups in need of improvement | |

|LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action |

|Seven Highest Priority Areas of LEA Plan Implementation and Monitoring |

|March 2012 (Con’t.) |

|Area of Focus |Percent of LEAs Reporting |

|Assessment—Data Systems—Local Assessments—Data Analysis: |29% |

| | |

|Identify data collection methods | |

|Improve data systems | |

|Effectively implement data systems | |

|Develop local assessments | |

|Engage in data analysis | |

|Curriculum: |28% |

| | |

|Curriculum evaluation | |

|Curriculum adoption | |

|Align curriculum to Common Core State Standards | |

|Develop curricular pathways | |

|Adapt curriculum to meet the specific needs of specific students or student groups | |

|School Climate—Health—Safety—Attendance: |5% |

| | |

|Student conduct | |

|Student welfare | |

|Student services | |

|Truancy reduction | |

|Parent and Community Involvement |4% |

|Five Most Commonly Cited Types of Local Evidence of LEA Plan Implementation |

|Type of Local Evidence |Number of examples cited |

|Implementation of various instructional programs or interventions: |266 |

| | |

|English Language Development (ELD) or other instructional programs to increase English proficiency for | |

|English learners (EL) | |

|English language arts (ELA) or other instructional programs to achieve standards in ELA | |

|Response To Intervention (RTI) | |

|Strategic or intensive interventions in ELA | |

|Mathematics or other instructional programs to achieve standards in mathematics | |

|Use of formative assessments to monitor student achievement: |214 |

| | |

|Review and develop formative assessments | |

|Update information systems | |

|Analyze local benchmark assessment data, A–G completion rates, and student report cards | |

|Analysis of summative assessment data to demonstrate student achievement: |172 |

| | |

|Academic Performance Index (API) | |

|Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) | |

|Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) | |

|California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) | |

|California English Language Development Test (CELDT) | |

|California Standards Test (CST) | |

|Graduation rates | |

|Implementation of district-level professional development: |168 |

| | |

|Teacher/administrator training | |

|Coaching | |

|Professional learning communities | |

|Training logs | |

|Collection and analysis of instructional monitoring data: |106 |

| | |

|Teacher observation data | |

|“Walk-throughs” | |

|Lesson plans | |

|Revised pacing guides | |

|Professional learning communities | |

|Individual Education Plan monitoring | |

Two Exemplary Models of LEA Plan Implementation and Monitoring

The following is a brief description of two LEAs that provided exemplary local evidence of progress in the mid-year submission of March 2012.

LEA #1: After missing its AMAO targets in 2010–11, LEA #1 conducted a self-assessment on EL achievement and instruction of ELs by analyzing data from formative assessments, summative assessments, classroom observations, and input from various stakeholders. As a result of this inquiry, LEA #1 found that the use of data to inform instruction and the implementation of research-based strategies for ELs was minimal or inconsistent. Consequently, LEA #1 identified instruction for ELs as one of its top priorities with a special focus on students at-risk of becoming long-term ELs.

To address this priority, LEA #1 measured the implementation of the ELD curriculum by conducting classroom visitations during the 2011–12 school year at all school sites by district personnel including teachers, coaches, administrators, and support staff. The observational data were gathered using a classroom observation tool which rated each

element listed in the table below on a 5-point scale with a 3 indicating “meets district expectation.” The data provided evidence to measure the level of implementation of specific instructional elements related to effective ELD instruction. These data were submitted as local evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring.

|Level of Implementation of English-Language Development Instructional Elements |

|Specific Instructional Element |Overall Rating |

|Student Engagement |3.0 |

|Checking for Understanding |2.8 |

|Corrective Feedback |2.8 |

|Use of Technology to Enhance Instruction |69% of classrooms |

By October 2012, LEA #1 expects that every teacher in the district will have participated in a coaching cycle focused on instructional content and strategies to support ELs. The documentation of these professional development activities focused on instruction for ELs is also presented as local evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring. To address long-term ELs, LEA #1 also established criteria to identify potential long-term ELs following the release of CELDT results to ensure ongoing monitoring of this student group.

