
HENRIETTA TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGJuly 9, 20207:00pmApproved August 13, 2020e-mail: henriettatown@Attendance: Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Dacle Schmid, Jr., Tina Melott, Ann Lempola, and Lila KalishThe Regular Meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnsrud at 7:00 p.m., followed by the pledge of allegiance. It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.Schmid made a motion to approve the minutes of June 11, 2020 as presented. Second by Goeden. Motion called and carried.Treasurer Tina Melott presented the Treasurer report. Goeden made a motion to approve the Treasurer report as presented. Second by Schmid. Motion called and carried. Schmid made a motion to approve the bills, claim numbers 9880 through 9891and 6 payroll claims submitted. Second by Goeden. Motion called and carried.Added to agenda: County contact on storm damage. Goeden made a motion to approve agenda as amended. Schmid second. Motion called and carried. Ralph Sanquist presented the road report . During the month, bladed roads. Had to go out a few different times. Some holes were fixed. East end of 178th, seeded and drug. Need to shoulder 210 and 169. Both roads have about a 2 inch drop on edge of asphalt. Could be done in August or September. Sanquist will supply an estimate. Schmid mentioned Friendly Bay needs grading. Sanquist mentioned it was graded today. Johnsrud and Sanquist were out looking at storm damage today, tremendous number of trees down. Gary Korsgaden presented the Zoning Administrator Report. Wrote zoning permits and visited some properties. PUBLIC COMMENT: Situation at Rick Harsha’s property, added another fire number. Has not asked for permission from anyone. Harsha is renting out the property . He is going to put a trailer in on the empty lot. Property is zoned as R-1. Korsgaden mentioned no plans have been filed. MaryJo Harsha lived there, and then it was willed to Rick.Goeden moved, Schmid seconded, to send a certified letter to Harsha reminding him of the ordinances and that lot size only allows for one residence. Goeden will assist in drafting letter. Motion carried.OLD BUSINESS219th Avenue: On schedule for July 17. Depends on what’s going on in Nevis. It will take 3 days. It will be paved “as is.”Chip and Tar: They were delayed for a month because of rain. Everything is ready for them. It could start any day. Road Tour: Ralph Sandquist and Russ Johnsrud have done two road trips recently. Goeden moved, Schmid second, to table to next meeting. Motion carried.Germ Shields for election: If we don’t have funds budgeted, we can apply for CARES Act funds. To be discussed further in new business. Schmid moved, Goeden seconded, to table discussion for large germ shields to next meeting. Motion called and carried.Schmid is donating five shields to township.Forfeited Land in Henrietta Township: It is an existing tax forfeited parcel. County is selling enough to cover the encroachments to bring the other parties in compliance. Goeden moved to not approve. Schmid seconded. Comments: not right to reward parties for encroaching on tax forfeited land. Normal practice is to put tax forfeited land up for public auction. Motion called and defeated. Schmid moved to sign the request from the County, with a recommendation of a public auction, and a note that the land owners should not be rewarded for their encroachments. Goeden seconded. Motion called and Cut: Is completed.NEW BUSINESSContinued Annual Meeting: Information only, Continued Annual meeting will be held August 13, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.MN Pollution Control Agency: No action required.CARES Act funds: Johnsrud participated in conference call today that the funds are approved. Specific guidelines and eligible uses are identified. Funds must be applied for by 9/15/2020. Funds must be used for unfunded budget items resulting from COVID-19.Schmid moved that we apply for the funds. Goeden seconded. Discussion. Motion called and carried.Kathryn Bristow Gravel Pit: Notice of Cancellation of a Bond on behalf of Mark Sand and Gravel effective 8/10/2020.Denman property subdivision approval: Korsgaden passed out Certificate of Survey. Explained the Tracts and answered questions. Gary will sign as approved.Storm Damage: Brian Halbash, Hubbard County Emergency Management, contacted Johnsrud and asked if our township suffered any storm damage. If funds become available we will apply for it. Johnsrud instructed Todd Sandquist to keep separate track of all storm related repairs. Schmid moved to adjourn. Second by Goeden . Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Communications:Mail: Edward Jones x 2Emails: Kay Rave-Election information x 7, Free Conference Call, Grancius x 6, MN Assn of Townships x4, GovOffice Web Solutions, Software AG, x 2 Adobe Creative Cloud, Office of State Auditor, Chris Bullock-junk, Software AG, Kenna from Civic Clerk-junk, Steve Green x 2, Shelly Nelson, Beneficia, Excel training seminars, Advertisements and Flyers: Living at Home, MN LTAP Technology Exchange, PR Volunteer Fire DepartmentSpecial assessment searches: Hubbard County Abstract: Breezee, Harsh, Martin, , Cook, Farden, Hill, Smith Billings received from: Arvig, Hubbard County Highway Department, MP & L (x2), Itasca Mantrap, Walker Pipe & Supply, Victor Lundeen Companuy Announcements: Submitted by Ann Lempola and Lila Kalish, Deputy Clerk ................

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