Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy ...

Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0

Microsoft Corporation Published: September 2009


This step-by-step guide describes a sample scenario for installing Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) and performing Group Policy management by using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and AGPM.


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Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0 ................................5 AGPM scenario overview .........................................................................................................5 Requirements ..........................................................................................................................6 AGPM Server requirements ..................................................................................................7 AGPM Client requirements....................................................................................................8 Scenario requirements..........................................................................................................8 Steps for installing and configuring AGPM................................................................................9 Step 1: Install AGPM Server .................................................................................................9 Step 2: Install AGPM Client.................................................................................................10 Step 3: Configure an AGPM Server connection ...................................................................11 Step 4: Configure e-mail notification....................................................................................11 Step 5: Delegate access .....................................................................................................12 Steps for managing GPOs......................................................................................................12 Step 1: Create a GPO.........................................................................................................13 Step 2: Edit a GPO .............................................................................................................14 Step 3: Review and deploy a GPO ......................................................................................15 Step 4: Use a template to create a GPO .............................................................................16 Step 5: Delete and restore a GPO.......................................................................................18

Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0

This step-by-step guide demonstrates advanced techniques for Group Policy management that use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM). AGPM increases the capabilities of the GPMC, providing: Standard roles for delegating permissions to manage Group Policy objects (GPOs) to

multiple Group Policy administrators, in addition to the ability to delegate access to GPOs in the production environment. An archive to enable Group Policy administrators to create and modify GPOs offline before the GPOs are deployed into a production environment. The ability to roll back to any earlier version of a GPO in the archive and to limit the number of versions stored in the archive. Check-in and check-out capability for GPOs to make sure that Group Policy administrators do not unintentionally overwrite each other's work. The ability to search for GPOs with specific attributes and to filter the list of GPOs displayed.

AGPM scenario overview

For this scenario, you will use a separate user account for each role in AGPM to demonstrate how Group Policy can be managed in an environment that has multiple Group Policy administrators who have different levels of permissions. Specifically, you will perform the following tasks: Using an account that is a member of the Domain Admins group, install AGPM Server and

assign the AGPM Administrator role to an account or group. Using accounts to which you will assign AGPM roles, install AGPM Client. Using an account that has the AGPM Administrator role, configure AGPM and delegate

access to GPOs by assigning roles to other accounts. From an account that has the Editor role, request that a new GPO be created that you then

approve by using an account that has the Approver role. Use the Editor account to check the GPO out of the archive, edit the GPO, check the GPO into the archive, and then request deployment. Using an account that has the Approver role, review the GPO and deploy it to your production environment. Using an account that has the Editor role, create a GPO template and use it as a starting point to create a new GPO. Using an account that has the Approver role, delete and restore a GPO.



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