LEA #2: LEA #2, which is a high school district with a significant number of feeder districts, identified in its data from 2008–11 that although the number of upper-level high school mathematics courses and student enrollment in these courses was increasing, growth in student achievement in mathematics for that time period was minimal. Consequently, LEA #2 identified increasing student achievement in mathematics as one of its top priorities and has also identified the mastery of Algebra 1 course content as the critical foundation for its students in mathematics.

To document recent progress in this priority area, LEA #2 submitted evidence that it is:

• Reviewing and revising its local benchmark assessments for Algebra 1

• Creating small learning communities for students and staff

• Implementing Algebra 1 intervention and support classes

• Increasing articulation efforts with feeder schools and districts

• Conducting classroom walk-throughs to monitor instructional delivery and curricular adherence

Continuing the Cycle of Submitting Local Evidence

The 2011–12 PI Year 3 Evidence of Progress reporting cycle will continue with the End-of-Year submission of local evidence that is due to the CDE by September 30, 2012. End-of-Year Evidence of Progress consists of the following three elements to be uploaded in CAIS:

1. A summary of the LEA Plan strategies implemented during the previous year, including a description of evidence used to determine effective implementation.

2. An analysis of LEA performance on the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program assessments, including a description of progress towards LEA Plan student performance goals in ELA and mathematics.

3. Evidence of annual communication with the local governing board regarding the implementation of LEA Plan strategies and actions, the analysis of student group performance on the STAR Program assessments, and progress towards LEA Plan student performance goals in ELA and mathematics.

The 54 LEAs in Cohort 5 of PI Year 3 identified for Corrective Action by the SBE in November 2011 will join Cohorts 1–4 in the reporting cycle that begins with the 2012–13 school year.


Attachment 1: January 19, 2012, Letter from Christine Swenson, Director, Improvement and Accountability Division, to Select County and District Superintendents of Local Educational Agencies in Program Improvement Year 3, regarding Guidelines for Submitting Evidence of Local Educational Agency Plan Implementation and Monitoring to the California Department of Education (3 Pages)

Attachment 2: 2011–12 Mid-Year Evidence of Progress Submitted by Local Educational Agencies in Cohorts 1–4 of Program Improvement, Year 3 (9 Pages)

January 19, 2012

Dear Select County and District Superintendents:



At its November 2011 meeting, the State Board of Education (SBE) took action to end the requirement for local educational agencies (LEA) in Cohorts 1, 2, and 3 of Program Improvement (PI) Year 3 Corrective Action to submit quarterly reports to the California Department of Education (CDE) to document progress in implementing their LEA Plan. This action is described in Item 7 on the SBE meeting for November 2011 Web page at .

In an effort to reduce additional reporting requirements while encouraging LEAs in PI Year 3 to monitor the implementation of their LEA Plans, the SBE also approved at its November 2011 meeting the requirement for each LEA in Cohorts 1–5 of PI Year 3 to submit local evidence of LEA Plan implementation to the CDE. This reporting will consist of three parts:

• A mid-year and end-of-year summary description of the LEA’s progress towards implementation of the strategies and actions in the LEA Plan

• Documentation of a mid-year and end-of-year data analysis of the LEA’s progress towards student achievement goals in the LEA Plan based on local assessment data

• Documentation of annual communication with the local governing board regarding the LEA’s progress toward student achievement goals in the LEA Plan

This letter provides LEAs with guidance for documenting progress of implementation and monitoring of the LEA Plan. All evidence of progress will be submitted to the CDE electronically via the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS). A trained reviewer will confirm receipt of your evidence in CAIS, and your documentation will be compiled in a summary report of LEA progress for review by the SBE. Following this initial collection cycle, the CDE will survey each LEA in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 to obtain feedback on the process and gather input for improvements.

Mid-Year Evidence of Progress

March 7, 2012, is the due date to submit mid-year evidence to the CDE for LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3. LEAs in Cohort 5 of PI Year 3 will submit evidence of progress to the CDE beginning in 2013. Attachment 1 is a list of LEAs in Cohorts 1–5 of PI Year 3.

Mid-year evidence is a single document in either Word or PDF format to be uploaded in CAIS. Within this document, the LEA should provide (1) a brief narrative of its progress in implementing the LEA Plan strategies, including a description of evidence used to determine progress, and (2) a district-level analysis of local formative assessment data to document progress towards LEA Plan student performance goals in English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics.

