Y. Furukawa Y. Mori T. Kataoka (Eds.) Precision Science ...

[Pages:15]Y. Furukawa Y. Mori T. Kataoka (Eds.)

Precision Science and Technology for Perfect Surfaces

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Production Engineering (9th ICPE)

Senri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan August 29 - September 1,1999



Sponsored by The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)

Supported by The Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970)

Published by The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE) JSPE Publication Series No.3


Preface Address Organizing Committee, International Program Committee, Steering Committee, and Participating Societies


Activities on Perfect Surfaces in Osaka University. Ultra Precision Machining

Research Center

}'. Mori


Great Importance of Atomic Flatness of Substrate Surface for Very Advanced ULSI

T. Ohmi. (). Xakamura. T. Ohkawa. and Y. Morita


PART ONE Achievements and Challenges in Optical Fabrication

Exotic Silicon Optical Elements at the SPrmg-8


T. Ishikawa

Development of 3-Aspherical Mirror Optics for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

//. Kinoshila. T Watanabc. J Daniel. 1). Bajuk. Y. Phuonov. and J. Wood


Characterization of Large Aperture and Ultra-High Quality Mirror for

Ciravitational Wave Detector

A'. Urda. A. i'eda. K. Uaseda. andM. Ohashi


Competence Centre "Ultraprecise Surface Figuring" in Germany

/. Wi'inparttwr. F. Me/chert, and H. Kunzmann


Deterministic Processes for Manufacturing Perfect Surfaces

H. Pollicovt'. S. Jacobs. M. Richard, and J. Ruckman


Ultra-precision Machining Systems: an Enabling Technology for Perfect Surfaces

O. Chapman


Fabrication Technologies for "Perfect" Optics

A". II Becker


Aspherical Surfaces at 100 pm Accuracy: Results of Manufacturing and Metrology

M. Weiser. J. Froschke. H. Handschuh. M. Julich. M. Mayer, and G. Seitz


Development for the Alignment Procedure of Three-Aspherical-Mirror Optics

5. Irie. A. Miyahuji. T. Watanahe. H. Kinoshita. K. Supisaki. T. Oshino. and

K. Murakami


PART TWO Mechanical Processing

Ultra-High Speed Mirror Cutting of Oxygen-Free Copper with a Single Point Diamond Tool R. Yousefi and Y. Ichida

Optimization of Ultraprecision Cutting of Brittle Materials B. Zhang and A. Nakajima

Study on Diamond Turning of Single Crystal Germanium O. Horiuchi and J. Ikeno

Effects of Cutting Edge Geometry on Brittle-Ductile Transition in Silicon Machining J. Yan, K. Syoji, and T. Kuriyagawa

Mirror Grinding of Silicon Wafer with EPD Pellet H. Shibutani, J. Ikeno, O. Horiuchi, and K. Yano

Super Smooth Surface of X-ray Mirrors by ELID-lap Grinding and MetalResin Bonded Wheels N. Itoh, H. Ohmori, T. Kasai, and T. Karaki-Doy

Mirror Surface Finishing of CVD Diamond Film by ELID-Grinding K. Nishimura, S. Ibuki, T. Kono, K. Takeuchi, H. Ohmori, W. Lin, and A. Makinouchi

Ultraprecision Axis-asymmetrical Aspherical ELID Grinding with Form Error Compensation Y. Yamagata, S. Moriyasu, S. Morita, H. Ohmori, and A. Makinouchi

Ultra-Smoothness Grinding of Silicon Carbide Ceramic with #140-Mesh Grain Size Diamond Wheel H. Yasui, G. Yamazaki, Y. Hiraki, S. Sakamoto, M. Sakata, M. Saeki, and A. Hosokawa

Precision Grinding of Molding Die and Glass Molding in Micro Optical Components H. Suzuki, Y. Komiyama, T. Tanioka, T. Kitajima, and S. Okuyama

Precision Optics Manufacturing Using Magnetorheological Finishing (MRF) D. Golini

Polishing of an Electroless Nickel-Plated Aspherical Lens Mold M. -Y. Yang and H. -C. Lee

