Europe History Match Game

Europe History Match Game

|Where was the Berlin Wall located, and what was its purpose? |In Berlin (in East Germany) |

| |To separate East (communist) and West (free) Berlin |

| |To keep people from leaving East Germany |

| |Torn down in 1989 |

|Who did the Treaty of Versailles punish the worst, why? |Germany |

| |They were blamed for starting WW1 |

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| What are some lasting effects of WWI that carried over and |Treaty of Versailles (Germany had to pay damages) |

|possibly aided in the start WWII |Germany couldn’t help themselves regain economic strength because|

| |they had to repay huge amounts to the Allies |

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|What went on internationally in between WWI and WW2? |World – wide depression |

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|Who was used as a scapegoat for the economic struggles of |Jews |

|Germany? How was this group affected? |Nazis blamed Jews for Germany’s economic problems |

| |Sent to concentration camps |

| |Over six million put to death |

|With Germany’s economy left in shambles after WWI, what political|Nazi Party (philosophy -fascism) |

|philosophy took over and why? Who held power? |Fascism – extreme nationalism, strong central government (usually|

| |military), led by a powerful dictator |

| |Adolf Hitler |

|Causes of the Russian Revolution? |Overthrow of Czar Nicholas II (later assassinated) |

| |Bloody Sunday massacre (1905) |

| |Wanted better treatment of the serfs/peasants |

| |Wide split between social/ economic classes |

| |Occurred in 1917 |

|After the German defeat in WWII, what role did the Soviet’s play |Major power in Europe |

|internationally? |Warsaw Pact (alliance among Soviet Union & E. European countries |

| |– puppet governments of Soviet Union) |

| |Force behind the spread of communism |

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|How was Eastern and Western Europe divided after WWII? Why? |NATO – Western European countries (Canada, US) FREE |

| |Warsaw Pact – Eastern Europe & Soviet Union COMMUNIST |

| |Iron curtain – guarded border; people couldn’t travel back & |

| |forth, no trade between E & W |

| |Berlin – Divided w/Berlin wall |

|What was Prince Henry the Navigator known for? |Started a sailing school |

| |In Portugal |

| |Trained sailors to explore the west coast of Africa |

| |Wanted new water trade routes to Asia; spread Christianity |

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|Nationalism | |

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| |Strong pride in ones nation or ethnic group. |

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|Central Powers | |

| |Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire), Bulgaria |

| |WWI |

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|Axis Powers | |

| |Germany , Italy, Japan |

| |WW2 |

| Cold War |After WW2 |

| |Period of political non-cooperation between NATO and Warsaw Pact |

| |nations |

| |No trade; build-up of arms, tension; competition |

| |Superpowers: USSR & United States |

|Holocaust |Mass murder of six million Jews and “undesirables” in Germany |

| |during WW2 |

| |Hitler wanted to “purify” the Aryan race. |

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|Cause of |Assassination of the Archduke of Hungary (Franz Ferdinand) – |

|WWI |immediate cause |

| |Period of nationalism, several Empires in Europe competing for |

| |colonies world-wide |

| |Period military build-up to defend borders & colonies |

| |To keep the people of East Germany from leaving |

|Why was the Berlin Wall built? |(they were trying to escape communism and go to West Germany to |

| |gain economic and political freedom) |

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| |Nationalism |

|What was the cause of African and Asian Colonization (prior to |Missionaries spreading Christianity |

|WW1) |Wanted to “civilize” other parts of the world |

| |Gave European countries feeling of power |

| |German invasion of Poland |

|What were the causes of WW2 |Treaty of Versailles economic crisis in Germany |

| |rise of Hitler & Nazi Party WW2 |

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