End-of-Year Evidence of Progress

September 30, 2012, is the due date for submission of the end-of-year evidence to the CDE for LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3. End-of-year evidence consists of the following three elements to be uploaded in CAIS:

1. A summary of the LEA Plan strategies implemented during the previous year, including a description of evidence used to determine effective implementation

2. An analysis of LEA performance on the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program assessments, including a description of progress towards LEA Plan student performance goals in ELA and mathematics

3. Evidence of annual communication with the local governing board regarding the implementation of LEA Plan strategies and actions, the analysis of student group performance on the STAR Program assessments, and progress towards LEA Plan student performance goals in ELA and mathematics


You are invited to participate in a Webinar presented in partnership with the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd to support LEAs in the submission process. The Webinar is scheduled for February 15, 2012, at 2 p.m. Please use the links below to access the Webinar:

Webinar address: [Note: Invalid link removed.]

Event Password: cais

Alternate URL: (select from Today's Listed Meetings)

Event Number: 598 362 873

US/Canada Toll-Free Dial-in: 877-817-7702

Conference ID: 41084482

For Webinar Technical Support: enter *0 after dialing in

Join Test Meeting: lp/jointest/

In order to access the Webinar, you will need a computer with an Internet connection and a telephone for calling in (audio is not available through the computer). The Test Meeting link is provided so you can check whether your computer has the correct settings to view the live meeting prior to the Webinar. Also, please note the session will be recorded and available for viewing at a later date.

For your review prior to the Webinar, Attachment 2 includes instructions for submitting evidence of progress on CAIS. Access to CAIS for this purpose will be available after the Webinar.

If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Clement Mok, Education Programs Consultant, District Innovation and Improvement Office, by phone at 916-319-0940 or by e-mail at cmok@cde., or Keith Coppage, Education Programs Consultant, District Innovation and Improvement Office, by phone at

916-319-0651 or by e-mail at kcoppage@cde..



Christine Swenson, Director

Improvement and Accountability Division



2011–12 Mid-Year Evidence of Progress Submitted by Local Educational Agencies in Cohorts 1–4 of

Program Improvement, Year 3

|CDS Code |County |District |Differentiated |Cohort |Evidence |

| | | |Technical | |of Progress Submitted |

| | | |Assistance | | |

|01100170000000 |Alameda |Alameda County Office of Education |Light |4 |Yes |

|01611430000000 |Alameda |Berkeley Unified School District |Other |1 |Yes |

|01611680000000 |Alameda |Emery Unified School District |Moderate |4 |No |

|01611920000000 |Alameda |Hayward Unified School District |Moderate |2 |No |

|01612590000000 |Alameda |Oakland Unified School District |Light |1 |No |

|01613090000000 |Alameda |San Lorenzo Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|04614240000000 |Butte |Chico Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|04615070000000 |Butte |Oroville City Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|04615230000000 |Butte |Palermo Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|04615490000000 |Butte |Thermalito Union Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|07616480000000 |Contra Costa |Antioch Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|07617620000000 |Contra Costa |Oakley Union ElementarySchool District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|07617880000000 |Contra Costa |Pittsburg Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|07617960000000 |Contra Costa |West Contra Costa Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|08100820000000 |Del Norte |Del Norte County Office of Education |Light |2 |No |

|09619030000000 |El Dorado |Lake Tahoe Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|10101080000000 |Fresno |Fresno County Office of Education |Light |2 |Yes |

|10621250000000 |Fresno |Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|10621660000000 |Fresno |Fresno Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|10622650000000 |Fresno |Kings Canyon Joint Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|10623640000000 |Fresno |Parlier Unified School District |Intensive |2 |Yes |

|10739650000000 |Fresno |Central Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|12753820000000 |Humboldt |Mattole Unified School District |Light |2 |No |

|13630730000000 |Imperial |Brawley Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|13631230000000 |Imperial |El Centro Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|15101570000000 |Kern |Kern County Office of Education |Light |4 |Yes |

|15633130000000 |Kern |Arvin Union Elementary School District |Intensive |1 |Yes |