PART THREE Machine Tools and Components

Development of Large Ultraprecision Grinding System with ELID for Aspheric Optical Elements and Components H. Ohmori, Y. Yamagata, S. Moriyasu, S. Morita, and W. Lin

75 81 87

92 98 103 109 115

120 126 132 138


Development and Characteristics of Fixed Abrasive Polishing Utilizing Small Grinding Tools with ELID for Final Finish Process of Aspheric Optical Elements C. Liu, H. Ohmori, W. Lin, N. Itoh, T. Kasai, and K. Horio

Manufacture of Fresnel Lens by Ultraprecision Machining Center Based on Friction-free Servo Mechanism N. Sornsuwit, Y. Takeuchi, T. Kawai, K. Sawada, and T. Sata

An Ultraprecision Machine Tool with Active Control Aerostatic Guideways for Improving Quality of Machined Surface H. Mizumoto, S. Inoue, S. Arii, Y. Kami, and M. Yabuya

Ultraprecision Lap-Grinding with Photodressing S. Moriyasu, S. Morita, Y. Yamagata, H. Ohmori, A. Makinouchi, and N. Itoh

Development of Discontinuous Grinding Wheel with Multi-Porous Grooves J. Kim

Forming of Texture Surface Composed of Micro Dents Using Indenting Tool A. Inada, M. Masuda, and T. Miyamoto

Giant Magnetostrictive Positioner for Single Diamond Turning of Silicon Substrate H. Eda, J. Shimizu, L. Zhou, Y. Takimoto, and A. Muroya

A Study on Run-out Error in Externally Pressurized Journal Gas Bearing H. Tomita, K. Koizumi, and K. Konosu

Non-contact Handling System for Thin Plate Utilizing Electrostatic Force F. Poh and T. Higuchi

153 159 165 171 175 181 187 193 199

PART FOUR Physical/ Chemical Processing

Development of Numerically Controlled EEM (Elastic Emission Machining) System for Ultraprecision Figuring and Smoothing of Aspherical Surfaces Y. Mori, K. Yamauchi, K Sugiyama, K. Inagaki, S. Shimada, J. Uchikoshi, H. Mimura, T. Imai, and K Kanemura

Development of Numerically Controlled Plasma CVM (Chemical Vaporization Machining) System for Fabrication of Ultra Precision Optical Devices Y. Mori, K. Yamamura, and Y. Sano

Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining with a Pipe Electrode for Large Optics H. Takino, N. Shibata, T. Kobayashi, H. Itoh, H. Tanaka, A. Koike, K. Nakano, K. Yamamura, Y. Sano, and Y. Mori

Slicing of Functional Materials by Plasma CVM (Chemical Vaporization Machining) Y. Mori, K. Yamamura, and Y. Sano

207 213

219 225

Plasma Jet Chemical Etching - a Tool for the Figuring of Optical Precision Aspheres G. Boehm, W. Frank, A. Schindler, A. Nickel. H.J. Thomas. F. Bigl. and M. Weiser

Development of Ultra-Precision and Ultra-Clean Electro-Chemical Processing Method Using Hydroxyl Ion in Ultrapure Water Y. Mori, H. Goto, K. Hirose. I. Kobata. and Y. Toma

Nanometer Precision (Reactive) Ion Beam Figuring of (Aspherical) Optical Surfaces A. Schindler, T. Haensel. D. Flamm, A. Nickel. H. J. Thomas, andF. Bigl

Sub-Nanometer Polishing of Optical Surfaces by Ion Beam Planarization Technique R. Fechner, A. Schindler, T. Haensel, and F. Bigl

Ion Beam Processing of Nickel-Phosphor Alloy Film Deposited on the Al Plate by Electroless Plating Method J. Taniguchi, R, Kimura, C. Kageyama, and I. Miyamoto

Radiation-Resistant Optical Surface Fabricated by Ion Beam Etching T. Kamimura, K. Nakai, M. Yoshimura, Y. Mori, T. Sasaki, H. Yoshida. M. Nakatsuka, M. Tanaka, S. Toda, M. Tanaka, and K Yoshida

UV Laser Ablative Figuring of Precise Optics K.Tokumura, T. Jitsuno, M. Nakatsuka, G. Yoon, andH. Tamamura

