Exemplar assignment brief - Pearson

Exemplar assignment brief

|Centre | |

|Course title: Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award/Certificate in Sustainability Skills (QCF) |

|Tutor name: |

|Assignment title: |Global Sustainability and the Citizen |Ref: | |

|Learner name | | | |

|Start date: | |Hand in Date: | |

|Unit 41:Worldwide Citizenship |

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|Scenario |

|As a journalist employed by a TV education channel, you have been asked to work with an education charity on a project involving global issues. |

|Both the TV channel and the charity want you to carry out an investigation that has a final outcome of enabling them to influence people to |

|become effective UK citizens in an aspect of a global sustainability issue. |

|The project is divided into three parts: |

|investigate the role of the UK in global issues |

|investigate the challenges that are facing the global community and the impact of the challenges on communities and |

|select a global sustainability issue to research and produce an information pack that could be used as a tool to educate and influence people. |

|The skills you have gained in this needs to be collected to help train other TV and charity staff. |

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|Assessment evidence: |

|Unit |Grading criteria | |

|U41 |The grading criteria that this assignment relates to: | |

| | | |

| |1.1 describe ways the United Kingdom takes a | |

| |role in worldwide issues | |

| |2.1 discuss global challenges | |

| |2.2 explain the impact of these challenges on | |

| |communities | |

| |3.1 select a specific global issue on sustainability | |

| |3.2 demonstrate personal involvement in action | |

| |to influence others on a global issue | |

| |3.3 assess own skills used in action to influence | |

| |others on a global issue | |

|Summary assessor’s feedback |

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|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources fully acknowledged. |

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|Learner signature: Date: |

Global Sustainability and the Citizen

Unit 41 Learning Outcomes

LO 1. Know the role of the United Kingdom in worldwide issues

LO 2. Understand challenges facing the global community

LO 3. Be able to take action on a specific global issue to influence others

Task 1 (AC 1.1)

1. Describe ways the United Kingdom takes a role in worldwide issues

In small groups, discuss with your tutor and fellow learners about global issues, international protocols, treaties and agreements. Working in a group, investigate and gather information about the role of different international organisations to which the UK belongs. Use the information you have gathered to feedback to your class and then describe in your own words two ways the United Kingdom takes a role in worldwide issues.

Your findings will form part of an introduction to a documentary commissioned by the education charity about the UK’s contribution to global issues which will feature on the charity’s new TV channel.

Task 2 (AC 2.1 & 2.2)

2.1 discuss global challenges

2.2 explain the impact of these challenges on communities

Using the articles & case studies you have been given as well as drawing from your personal knowledge, discuss with your group and with your tutor global at least one global challenge for each of the following categories:

- economic eg unfair trade

- environmental eg destruction of habitats

- natural disasters eg earthquakes

- political global challenge eg conflict

- sustainability issue eg quality of life.

Use what you have learnt from your discussions to produce descriptions of an example of an economic, environmental, a disaster, a political global challenge and a sustainable issue.

Using your examples from above to explain the impact of these challenges on communities (local, national, global).

These challenges and their impact on communities will be used as examples by the TV education channel and for use for fund raising by the charity. Produce descriptions of what you have learnt from your discussions to help the TV producer.

Task 3 (AC 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3)

3.1 select a specific global issue on sustainability

3.2 demonstrate personal involvement in action

to influence others on a global issue

3.3 assess own skills used in action to influence

others on a global issue

Identify a global issue on sustainability that interests you. This could be one that you have studied in task 1 and 2 or one that you are interested in or have studied previously. Work in a group to find out further information on your sustainability issue if you want to clarify your choice. The issue which you select should be important to you and where you think you could make a positive difference. Write some brief information about why you have chosen your global sustainability issue. If you are using a logbook this could be presented at the beginning.

After discussions with you tutor about how you are going to influence others about your global issue on sustainability, draw up an action plan including timescales, resources required and actions you need to take. Check with your tutor in a group tutorial that the action is both manageable and achievable. You then need to record information about actions you were involved in during the research, planning and implementation stages. To influence others for example you may be using a range of materials, holding meetings and recording them, discussing your issue on a one to one situation using a witness statement.

Lastly you need to consider the effectiveness of the skills you have used during the planning and implementation stages. This could be partly carried out by using peer review by your group by using a questionnaire which your peers complete. The feedback from the questionnaire and your own reflective practice (which your tutor will support you with) will help you to assess your own skills that you’ve used to influence others on a global issue.

The TV education channel and charity could use the work that you and your group completed as a case study to influence learners in other schools to take on the challenge of influencing others on global sustainability issues. It could also be used as a case study to train others from the TV channel or charity.