|15633210000000 |Kern |Bakersfield City School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|15634040000000 |Kern |Delano Union Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|15634380000000 |Kern |Edison Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|15634610000000 |Kern |Fairfax Elementary School District |Intensive |1 |Yes |

|15635030000000 |Kern |Greenfield Union School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|15635290000000 |Kern |Kern Union High School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|15635600000000 |Kern |Lamont Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|15635780000000 |Kern |Richland Union Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|15636770000000 |Kern |Mojave Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|15637920000000 |Kern |Standard Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|15638000000000 |Kern |Taft City School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|15638340000000 |Kern |Vineland Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|15638420000000 |Kern |Wasco Union Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|15638590000000 |Kern |Wasco Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|15739080000000 |Kern |McFarland Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|16638750000000 |Kings |Armona Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|16639170000000 |Kings |Hanford Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|16739320000000 |Kings |Reef-Sunset Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|19101990000000 |Los Angeles |Los Angeles County Office of Education |Light |4 |No |

|19642460000000 |Los Angeles |Antelope Valley Union High School District |Moderate |1 |No |

|19642870000000 |Los Angeles |Baldwin Park Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19642950000000 |Los Angeles |Bassett Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|19643520000000 |Los Angeles |Centinela Valley Union High School District |Moderate |2 |No |

|19644360000000 |Los Angeles |Covina-Valley Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19644770000000 |Los Angeles |Eastside Union Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|19644850000000 |Los Angeles |East Whittier City Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|19645010000000 |Los Angeles |El Monte City Elementary School District |Light |2 |No |

|19645190000000 |Los Angeles |El Monte Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19645270000000 |Los Angeles |El Rancho Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19645500000000 |Los Angeles |Garvey Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|19646340000000 |Los Angeles |Inglewood Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|19646420000000 |Los Angeles |Keppel Union Elementary School District |Intensive |1 |Yes |

|19646670000000 |Los Angeles |Lancaster Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|19646910000000 |Los Angeles |Lawndale Elementary School District |Light |2 |No |

|19647090000000 |Los Angeles |Lennox School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|19647170000000 |Los Angeles |Little Lake City Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|19647250000000 |Los Angeles |Long Beach Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|19647330000000 |Los Angeles |Los Angeles Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|19647580000000 |Los Angeles |Los Nietos School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|19647740000000 |Los Angeles |Lynwood Unified School District |Moderate |2 |No |

|19648080000000 |Los Angeles |Montebello Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|19648160000000 |Los Angeles |Mountain View Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|19648570000000 |Los Angeles |Palmdale Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|19648730000000 |Los Angeles |Paramount Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19649070000000 |Los Angeles |Pomona Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|19650370000000 |Los Angeles |South Whittier Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|19651020000000 |Los Angeles |Westside Union Elementary School District |Light |3 |No |

|19651100000000 |Los Angeles |Whittier City Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|19651280000000 |Los Angeles |Whittier Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|19651510000000 |Los Angeles |Wilsona Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|19734370000000 |Los Angeles |Compton Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|20652010000000 |Madera |Chowchilla Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|20652430000000 |Madera |Madera Unified School District |Light |1 |No |

|21102150000000 |Marin |Marin County Office of Education |Light |4 |Yes |

|21653590000000 |Marin |Lagunitas Elementary School District |Other |1 |No |

|23655650000000 |Mendocino |Fort Bragg Unified School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|23656070000000 |Mendocino |Round Valley Unified School District |Moderate; Trustee |3 |Yes (to Trustee) |

|23656150000000 |Mendocino |Ukiah Unified School District |Moderate |3 |Yes |

|24102490000000 |Merced |Merced County Office of Education |Light |2 |Yes |

|24656310000000 |Merced |Atwater Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|24657550000000 |Merced |Los Banos Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|24657710000000 |Merced |Merced City Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|24657890000000 |Merced |Merced Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|24658210000000 |Merced |Planada Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |No |

|24658620000000 |Merced |Weaver Union School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|25735930000000 |Modoc |Tulelake Basin Joint Unified School District |Moderate |4 |No |

|26736920000000 |Mono |Mammoth Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|27659610000000 |Monterey |Alisal Union School District |Moderate; Trustee |1 |Yes |

|27660350000000 |Monterey |Greenfield Union Elementary School District |Intensive; Trustee |1 |Yes |

