Application - WOODSTREAM


Scholarship Application

Academic Year 2017-2018

Dear Applicant:

The Scholarship Committee would like to thank you for applying for the Woodstream Church Scholarship for the Academic Year 2017-2018. It is our hope that this scholarship will benefit its recipients in pursuing their educational goals.

Please take a moment to read the scholarship application’s criteria thoroughly, Statement of Affirmation and complete the scholarship application. Your application and all supporting documentation must be received by the committee no later than Sunday, April 30, 2017. Any omission of the required documentation will result in your disqualification for a scholarship award. All applicants will receive fair consideration. The number of scholarships awarded is determined by the Scholarship Committee.

Statement of Affirmation:

I ___________________________, am applying for the selected Woodstream Church Scholarship for the Academic Year 2017-2018. I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all information and statements provided in this application are complete and accurate. I also agree to supply all academic records and other supporting documents requested by the Scholarship Committee, and I understand that failure to do so will disqualify me from further consideration for a scholarship. Moreover, I understand that any false or misleading information and/or statements will disqualify me from further consideration for a scholarship.

Select the type of award you are applying for:

___ Graduating High School Senior Award

___ Continuing Education Award

___ Master’s Award

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________

(If applicant is under 18 years of age)

cc: Robert A. Wingfield, Senior Pastor


Scholarship Application

Academic Year 2017 – 2018


To provide financial assistance and encouragement to students who are active members of Woodstream Church in pursuing their higher educational goals. THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE of Woodstream Church stresses the importance of education as a tool for success and the need for our youth to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner and to be witnessing examples to other young people.


Leroy Allen, Chairperson Debrah Martin

Roxanne Anderson Elizabeth Morris

Tarifah Coaxum Jamie Richardson

Lisa Gamble David Southern

Maggie Green Theresa Thomas

Maxine Jackson Michele Walker

Cheryl F. Jones Nicquel Wynn

Yvonne Kinney

Read and complete all items in the application prior to submission. For consideration, all information requested must be attached to the application and received by the deadline, incomplete applications will not be considered-no exceptions (Refer to the criteria for the award for which you are applying). Completed packages can be submitted to any committee member or placed in the Scholarship box at the church. Questions can be directed to any member on the committee.


Woodstream Church Scholarship Criteria

Graduating High School Senior’s Award

➢ Must be a graduating senior or General Educational Development (GED) recipient for the current school


➢ Must have been a member of Woodstream Church since April 2016;

➢ Must submit a letter of recommendation from a Woodstream Church ministry leader;

➢ Must submit two typed essays, see questions 13 &14 (minimum of one page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages);

➢ Must submit a current copy of high school transcript, plus a copy of your 3rd Quarter Grades;

➢ Must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – 1st page only;

➢ Must be an active member of at least one Woodstream Church ministry for the past 12 months.

Continuing Education Award (i.e. Vocational, Associate Program, Bachelor Program)

➢ Must have been a member of Woodstream Church since April 2016;

➢ Must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited vocational school, college, or university;

➢ Must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0;

➢ Must submit two type essays, see questions 13 & 15 (minimum of one page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages);

➢ Must submit a letter of recommendation from a Woodstream Church ministry leader (local students only) or school ministry leader;

➢ Must submit a current copy of college transcript (award decision pending receipt of final transcript);

➢ Must have completed at least 24 undergraduate credit hours by the end of the 2017 spring semester;

➢ Must be a full time student with a minimum 12 credit hours for each semester of the 2017-2018 academic year;

➢ Must be an active member of at least one church or school-based Christian ministry for one academic year.

Master’s Award

➢ Must have been a member of Woodstream Church since April 2016;

➢ Must be enrolled in a graduate program at an accredited college or university;

➢ Must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0;

➢ Must submit two type essays, see questions 13&15 (minimum of one page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages);

➢ Must submit a letter of recommendation from a Woodstream Church ministry leader (local students only) or school ministry leader;

➢ Must submit a current copy of college transcript (award decision pending receipt of final transcript);

➢ Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours for each semester of the 2017-2018 academic year;

➢ Must be an active member of at least one church or school-based Christian ministry for one academic year.

Woodstream Church Scholarship Application 2017


Check One

❑ Graduating High School Senior’s Award (complete sections 1 – 14 & 16 - 17)

❑ Continuing Education Award (complete sections 1 – 13;15&17)

❑ Master’s Award (complete sections 1 – 13;15&17)


1. Name: _____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________

(Last) (First) (MI)

2. _____________________ _____________________ ________________ ____________________

College Student ID Home # Cell # Email address

3. Do you have a social media account (examples: Instagram, twitter, Facebook or etc.) ( YES ( NO

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home Address

5. _______________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________

City State Zip

6. Current School Attending: ______________________________ Expected Date of Graduation: ____________ GPA: __________

(If applicable)

7. _______________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________

City: State Zip

8. College you will be attending: _________________________________________ City and State: _________________________

9. Major: _____________________________________________

10. List all active church activities and/or ministries that reflects at least 12 months of recent service:

Ministry / Church Activity Date Joined/Active (Y/N) Role/Position Ministry Leader’s Signature

11. List extracurricular activities, any office held and/or special recognition received.

12. Are you, at present, the recipient of any scholarship or the beneficiary of any other financial aid? YES / NO (circle one) - if Yes, list the scholarship or aid, and attach award letter.

13. Using a separate sheet of paper, explain why you need this scholarship (minimum of one typed page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages).

14. Write an Essay on the following topic (minimum of one typed page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages).

□ Explain the importance of your college major in today’s society, and how you plan to impact your field of study for Christ?


15. Write an Essay on the following topic (minimum of one page double-spaced, not to exceed two pages).

□ What are the two most important issues that your field of study is currently facing? How do you plan to be a benefit to the field, and to society-at large, while unapologetically demonstrating your Christian faith?

16. Parent’s signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

17. Your Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________


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