Education K-12 Proposal Guidelines

Proposal Narrative: Your proposal narrative should address the components listed below. The narrative (excluding the one page executive summary) should not exceed 20 pages, using 12-point font, one-inch margins, single line spacing.

Proposal Budget: In addition to submitting a written narrative, you are required to submit a proposed budget provided by the foundation. If a proposal is approved, grantees will be expected to report actual expenses against the approved budget as part of required progress reporting for the duration of the grant period.

Also, please ensure that the grantee name and final submission date to the foundation are included on your proposal. Please direct any questions about the submission process or guidelines to your contact at the foundation.

Executive Summary

Include a brief, high-level summary of the proposal to give outside readers an overview of the proposal contents. Please limit to one page.

Project Description

1 Need Statement

Include a well-documented, compelling description of the problem or need(s) that the proposed project aims to address. To the extent applicable, also include the geographic areas this project will serve and why these areas were selected.

Describe the group or community to be served by your project, and the need for this project in that community. Describe that group or community’s input into the design of your project.

2 Goal(s) and Objectives

1 Describe the goal(s) and overarching objectives of the proposed project. How many people will be served?

2 Describe how the proposed activities support the foundation’s larger goal of ensuring that all kids are school ready.

3 Project Implementation Plan

Describe how the proposed project will be implemented.

Describe any project partners on which project success is dependent. If success of the project is dependent on the support of partner organizations, include letters of support from those partners or the agreement governing the partnership.

4 Evaluation Plan

To the extent your organization intends to evaluate this project (independent of Gates funding), please describe your plans for conducting the evaluation (third party or in-house) and reporting on its findings (e.g. dissemination plans, etc.).

5 Project Timeline

The project timeline should be consistent with all components of the proposal. Concisely list the key project milestones and target completion dates. Order milestones in chronological order from start to finish.

|Activity/Milestone/Deliverable |Target Date |

|Activity/Milestone A |xx/xx/xxxx |

|Activity/Milestone B |xx/xx/xxxx |

|Activity/Milestone C |xx/xx/xxxx |

Organizational Capacity

1 Briefly describe the mission of your organization, and the strengths and expertise your organization brings to this project that make it uniquely qualified to produce high quality results.

2 To the extent your organization has undertaken a similar project in the past, describe its measure(s) of success, as well as lessons learned.

3 Identify key project partners and designated personnel involved with the project, along with a description of their respective roles and responsibilities.

Budget and Budget Narrative

Budget and Budget Narrative: All proposal submissions should include a complete budget and budget narrative that supports the proposal request amount and an explanation of the assumptions used to derive the estimated amounts for substantive line items. See budget attachment.

To the extent key partners have been identified to support the project, please include the following:

|Project Co-Funders (a) |Project Support |

|(List each funding partner contributing |Cash |Other |

|to the project) |Anticipated |Secured |  |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total: | | | |

(a) Project support: Indicate, by organization, the amounts you anticipate receiving, as well as the funding commitments you have secured to date. Please provide a brief description of any significant non-cash contributions under the column labeled "other."

Potential Risks and Challenges

Describe any potential internal and external risks that could impact the project’s success. Also include the strategies your organization can employ to mitigate such risks.


1 Describe your organization’s strategies for sustaining the project. Specifically, what actions will your organization and project partners implement during the project term to develop sustainability and if known, who will be responsible for managing the project when the grant period has ended.

2 Describe the impact, if any, which the project will have on your organization’s sustainability and what strategies your organization will employ to ensure its capacity is sufficient beyond the life of the grant. Include any of these strategies into the Project Timeline worksheet, wherever possible.

Proposal Packet Checklist

Please mail us one copy of your proposal.

Include the following attachments:

__ Completed project budget worksheet

__ List of other project donors

__ Organization’s current year’s budget and current financial statement

__ Most recent audited financial statements, if available

__ Partner letters of support / partnership agreement (if applicable)

__ Board of directors list

__ Federal tax determination letter

Additionally, email a copy of the narratives and the budget sheets to:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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