Harrison School District 2
Systemic Professional Development2017-2018Course CatalogTable of ContentsTable of ContentsPage 2Systemic PD OverviewPage 3Content, Pedagogy, Relationships(CPR)Page 5Wednesday, September 20Page 7Wednesday, September 27Page 14Wednesday, October 11Page 15Thursday, October 12Page 22Wednesday, November 15Page 23Thursday, November 16Page 28Saturday, January 13Page 28Wednesday, January 17Page 29Wednesday, February 21Page 35Wednesday, March 14Page 41Wednesday, May 9Page 46Planning GuidePage 47How to RegisterPage 48Contact/HelpPage 50Systemic Professional Development: OverviewWhat is Systemic PD? Harrison School District 2 provides monthly Systemic PD to all of its employees. Let’s look at the word “systemic” and how it differs from “systematic” to get a clear understanding of the professional development sessions being offered. Although sometimes used interchangeably, by definition, the two adjectives differ. Systematic, means something is well organized or arranged according to a set plan and/or is grouped into systems. Conversely, systemic means something matters to the entire system. This describes something that belongs to, works together with, or can affect the entire body or system as a whole. So, what does that mean for HSD2? It means that the Systemic PD sessions are purposefully created and executed to work together with hopes of affecting the entire education system in our district. Each individual session matters to the entire system. What type of sessions are offered for Systemic PD?The course sessions fall into 3 areas – Content, Pedagogy, and Relationships (CPR). These are categories that our district feels are important in regard to affecting change to the entire educational system. How do I register for Systemic PD? (see page 49-50)All Systemic PD sessions you see listed in this catalog can be found on ERO. The Electronic Registrar Online (ERO) system allows educators to view a Schedule Calendar of all the PD offerings, and the dates they are offered for the entire 2017-2018 school year. With a simple click of a button, you can register for monthly PD sessions. Within this system, you will also find all the pertinent information about Systemic PD sessions i.e. location, time, number of participants and any other requirements. ERO can be found under the Employee Links tab on our district website – . Will Systemic PD offerings change?The list of PD sessions is subject to change. More sessions may come available as well as possible PD cancellations. ERO will always be the most up to date resource for employees looking to register for PD sessions. Why should I attend?HSD2 takes pride in offering free professional development to its teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators. By attending professional development, you are continuing on your path as a lifelong learner. Participation and attendance will be awarded with professional development credit hours that can be applied towards license renewal. SessionContentPedagogyRelationshipsACADEMIC LANGUAGE IN THE CLDE CLASSROOMXXACADEMIC LANGUAGE IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOMXALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOLXXBECOMING A MORE SELF-DETERMINED EDUCATION, SERVICE PROVIDER, SCHOOL LEADERXBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GEN ED SETIINGXBLENDED LEARNINGXCAPTURING KIDS HEARTSXCLOSE READINGXCOLLECTIVE EFFICACYXXDIFFERENTIATION-ACADEMIC ACCESS FOR ALLXDIFFERENTIATION-GTXDO, RE, MI, MO, MUSIC FOR LEARNINGXXEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONXEDUCATING CHILDREN OF COLORXXEQUITY PEDAGOGY AND MULTICULTURALISMXXGRADUAL RELEASEXTHE HEART OF LEARNING: RIGOR, RELEVANCE, & RELATIONSHIPSXXHIGH EXPECTATIONS TEACHINGXINTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKSXXJUICY LANGUAGE & JUICY SENTENCESXKEEPING IT REAL: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE THROUGH CONTENT-RICH NONFICTION TEXT SETSXXMATHEMATICAL MINDSET-BOOK STUDYXXXNAMI-MENTAL HEALTHXPARTNERING WITH PARENTSXSession (cont)ContentPedagogyRelationshipsPROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCESXPROVIDING FEEDBACK FOR ACHIEVEMENTXPURPOSEFUL PRACTICE: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL IN ALL STUDENTSXQUESTIONING FOR ALL CONTENT AREASXXQUESTIONING IN MATHXREADING & WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUMXXREVISIT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCEXXSEEING, WONDERING, THEORIZING, & LEARNING: INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTIONXSIOPXXTALK READ, TALK WRITEXXTRUST AS A MEDIATING FACTORXXUbD: UNPACKING STANDARDSXXUSING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMXXUSING UNIFY TO CREATE CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTSXXVISUAL MATHXCELEBRATIONXXXWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 4:30-6:00PMACADEMIC LANGUAGE IN THE CLDE CLASSROOM-C, PHow do you help ELD students face the academic challenges in their content area learning? Come and learn about different strategies and scaffolds to use with your ELD students in their content classrooms. Presenter: Dr. Angela ValdezACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-C, PHow can you design an amazing learning environment? The tools found in 7 Steps to Building a Language-Rich Interactive Classroom provides a seven-step process that creates a language-rich interactive classroom environment in which all students can thrive. Topics include differentiating instruction for students at a variety of language proficiencies, keeping all students absolutely engaged, and creating powerful learning supports. The first five steps will be covered in this session. These first steps include: Teach students what to say when they don’t know what to say, have students speak in complete sentences, randomize and rotate when calling on students, use total response signals, use visuals and vocabulary strategies that support your objective. Presenter(s); Joe Laliberte & Dustin CadyALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBecoming a more self-determined educator, service provider, school leader-PThis session will include an interactive introduction to Self-determination Theory in Learning Contexts. You will explore what motivates you to be effective, how do you stay motivated, and why do you do what you do every day?Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Receive instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Learn clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experiences to the traditional classroom. Collaborate with others as you spend time building your own blended learning experiences for your students!Presenter: Annette ZookCAPTURING KIDS HEARTS-RAre you having a difficult time building relationship with your students? Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to communicating with parents? If you answered yes to these questions, then this session is for you! This session will provide you with classroom management & communicating with home strategies to add to your teacher toolkits to enable you to do the job you love!Presenter: Elizabeth ManeeleyDIFFERENTIATION WITH GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS-PDiscover what differentiation looks like in a classroom with a diverse learning population. In this session, uncover the true meaning of differentiation and explore ways to create challenging lessons to meet the needs of the GT learner.Presenter: Dana SeibertEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PClassroom Culture: During the next 3 sessions, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerEQUITY PEDAGOGY AND MULTICULTURALISM-PRThe aim of this session focuses on providing, producing and ensuring equitable outcomes for Culturally Linguistically Economically Ethnically and Educationally Diverse scholars (CLEEEDS).? An emphasis will be placed on recognizing hidden biases and judgements in our planning, policies, practices and procedures in both the classroom and whole school environment. A further emphasis will focus on lesson planning and activities developed from a multicultural curriculum which will enhance the learning experience for all scholars by imbedding and infusing archetypes within instruction, connecting scholar home and community realities to school and societal realities. Presenter: Dr. Aaron GriffenGRADUAL RELEASE: OVERVIEW-PNeed an overview on Gradual Release? Then this is the session for you. You will leave knowing the 4 essential components of Gradual Release and how to begin the process of releasing the responsibility from you to your students. Presenter: Misti Woltz & Melissa GeffreHigh Expectations Teaching: Calling on Students-PLearn to eliminate unconscious bias responses to student answers. Focus on what we do in response to students’ answers to convey the message that we have confidence in their ability to think through appropriate responses. Presenter: Mary WisdorfJUICY LANGUAGE & JUICY SENTENCES-CParticipants will understand how the elements of text complexity determine the instructional utility of a text, specifically with close reading, and develop a sequence of text dependent questions that focus on specific analysis. Presenter: Dawn-Antoinette ThomasNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to discuss mental health concerns of our students and what you can do as an education to help and support. Presenter: Aspen PointePartnering with Parents-RTeachers will learn to employ effective partnership strategies to build the bridge between families and school in order to attain student success. Presenter: Miriam RosendoPROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research, and how ACE’s and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project ACCESSProviding Feedback for Achievement-PTeachers will learn about different types of feedback, and the impact it can have on student learning. John Hattie’s meta-analysis of effective instructional strategies puts feedback near the top of the list. Dig deeper into understanding how and when to provide feedback to students as well as which types of feedback have a positive vs negative impact on learning.Presenter: Jill CarltonPURPOSEFUL PRACTICE: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL IN ALL STUDENTS-PWhether you are teaching athletics, music, core content, or computer programming, what separates top achievers is not the innate talent but simply the right training and practice. This session will focus on how the brain is designed to learn though high-leverage instructional and coaching strategies involving movement, feedback, chunking, goal-setting, and motivationPresenter: Aaron GeffreSEEING, WONDERING, THEORIZING, & LEARNING: INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION-CThis session will address the theory and practice of inquiry-based science education. Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves exploring the natural or material world in a way that leads to asking questions, making observations, planning investigations, testing explanations, and discussing or debating results with others. All in the service of coming to a deep understanding of scientific phenomena and practicesPresenter: Julissa VegaSIOP 1 & 2: SHELTERED INSTRUCTION OBSERVATION PROTOCOL-PRLearn to plan lessons with ELLs in mind that will build background knowledge and academic language for all learners. Presenter: CLDEUnderstanding by Design-Unpacking the Curriculum Map-CPYou have a curriculum map, you know what standards you have to teach for the unit, but let’s discuss the next steps! Teachers will learn how to unpack standards, write aligned objectives and DOLs, while backwards planning the unit with the end in mind!Presenter: Candice RobinsonUsing Technology in the Classroom: Office 365-cPHSD2’s technology department will share the benefits and key features of Office 365. Learn the capabilities of this platform and how it can help you in your classroom.Presenter: TechnologyVISUAL MATH-CSee how math makes sense for anyone who is bothered by all the written rules of mathematics. Specifically designed for the visual learner, this PD provides a way for both teachers and students to get used to talking about mathematics in open-ended ways and learn about the conceptual aspects of math that supports visual learners. Presenter: Allyson FoxWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 4:30-6:00PMMATHEMATICAL