Large Scale Single-Crystal and Extremely Smooth SiC Surface Produced by Hetero-Epitaxial Growth and its Applicability to Optical Elements A^ Moronuki, A. Kakuta, and Y. Furukawa

A Study on the SiC Hetero-Epitaxial Growth Process on Silicon Substrate A. Kakuta, H. Miyakoshi, N. Moronuki, and Y. Furukawa

Multilayer X-ray Optics for High Energy Third Generation Synchrotron Sources: the State of the Art E. Ziegler, Ch. Mora we, O. Hignette, P. Cloetens, and R. Tucoulou

Deposition Shutter Control for Figured Multilayer Fabrication T. Hatano, H. Umetsu. and'M. Yamamoto

231 237

243 249 255 261

267 273 279 285 292

PART FIVE Figure and Surface Testing

Nanometer Precision in Large Surface Profilometry

P. Z. Takacs


Ultra-Precise Scanning Technique for Surface Testing in the Nanometric Range

/. Weingartner andM. Schulz


Study of Optimum Mounting Positions of Sensor Probes of Three-Point Method X. Cui, O. Horiuchi, andJ. Ikeno

Laser Beam Straight Datum with Nanometric Accuracy -Analytical Estimation of Ultimate Brightnesses Uchikoshi, S. Shimada, K. Arimoto, and A. Komura

Sub-nanometer Interferometry for Aspheric Mirror Fabrication G. E. Sommargren, D. W. Phillion, and E. W. Campbell

Development of Phase-Shifting Point Diffraction Interferometry Method with Fiber Point Sources Y. Oshikane, K. Ikeda, T. Kataoka, K. Endo, and H. Inoue

Precise Surface Measurement by Local Sampling Phase Shifting Interferometry Y. Otani, H. Mori, and T. Yoshizawa

Flatness Measurement by Moire Technique for Large Diameter Wafer H. Fujiwara, Y. Kodera, Y. Otani, and T. Yoshizawa

A High-Precision Coordinate Measurement Machine for Aspherical Optics M. Negishi, K. Watanabe, K. Matsusita, T. Kasahara, and K. Hosaka

Development of an Ultra-Precission 3D-CMM with the Repeatability of Nanometer Order H. Shiozawa, and Y. Fukutomi

Development of Ultraprecision Contact-type Form Measuring Probe for Onmachine Measurement S. Moriyasu, S. Morita, Y. Yamagata, H. Ohmori, J. Kato, I. Yamaguchi, and A. Makinouchi

Evaluation of Si Wafer Surface Using a New Apparatus for Measuring Particle of the Order of Nanometer H. An, S. Sasaki, Y. Mori, T. Kataoka, K Endo, H. Inoue, andK Yamauchi

Measurement of Ultra Fine Particles on the Si Wafer Surface Using Laser Light Scattering H. Inoue, T. Kataoka, K. Endo, Y. Oshikane, T. Takemura, Y. Mori, H. An, and S. Sasaki

Analysis of Laser Scattered Defect Pattern for Optical Measurement of Silicon Wafer Surface Defects S. Takahashi. T. Miyoshi, and Y. Takaya

317 323

329 336 342 348 354 360

366 372

378 384

PART SIX Silicon Surface Processing

Qualities of 400mm-Diameter As-Sliced Wafers and Quality Changes Through

Wafer Shaping Process

H. Oishi, K. Asakawa, andJ. Matsuzaki


Current CMP Process and Future Needs S. Tanaka, M. Kishimoto, and Y. Itoh

High Rate Polishing of Silicon Surface using Plasma CVM with Rotary Drum Electrode H. Takeuchi, T. Okuda, K. Nishikawa, Y. Hojyo, M. Kadono, T. Nukii, K. Yamamura, Y. Sano, and Y. Mori

Smooth Si(001) Surfaces Prepared by Glancing Angle Sputtering under Rotation of Target K. Nakajima, N. Hairuddin, and K. Kimura

Flattening Si(001) Surface by Annealing in Molecular H2 Ambient T. Komeda and Y. Kumagai

Oxidation Control of Si(100) Surface in Heating-up Process K. Nishimura, S. Urabe, and M. Morita