|27660500000000 |Monterey |King City Union School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|27660920000000 |Monterey |Monterey Peninsula Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|27661420000000 |Monterey |Salinas City Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|27661590000000 |Monterey |Salinas Union High School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|27661910000000 |Monterey |Santa Rita Union Elementary School District |Light |2 |No |

|27754400000000 |Monterey |Soledad Unified School District |Moderate |3 |Yes |

|28662660000000 |Napa |Napa Valley Unified School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|30103060000000 |Orange |Orange County Department of Education |Other |1 |Yes |

|30664230000000 |Orange |Anaheim City School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|30664310000000 |Orange |Anaheim Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|30665060000000 |Orange |Fullerton Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|30665140000000 |Orange |Fullerton Joint Union High School District |Light |2 |No |

|30665220000000 |Orange |Garden Grove Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|30665480000000 |Orange |Huntington Beach Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|30665630000000 |Orange |La Habra City Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|30666700000000 |Orange |Santa Ana Unified School District |Moderate |1 |No |

|31669280000000 |Placer |Roseville Joint Union High School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|31669440000000 |Placer |Tahoe-Truckee Joint Unified School District |Light |1 |No |

|33669770000000 |Riverside |Alvord Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|33669850000000 |Riverside |Banning Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|33670580000000 |Riverside |Desert Sands Unified School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|33670820000000 |Riverside |Hemet Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|33670900000000 |Riverside |Jurupa Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|33671240000000 |Riverside |Moreno Valley Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|33671730000000 |Riverside |Palm Springs Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|33671810000000 |Riverside |Palo Verde Unified School District |Intensive |3 |No |

|33671990000000 |Riverside |Perris Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|33672070000000 |Riverside |Perris Union High School District |Moderate |2 |No |

|33672150000000 |Riverside |Riverside Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|33672490000000 |Riverside |San Jacinto Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|33736760000000 |Riverside |Coachella Valley Unified School District |Intensive |1 |Yes |

|34103480000000 |Sacramento |Sacramento County Office of Education |Light |3 |Yes |

|34674210000000 |Sacramento |Robla Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|34674390000000 |Sacramento |Sacramento City Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|34674470000000 |Sacramento |San Juan Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|35674700000000 |San Benito |Hollister School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|36675870000000 |San Bernardino |Adelanto Elementary School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|36676110000000 |San Bernardino |Barstow Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|36676520000000 |San Bernardino |Chaffey Joint Union High School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|36676860000000 |San Bernardino |Colton Joint Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|36677100000000 |San Bernardino |Fontana Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|36678190000000 |San Bernardino |Ontario-Montclair Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|36678500000000 |San Bernardino |Rialto Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|36678760000000 |San Bernardino |San Bernardino City Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|36679340000000 |San Bernardino |Victor Valley Union High School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|36679590000000 |San Bernardino |Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|36738580000000 |San Bernardino |Baker Valley Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|36750440000000 |San Bernardino |Hesperia Unified School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|36750770000000 |San Bernardino |Apple Valley Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37679910000000 |San Diego |Cajon Valley Union School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37680980000000 |San Diego |Escondido Union School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|37681140000000 |San Diego |Fallbrook Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37681220000000 |San Diego |Fallbrook Union High School District |Other |1 |Yes |

|37681300000000 |San Diego |Grossmont Union High School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|37681550000000 |San Diego |Jamul-Dulzura Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37681970000000 |San Diego |La Mesa-Spring Valley School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37682050000000 |San Diego |Lemon Grove School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|37683790000000 |San Diego |San Ysidro Elementary School District |Light |1 |No |

|37683950000000 |San Diego |South Bay Union Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|37684110000000 |San Diego |Sweetwater Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|37684520000000 |San Diego |Vista Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|37735690000000 |San Diego |Oceanside Unified School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|38684780000000 |San Francisco |San Francisco Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|39103970000000 |San Joaquin |San Joaquin County Office of Education |Light |2 |Yes |

|39685850000000 |San Joaquin |Lodi Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|39685930000000 |San Joaquin |Manteca Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|39686760000000 |San Joaquin |Stockton Unified School District |Moderate |1 |No |

|39754990000000 |San Joaquin |Tracy Joint Unified School District |Other |1 |Yes |

