Practice Guideline - Columbia University

6-1. Practice Guideline

|Source |Website |Specialized Area |Accessibility |Clinical Usefulness |Note |

| | | | |* Low | |

| | | | |** Fair | |

| | | | |*** Good | |

6-6. EBP Dissemination Groups

|Name |Website |Specialized Area |Accessibility |Note |

|Bandolier | |Healthcare |Free |Well-organized |

| | | | |handouts related to |

| | | | |essential EBP |

| | | | |knowledge. |

|Centre for Evaluation of Social Services | |Social Intervention |Free |  |

|Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and | |Social Intervention |  |  |

|Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) | | | | |

|National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Clinical Trials | |Drug abuse |Free |  |

|Network | | | | |

6-6. EBP Dissemination Groups (cont.)

|research in practice | |Children and families |With limitation |Children and Families |

|Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) | |Social Intervention |Free |Information are useful|

| | | | |for practice, but lack|

| | | | |of rigorous |

| | | | |evaluation. |

|University of St. Andrews: Research Unit for Research | |Social Intervention |Free | |

|Utilization | | | | |

|What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) | |Education |Free |Much still under |

| | | | |construction |


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