This is a download of legal forms from the book:


nEW JERSEY WillS And Estate Planning Legal Forms

See book for instructions on filling out forms.

This download has forms in Word format for people to either

1) print out and hand-write in words to complete and then sign, or

2) first open in any word processing program to type in some words, then print to maybe hand-write in more words, and then sign.


1. Last Will And Testament (lets one give orders to on death gift most property, choose guardians for children and their property, authorize less burdensome legal options to be used, pick person to be executor to handle affairs, and control other matters);

2. Last Will And Testament (No Guardians) (this Will form has no “Guardians” paragraph and is for people without minor children and also not giving property to any minors);

3. Self-Proving Affidavit (this form is often done with a Will to avoid work after a death of showing a Will was signed correctly by getting testimony of witnesses to the Will signing, and using this form increases the chance a Will is enforceable);

4. Tangible Personal Property List (lets one write in a simple list outside a Will wanted gifts to occur on death of “tangible personal property” like clothes, furniture, tools, cars, and jewelry, and the list can be done or redone anytime and just needs to be signed);

5. Proxy Directive (also called “Durable Power Of Attorney For Health Care” lets one give health care instructions and name person to control health care in case can’t later control one’s own care);

6. Instruction Directive (also called “Living Will” lets one give orders about how health care should stop if doctors later certify a person cannot control their own health care and is near death or when medical care would be of little help);

7. Do-Not-Resuscitate and P.O.L.S.T. (either of these 2 forms can be requested from a doctor when in very bad health to quickly show paramedics and other medical personnel to not try restarting the heart or breathing and certain other major actions, with the P.O.L.S.T. form being more detailed and more used inside hospitals or other facilities);

8. Durable General Power Of Attorney (lets power over one’s money, property, and other matters be shared with a very trusted person often so they can help manage or do things);

9. Power Of Attorney Giving Power Over Child (lets power over a child including health care and education be shared with any other person like a relative, travel companion, teacher, or friend, usually because parents will be away from a child);

10. Codicil For Funeral Matters (lets person name person as agent to control their funeral and disposition of bodily remains and related matters, and also has space for suggestions for agent).




I, _____________________ a resident of _____________ County, New Jersey, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament (called here my “Will”), hereby revoking all Wills and Codicils earlier made by me.

1. TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY LIST. I may leave a list or statement in my handwriting or signed by me disposing of tangible personal property including as provided by New Jersey Statutes § 3B:3-11 or similar law. Except for property specifically disposed of by Will I give to a beneficiary in such writings who survives me the property indicated in such writings.

2. SPECIFIC GIFTS. I give the following specific and other gifts:

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ________________________________________________ if they survive me; and

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me.

3. RESIDUE. I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate consisting of all

property I can distribute by Will not distributed by the preceding provisions, including any real property, personal property, or other property of any kind and wherever located, whether now owned or later acquired by me, as follows:

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me, but if they all do not survive me then I give the just described property to ______________________________________ or their lineal descendants per stirpes.

4. ADMINISTRATION. I name __________________________ as executor of my Will and of my estate. I give my executor the fullest power and discretion allowed including to without court approval sell, lease, keep, or exchange real or other property with no liability for decrease in value, settle claims for and against the estate, and pay debts. Powers given here are supplementary to powers conferred by law including New Jersey Statutes § 3B:14-23. I request unsupervised administration of my Will and estate and administration in as informal a manner as possible. Any executor serving under this Will or otherwise shall not be required to provide a bond or surety.

5. GUARDIANS. If any of my children have not reached age 18 then I name ___________________________ as guardian over the person of such children. I also name ________________________________ as guardian of the estate and property of such children or other minors who receive or possess money or property. All guardians serving under this Will or otherwise shall serve without bond or surety.

6. MISCELLANEOUS. The following applies to all parts of this Will.

Beneficiaries getting the same property are given an equal share of the property unless a specific share is stated.

For gifts to more than 1 beneficiary the share of a non-surviving beneficiary lapses and passes to other beneficiaries in proportion to their interest in other parts of the gift, including the residue, subject to other Will terms and if alternate beneficiaries.