Tutor Information

The assignment brief will need to be delivered within an assessment tutorial so the level of the learners is catered for in a full understanding of what is required to be presented as evidence for each assessment criteria. The key evidence presented must meet the short criteria that has been written into the end of each task as this is the criteria taken from the specification.

Access to IT facilities to undertake some investigations is required. Television programmes, photographs or extracts from films about current global issues can be valuable learning tools.

A range of sustainable case studies or media extracts would also be useful to examine by learners.

Preparation for the assignment

Tutors should provide reliable resources of information or assist learners in their investigation to gather information. Tutors could also do this using a case study approach making use of articles in the newspapers, TV and film.

Introduction to Task 1: To introduce this task tutors could ask learners if they know of any worldwide issues that they are interested in and if the UK is actively involved in any of the issues. The tutor could then give out some examples of reports from the media about global issues. The discussion could then be expanded to international organizations which the UK is a member and has an active role. Learners would need to know that some international organizations (governmental or non-governmental) involved in global issues can have a membership which is made of members representing governments or of individuals who want to support or play an active role in doing something about a global issue. Learners could then be asked to work in groups to investigate and gather information about the role of different international organisations to which the UK belongs. Learners could then feedback their findings.

Introduction to Task 2: When introducing this task tutors could use video clips, photographs and other media to stimulate discussion. High impact images/materials like those are often used to attract people to become members and donors can be obtained from charities that work internationally on economic, environmental, political and sustainable global challenges.

Learners could then work in groups to investigate case studies or media/charity articles to discuss issues. A spokesperson could then present a flow chart or issue tree to the whole group to further discuss the effects of an issue on a community and the feasibility of suggested solutions. The tutor could ask ‘what if’ questions at the end of each presentation to stimulate further discussion and to enable learners to develop an understanding of the complexity of global issues and the need to often consult an anthropologist.

Introduction to Task 3: The tutor could introduce this task by asking the learners about ‘how people are influenced’, this could lead onto a discussion about the effective ways of influencing individuals and groups of people in a safe &responsible manner.

Learners need to identify a global issue on sustainability that they have studied in task 1 and 2 or one that they are interested in or studied previously. They could work in groups to find out further information on the internet to clarify their choice. They should identify an issue which is important to them and where they think they could make a positive difference. Once all the learners have selected an issue on sustainability, the tutor could lead a discussion on how each individual will need to identify the skills they will be using in planning and influencing others on a global issue. In doing this learners could use a log book or a table to record the skills that they have used and in groups draw up an action plan/mind map showing the timescale, actions, and resources required. Tutors could hold group tutorials to ensure the action plans are manageable and achievable.

The learners then need to implement their plans which could include influencing others to become members or fund raise for charities involved in global sustainability issues; producing leaflets or posters to influence others to buy fair trade goods; encourage the school to set up an exchange link with a developing country etc.

Learners could then assess their own skills used in action to influence others through peer assessment. This could be carried out by peer review using a 360 degree questionnaire to feedback to the individual learner. The learner could be supported in the use of Gibbs Reflective Cycle to assist them in assessing their own skills in action to influence others (see Resources section for Gibbs Reflective Cycle).







Gibbs Reflective Cycle (reflective practice)


Indicative resource materials


Arthur J and Wright D – Teaching Citizenship in the Secondary School, (David Fulton

Publishers 2001) ISBN 9781853467448

Coulson-Lowes, Brett P and Wiegand S – GCSE Citizenship Studies: Student Book (Folens

Publishers UK, 2002) ISBN 9781843032878

Davies I – 100 Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd,

2005) ISBN 9780826484949

Tudor R – Practical Resources for Teaching Citizenship in Secondary Classrooms (David

Fulton Publishers, 2002) ISBN 9781853468407

Wales J and Harrison L – Citizenship Today: Student's Book (Collins Educational, 2009)

ISBN 9780007324392


Amnesty International site –information about taking action to

protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied


BBC site interactive resources, games, quizzes bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/


Channel 4 site resources for Citizenship education


Details of human rights cases in the UK cases

Employer and employee rights

workingrights.co.uk/Engauge engaugeonline.co.uk

Department for International Development (DfID)

Government Department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty.


Equality and Human Rights site – rights of citizens in UK

Ethical trade working on improving labour conditions

G-nation site – supports UK teenagers to get

involved in charity, community, social enterprise

and campaigning action


Magazine and research on social and environmental

records of companies and products

Site of Liberty – protecting civil liberties and

promoting human rights


The Royal Commonwealth Society

United Nations site – overview of The Universal

Declaration of Human rights


Wateraid –providing water aid to third world countries

World’s leading resource on the subject

business-human home





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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