MINDSETS-BOOK STUDY CPRMathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are bad at math, that they can enjoy and success in math. Mathematical Mindsets explains how the brain processes mathematical learning. It will reveal how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning experiences. Examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote learning will be provided. Learn how to give students a positive math mindset, but also learn how grading and assessments need to change in order to improve mindset. **Books will be provided. Please reach out to Allyson Fox afox@ after registering for the book study sessionsPresenter?: Allyson Fox & Jamie PluemerWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2017 4:30-6:00PMACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-CPIn the second of three PD offerings, we will focus entirely on the power of structured conversations. By watching videos of teachers who successfully implement structured conversations deliberately and skillfully, we will discuss how to maximize efficiency, promote accountability, and drive rigor. Through analysis of master teachers’ techniques and deep practice, participants in the session will develop understanding and strengthen skills with: The purpose of structured conversations, tools for efficiency and accountability, and planning for breadth of participation and depth of thinking. Presenter(s): Joe Laliberte & Dustin CadyALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBecoming a more self-determined educator, service provider, school leader-PThis session will include a deeper look at one component of Self-Determination Theory—Competency. Leveraging and developing professional ability to increase competency in self and others in the context or learning, growth, and achievement. Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Development of clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experience to the traditional classroom. Presenter: Annette ZookCAPTURING KIDS HEARTS-RAre you having a difficult time building relationship with your students? Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to communicating with parents? If you answered yes to these questions, then this session is for you! This session will provide you with classroom management & communicating with home strategies to add to your teacher toolkits to enable you to do the job you love!Presenter: Elizabeth ManeeleyCLOSE READING-CDuring this session, teachers will learn how to create higher level questions that require students to analyze, evaluate, and compare texts. Teachers will also learn the structure that is needed in order to revisit a paragraph, passage or portion of text over several days. Presenter: Jill CarltonCOLLECTIVE EFFICACY-PRThe aim of this session focuses on school community stakeholder’s ability to believe in what they are doing, believe in their ability to be successful in what they are doing, and their ability to believe in one another.?? An emphasis will be placed on academic and behavioral outcomes through effective backwards planning with the learner in mind. The results will be Collective Efficacy among teachers for one another and for scholar success in addition to scholar collective efficacy for themselves and their teachers.? Modeling student and teacher engagement strategies will be an important takeaway from this session in order to dismantle the “Model Minority Thesis” “Learned Helplessness” and “Stereotype Threat”. ??The Pygmalion Theory will be revisited as a recognition of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Presenter: Dr. Aaron J. GriffenDIFFERENTIATION-ACADEMIC ACCESS FOR ALL-PWhether you are teaching in the general classroom, a special education setting, or in a co-teaching environment, differentiation is necessary for student success. Strategies to support all learners will be provided including inclusive practices, co-teaching, and individualizing access to the standards. Presenter: SpEdDIFFERENTIATION WITH GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS-PDiscover what differentiation looks like in a classroom with a diverse learning population. In this session, uncover the true meaning of differentiation and explore ways to create challenging lessons to meet the needs of the GT learner.Presenter: Dana SeibertDO, RE, MI, MO-MUSIC FOR Learning-CPThis session can be your motivating factor for how to effectively use music to embed content vocabulary into student’s brains. For many of your students, music is a key component in their personal lives. Why not bring it into the classroom? Presenter: Troy SawyerEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PUnderstanding the Standards: As we continue this 3-part series, in session 2, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerGRADUAL RELEASE: Digging Deeper I DO & WE DO-PWant to know more about Gradual Release? Then join this session for learning more about the “I do” and the “We do” portions of Gradual Release. You will walk away with key components necessary to the “I Do’ and “We do.” Presenter: Misti Woltz & Melissa GeffreTHE HEART OF LEARNING: RIGOR, RELEVANCE, & RELATIONSHIPS-PExplore research-based practices that are proven to engage you and your students by including the three Rs. Discover how to include each within your lesson plans and unit of study while keeping your students at the forefront. When students connect with their learning, this bridges the gap of their success. Presenter: Dawn-Antoinette ThomasHigh Expectations Teaching: Giving HELP-PA new view of making mistakes-embedding useful cues and messages of belief, changing attitudes toward errors by looking at errors as normal and useful. Give tasks and assignments to help express confidence in students’ ability and perseverance. Presenter: Mary WisdorfNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to discuss how educators can take care of their own mental health. What do you do to relieve your own stress? Can you have a healthy balance of work and play? Presenter: Aspen PointePARTNERING WITH PARENTS-RTeachers will learn to employ effective partnership strategies to build the bridge between families and school in order to attain student