In the section called “Specific Gifts” the gifts however phrased are specific gifts except that a gift of a money amount shall be a general gift.

A gift to multiple beneficiaries shall be sold and the proceeds distributed to them by the executor unless all beneficiaries agree on how to use or sell the gift.

Any list or statement that would dispose of tangible personal property including under New Jersey Statutes § 3B:3-11 if read separately with this Will is, and should be considered, with all such writings part of one document to be followed, with conflicts controlled by whichever page has the more recent signature or handwriting.

The word survive means to outlive testator by 30 days, a person who is not living (or an entity which is not existing and operating) 30 days after testator’s death shall be treated as not surviving, and survive as a condition is an absolute condition that if not met ends any beneficial interest which instantly lapses.

The residue includes lapsed or failed gifts, and the residue also includes property the testator has or had any power of appointment or testamentary disposition over.

The words gift or give includes and has the same meaning as a devise, bequest,

grant, legacy, or any other transfer of property called for by this Will.

The word executor shall also mean personal representative and administrator.

No incomplete, blank, or unfilled area shall be considered a mistake or other

than intentional, and this Will and any of its parts shall be given effect if possible.

Plural, singular, or gender meaning of words and phrases do not limit any Will provision, and “they” means one or several persons or entities.


I sign my name to this instrument and declare that I sign and execute this

instrument as my Will willingly as Testator, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed herein, and that I am at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence when signing, this ___ day of __________________, 20____.




We, as witnesses signing below, do hereby declare that on the date appearing

above _________________________, Testator, signed and executed this instrument as his or her Will in the presence and hearing of both of us and that Testator signed this instrument willingly, that to the best of our knowledge Testator is at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence, that each of us signing below is at least 18 years of age and of sound mind, and that each of us hereby signs this instrument as witness at Testator’s request and in the presence and hearing of Testator and each other.

_____________________ _____________________

Witness Witness




I, ________________________ a resident of _______________ County, New Jersey, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament (called here my “Will”), hereby revoking all Wills and Codicils earlier made by me.

1. TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY LIST. I may leave a list or statement in my handwriting or signed by me disposing of tangible personal property including as provided by New Jersey Statutes § 3B:3-11 or similar law. Except for property specifically disposed of by Will I give to a beneficiary in such writings who survives me the property indicated in such writings.

2. SPECIFIC GIFTS. I give the following specific and other gifts:

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me;

I give __________________________________________________________

to ________________________________________________ if they survive me; and

I give __________________________________________________________

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me.

3. RESIDUE. I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate consisting of all

property I can distribute by Will not distributed by the preceding provisions, including any real property, personal property, or other property of any kind and wherever located, whether now owned or later acquired by me, as follows:

to ___________________________________________________ if they survive me, but if they all do not survive me then I give the just described property to ______________________________________ or their lineal descendants per stirpes.

4. ADMINISTRATION. I name __________________________ as executor of my Will and of my estate. I give my executor the fullest power and discretion allowed including to without court approval sell, lease, keep, or exchange real or other property with no liability for decrease in value, settle claims for and against the estate, and pay debts. Powers given here are supplementary to powers conferred by law including New Jersey Statutes § 3B:14-23. I request unsupervised administration of my Will and estate and administration in as informal a manner as possible. Any executor serving under this Will or otherwise shall not be required to provide a bond or surety.

5. MISCELLANEOUS. The following applies to all parts of this Will.

Beneficiaries getting the same property are given an equal share of the property unless a specific share is stated.

For gifts to more than 1 beneficiary the share of a non-surviving beneficiary lapses and passes to other beneficiaries in proportion to their interest in other parts of the gift, including the residue, subject to other Will terms and if alternate beneficiaries.

In the section called “Specific Gifts” the gifts however phrased are specific gifts except that a gift of a money amount shall be a general gift.

A gift to multiple beneficiaries shall be sold and the proceeds distributed to them by the executor unless all beneficiaries agree on how to use or sell the gift.