Formation Process of Highly Reliable Gate Oxide Using Water Vapor Generator System O. Nakamura, T. Ohkawa, M. Nakagawa, and T. Ohmi

Water Vapor Generator Using Catalytic Reactor K. Kawada, Y. Minami, A. Morimoto, N. Ikeda, O. Nakamura, Y. Shirai, and T. Ohmi

Cr2O3 Passivated Gas Tubing System and Installation Method M. Kitano, O. Nakamura, M. Nagase, Y. Shirai, and T. Ohmi

Precise Control of Gas Concentration Ratio in Process Chamber M. Nagase, O. Nakamura, M. Kitano, Y. Shirai, and T. Ohmi

Development of Anisotropic Dry Etching Method Using Laser-Collimated Fluorine Radical Beam M. Shimizu, H. Ohmi, K. Yasutake, K. Yamane, R. Tanaka, A. Takeuchi, H. Kakiuchi, K. Yoshii, and Y. Mori


405 411

415 421

426 432

438 444


PART SEVEN Surface Cleaning and Wet Processing

Advanced Cleaning Strategies for Ultra-clean Silicon Surfaces M. Heyns, T. Bearda, I. Cornelissen, S. De Gendt, L. Loewenstein, P. Mertens, S. Mertens, M. Meuris, M. Schaekers, I. Teerlinck, R. Vos, and K. Wolke

Dissolution of Metal into Gas Controlled Ultra Pure Water M. Toda, K. Shishido, K. Akuto, and T. Ohmi

Particle Removal Effect of Hydrogenated Ultrapure Water with Megasonic Irradiation J. Ida, H. Morita, and T. Ohmi

459 469 475

Infrared Monitoring of Hydrocarbons on 300-mm Si Wafers

M. Endo, H. Yoshida, Y. Maeda, N. Miyamoto, and M. Niwano


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observations of Hydrogen Terminated Si(001)

Surfaces after Wet Cleaning

K. Endo, K Arima, T. Kataoka, Y. Oshikane, H. Inoue, K. Koba, H. Nakahama,

and Y. Mori


Flattening of Si(lll) Surface in Oxygen-free Water and Alkaline Solutions

H. Fukidome andM. Matsumura


Oxidation and Hydrogen Termination of Si Surface in NH4F Solution

Y. Kondo, Y. Kimura, andM. Niwano


Precise Wet Etching for Large-Sized Wafer

M. Miyashita, T. Ohmi, T. Yabune, and H. Kikuyama


The Control of Etching Rate for Various SiO2 Films

T. Kezuka, M. Itano, and T. Ohmi


Room Temperature Photoresist Physical Stripping Technology

S. Ojima, T. Jizaimaru, S. Omae, and T. Ohmi


PART EIGHT Thin Film Technology

Optimization of Interfaces in Thin Film Transistors and Thin Film Solar Cells

using Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition

R. E. I. Schropp, B. Stannowski, and J. K. Rath


Improved Controllable Range of the Optical and Electrical Properties of

Amorphous Silicon for Solar Cells

Y. Hishikawa, H. Tarui, andS. Kiyama


High-Rate Deposition of Amorphous Si Thin Films by Atmospheric Pressure

Plasma CVD

Y. Mori, K. Yoshii, K. Yasutake, H. Kakiuchi, Y. Domoto, H. Tarui, and

S. Kiyama


High-speed Patterning of Integrated-Type a-Si Solar Cell Sub modules by

Plasma CVM

S. Nakano, Y. Domoto, H. Tarui, S. Kiyama, Y. Sano. K. Yamamura, and Y. Mori


Plasma Treatment Effect on the Off Current Characteristics of an a-Si TFT

S. Yabuta, S. Yamakawa, A. Ban, Y. Kataoka, M. Okamoto, H. Kato,

M. Katayama, and Y. Ishii


Smart Cut?: A Highly Productive SOI Manufacturing Technology

K. Mitani and N. Tate


Gate Oxide Integrity and Buried Oxide Integrity of ADVANTOXTM190

M. Takamatsu, M. Kainuma, M. Sudou, T. Nakai, H. Emori, and Y. Shimanuki



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