success. Presenter: Miriam RosendoPROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research, and how ACE’s and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project ACCESSPURPOSEFUL PRACTICE: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL IN ALL STUDENTS-PWhether you are teaching athletics, music, core content, or computer programming, what separates top achievers is not the innate talent but simply the right training and practice. This session will focus on how the brain is designed to learn though high-leverage instructional and coaching strategies involving movement, feedback, chunking, goal-setting, and motivationPresenter: Aaron GeffreQUESTIONING IN ALL CONTENT AREAS-CPLearn how to ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in the classroom. Use a questioning sequence to help students make claims, build sound arguments, and provide evidence to support their points. Presenter: Allyson FoxSEEING, WONDERING, THEORIZING, & LEARNING: INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION-CNewton’s Second Law: The force and physics of an impact is more profound than you think! We often see teachers make basic mistakes in their attempts to teach about forces through collisions. This session will show how students can use better experimental designs and modeling to learn about the forces at play, in car crashes, and other collisions. Presenter: Julissa VegaSIOP 3 & 4: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol-PRLearn to use techniques and strategies to provide comprehensible input to all learners.Presenter: CLDEUnderstanding by Design-Unpacking the Curriculum Map-CPYou have a curriculum map, you know what standards you have to teach for the unit, but let’s discuss the next steps! Teachers will learn how to unpack standards, write aligned objectives and DOLs, while backwards planning the unit with the end in mind!Presenter: Candice RobinsonUSING UNIFY TO DESIGN ASSESSMENTS-CPDo you want to learn how to make an online test using Unify?? Participants will learn how to select questions from Item Banks, make their own items, and how to schedule and release the test to students.Presenters: Andy Bristol & Matt Zehner, CIAUSING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: Ipads-CP Use iPads to increase engagement and enhance instruction across the curriculum. In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn iPad management tips, about free educational apps and websites and how to use iPads as a student response system for formative assessment.Presenter: Josie RoblesTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2017 4:30-6:00PMMATHEMATICAL MINDSETS-BOOK STUDY-CPRMathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are bad at math, that they can enjoy and success in math. Mathematical Mindsets explains how the brain processes mathematical learning. It will reveal how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning experiences. Examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote learning will be provided. Learn how to give students a positive math mindset, but also learn how grading and assessments need to change in order to improve mindset. **Books will be provided. Please reach out to Allyson Fox afox@ after registering for the book study sessionsPresenter: Allyson Fox & Jamie PluemerWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2017 4:30-6:00PMACADEMIC LANGUAGE IN THE CLDE CLASSROOM-CHow do you help ELD students face the academic challenges in their content area learning? Come and learn about different strategies and scaffolds to use with your ELD students in their content classrooms. Presenter: Dr. Angela ValdezACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-CIn the last professional development offering, we will discuss how to plan structured reading and writing assignments. These purpose-driven activities will support students as they master essential content. Presenter(s); Joe Laliberte & Dustin CadyALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBecoming a more self-determined educator, service provider, school leader-PThis session will include a deeper look at the second component of Self-Determination Theory-Autonomy. Exploring the relations between an autonomy-supportive versus a controlling environment for increasing motivation and engagement.Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Development of clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experience to the traditional classroom. Presenter: Annette ZookDIFFERENTIATION-ACADEMIC ACCESS FOR ALL-PWhether you are teaching in the general classroom, a special education setting, or in a co-teaching environment, differentiation is necessary for student success. Strategies to support all learners will be provided including inclusive practices, co-teaching, and individualizing access to the standards. Presenter: SpEdEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PImplementing Research-Based Instructional Strategies and Practices: During the last session of the three-part series, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerGRADUAL RELEASE: DIGGING DEEPER YOU DO TOGETHER & YOU DO ON YOUR OWN-CPWant to know more about Gradual Release? Then join this session for learning more about the “You do” portions of Gradual Release and walking away with strategies for implementation. Presenter: Misti Woltz & Melissa GeffreHigh Expectations Teaching: FeedBACK-PAccording to Criteria for Success with Encouragement and Precise Diagnostic Guidance, “Praise will keep you in the game, but its feedback that makes you better.” We will look at positive framing of re-teaching, language choices, and implied messages.Presenter: Mary WisdorfINTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS-CPThis session will establish the expectations for setting up a successful interactive student notebook in your class. It will provide information about how maintaining a good notebook will allow students to deepen their understanding of content. During this interactive session, teachers assume the role of both teacher and student and create their own interactive notebook to better understand the WHYS’s and HOWs behind the process.Presenter: Julissa VegaNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to evaluate and discuss how our students’ brains develop and how mental illness plays a role. Presenter: Aspen PointePROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research, and how ACE’s and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project ACCESSProviding Feedback for Achievement-PTeachers will learn about different types of feedback, and the impact it can have on student learning. John Hattie’s meta-analysis of effective instructional strategies puts feedback near the top of the list. Dig deeper into understanding how and when to provide feedback to students as well as which types of feedback have a positive vs negative impact on learning.Presenter: Jill CarltonQUESTIONING IN MATH-CDo you think it makes sense to split a day into twenty-four hours? Would another number have been a better choice? “Good questions” promote students’ mathematical thinking and understanding. These best-selling books offer a wealth of sample questions and guidance on how to create your own good questions.Presenter: Allyson FoxSIOP 5 & 6: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol-PRLearn to use collaborative structures to enhance active engagement of all learners.Presenter: CLDETRUST AS A MEDIATING FACTOR-PRThe aim of this session focuses on trust and its impact on scholars’ perception of educational outcomes.? The research that drives this session indicates that trust instead of race, class, culture and ethnicity is a greater determiner of scholars’ ability to learn in any given setting.? Trust is a mutual landscape where teachers must first gain trust from their scholars and model trust for their scholars through their actions and behaviors.? Trust is not guaranteed as a result of other factors such as oppression and marginalization.? Revisiting deficit theory and power theory will set the stage for this session as participants will recognize how trust is both loss and gained through covert and overt action and inaction. Building classroom engagement strategies will be the impetus for this session to encourage trust among student peers and teachers. ?Presenter: Dr. Aaron GriffenUnderstanding by Design-Unpacking the Curriculum Map-CPYou have a curriculum map, you know what standards you have to teach for the unit, but let’s discuss the next steps! Teachers will learn how to unpack standards, write aligned objectives and DOLs, while backwards planning the unit with the end in mind!Presenter: Candice RobinsonUSING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: CANVAS-CPCanvas- Making the most of the Rich Text Editor and PagesCreating Quizzes and Assignments to Fit Your Students’ NeedsWhy use Canvas for Lesson Plans?Presenter: TechnologyTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2017 4:30-6:00PMMATHEMATICAL MINDSETS-BOOK STUDY-CPRMathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are bad at math, that they can enjoy and success in math. Mathematical Mindsets explains how the brain processes mathematical learning. It will reveal how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning experiences. Examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote learning will be provided. Learn how to give students a positive math mindset, but also learn how grading and assessments need to change in order to improve mindset. **Books will be provided. Please reach out to Allyson Fox afox@ after registering for the book study sessionsPresenter: Allyson Fox & Jamie PluemerSaturday, January 13, 2018 7:00am-5:00pmEDUCATING CHILDREN OF COLOR-PRTheme: Our Future, Our Choice Please visit Earn PD credit for attending sessions and learn new strategiesPresenter(s): HSD2 staff & Community MembersWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2018 4:30-6:00PMACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-CPHow can you design an amazing learning environment? The tools found in 7 Steps to Building a Language-Rich Interactive Classroom provides a seven-step process that creates a language-rich interactive classroom environment in which all students can thrive. Topics include differentiating instruction for students at a variety of language proficiencies, keeping all students absolutely engaged, and creating powerful learning supports. The first five steps will be covered in this session. These first steps include: Teach students what to say when they don’t know what to say, have students speak in complete sentences, randomize and rotate when calling on students, use total response signals, use visuals and vocabulary strategies that support your objective. Presenter: Kellie MooreALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBecoming a more self-determined educator, service provider, school leader-PThis session will include a deeper look at the third component of Self-Determination Theory-Relatedness. Understanding the significance of increasing positive professional relationships for the purpose of feeling connected to the school community, which can ultimately impact enjoyment, satisfaction, and intrinsic motivationPresenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Development of clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experience to the traditional classroom. Presenter: Annette ZookCAPTURING KIDS HEARTS-RAre you having a difficult time building relationship with your students? Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to communicating with parents? If you answered yes to these questions, then this session is for you! This session will provide you with classroom management & communicating with home strategies to add to your teacher toolkits to enable you to do the job you love!Presenter: Elizabeth ManeeleyDIFFERENTIATION WITH GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS-PDiscover what differentiation looks like in a classroom with a diverse learning population. In this session, uncover the true meaning of differentiation and explore ways to create challenging lessons to meet the needs of the GT learner.Presenter: Dana SeibertEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PClassroom Culture: During the next 3 sessions, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerHIGH EXPECTATIONS TEACHING: TENACITY-PWhen students don’t meet expectations there is a pursuit and continued call for high-level performance. Learn what to say when students do poor work that conveys the belief that they can do better. Practice on how to deliver statements to students that speak from the stance of disability or helplessness with strength and confidence.Presenter: Mary WisdorfKEEPING IT REAL: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE THROUGH CONTENT-RICH NONFICTION TEXT SETS-CPParticipants will understand how the elements of text complexity determine the instructional utility of a text, understand the link between building knowledge, achieving fluency, and comprehending text while learning how to leverage text sets to build student knowledge.Presenter: Dawn-Antoinette ThomasNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to discuss how educators can take care of their own mental health. What do you do to relieve your own stress? Can you have a healthy balance of work and play? Presenter: Aspen PointePartnering with Parents-RTeachers will learn to employ effective partnership strategies to build the bridge between families and school in order to attain student success. Presenter: Miriam RosendoPROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research and how ACEs and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project ACCESSProviding Feedback for Achievement-PTeachers will learn about different types of feedback, and the impact it can have on student learning. John Hattie’s meta-analysis of effective instructional strategies puts feedback near the top of the list. Dig deeper into understanding how and when to provide feedback to students as well as which types of feedback have a positive vs negative impact on learning.Presenter: Jill CarltonPURPOSEFUL PRACTICE: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL IN ALL STUDENTS-PWhether you are teaching athletics, music, core content, or computer programming, what separates top achievers is not the innate talent but simply the right training and practice. This session will focus on how the brain is designed to learn though high-leverage instructional and coaching strategies involving movement, feedback, chunking, goal-setting, and motivationPresenter: Aaron GeffreQUESTIONING IN ALL CONTENT AREAS-CPLearn how to ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in the classroom. Use a questioning sequence to help students make claims, build sound arguments, and provide evidence to support their points. Presenter: Allyson FoxREADING & WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM-CPRegardless of what class students are in, they all should be reading and writing. Come learn new strategies to support reading and writing in your content area!Presenter: Candice RobinsonREVISIT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE-PRA Colleague to Colleague Focus - The aim of this session focuses on Cultural Competence and how to convey it when engaging colleagues. Although our goal is student outcomes, that goal cannot be achieved unless we and our colleagues are treated as the culturally different beings that we are. ? The research that drives this session indicates that Culturally Responsive Leadership is essential to sustaining and retaining quality teachers. However, this is not just a top down approach but a bottom up and side to side approach. Campus and District Administrators are invited to attend with teachers in order to have a quality dialogue regarding the value of cultural competence as it relates to professional relationships that produce quality learning environments. Presenter: Dr. Aaron GriffenSEEING, WONDERING, THEORIZING, & LEARNING: INQUIRYBASED INSTRUCTION-CThis session will address the theory and practice of inquiry-based science education. Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves exploring the natural or material world in a way that leads to asking questions, making observations, planning investigations, testing explanations, and discussing or debating results with others. All in the service of coming to a deep understanding of scientific phenomena and practicesPresenter: Julissa VegaSIOP 1 & 2: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol-PRLearn to plan lessons with ELLs in mind that will building background knowledge and academic language for all learners. Presenter: CLDETALK READ, TALK WRITE-CPYou will be able to explain and understand how the TRTW routine works and be able to experiment plan and try a TRTW lesson in your classroom.Presenter: Misti Woltz & Stacy BlairUsing Technology in the Classroom: Office 365-CPHSD2’s technology department will share the benefits and key features of Office 365. Learn the capabilities of this platform and how it can help you in your classroom.Presenter: TechnologyWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2018 4:30-6:00PMACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-CPIn the second of the three professional development offerings, we will focus entirely on the power of structured conversations. By watching videos of teachers who successfully implement structured conversations deliberately and skillfully, we will discuss how to maximize efficiency, promote accountability, and drive rigor. Through analysis of master teachers’ techniques and deep practice, participants in the session will develop understanding and strengthen skills with: The purposes of structured conversations, tools for efficiency and accountability, and planning for breadth of participation and depth of thinking. Presenter: Kellie MooreALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBECOMING A MORE SELF-DETERMINE EDUCATOR, SERVICE PROVIDER, SCHOOL LEADER-PThis session will focus on using the tenets of Self-Determination Theory to support all students without relying on extrinsic rewards as the sole motivator. This connect to the Carol Dweck’s work with mindset and Albert Bandura’s work with self-efficacy. Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Development of clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experience to the traditional classroom. Presenter: Annette ZookCAPTURING KIDS HEARTS-RHaving a difficult time building relationship with your students? Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to communicating with parents? If you answered yes to these questions, then this session is for you! This session will provide you with classroom management & communicating with home strategies to add to your teacher toolkits to enable you to do the job you love!Presenter: Elizabeth ManeeleyCLOSE READING-CDuring this session, teachers will learn how to create higher level questions that require students to analyze, evaluate, and compare texts. Teachers will also learn the structure that is needed in order to revisit a paragraph, passage or portion of text over several days. Presenter: Jill CarltonDIFFERENTIATION-ACADEMIC ACCESS FOR ALL -PWhether you are teaching in the general classroom, a special education setting, or in a co-teaching environment, differentiation is necessary for student success. Strategies to support all learners will be provided including inclusive practices, co-teaching, and individualizing access to the standards. Presenter: SpEdDIFFERENTIATION WITH GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS-PDiscover what differentiation looks like in a classroom with a diverse learning population. In this session, uncover the true meaning of differentiation and explore ways to create challenging lessons to meet the needs of the GT learner.Presenter: Dana SeibertDO, RE, MI, MO-MUSIC FOR Learning-CPThis session can be your motivating factor for how to effectively use music to embed content vocabulary into student’s brains. For many of your students, music is a key component in their personal lives. Why not bring it into the classroom? Presenter: Troy SawyerEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PUnderstanding the Standards: As we continue to session 2 of 3, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerTHE HEART OF LEARNING: RIGOR, RELEVANCE, & RELATIONSHIPS-PExplore research based practices that are proven to engage you and your students by including the three Rs. Discover how to include each within your lesson plans and unit of student while keeping your students at the forefront. When student connect with their learning, this bridges the gap of their success. Presenter: Dawn-Antoinette ThomasNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to evaluate and discuss how our students’ brains develop and how mental illness plays a role. Presenter: Aspen PointePartnering with Parents-RTeachers will learn to employ effective partnership strategies to build the bridge between families and school in order to attain student success. Presenter: Miriam RosendoPROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research and how ACEs and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project ACCESSPURPOSEFUL PRACTICE: MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL IN ALL STUDENTS-PWhether you are teaching athletics, music, core content, or computer programming, what separates top achievers is not the innate talent but simply the right training and practice. This session will focus on how the brain is designed to learn though high-leverage instructional and coaching strategies involving movement, feedback, chunking, goal-setting, and motivationPresenter: Aaron GeffreSEEING, WONDERING, THEORIZING & LEARNING: INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION SCIENCE & ELA AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL-CThis session focuses on ways that elementary teachers can reinforce students’ ELA skills while building their scientific thinking. The session will provide strategies for developing students’ scientific vocabulary-both in terms of specific words and the concepts they represent. Then, we will work on approaches to using science content to develop students’ language skills. The session will provide specific activities that bolster students’ use of language to explain scientific phenomena. It will also present strategies teachers can use to create their own effective science-based ELA lessons. Presenter: Julissa VegaSIOP 3 & 4: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol-PRLearn to use techniques and strategies to provide comprehensible input to all learners.Presenter: CLDETALK READ, TALK WRITE-CPWant to know more about TRTW? Then join us for learning more about the “Talk 1 & Read” components of TRTW. You will learn multiple strategies for presenting “Talk 1 & Read” to your students. Presenter: Misti Woltz & Stacy BlairUSING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: CANVAS-CPCanvas Making the most of the Rich Text Editor and PagesCreating Quizzes and Assignments to Fit Your Students’ NeedsWhy use Canvas for Lesson Plans?Presenter: TechnologyWEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2018 4:00-6:30PMACADEMIC LANGUAGE IN THE CLDE CLASSROOM-CPHow do you help ELD students face the academic challenges in their content area learning? Come and learn about different strategies and scaffolds to use with your ELD students in their content classrooms. Presenter: Dr. Angela ValdezACADEMIC VOCABULARY IN THE GEN ED CLASSROOM-CPIn the last professional development offering, we will discuss how to plan structured reading and writing assignments. These purpose-driven activities will support students as they master essential content. Presenter: Kellie MooreALIGNING TASKS TO STANDARD-OBJECTIVE-DOL-CPHow often do you hear the word rigor used in your school? Rigor defines the level of thinking a standard requires for mastery. Do your tasks match the rigor of the standard? Attend this session to learn how to ensure your tasks are not only aligned to the standard, objective and DOL, but also holding your students accountable for their thinking. Presenter: ICLEBECOMING A MORE SELF-DETERMINE EDUCATOR, SERVICE PROVIDER, SCHOOL LEADER-PThis session will focus on how we can continue to stay motivated for continuous improvement while focusing on accomplishing goals for effectiveness, student achievement, and overall satisfaction. This session will be a culmination of all the sessions. We will take the learning’s from the year and look forward to new aspirations for ourselves and our school communities. Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth DomangueBEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING-RTake control of your classroom! Strategies to help you manage even the most significant of behaviors in the gen ed classroom. Learn the science of applying principles of behaviorism to make meaningful changes in the structure of your classroom environment. Instruction on the implementation of interventions that are observable, measurable, and have meaningful objectives. Development of clear teaching procedures that utilize evidence-based strategies. Presenter(s): Stacey Wilson, BCBA & HSD2 SpEd DepartmentBLENDED LEARNING-PHow can you utilize Canvas to expose your students to a true blended learning experience? Hear from your colleagues who are utilizing Canvas to bring new experience to the traditional classroom. Presenter: Annette ZookDIFFERENTIATION-ACADEMIC ACCESS FOR All-PWhether you are teaching in the general classroom, a special education setting, or in a co-teaching environment, differentiation is necessary for student success. Strategies to support all learners will be provided including inclusive practices, co-teaching, and individualizing access to the standards. Presenter: SpEdEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PImplementing Research-Based Instructional Strategies and Practices During the last of 3 sessions, participants will learn how to establish a classroom conducive to learning; understand state standards and how to ensure the standards are taught to mastery; and implement research-based instructional strategies and practices that increase student outcomes.Presenter: Beth Ann MillerINTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS-CPThis session will establish the expectations for setting up a successful interactive student notebook in your class. It will provide information about how maintaining a good notebook will allow students to deepen their understanding of content. During this interactive session, teachers assume the role of both teacher and student and create their own interactive notebook to better understand the WHYS’s and HOWs behind the process.Presenter: Julissa VegaNAMI-NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS-R *PENDINGWorking together with Aspen Pointe to evaluate and discuss how our students’ brains develop and how mental illness plays a role. Presenter: Aspen PointePROJECT ACCESS: ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES-RThe ACE study has changed the dialogue around outcomes and impacts for children, families, and communities. These resources discuss neuroscience research and how ACEs and the toxic stresses associated with poverty impact the health and well-being of children, families, communities, and workforces. When children are exposed to chronic stressful events, their neurodevelopment can be disrupted. As a result, the child’s cognitive functioning or ability to cope with negative or disruptive emotions may be impaired. Over time and often during adolescence, the child may adopt negative coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-harm. Eventually, these unhealthy coping mechanisms can contribute to disease, disability, and social problems, as well as premature mortality. Presenter: YMCA Project AccessProviding Feedback for Achievement-PTeachers will learn about different types of feedback, and the impact it can have on student learning. John Hattie’s meta-analysis of effective instructional strategies puts feedback near the top of the list. Dig deeper into understanding how and when to provide feedback to students as well as which types of feedback have a positive vs negative impact on learning.Presenter: Jill CarltonQUESTIONING IN MATH-CPDo you think it makes sense to split a day into twenty-four hours? Would another number have been a better choice? “Good questions” promote students’ mathematical thinking and understanding. These best-selling books offer a wealth of sample questions and guidance on how to create your own good questions.Presenter: Allyson FoxREADING & WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM-CPRegardless of what class students are in, they all should be reading and writing. Come learn new strategies to support reading and writing in your content area!Presenter: Candice RobinsonSIOP 5 & 6: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol-PRLearn to use collaborative structures to enhance active engagement of all learners.Presenter: CLDETALK READ, TALK WRITE-CPWant to know more about TRTW? Then join us for learning more about the “Talk 2 & Read” components of TRTW. You will learn multiple strategies for presenting “Talk 2 & Read” to your students. Presenter: Misti Woltz & Stacy BlairUSING iPADS IN THE CLASSROOM-CPUse iPads to increase engagement and enhance instruction across the curriculum. In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn iPad management tips, about free educational apps and websites and how to use iPads as a student response system for formative assessment.Presenter: Josie RoblesWednesday, May 9, 2018 4:30-6:00pmCELEBRATION-CPRJoin your fellow ICs and professional development facilitators to let your voices be heard! As the school year comes to a close, discuss the success you had! Use this time to provide feedback on how to improve district-wide professional development. Presenter(s): Instructional Coordinators & Session FacilitatorsSystemic PD Planning GuideDateTitleCourse #LocationFacilitator Initials9/2010/1111/151/172/213/145/9How to Register Systemic Professional Development is created and maintained by the School Leadership Department. Teresa Lance, School Leadership OfficerEsther Acevedo, Administrative Assistant for School LeadershipDawn-Antoinette ThomasMisti WoltzJill CarltonCandice RobinsonMiriam RosendoElizabeth ManeeleyMary WisdorfJulissa VegaAnnette ZookDana SeibertAllyson FoxCid MaggioWoody LongmireLynda IdleMimi EspinozaAnnette OntiverosAmy LloydKristi LorenzenMatt MontoyaBeth Ann MillerNeed Assistance? Systemic PD Questions Elementary:Jill Carlton jcarlton@Allyson Fox afox@ Secondary:Candice Robinson coliver-robinson@ERO Questions School LeadershipEsther Acevedo eacevedo@ ................
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