Any list or statement that would dispose of tangible personal property including under New Jersey Statutes § 3B:3-11 if read separately with this Will is, and should be considered, with all such writings part of one document to be followed, with conflicts controlled by whichever page has the more recent signature or handwriting.

The word survive means to outlive testator by 30 days, a person who is not living (or an entity which is not existing and operating) 30 days after testator’s death shall be treated as not surviving, and survive as a condition is an absolute condition that if not met ends any beneficial interest which instantly lapses.

The residue includes lapsed or failed gifts, and the residue also includes property the testator has or had any power of appointment or testamentary disposition over.

The words gift or give includes and has the same meaning as a devise, bequest,

grant, legacy, or any other transfer of property called for by this Will.

The word executor shall also mean personal representative and administrator.

No incomplete, blank, or unfilled area shall be considered a mistake or other

than intentional, and this Will and any of its parts shall be given effect if possible.

Plural, singular, or gender meaning of words and phrases do not limit any Will provision, and “they” means one or several persons or entities.


I sign my name to this instrument and declare that I sign and execute this

instrument as my Will willingly as Testator, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed herein, and that I am at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence when signing, this ___ day of __________________, 20____.




We, as witnesses signing below, do hereby declare that on the date appearing

above _________________________, Testator, signed and executed this instrument as his or her Will in the presence and hearing of both of us and that Testator signed this instrument willingly, that to the best of our knowledge Testator is at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence, that each of us signing below is at least 18 years of age and of sound mind, and that each of us hereby signs this instrument as witness at Testator’s request and in the presence and hearing of Testator and each other.

_____________________ _____________________

Witness Witness




The State of __________________

County of ____________________

We, __________________ , __________________ and _____________________ , the testator and the witnesses, respectively, whose names are signed to the attached or foregoing instrument, being duly sworn, do hereby declare to the undersigned authority that the testator signed and executed the instrument as his last will and that the testator had signed willingly (or willingly directed another to sign for the testator), and that he executed it as the testator's free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed, and that each of the witnesses, in the presence and hearing of the testator, signed the will as witness and that to the best of his knowledge the testator was at that time 18 years of age or older, of sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence.







Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by ______________________, the testator, and subscribed and sworn to before me by _____________________ and ___________________ , witnesses, this ___ day of ____________________ , _______ .




(Official capacity of officer)




I, the undersigned, wish this list to dispose of tangible personal property not otherwise specifically disposed of by a Will, including as provided by New Jersey Statutes § 3B:3-11 or other law. I give property listed below to the named recipient but only if the recipient survives me as a Will defines.


______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

______________________________________ ____________________

Date: ______________ Signed: __________________________



PROXY DIRECTIVE--(Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care)

Designation of Health Care Representative

(The New Jersey Commission on Legal and Ethical Problems in the Delivery of Health Care)

I understand that as a competent adult, I have the right to make decisions about my health care. There may come a time when I am unable, due to physical or mental incapacity, to make my own health care decision. In these circumstances, those caring for me will need direction and they will turn to someone who knows my values and health care wishes. By writing this durable power of attorney for health care I appoint a health care representative with the legal authority to make health care decisions on my behalf and to consult with my physician and others. I direct that this document become part of my permanent medical records.


I, ______________________________, hereby designate _____________________________,

of ______________________________________________________________________________


(home address and telephone number of health care representative)

as my health care representative to make any and all health care decisions for me, including decisions to accept or to refuse any treatment, service or procedure used to diagnose or treat my physical or mental condition and decisions to provide, withhold or withdraw life-sustaining measures. I direct my representative to make decisions on my behalf in accordance with my wishes as stated in this document, or as otherwise known to him or her. In the event my wishes are not clear, my representative is authorized to make decisions in my best interest, based on what is known of my wishes.

This durable power of attorney for health care shall take effect in the event I become unable to make my own health care decisions, as determined by the physician who has primary responsibility for my care, and any necessary confirming determinations.

B) ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVES: If the person I have designated above is unable, unwilling or unavailable to act as my health care representative, I hereby designate the following person(s) to act as my health care representative, in the order of priority stated:

1. name ____________________________ 2. name ______________________________

address _____________________________ address ______________________________

city ______________________ state _____ city ______________________ state _____

telephone ___________________________ telephone ____________________________

C) SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS: Please initial the statement below which best expresses your wishes.

_____ My health care representative is authorized to direct that artificially provided fluids and nutrition, such as by feeding tube or intravenous infusion, be withheld or withdrawn.

_____ My health care representative does not have this authority, and I direct that artificially provided fluids and nutrition be provided to preserve my life, to the extent medically appropriate.

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(If you have any additional specific instructions concerning your care you may use the space below or attach an additional statement.)





D) COPIES: The original or a copy of this document has been given to my health care representative and to the following:

1. name ___________________________________

address _________________________________________________________________

city ________________________ state ______ telephone __________________________

2. name ___________________________________

address __________________________________________________________________

city ________________________ state _______ telephone __________________________

E) SIGNATURE: By writing this durable power of attorney for health care, I inform those who may become entrusted with my care of my health care wishes and intend to ease the burdens of decision making which this responsibility may impose. I have discussed the terms of this designation with my health care representative and he or she has willingly agreed to accept the responsibility for acting on my behalf in accordance with my wishes as expressed in this document. I understand the purpose and effect of this document and sign it knowingly, voluntarily and after careful deliberation.

Signed this ____ day of _________________________, 20______.

signature ____________________________________

address _______________________________________________________

city ____________________________________ state_____

F) WITNESSES: I declare that the person who signed this document, or asked another to sign this document on his or her behalf, did so in my presence, that he or she is personally known to me, and that he or she appears to be of sound mind and free of duress or undue influence. I am 18 years of age or older, and am not designated by this or any other document as the person’s health care representative, nor as an alternate health care representative.

1. witness_____________________________ 2. witness ____________________________

address _____________________________ address ____________________________

city _______________________ state ____ city ________________________ state ____

signature ___________________________ signature ___________________________

date ____________________________ date _____________________________

Page 2 of 2




(The New Jersey Commission on Legal and Ethical Problems in the Delivery of Health Care)

I understand that as a competent adult I have the right to make decisions about my health care. There may come a time when I am unable, due to physical or mental incapacity, to make my own health care decisions. In these circumstances, those caring for me will need direction concerning my care and they will require information about my values and health care wishes. In order to provide the guidance and authority needed to make decisions on my behalf:

A) I, __________________________________, hereby declare and make known to my family, physician, and others, my instructions and wishes for my future health care. I direct that all health care decisions, including decisions to accept or refuse any treatment, service or procedure used to diagnose, treat or care for my physical or mental condition and decisions to provide, withhold or withdraw life-sustaining measures, be made in accordance with my wishes as expressed in this document. This instruction directive shall take effect in the event I become

unable to make my own health care decisions, as determined by the physician who has primary responsibility for my care, and any necessary confirming determinations. I direct that this document become part of my permanent medical records.

Part One: Statement of My Wishes Concerning My Future Health Care

In Part One, you are asked to provide instructions concerning your future health care. This will require making important and perhaps difficult choices. Before completing your directive, you should discuss these matters with your doctor, family members or others who may become responsible for your care.

In Section B and C, you may state the circumstances in which various forms of medical treatment, including life-sustaining measures, should be provided, withheld or discontinued. If options and choices below do not fully express your wishes, you should use Section D, and/or attach a statement to this document which would provide those responsible for your care with additional information you think would help in making decisions about your medical treatment. Please familiarize yourself with all sections of Part One before completing your directive.

B) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: To inform those responsible for my care of my specific wishes, I make the following statement of personal views regarding my health care:

Initial ONE of the following two statements with which you agree:

1. ______ I direct that all medically appropriate 2. ______ There are circumstances in which I

measures be provided to sustain my life, would not want my life to be prolonged by

regardless of my physical or mental condition further medical treatment. In these

circumstances, life-sustaining measures should

not be initiated and if they have been, they

should be discontinued. I recognize that this is

likely to hasten my death. In the following, I

specify the circumstances in which I would

choose to forego life-sustaining measures.