|40688090000000 |San Luis Obispo |San Luis Coastal Unified School District |Other |1 |Yes |

|40688250000000 |San Luis Obispo |San Miguel Joint Union School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|40754570000000 |San Luis Obispo |Paso Robles Joint Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|41688900000000 |San Mateo |Cabrillo Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|41689240000000 |San Mateo |Jefferson Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|41689990000000 |San Mateo |Ravenswood City Elementary School District |Intensive |1 |Yes |

|41690050000000 |San Mateo |Redwood City Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|41690620000000 |San Mateo |Sequoia Union High School District |Moderate |4 |No |

|41690700000000 |San Mateo |South San Francisco Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|42691200000000 |Santa Barbara |Santa Maria-Bonita School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|42692290000000 |Santa Barbara |Lompoc Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|42693100000000 |Santa Barbara |Santa Maria Joint Union High School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|43104390000000 |Santa Clara |Santa Clara County Office of Education |Light |3 |Yes |

|43693690000000 |Santa Clara |Alum Rock Union Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|43694270000000 |Santa Clara |East Side Union High School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|43694500000000 |Santa Clara |Franklin-McKinley Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|43696170000000 |Santa Clara |Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|43696250000000 |Santa Clara |Oak Grove Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|43696900000000 |Santa Clara |Sunnyvale School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|44104470000000 |Santa Cruz |Santa Cruz County Office of Education |Light |4 |Yes |

|44697990000000 |Santa Cruz |Pajaro Valley Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|45698560000000 |Shasta |Anderson Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|48705320000000 |Solano |Dixon Unified School District |Moderate |4 |No |

|48705400000000 |Solano |Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|48705730000000 |Solano |Vacaville Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|48705810000000 |Solano |Vallejo City Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|49402530000000 |Sonoma |Santa Rosa City Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|49706150000000 |Sonoma |Bellevue Union Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|49709040000000 |Sonoma |Roseland Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|49709530000000 |Sonoma |Sonoma Valley Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|49753900000000 |Sonoma |Healdsburg Unified School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|50105040000000 |Stanislaus |Stanislaus County Office of Education |Light |3 |No |

|50710430000000 |Stanislaus |Ceres Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|50711670000000 |Stanislaus |Modesto City Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|50711750000000 |Stanislaus |Modesto City High School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|50712170000000 |Stanislaus |Patterson Joint Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|50712660000000 |Stanislaus |Salida Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|50712820000000 |Stanislaus |Stanislaus Union Elementary School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|50755560000000 |Stanislaus |Riverbank Unified School District |Moderate |3 |Yes |

|50757390000000 |Stanislaus |Turlock Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|52714980000000 |Tehama |Corning Union Elementary School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|52716210000000 |Tehama |Red Bluff Union Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|54718370000000 |Tulare |Burton Elementary School District |Light |1 |No |

|54718600000000 |Tulare |Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|54719020000000 |Tulare |Earlimart Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|54719930000000 |Tulare |Lindsay Unified School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|54721570000000 |Tulare |Strathmore Union Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|54721990000000 |Tulare |Terra Bella Union Elementary School District |Moderate |2 |No |

|54722310000000 |Tulare |Tulare City School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|54722490000000 |Tulare |Tulare Joint Union High School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|54722560000000 |Tulare |Visalia Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|54722720000000 |Tulare |Woodlake Union Elementary School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|54755230000000 |Tulare |Porterville Unified School District |Light |2 |No |

|54755310000000 |Tulare |Dinuba Unified School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|56724620000000 |Ventura |Hueneme Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|56725380000000 |Ventura |Oxnard School District |Moderate |2 |Yes |

|56725460000000 |Ventura |Oxnard Union High School District |Moderate |4 |Yes |

|56725610000000 |Ventura |Rio Elementary School District |Moderate |1 |Yes |

|56725870000000 |Ventura |Santa Paula Elementary School District |Light |2 |Yes |

|56726520000000 |Ventura |Ventura Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|57726940000000 |Yolo |Washington Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|57727020000000 |Yolo |Winters Joint Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |

|57727100000000 |Yolo |Woodland Joint Unified School District |Light |3 |Yes |

|58727360000000 |Yuba |Marysville Joint Unified School District |Light |1 |Yes |


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