
Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

English Department

iEARN Bahrain

Learning Circles


Students' and the Internet Survey

Done by:

Afaf Sayed Shubar

Ameera .A. Ameer

Hawra’a Yousif

Supervised by:

Miss Masooma Khalil

Students' Use of the Internet


Dear student,

This questionnaire is about students' use of the Internet. Can you please answer the questions, by ticking the point that applies to you. Your answers will help us to know about the students' habits regarding the use of the Internet and their awareness of the problems associated with its bad use.

1. How many hours a day do you spend online?

← About an hour

← 2-3 hours

← More than 3 hours

2. What do you usually do while you are online?(you may tick( more than one thing )

|Chatting |Doing research |Shopping |

|Playing games |Doing business |Reading articles |

|Discussion boards |Watching videos |Listening to music |

|Doing practice (a foreign language) |

|Others ( please specify): |

|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

3. What kind of websites do you visit? ?(you may tick( more than one thing )

|Educational |Business |

|Games/ Entertainment |Forums |

|Music |Informative |

|Others: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

4. Do your parents watch you while you are surfing the net?

← Yes, directly.

← No.

← Yes, behind my back.

5. Do you think the Internet has more positives than negatives?

← Yes.

← No.

← Positives and negatives are even.

6. Would you say that you are addicted to the net?

← Yes.

← No.

7. Does the Internet negatively affect your schoolwork?

← Yes.

← No.

8. Does the Internet negatively affect your social life?

← Yes.

← No.

9. Are you aware of the problems caused by the bad use f the Internet (e.g. cyber crimes, hacking, safety of children.. etc)

← Yes.

← No.

Thank you for your cooperation

iEarn Group 2007-08


|% |No. |Answers |Question |No. |

|30% |15 |About an hour |How many hours a day do you spend online? |1 |

|40% |20 |2-3 hours | | |

|30% |15 |More than 3 hours | | |

|15.4% |33 |Chatting |What do you usually do while you are online? |2 |

|11.2% |24 |Playing games | | |

|1.9% |4 |Discussion boards | | |

|2.3% |5 |Doing practice | | |

|12.6% |27 |Doing research | | |

|4.7% |10 |Doing business | | |

|13% |28 |Watching videos | | |

|3.3% |7 |Shopping | | |

|15% |32 |Reading articles | | |

|19.2% |41 |Listening to music | | |

|1.4% |3 |Others | | |

|18.7% |29 |Educational |What kind of websites do you visit? |3 |

|20% |31 |Games\Entertainment | | |

|25.8% |40 |Music | | |

|5.2% |8 |Business | | |

|12.9% |20 |Forums | | |

|11.6% |18 |Informative | | |

|5.8% |9 |Others | | |

|10% |5 |Yes , directly |Do your parents watch you while you are surfing the net? |4 |

|82% |41 |No | | |

|8% |4 |Yes , behind my back | | |

|50% |25 |Yes |Do you think the Internet has more positives than the |5 |

| | | |negatives? | |

|16% |8 |No | | |

|34% |17 |Positives and negatives are even | | |

|34% |17 |Yes |Would you say that you are addicted to the net? |6 |

|66% |33 |No | | |

|20% |10 |Yes |Does the Internet negatively affect your school work? |7 |

|80% |40 |No | | |

|22% |11 |Yes |Does the Internet negatively affect your social life? |8 |

|78% |39 |No | | |

|76% |38 |Yes |Are you aware of the bad problems caused by the bad use of the |9 |

| | | |Internet? ( e.g : cyber crimes , hacking , safety of children …| |

| | | |etc ) | |

|24% |12 |No | | |

The Questionnaire Analysis


40% of the informants of this study usually spend 2-3 hours a day online and the rest are divided to 30% for about an hour and the other 30% use the Internet for more than that.


Students do different things while surfing the internet. As we can see from the results, (19.2%) of them usually listen to music, which is the highest percent among all. The second highest percentage is for chatting (15.4%) and reading articles (15%). The minority participates in discussion boards. Only 13% of the participants watch videos and (12.6%) do research. The other activities that teenagers do online are playing games (11.2%), doing practice (2.3%), shopping (3.3%) and other activities (1.2%).


As we can see, students visit different kinds of websites: (25.8%) of them visit music websites, (20%) of them visit games and entertainment websites, (5.2%) of the informants visit business websites, (11.6%) visit informative websites, (18.7%) visit educational websites and (12.9%) of the students who participated in this study visit forums.


It is shocking to know that parents nowadays don’t watch their children while using the net, as the majority (82%) of the participants says their parents don’t. This is probably because parents are not aware of the problems caused by the Internet or maybe because they trust their children so they allow them to use it without observation.


Half of the sample of the study (50%) thinks that the internet has more positives than negatives. (16%) of the respondents believe that the negatives are more than the positives, perhaps because they are against using the technology in their daily lives. In addition, they refuse to admit that the Internet could be useful.


Only (34%) of the students admit that they are addicted to the net. In our opinion, addiction to the net causes many serious problems. For example, kids may become isolated from the society. Also, they will create their own fake world which separates them from reality.


It is amazing that the school work of only (20%) of the students is negatively affected by the internet. This could be because they know how to manage their time and separate their schoolwork from entertainment.


22% of the students' social lives are negatively affected by the internet because they spend most of their time online which keeps them away from the out side world.


Most of the respondents (76%) are aware of the bad problems caused by the bad use of the internet, which is more relieving for their parents. Hacking, cyber crimes and black mailing are the main problems caused by the bad use of the Internet.


Jidhafs Secondary Girls School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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