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If you have initialed statement 2 on page 1, please initial each of the statements (a, b, c) with which you agree:

a. ______ I realize that there may come a time when I am diagnosed as having an incurable and irreversible illness, disease, or condition. If this occurs, and my attending physician and at least one additional physician who has personally examined me determine that my condition is terminal, I direct that life-sustaining measures which would serve only to artificially prolong my dying be withheld or discontinued. I also direct that I be given all medically appropriate care necessary to make me comfortable and to relieve pain.

In the space provided, write in the bracketed phrase with which you agree:

To me, terminal condition means that my physicians have determined that:


[I will die within a few days] [I will die within a few weeks]

[I have a life expectancy of approximately ________ or less (enter 6 months, or 1 year)]

b. ______ If there should come a time when I become permanently unconscious, and it is determined by my attending physician and at least one additional physician with appropriate expertise who has personally examined me, that I have totally and irreversibly lost consciousness and my capacity for interaction with other people and my surroundings, I direct that

life-sustaining measures be withheld or discontinued. I understand that I will not experience pain or discomfort in this condition, and I direct that I be given all my medically appropriate care necessary to provide for my personal hygiene and dignity.

c. ______ I realize that there may come a time when I am diagnosed as having an incurable and irreversible illness, disease, or condition which may not be terminal. My condition may cause me to experience severe and progressive physical or mental deterioration and/or a permanent loss of capacities and faculties I value highly. If, in the course of my medical care, the burdens of continued life with treatment become greater than the benefits I experience, I direct that life-sustaining measures be withheld or discontinued. I also direct that I be given all medically appropriate care necessary to make me comfortable and to relieve pain.

(Paragraph c. covers a wide range of possible situations in which you may have experienced partial or complete loss of certain mental and physical capacities you value highly. If you wish, in the space provided below you may specify in more detail the conditions in which you would choose to forego life-sustaining measures. You might include a description of the faculties or capacities, which, if irretrievably lost would lead you to accept death rather than continue living. You may want to express any special concerns you have about particular medical conditions or treatments, or any other considerations which would provide further guidance to those who may become responsible for your care. If necessary, you may attach a separate statement to this document or use Section D to provide additional instructions.)

Examples of conditions which I find unacceptable are:





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C ) SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: Artificially Provided Fluids and Nutrition ; Cardiopulmonary

Resuscitation (CPR). On page 2 you provided general instructions regarding life-sustaining measures. Here you are asked to give specific instructions regarding two types of life-sustaining measures-artificially provided fluids and nutrition and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

In the space provided, write in the bracketed phrase with which you agree:

1. In the circumstances I initialed on page 2, I also direct that artificially provided fluids and nutrition, such as by feeding tube or intravenous infusion,


[be withheld or withdrawn and that I be allowed to die]

[be provided to the extent medically appropriate]

2. In the circumstances I initialed on page 2, if I should suffer a cardiac arrest, I also direct that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)


[not be provided and that I be allowed to die]

[be provided to preserve my life, unless medically inappropriate or futile]

3. If neither of the above statements adequately expresses your wishes concerning artificially provided fluids and nutrition or CPR, please explain your wishes below.



D) ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: (You should provide any additional information about your health care preferences which is important to you and which may help those concerned with your care to implement your wishes. You may wish to direct your family members or your health care providers to consult with others, or you may wish to direct that your care be provided by a particular physician, hospital, nursing home, or at home. If you are or believe you may become pregnant, you may wish to state specific instructions. If you need more space than is provided here you may attach an additional statement to this directive.)



E) BRAIN DEATH: (The State of New Jersey recognizes irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem (also known as whole brain death), as a legal standard for the declaration of death. However, individuals who cannot accept this standard because of their personal religious beliefs may request that it not be applied in determining their death.)

Initial the following statement only if it applies to you:

______ To declare my death on the basis of the whole brain death standard would violate my personal religious beliefs. I therefore wish my death to be declared solely on basis of traditional criteria of irreversible cessation of cardiopulmonary (heartbeat and breathing) function.

F) AFTER DEATH - ANATOMICAL GIFTS: (It is possible to transplant human organs and tissue in order to save and improve the lives of others. Organs, tissues and other body parts are also used for therapy, medical research and education. This section allows you to indicate your desire to make an anatomical gift and if so provide instructions for limitations or special uses.)

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Initial the statements which express your wishes:

1. ______ I wish to make the following anatomical gift to take effect upon my death:

A. ______ any needed organs or body parts B. ______ only the following organs or parts


for the purposes of transplantation, therapy, medical research or education, or

C. ______ my body for anatomical study, if needed. D. ______ special limitations, if any:


If you wish to provide additional instructions, such as indicating your preference that your organs be given to a specific person or institution, or be used for a specific purpose, please do so in the space provided below. _____________________________________________________

2. ______ I do not wish to make an anatomical gift upon my death.

Part Two: Signature and Witnesses

G) COPIES: The original or a copy of this document has been given to the following people (NOTE: It is important to provide a family member, friend or physician a copy of your directive.):

1. name ____________________________ 2. name ______________________________

address __________________________ address ____________________________

city ______________________ state ____ city _______________________ state ____

telephone __________________________ telephone __________________________

H) SIGNATURE: By writing this advance directive, I inform those who may become entrusted with my health care of my wishes and intend to ease the burdens of decision making which this responsibility may impose. I understand the purpose and effect of this document and sign it knowingly, voluntarily and after careful deliberation.

Signed this ______ day of __________________________, 20______.

signature _________________________________

address _____________________________________ city __________________ state _____

I) WITNESSES: I declare that the person who signed this document, or asked another to sign this document on his or her behalf, did so in my presence, that he or she is personally known to me and that he or she appears to be of sound mind and free of duress or undue influence. I am 18 years of age or older, and am not designated by this or any other document as the person’s health care representative nor as an alternate health care representative.

1. witness _____________________________________________

address ____________________________________ city __________________ state ____

signature ___________________________________________ date __________________

2. witness _____________________________________________

address ____________________________________ city __________________ state ____

signature ___________________________________________ date __________________

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I, _______________________ of _____________________________________, am creating a Durable General Power of Attorney under New Jersey law.

I appoint ____________________________ to serve as my Attorney-in-Fact.

I give my Attorney-in-Fact the power and authority to act for me in any way including in any way I myself could do if I were personally present. This document is and should be interpreted as a durable general power of attorney. My Attorney-in-Fact may do everything necessary or convenient to exercise their power and authority.

This Durable General Power of Attorney and authority granted to my Attorney-in-Fact are granted and effective immediately upon signing.

This Durable General Power of Attorney shall not be affected by subsequent disability or incapacity of the principal, or lapse of time.

My Attorney-in-Fact is specifically empowered to conduct banking transactions as set forth in Section 2 of P.L. 1991, c.95 (C.46:2B-11), as provided by New Jersey law.

My Attorney-in-Fact is specifically authorized and given power to access and add or remove property from a safe-deposit box in my name or which I am an authorized signer, including a box involving others.

My Attorney-in-Fact is specifically authorized and given power to sign, execute, endorse, seal, acknowledge, deliver, and file or record all legal and other documents.

I agree any third party who receives a copy of this document may act under it. Revocation is not effective as to a third party until they learn of the revocation. I agree to indemnify the third party for any claims that arise against the third party

because of reliance on this document.

Notwithstanding any other provision no power or authority over health care is given.


____________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Principal Date



COUNTY OF _______________________ ) ss.

Sworn before me this ___ day of _______________, 20___, there personally appeared ____________________ , as Principal, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Durable General Power of Attorney, and he or she acknowledged he or she executed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein contained.

Signature of Notary _________________________


The foregoing Durable General Power of Attorney was, on the date written above, published and declared by Principal, in our presence to be his Durable General Power of Attorney. We, at Principal’s request and in his or her presence, and the presence of each other, have attested to the same and signed as attesting witnesses. We declare that at time of our attestation of this instrument that each of us was at least age 18 and of sound mind and that Principal was, to the best of our knowledge and belief, of sound mind and memory and under no undue duress or constraint.

_____________________________ ___________________________

Signature of Witness Signature of Witness


The undersigned Attorney-in-Fact hereby accepts the power and authority set out in this Durable General Power of Attorney and the associated duties and responsibilities.

___________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Attorney-in-Fact Date






I, __________________ of ____________________________________, am the parent of __________________ born on ______________ (called here “child”).

I hereby make this Power of Attorney and appoint _____________________ to serve as my Attorney-in-Fact to act for me in any way I myself could do if I were personally present in all issues and matters involving the child including as allowed by N.J.S.A. 3B:12-39.

Without limitation my Attorney-in-Fact shall have power and authority over the child’s health care, medications, dental care, insurance, school, extra-curricular activities, sports, schedule, residence, discipline, public assistance, benefits, insurance, property, legal matters, and related matters.

My Attorney-in-Fact may control and consent to the child’s medical and related treatment without delay or attempt to contact me or other person.

My Attorney-in-Fact may do everything necessary or convenient to exercise their power and authority.

Notwithstanding any provision this Power of Attorney is valid for 6 months from the date it is signed, and no power over marriage or adoption is given.

This Power of Attorney and authority granted to my Attorney-in-Fact are granted and effective immediately upon signing.

This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by subsequent disability or incapacity of the principal, or lapse of time.

I agree any third party who receives a copy of this document may act under it. Revocation of power of attorney is not effective as to a third party until they learn of the revocation. I agree to indemnify the third party for any claims that arise against the third party because of reliance on this Power of Attorney.


_________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Principal Date




COUNTY OF ________________ )

Sworn before me this ___ day of _______________, 20___, there personally appeared __________________________, as Principal, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Power of Attorney, and he or she acknowledged he or she executed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein contained.

Signature of Notary ______________


The foregoing Power of Attorney was, on the date written above, published and declared by Principal, in our presence to be his Power of Attorney. We, in the presence of Principal and at Principal’s request, and in the presence of each other, have attested to the same and signed as attesting witnesses. We declare that at time of our attestation of this instrument that each of us was at least age 18 and of sound mind and that Principal was, to the best of our knowledge and belief, of sound mind and memory and under no undue duress or constraint.

__________________________ __________________________

Signature of Witness Signature of Witness


I, who sign immediately below, am the parent of the child and I consent to this Power of Attorney including as required by N.J.S.A. 3B:12-39.

___________________________ ______________________

Signature Date


The undersigned Attorney-in-Fact hereby accepts the power and authority set out in this Power of Attorney and the associated legal duties and responsibilities.

___________________________ ______________________

Signature of Attorney-in-Fact Date




I, ______________________, a resident of _______________ County, New Jersey, declare this to be a Codicil to a Will earlier done by me.

I hereby add to my Will and revoke any provision contrary to the following:

I hereby appoint and name _____________________________ as my agent with power to control my funeral and disposition of my remains, including pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:27-22. Any executor of my Will shall inform my agent of financial means available to carry out my funeral and disposition of my remains.

In all other respects I hereby confirm and republish the Will earlier done by me.

I provide the following non-binding suggestions for my agent:

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ (attach additional pages if needed)


I sign my name to this instrument and declare that I sign and execute this as a Codicil to my Will willingly as Testator, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed herein, and that I am at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence when signing, this ___ day of _________________, 20____.

__________________________ Testator and maker of this Codicil


We, as witnesses signing below, do hereby declare that on the date appearing above _________________________, Testator, signed and executed this instrument as his or her Codicil to a Will in the presence and hearing of both of us and that Testator signed this instrument willingly, that to the best of our knowledge Testator is at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint or undue influence, that each of us signing below is at least 18 years of age and of sound mind, and that each of us hereby signs this instrument as witness at Testator’s request and in the presence and hearing of Testator and each other.

_____________________ _____________________

Witness Witness


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